Monday, December 08, 2014

So YOU Don’t Believe They Were ‘DELIVERT?’ (The Controversy of Deliverance)

Many of you are aware of Andrew Caldwell’s fervent testimony of how God has delivered him from homosexuality.  I, too, share a similar story of deliverance – as I shared in my open letter to Dr. Earl Carter.  (See

The ensuing controversy that has surrounded Caldwell’s testimony – whether you realize it or not – is nothing new to church-dom. 

As you all know, many have taunted Caldwell, doubted that his testimony is true.  Many have resorted to name-calling, mocking him, threatening him in public and via cyberspace.  Sad to say, most of the ‘hate’ has come from so-called ‘christians’ who are supposedly ‘holding up the blood-stained banner.’ 

Many look at Caldwell and conclude because he still displays certain behaviors, and some dig up his past to see if they can discredit him…and even others try at every hand to discredit him by the very things he post on social media, the places he chooses to go, the clothes he chooses to wear, etc. 

All outward criteria…judging after the FLESH to determine if something SPIRITUAL has indeed taken place in Caldwell’s life.

(I thought the Word says to judge RIGHTEOUS judgment?  To not look at the outward appearance of man?)


Ever since biblical times, controversy, unbelief, lack of faith, mockery, persecution and mayhem has always surrounded those who dare to believe GOD HIMSELF for deliverance &  salvation.

The most popular story of deliverance in the bible occurred in John 9.

This is the story of the blind man being healed by Jesus Christ on the Sabbath.  Go read the account of the healing and what happened immediately after.

In a nutshell, this man is born blind.  Jesus was passing by him and noticed his condition.  The disciples asked ‘WHO sinned that would cause this man to be born blind?’  Jesus told him ‘no one has sinned…but that this man was born blind to ‘show the works of God.’ 

Sometimes, God will allow things in our lives that we don’t understand.  Those things may seem unfair.  Horrendous.  Especially to others on the outside looking in…so much so that (if they’re RELIGIOUS) they will begin to question, ‘What did they DO to deserve that?  They MUST HAVE been sinners…’

But that is NOT the case, according to Jesus!

Then Jesus goes on to deliver this man in a most unusual way – you all know the story:  He spits on the ground, made some mud and put MUD on the man’s eyes! 

Religious people think that God has only one way to deliver folks.  They’ve got this down to a formula almost! ‘If God doesn’t do it JUST LIKE THIS, IN THIS SETTING, thru the hands of THIS person, in THIS denomination, on THIS day, then it MUST NOT be God!’ 

But if you read this story, you will see Jesus was NEVER married to religious dogmas and formulas.  He did things HIS way…out the norm.  Things that normally would NOT take place, He allowed them- enabled them even- to take place.

The first folks that had something to say were the people.  People started shoosh-shooshing, gossiping, questioning and interrogating the man.  Then they brought him before the Pharisees, which represents modern-day leaders in the church.  Once they couldn’t find anything on him or present viable arguments, they were hoping the priests would.

Then, of course, the priests – being well-versed in religious protocol and by-laws- had to point out that the blind man who can now SEE was healed on the Sabbath, which is a BIG no-no in the religious circles.  Then they tried to find something wrong with the one who administered said deliverance:  they went ahead and called Jesus Christ a ‘sinner!’

Can you imagine that?

He who was SINLESS?  Perfect?  The Savior of the world…and the church leaders, the Pharisees¸ had not properly DISCERNED who He was…(nor do they NOW properly discern who He IS, for that matter!)

ANYTHING they could find, they found it.  They accused the Healer AS WELL AS the healed.  The blind man who now could see called Him a PROPHET…but they called him Beelzebub! 

They just couldn’t believe that God had done ANYTHING.  So they went digging in the man’s past.  They went to HIS FAMILY, trying to get some background on ol’ dude.  What did THEY do?  They punked out..and instead of attesting to the FACT that their son was, in fact, HEALED, they said ‘Hey, he’s grown.  YES, he was BORN blind.  But what’s going on with him NOW?  We don’t know…ask him…’ 

Relatives threw ol’ boy under the bus! 

Then they went back to the man to try and get him to confess that Jesus did NOT heal him.  Instead they played the ‘God’ card:  they told him to ‘give glory to God and NOT man.’  And CERTAINLY not THIS sinner! 

Not realizing that God was healing the man THROUGH Jesus Christ.  And that there is salvation, there is deliverance, there is healing in NO OTHER NAME other than the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! 

So to try and bypass Jesus is almost like refuting and renouncing the healing…which he refused to do.  He KNEW from whence came HIS help!  And he wasn’t afraid to TELL IT!

So after he wouldn’t renounce his testimony OR Jesus, they went ahead and called him a sinner, too, and then proceeded to kick him OUT of the synagogue.  I mean, after all, who was HE to tell them ANYTHING, right?  What ministry school he went to?  WHO was his covering?  WHO released him? 

But it was not until they CAST HIM OUT that Jesus revealed Himself to ol’ boy! 

It was when he was CAST OUT that he RETAINED his testimony…and sup with Jesus.  Fellowship with Him.  Jesus knew him and He knew Jesus….

Many may wonder how all this time I’ve still been able to hold on to my testimony.  How after all these years, I STILL no longer desire women? 

That’s because when they CAST ME OUT, put my name out there for evil, THAT’S when I got to know JESUS CHRIST in a REAL way!  And THAT’S when HE sealed the SUSTAINED deliverance for me!  It wasn’t at the altar that that happened! A seed was planted…..true. 

 It was ‘as I went,’ walking away from all religion, Phariseeism, religious dogma and persecution.  It was when I burned my ministerial papers, renounced my membership and participation in the Potter’s House School of Ministry and all other churches…it was when I let go of religion and embraced JESUS BY myself….

THAT’S what caused me to grow in faith and in the KNOWLEDGE OF HIM!!!!!

And then NO RELIGIOUS DEVIL could take my testimony!

I encourage you if you are seeking deliverance, GO TO JESUS CHRIST.  Not your church, or your pastor.  Don’t seek affirmation from your apostle or some pimp preacher…or run here or there trying to get their stamp of approval for what Jesus did FOR YOU…it will NEVER COME!

Simply receive it IN FAITH…knowing THIS:

Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now that you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.”

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