
Sunday, September 15, 2013

WHERE Are You Shopping? Im Looking For A Church Home...

Where are you grocery shopping these days?  

I have noticed that groceries, fresh produce, meats, and grocery items in general have lost somewhat of their 'shelf life.'  The quality of products we normally purchase at the grocery store is not as fresh as it used to be.  Nor does it last as long as it used to.  

Not to mention that the prices have gone UP!

But even though this is a growing phenomena, how many of us still go to the grocery store - you know, that same store that continuously sell stale, poor quality products time and time again - even though we are totally dissatisfied with the products they sell?

How many times have we found ourselves running to that same store we complained about for a quick run?  To pick up a few items for dinner?  Or for a late night snack?  

Then we get home and find that the products have NOT changed.  The quality has NOT changed.  The prices?  They may have actually gone UP...but that's as far as it goes.

Why do we continuously do this?  
Why do we continue to frequent a store - or many stores - that by and large, continue to sell us genetically modified products created to last longer on the shelves but STILL go bad after a few days?  Or make us sick?  

Is it that we feel there are no other options?  Do we somehow feel trapped into grocery shopping?  And that at the local grocery stores, that continue to sell us over-priced, poor quality products....week in and week out?  And then have the nerve to have these 'sales' to make us believe that we are saving money, when, in actuality, we are not?

The store branch managers and franchisers do this because they know that you, the consumer, are going to obsess over WHAT ARE WE GONNA EAT?  

They also know you are a creature of CONVENIENCE.  You will do whatever it takes to make life more CONVENIENT.  It's inconvenient to go miles away to a farmer's market or another store - perhaps a Whole Foods store - not to mention even MORE pricey - so they do all these things - price-gouge, sell, poor quality products, hold 'sales' events to make the consumer believe they are saving money - to draw you into their STORES!

They know that for you to grow your own crops, for you to go out and kill your own cattle, to grind the meat, for you to make your own cleaning products, paper products and the such would take up WAY too much of your they sell you the products they know you need to inflated prices...and most of the time NOT the best quality!

****These store branch managers sound a lot like these preachers in these churches.****

These preachers know you've been conditioned to believe that if you need Jesus, you got to go 'shopping' (or should I say 'church-hopping') for him and need to go to church to find Him.  

These preachers know the Word, but they dole it out in such POOR QUALITY, in such POOR CONDITIONS, they offer to you STALE manna, spoiled rotten meat, and then have the AUDACITY to sell it to you at exorbitant prices....and make you believe you have been 'fed' the Word of God!

They know that those prophecies, that Word, that sermon, that teaching series, etc. they are peddling to you is poison and hazardous to your spiritual health.  But they simply DO NOT CARE!

They also are banking on you being TOO LAZY to crack open your Word for YOURSELF and getting your OWN Word from the Lord...that would be WAY too inconvenient ... so they open up these church drive-thru franchises.  Where you can drive up to the church window, order the 'word' you want, get a quick word to satisfy your temporal hunger, and then drive off not realizing that every time you do so you are poisoning your spirit even MORE!

And you don't even realize by going from church to church you are injecting all kinds of different poisons into your spirit.  

Each type of poison requires its own specific type of antidote as a cure.  There is no one antidote that treats all types of poisonings.

An antidote is substance which oppose the effects of poisons without causing damage to body.  There are antidotes that prevent certain types of poisons from being absorbed into your system.  Then are antidotes that neutralize the poison making it ineffective.  Then still there are other antidotes that produce the opposite effects of the poison.

Each church building has its own specific type of 'poison,' if you will.  And one won't get 'poisoned' unless they continue to frequent and fellowship at said buildings.  To shop there.  To ingest what's being served there.  It's a spiritual thing, folks.

And because each type of church has their own brand of poison, if you get 'infected,' you will need a specific type of ANTIDOTE to be cured of it!

If you leave Church A and then think God is calling you to Church B, then after awhile start going to Church C to help them out in the ministry....only to find that you are 'better received' at Church D....

And this cycle continues for years on is very conceivable that you will need 'antidotes,' to be 'cured from,' delivered from, SEVERAL different types of POISONS you picked up at these churches??????

And the more churches you've attended and been a part of, the longer it will take to be healed from all that nonsense.

All of this...only because you wouldn't just SIT STILL and HEAR FROM GOD FOR YOURSELF!

You wouldn't crack open your Word and allow the Spirit of God to feed you...and you trusted charlatains and wolves to feed you.

Contrary to popular religious belief, you do NOT need a preacher to feed you.  IF God sends one your way, the way to know He is telling the truth and it is TRUE MANNA is that it WILL line up with the Word of God.

Grow your own food.  Harvest your own Word.  Eat from YOUR OWN table...right there in YOUR HOUSE.

At least you KNOW what you're eating when you do!

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