Any of us who have gone to church before have heard the threats the preachers have hurled at us when we told him (or her) that we were leaving their church....
"You need a covering!"
"You will be cursed if you leave this church!"
"You are outside the will of God if you go..."
"You are not saved (backslidden) if you are not here..."
Some of the preachers were bold enough to just say it, preach it from the pulpit, hurled at you like a boomerang!
Other preachers didn't say any of these things to your face in fears of being labeled as unloving.
But once you are gone, they will 'preach on' the ones who left, who 'abandoned ship,' they will call you 'Judas.' They will turn the whole congregation against you and make it seem that YOU were the problem. YOU were the 'devil.' YOU were causing strife and division.
And really, there is no one person that 'causes' strife and division among a group of people. The fact of the matter is if you have two people in a setting, those two people are not going to agree on SOME thing. That is division.
Church people have this inclination to label a situation as 'strife' when two people simply do not see eye-to-eye on the situation. Invariably, the 'disagreement' is blown out of proportion, most times by the leader or pastor whose ego was bruised because a 'sheep' dared to challenge him/her on a teaching or doctrine.
I want to help you out here.
1) The Church 'Curse
NO ONE can curse you. But YOU. The devil can't curse you. Your pastor/leader can't curse you. Your enemy can't curse you. Your ex husband or ex wife...they can't curse you.
The Word of God says a curse causeless will not stand. (Proverbs 26:2)
That means if there is NO reason for a curse to stay, it won't. And if you are BLESSED of the Lord, then NO MAN can CURSE YOU!!!!! (Genesis 12:3, Numbers 12:2, Galatians 3:13)
You are BLESSED, and it is NOT a matter of location. It is a matter of POSITION IN CHRIST. The Word says we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, FARRRRRRRRR above ALL principalities, and powers.
You are BLESSED whether you're in the city, in the field, leaving a place, going to a place, everything you put your hands to is BLESSED!! Go read Deut. it.
2) "You Better Come to Church!"
Your salvation is NOT dependent upon church attendance. Your salvation is a matter of FAITH. (Ephesians 2:8, Luke 7:50, Luke 18:42). I want you to pay close attention to the scriptures in Luke, btw. Did you see that after Jesus Christ of Nazareth healed those people (according to THEIR faith), WHAT did He tell them afterwards?
When you are REALLY saved, NOBODY and I DO mean NOBODY, can shake that faith in your salvation. NOBODY can tell you you are NOT saved. YOU KNOW IT!!!!
Don't let these bully leaders tell you you ain't saved because you are not dancing to their song and dance, or putting your money in their collection plates. Or 'obeying' THEM.
It is your obedience TO GOD, not obedience TO MAN, that will save you!!!!
I mean - if church attendance was all there was to being saved, there would be a WHOLE lotta folks saved, don't you think?
But look at them..(churchgoers).
If you watch the lives of church attenders, you would see some CRAZY stuff! Just sit back and watch.
There are more whoremongers, lesbians, homosexuals, down lows, molesters, thieves, robbers, extortionists, rapists and just plain old criminals......IN CHURCH!
I'm not talking about REFORMED, REHABILITATED, DELIVERED criminals.
I'm talking about folks who shout the house down on Sunday. Then on Wednesday they are in at the gay club tryna pick up their spoogie for the night. And THESE are PREACHERS!
So, my Bible tells me that such people WON'T inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. (Ephesians 5:5)
I don't see anywhere in the Word where it says 'If you don't attend church, if you leave a church, then you shall not be saved...'
It's NOT there!
3) "YOU need a Covering...."
And this covering thing...let me tell you something. YOU DO NOT NEED 'A COVERING!'
That is a man-made lie to keep you under the control of your pastor, your apostle, your bishop, your leader. As a matter of fact, in Isaiah 30:1, God called the Israelites 'obstinate' and 'rebellious' for going get 'a covering.'
Isaiah 30:1
"WOE to the rebellious children that take counsel, but not of me....that cover with a covering, but NOT of MY Spirit, that they may add sin to sin...."
This covering doctrine was made up by charismatics and pentecostals who think that you and I need THEM to live for God, to live holy, to be delivered.
When from what I can see, ALL I NEED is to TRUST GOD, have FAITH IN GOD, and OBEY GOD....and HE WILL COVER ME!!!!!!!!
He will cover YOU, too!
But in order for HIM to cover you, you got to get rid of all those other 'covers.'
Even in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve went to get leaves to COVER themselves their nakedness, God saw it and rebuked them.
God does not want us to attempt to cover OURSELVES. That is what He sent Jesus Christ of Nazareth that HIS BLOOD could not only COVER but WASH away our sins!
4) In the Will of God, Backslidden if you not in Church????
I think this one really sends me reeling when I hear preachers use this one.
I have written an entire other blog post on 'being backslidden,' entitled 'The Religious Lie of Backslidding.'
I think that this is the most reprehensible, diabolical teachings of all. If the preacher can get YOU to believe that you have 'backslided' and are not in the will of God for leaving their church, then they have gotten you in a state of FEAR. They are now controlling you; they see you love God and want to be in the will of God. So they use that love FOR GOD against you by making you believe that being faithful to THEIR church is somehow your ticket into being 'in the will of God.'
If you don't stay, then they say you are 'rebellious' and outside of His will.
This whole 'will of God' thing is another blog in itself, but I will attempt to summarize here.
The will of GOD is not determined by what WE DO. The will of GOD is determined SOLELY BY GOD.
It is HIS WILL. And best believe, HE WILL do HIS WILL!
Us going to church and paying obeisance to a man, allowing ourselves to be 'covered' by a man, being in alliance with a man who is most probably IN SIN, THAT is NOT the will of God. I can PROMISE you that!
When we just do what God says, then we are in THE WILL OF GOD.
And I want you to go read my post on backsliding. You will be surprised at the lies these preachers have told you.
Because they are wanting to CONTROL you. They want you to continue to go to church to get your money. Or to exploit you. Your gifts. They have found a way to gain off you..and if you leave, they will lose out.
THIS is why the preachers seek to CONTROL and MANIPULATE you.
They use these and other fear tactics, abuse their authority and say GOD is in it...when He is NOT!
Do not allow preachers to do this to you.
Get in your Word. Seek God. And know HIS WILL for your life...FOR YOURSELF!