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I was talking about this phenomena with a friend of mine a few weeks ago. She, too, has been accused of being a witch. She operates in the word of knowledge and wisdom...and I guess because the preachers in these churches are NOT teaching the people...most people in this generation haven't a CLUE what the spiritual gifts are.
Also, I have another friend who was in the occult who has been delivered and is SAVED now, who gets that quip often from folks...
'Girl, I'm not going to so and so. She is probably still doing witchcraft!'
As Chuck D proclaims, "Ignorance is indeed at an ALL-TIME HIGH!"
Ignorance within the ranks of the organized church, that is.
You know, you would think because all these great preachers and authors such as George Bloomer, Mike Haggard, Rick Godwin, and even Jonas Clark (yes, I went there!) all have written entire books on the subject of "Witchcraft In The Church," (and they ALL use the SAME title, btw) that more folks would be knowledgeable about HOW witchcraft TRULY manifests within the pews.
BUT....sad to say, that is not the case!
*****First, let me say in BIG BOLD LETTERS that I in NO way, shape or form endorse ANY of the books written on the subject of witchcraft in the church by ANY preacher who is STILL in the church!
The fact of the matter is that - at best - all any of these coveted, YOUR favorite preachers, can offer in the way of THEIR opinions of how witchcraft manifests in your church (YES, YOUR CHURCH, TOO!) is gross, rampant error and religious superstitions. Twisting of scriptures totally taken out of context...and undoubtedly what they themselves learned at the 'school of the prophets,' 'school of the apostles,' and their respective denominational ministerial training institutes.*****
As an author myself, I understand the struggle many a 'christian' author has...the fact of the matter is that there is STILL a population of so called 'saved' folks out there who are TOO CHEAP and TOO LAZY to read. They won't invest $5 into a book with any truth in it...but will invest $20 into some garbage that supposedly tells them how to find their next mate or how to get rich.
But that's another blog, for another day!
I'm gonna tell you right here in this FREE blog post just how to recognize THE REAL WITCH among your congregations.
The witch is NOT someone who may have dabbled in it PRE-salvation, or the one from New Orleans where it is stereotypically presumed that EVERYONE from that region practices hoo-doo.
The witch is NOT the person who wears all black all the time, and listens to strange music.
The witch is NOT someone who is spiritual, who operates in the gifts of the spirit (NOT tongues).
The witch is NOT someone that burns incense, or lights candles...lol...some folks just love the way that stuff smells!
All of that type of thinking is nothing more than superstitious, mumbo jumbo perpetuated by ignorant, scary church folks who DON'T know God...or the REAL power of God!
(And remember: SUPERSTITION is a belief or practice resulting from IGNORANCE, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, according to the Merriam's Free Online Dictionary)
The REAL WITCH is the one who has secret prayer meetings, hoop and holler in tongues all day long, who seek to control and manipulate the people (whether it be by telling you who to marry, where to live, what job to get, etc.).
The REAL WITCH is your pastor(s) who hoop and holler at you on Sunday, then text you on Sunday night and tell you to meet him (or her) at the hotel.
The REAL WITCH is the leader in your church that INSISTS you need to get 'their permission' to leave 'their church.' (I thought the church, the TRUE church, the Bride of Christ, belongs to GOD?)
The REAL WITCH is the prayer warrior who keeps praying for THEIR wills to be done, and NOT God's will! The prayer could be offered up for anything....healing for a terminally ill one, marriage, job, ministry, money....it just may be God's will that you have NONE of that.
The REAL WITCH is the 'prophetess' who tells you what you want to hear...
The REAL WITCH is the african preacher, prophetess, 'powerhouse' who sends you all these 'prophetic prayer powerpoints 'to shoot arrows 'at the enemy,' all in the guise of conducting 'spiritual warfare...'
The REAL WITCH is the preacher who KEEPS pushing prosperity, your 'best life now' doctrine...
The REAL WITCH is that person who KNOWS God has been dealing with them about speaking in tongues, but because of the 'power surge' you supposedly get when you continue to do what God said NOT TO DO, you keep on ....
The REAL WITCH is the african preacher, prophetess, 'powerhouse' who sends you all these 'prophetic prayer powerpoints 'to shoot arrows 'at the enemy,' all in the guise of conducting 'spiritual warfare...'
The REAL WITCH is the preacher who KEEPS pushing prosperity, your 'best life now' doctrine...
The REAL WITCH is that person who KNOWS God has been dealing with them about speaking in tongues, but because of the 'power surge' you supposedly get when you continue to do what God said NOT TO DO, you keep on ....
The REAL WITCH is your wife (or husband) who uses sex as a means of barter and control. They give it to you when you do what they want, and withhold it as a means of control. To punish you when you don't comply with their wishes.
