CHECK OUT MY BOOKS "The Makings Of A False Prophet"

The Makings Of A False Prophet

by Wenona Russ

The Makings Of A False Prophet

'The Makings of a False Prophet' is a book that looks at the motives for wanting to be in ministry as well as serving as a tool one in ministry can use to gauge where they are in the HEARTS as it pertains to ministry. Many a TRUE prophet turned false as a result of not taking heed to the very foundational and practical things the author shares in her 50-pg book. THIS is the stuff they WON'T tell you in Bible College or the School of the Prophets and/or Apostles! ‎'The Makings of a False Prophet digs deep into the heart and soul to determine the authenticity of a genuine call from the Lord, and how to keep that authenticity pure and undefiled. You will be blessed by this book if you are truly ready to examine yourself and see not only if you are in the faith, but if you are really called. It is an eye-opening and realistic view at what ministry is-and what it is NOT. Great teaching tool for any ministerial class on ANY level.

1 comment:

Detoxed From Churchanity said...

Review by: Miriam Allen

"The Makings of a False Prophet' By Wenona Russ ...
Highly recommended by ANY and ALL in Ministry.
I read it one night. Didn't cost much ($7) and can be
downloaded on the spot. God bless you all... you'll be
glad you did : )

Review by Maurice Ekwugha

"An important book to avoid being a victim of deception
in the church. VERY IMPORTANT. No one is immune to deception.
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. READ THIS BOOK! Your
salvation may depend on it."

Recommendation by Lorraine Jarrett

"Please purchase this e-book...*Eye-Opener*

Recommended by Tony George

Author of 'Blitzkrieg: The Art of War in the Spirit'