I remember when Juanita Bynum came out with her teaching on 'the jezebel spirit' back in the 1990's. It was at World Harvest Church.
BOY!!!! EVERYBODY was SOOO into this teaching...
I don't think anyone else had ever broached the 'topic' or 'teaching' on jezebel before Bynum. If they did, no one ever heard of them until THIS WOMAN got in THIS pulpit in Columbus, Ohio and preached her heart out about what she believed to be the 'spirit of jezebel.'
I was on the bandwagon, too. Hung on every word this woman hollered, proclaimed, taught, prophesied, etc.
WORE this VHS OUT! (Thats how old this teaching IS!)
All of a sudden, different 'variations' of the jezebel teaching started popping up throughout churchdom.
Over 20 years later, folks STILL hollering about what they perceive to be 'the jezebel spirit.'
Every week, someone else claims to have some sort of 'revelation' on the 'jezebel spirit.'
If you listened to these pulpiteers and pulpit PUPPETS, it would almost seem like God is saying NOTHING else about ANYTHING else ..... EXCEPT JEZEBEL!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
Now...knowing God the way that I do, I do know that God WILL speak to and teach His people. He will reveal things to those who seek Him.
But God has no need nor any desire to repeat Himself.
Now FOLKS may WANT Him to repeat Himself...b/c they have a HARD time believing what He said THE FIRST TIME.
Folks have been mimicing and re-packaging 'the jezebel doctrine' for over 20 years....and it's REALLY sad!
Because from Bynum ALLLLLL the way down to what you read on jezebel just a FEW MINUTES AGO is TOTALLY WRONG and ERRONEOUS!
That's right!
PSA: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my ebook, '"The Fruits of Azusa,' I explained the origin of MOST doctrines that are being taught in the 'church' today.
Sad to say, the 'jezebel spirit' is one thing I did NOT cover...not in detail anyways....
But it definitely IS a FALSE TEACHING/DOCTRINE that is floating around in the church systems.
Let these puppets and pulpiteers tell you, jezebel is just so powerful and has so much 'control' over people, that now all of sudden folks have no sense of right or wrong, good or bad. No accountability. Can't hear from God from themselves. Can't do NOTHING!
It's ALL jezebel's fault!!!!! LOL!
NO...ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many charismatics and religious folks like to 'blame the devil' and 'a spirit' on just about everything....if they sin, the first thing they wanna cry is -Like Flip Wilson used to say - THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!'
When it was nobody but YOU! Nobody but ME!
If a person decides to sin, it's because THEY WANTED TO!!!!! PERIOD.
No spirit 'overtook' a person and made them do A THING!
But instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY for one's own actions, owning up to it, church people (in particular) LOVE to blame the spirit world and the devil for ERR'THANG!
Imma leave that alone for a sec...and get in the Word. Cuz some of you religious spirits ain't gonna hear me unless I throw some chapters and verses up in there!
NOW, Go read 1 King 16...that's the first mention in the Word of God of Queen Jezebel.
Now some cultural references...
Folks like to make like jezebel was this fine, made - up sister who had all the men salivating at the mouth. Many a religious man has made her out to be the epitome of seduction and provocativeness. Some of the most beautiful actresses in the world have played jezebel, including Bette Davis and Elizabeth Taylor.
The demonization of the (beautiful) woman has been a stigma within the church system for centuries. The very thing that made the woman attractive to the opposite sex (THE MALE) has been twisted around and turned into 'a demonic spirit' by the religious right...mostly men....who are for the most part- afraid of their own sexuality and prowess...and their attraction to the opposite sex.
Couple that with insecure, homely, frightened, thirsty females (replete within the oppressive church system) who thrive for the attention of the male...especially and in particular, any male that actually HAS (or FEIGNS to have/fakes the funk) authority in the 'spiritual/religious' realm. For some reason, females flock to these types of men within the oppressive church culture.
When these men come across a (beautiful) female that TRULY has authority, truly is beautiful...these men will go to no lengths to have her. They are attracted to her...they MUST have her.
Then after they marry her, get her, then they tire of her, discard her...and then DEMONIZE her!
When the real demon is in the MEN that perpetuate this stereotype of the woman (whether it be Eve, Jezebel, Rahab, etc.) is the reason the man continues to fall.
Time really prevents me from citing all the examples in the bible where a woman was demonized by the religious system, ostracized, cast out....
But the very ones that religious men went to great lengths to demonize and ostracize were the VERY ONES Jesus Christ of Nazareth ACCEPTED. REVEALED HIMSELF TO FIRST. USED THEM TO BRING THE WORD TO THE 'MEN.' (Remember Mary Magdalene? Who had all kinds of demons...? Til God got ahold of her...then she was the first one who saw Jesus Christ RESURRECTED! And then she went and TOLD the scary apostles the good news...while they were sitting around sulking and crying ....thinking that Jesus had left them!)
Yall remembered the woman at the well?
When Jesus Christ of Nazareth revealed himself to HER (first), SHE went and told THE MEN in the city about JESUS!!!!
It would seem to me that God has a tendency to speak to women MUCH more than He does the men.
Not saying He does not....all I'm saying is that God indeed uses the foolish things of the world to confound THE WISE.
For all the insecure religious men (and some women) out there, let me reassure you.
God DOES use the foolish to confound the (religiously) wise!
