Spiritual hunger is NOT biblical!
How is it then that those in the church has gone and made spiritual hunger some sort of virtue?????
EVERYWHERE in the Word of God when I read of hunger and thirst, God ALWAYS fills His People!
He promises to feed them. To quench every thirst. To satiate their weary souls. To give them rest from their labors.
So where did this 'spiritual hunger' mess come from?????
WHY is it that when a person can just ALWAYS be hungry, and eat, and eat......AND EAT....CONTINUOUSLY, that we call that gluttony? Or an eating disorder?
But when someone can continuously 'eat' spiritually from fallen, errant, rebellious, unbiblical leaders' tables, they are praised for being 'hungry' for the Word?????
GLUTTONY is gluttony is gluttony is gluttony!
Whether it is done in the natural, or in the spirit!!!
In the Word of God, it does say 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst...' in the Beatitudes. But those in the church world need to stop worshiping the act of 'being hungry for God' in and of itself as some sort of religious or spiritual virtue.
In the natural, hunger is a physiological function. Hormones resident in certain portions of the stomach sends signals to the brain telling it it is hungry. And then we eat.
We do not control the 'hunger impulse,' however, in the Spirit.
The HOLY GHOST (is supposed to) control the 'hunger impulse' in our spirits.
We do not control the Holy Ghost; He LEADS us. HE convicts us. HE sparks hunger in our spirits.
When we first became born again, HE initiated that whole deal. NOT US.
When that (I hate to use the word) impulse, that unction, hit us to seek God, it was THE HOLY GHOST that did that. That was not generated out of our spirits or natural man. Or souls.
That whole mindset of US starting this thing with God is the CRUX of the deception that is rampant within (AND without) the church and within the realms of religion!
We think WE control this stuff...when it is TRULY GOD who is IN CONTROL!!!!!
In the New Testament, HUNGER was HUNGER. In almost every instance, when the word HUNGER was used, it spoke of the human, physiological condition of being hungry.....FOR FOOD!
NOT for 'a word.'
ONE of the times HUNGER meant something otherwise was in Matthew 5:6 above that spoke on hungering and thirsting after RIGHTEOUSNESS.
RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT something you can obtain when someone lays hands on you. Or when you get 'slain in the Spirit.' Or when you attend so many church services, conferences, or what not.
RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT some sort of tender that you use in exchange for products from the corner market. It is not some transferable substance that someone can impart unto you.
RIGHTEOUSNESS can ONLY come from GOD!!!!!! DIRECTLY!!!!!
It can only be received from us by FAITH.
Isaiah 55 starts out with the declaration that we are to drink, eat from GOD....
Ho, every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good...
Those with an EAR to HEAR what GOD is saying WILL BE FED....DIRECTLY BY HIM!
And guess what?
THEY SHALL BE FILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Nothing like that stuff that fills you up! FOR REAL!)
When we over-depend upon flesh to fill us
When we rely on man to feed our spirits
When we keep seeking after that which NEVER fulfills
WE WILL REMAIN HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In both instances of physical and spiritual hunger, when we just eat and eat and eat, with NO discerning, without 'reading the labels,' without inspecting what's on the plate, we are in danger of eating something that simply is not good for us!
That whole thing where folks who go to church just keep 'eating and eating and eating' - running from this prophet to that apostle, church hopping, jumping between conferences and summits and convocations, going to service after service....all out of this religious guise of 'being hungry for the word,' is nothing more than a religious spirit driving them.
Much like an obese person is 'driven' to the fridge at 3:20 a.m. by that false sensation of hunger pangs.
Much like an obese person is 'driven' to the fridge at 3:20 a.m. by that false sensation of hunger pangs.
Much like the depressed person goes to the store and buys $100 in snacks...and then eats them all up in 3 days.
Much like that bored person seeks the solace of junk food, snacks, chips, ice cream, candy and the such to fill that void.
There is a VOID in religious people that can NEVER be fulfilled by an abundance of religious activity, or attending many church services, or by filling as many 'titles and positions' as possible within their respective religious institutions.
They are in a 'Church Rat Race,' much like the people in the world are in that rat race in the corporate arena.
NO matter how many services they attend, no matter how many positions they gain, no matter who prophesies to them, no matter who preaches or teaches them, or how many times they get prophesied over, no matter how much they give to TBN, no matter what they DO, they are NEVER FILLED!!!!!
That's the same thing that happens to obese people; they eat and eat and eat, trying to fill a void. And they never recognize those cues that lets them know 'Hey, I'm FULL.' So they don't stop....eating.
Church people operate the same way....
They go and go and go. They do and do and do. They spiritually eat...and eat...and eat....
EVER-eating, and NEVER getting full!
What does the scripture say?
2 Timothy 3:7
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
EVER-eating, and NEVER getting full!
What does the scripture say?
2 Timothy 3:7
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
And they never spiritually discern what they're eating, or that they are filled. OR WHAT THEY ARE FILLED WITH!!!
Both instances - in natural and spiritual hunger - ends up in one being FAT, lazy, unhealthy, unable to read cues from their own bodies (or spirits) that what they're eating is NOT good for them.
And cause more harm than good, in the end.
The key here is to be more DISCERNING, more CAUTIOUS, more KNOWLEDGEABLE about what you're eating....
And WHO makes the food you're eating!
We tell overweight folks to watch what they eat. Read the labels. Know the manufacturers of the foods you buy. Go organic. Prepare more foods at home.
But we tell over-spiritual folks who always go around 'looking for a word' to 'GO ON! GO for what you know! Its good to eat, eat, EAT off everyone's spiritual plate!'
We encourage and enable spiritual 'gluttons' in the organized church, and then wonder why the people are always SICK.
Time to watch your diet!