God uses beautiful women, as well as homely ones. Married women, as well as single ones. Fat women and skinny women. Women who go to church...and women who don't. Women WITH a reputation...and women who HIDE their sins! (You caught that, uh? LOL)
But anyway...so as to keep the attention of the chapter and verse seekers, I will go into the word even more....to show you that there is NO such thing as a SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!
There is only one time in the Word of God where the spirit of someone who lived before is actually referred to as something that is 'transferred' (for lack of a better term) to the people.
The Spirit of Elijah
BOTH times the Spirit of Elijah was mentioned was in the Old Testament.
Do you know what that means?
Ever heard of necromancy? Consulting the spirits of dead folks for 'revelation, spiritual insight, wisdom, info on the future?'
ALL of that was strictly forbidden in the Word of God.
Yet they got folks that have developed major church doctrines on consulting with, relating to, transferring spirits of, the whole mantles' doctrine....of dead saints!!!!!
HMMMM, let's see...what other religion/church does that?
Could it be the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH????? St Mary, St Peter, St Paul....etc?
We protestants love to stone catholics on how they consult to and pray to dead saints...but charismatics and pentecostals been worshiping jezebel for over 20 years now!!!!!
How so????
Juanita Bynum made up a doctrine about the spirit of jezebel...based very loosely upon several OT scriptures and Revelations 2:20....and while YES, God mentions jezebel having SOME influence over A church-the church SPECIFICALLY AT THYATIRA- not a group of churches...
Nowhere in the Word of God do I see this 'spirit of jezebel' having so much power over the church as most make it out today!!!!!
The Word of God does not EVER elude to or even mentions a 'spirit of jezebel' having such massive influence over the 'entire body of christ' as some would elude to.
So what's with all this teaching on jezebel???????
I wholeheartedly believe that (I still believe in the existence of the devil, btw) that the enemy is trying to scare a WHOLE lot of folks into believing that a woman...or the spirit of a DEAD woman at that, is somehow the cause of the 'overthrow and downfall of the church.'
The jezebel that is mentioned in Rev. 2:20 only affected that ONE church. The church at Thyatira ...which is now modern day Akhisar, Turkey.
Not Christianity! Or the western church!
Now I understand that the seven churches God spoke to in the Book of Revelations...some seem to think that He was somehow speaking to seven types of churches.
Again, let's look at the Queen Jezebel...all these things described in Rev. 2:20 were things Jezebel actually did during her reign. BUT the reason why her influence (and I DO want to emphasize the word INFLUENCE, NOT spirit!)
The reason why jezebel's influence somehow seeped down from generation to generation was NOT b/c the so-called 'spirit of jezebel' was so powerful and what not.
Those entrapped within the religious systems of men LOVE to iconize and idolize people who they deem powerful -whether that be powerful in a good way, or powerful in a bad way.
Then they deitize them and make them out to be gods...or spirits. Somehow to keep the spirits of those who they admire, emulate, and worship alive...forever.
Which is really sad...because the ONLY one whose 'spirit' we should ALL seek to emulate and worship is the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!
Now, my saying these things does not mean I don't believe in the reality of the enemy or the demonic...I DO.
BUT, calling everything a 'spirit of this' and a 'spirit of that' where the Word of God is absolutely SILENT....? That is EXTRA BIBLICAL nonsense!!!!!
It is ERROR.
It is leading millions ASTRAY!
The enemy LOVES to blame others for his foolishness....he loves it that millions of church folks are blaming the spirit of a dead woman for the 'demise' of the modern day church as it is known.
How CRAZY does THAT sound???
And let's take it a STEP further: if 'the spirit of jezebel' has THAT much control over YOUR churches, WHERE IS THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD??????
Could it possibly mean that the church as YOU know that YOU were born into, that YOU were baptized into, that you became a MEMBER OF, has been under the CONTROL of ANOTHER SPIRIT....
ALL ALONG???????????
That NEVER crossed your minds...has it??????
Maybe THAT'S why you are so fascinated with 'jezebel?'
That's why you KEEP raising up teachers that teach yall this GARBAGE...?
It feeds into your sense of religiosity and superstition.
The enemy has been in charge of your churches since their inception....and HE has set up gods ....
Get your attention NOT on Jesus Christ of Nazareth...but on jezebel, and ahab, and leviathian (and I mean...what the HECK is a leviathian, anyways/????? A DRAGON????)
On a python? I have heard SOOO many teachings on the spirit of this and the spirit of that....giving spirits to animals and the such. When animals DO NOT even have SOULS..OR SPIRITS!!!!
So WHERE are these teachings coming from?
Go read your old testament...the religious there LOVED to deitize animals and give spiritual significance and power to animals...I guess b/c they were the ones being sacrificed at the altars for the sins of the people...who knows!
But GOD is NOT pleased with this practice!
Worshiping the creature MORE than the CREATOR ....WHO IS blessed forever!!!!
Worship is not just singing Isreal Haughton or Fred Hammond...
Yall worship jezebel by putting these idiots in the pulpit that keep feeding you this JUNK on how powerful jezebel is...and running to conferences based solely upon exposing the spirit...of a DEAD woman???!!!
Listen to how crazy that sounds!!!!
And one more thing...
HOW is it that most of you cannot even STAND Juanita Bynum...talk about her like a DOG....
But you STILL upholding teachings she gave 20 yrs ago????
Yall call her crazy, delusional, a witch, a jezebel...everything but a child of God....but YOU STILL recycling her teachings...??
Repackaging it and making it sound it came from YOU???????