The REAL WITCH is the pastors who refuse to teach you THE TRUTH. And keep you in bondage to a LIE.
The REAL WITCH is that person who may believe in coming out the church and be all gung ho about it, but then they keep their religious ways and try to boss you into 'staying in their group or clique...'
The REAL WITCH is the apostle, the prophet, the bishop who you KEEP allowing to lead you...and they fell into sin...and NEVER repented!
The REAL WITCH is the one who refuses to live for God, goes to church and makes excuses for flare ups of the flesh...
The REAL WITCH is the leader who hangs on to charismania, religious traditions, dogmas and false doctrines they learned in their past within religious institutions. They refuse to count it ALL as dung, so they hang on to that one little thing, that one thing that dilutes the truth of the message they are trying to convey. (They refuse to lay it ALL down at the feet of Jesus and ask the all-important question..."God, is this truth or error?")
The REAL WITCH is that bishop who y'all keep 'ordaining' back into office....
The REAL WITCH is that person who may believe in coming out the church and be all gung ho about it, but then they keep their religious ways and try to boss you into 'staying in their group or clique...'
The REAL WITCH is the apostle, the prophet, the bishop who you KEEP allowing to lead you...and they fell into sin...and NEVER repented!
The REAL WITCH is the one who refuses to live for God, goes to church and makes excuses for flare ups of the flesh...
The REAL WITCH is the leader who hangs on to charismania, religious traditions, dogmas and false doctrines they learned in their past within religious institutions. They refuse to count it ALL as dung, so they hang on to that one little thing, that one thing that dilutes the truth of the message they are trying to convey. (They refuse to lay it ALL down at the feet of Jesus and ask the all-important question..."God, is this truth or error?")
The REAL WITCH is that bishop who y'all keep 'ordaining' back into office....
The REAL WITCH is the praise and worship leader who tries to strangle-arm you into worshipping 'the unknown god.' (If you really knew Him, NO ONE would have to force you to do anything!)
The REAL WITCH is that favorite mega preacher you keep throwing your money on the altars to....YES! You are NOT giving it as unto God....Remember, God is NOT in the buildings; meaning He is not at the altar to 'accept' your offerings!
The REAL WITCH is the bishop who y'all keep covering for...whether it's for embezzling money from the church funds, or poking kids in the butt....
The REAL WITCH is that nice, sweet, kind, fresh-faced sweetie pie in the church, the first lady type, the ones who seemingly display all the 'fruits of the spirit...' But they do so NOT by the Spirit of GOD, but from a RELIGIOUS SPIRIT!
The REAL WITCH(es) are the 'fan clubs' who manipulate and control you THROUGH FLATTERIES! They are always so astounded by 'the word' that comes through your mouth. They are always 'jockin' you in the spirit. The cheerleaders in the church that say 'PREACH, BLACK MAN!' It's a sick, twisted, manipulative game of cat and mouse that they play with each other...
The witch in the pulpit manipulates the crowd with their (false) words, doctrines and teachings...and the witch in the pews manipulates by saying 'AMEN!' ALL THE TIME....EVEN TO NONSENSE AND ERROR!!!!!!!
There is a specific reason WHY witchcraft (seems) to be so prevalent within the church systems...
WHEREVER there is a VOID of the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD in a place, you can expect for OTHER demonic activity to prevail in that place!
The REAL WITCH is that nice, sweet, kind, fresh-faced sweetie pie in the church, the first lady type, the ones who seemingly display all the 'fruits of the spirit...' But they do so NOT by the Spirit of GOD, but from a RELIGIOUS SPIRIT!
The REAL WITCH(es) are the 'fan clubs' who manipulate and control you THROUGH FLATTERIES! They are always so astounded by 'the word' that comes through your mouth. They are always 'jockin' you in the spirit. The cheerleaders in the church that say 'PREACH, BLACK MAN!' It's a sick, twisted, manipulative game of cat and mouse that they play with each other...
The witch in the pulpit manipulates the crowd with their (false) words, doctrines and teachings...and the witch in the pews manipulates by saying 'AMEN!' ALL THE TIME....EVEN TO NONSENSE AND ERROR!!!!!!!
There is a specific reason WHY witchcraft (seems) to be so prevalent within the church systems...
WHEREVER there is a VOID of the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD in a place, you can expect for OTHER demonic activity to prevail in that place!
When the Spirit of the Living God is not in control, the enemy WILL rush in to seize control of that place....its just like in the Word of GOD that talks in Matt 12:43-45...when an unclean spirit leaves a man...but the man is left void of the Spirit of GOD to fill those dark places...the unclean spirit RETURNS and brings 7 worse spirits than itself....
THAT'S what's happening in these churches: the spirit of God BEEN left the buildings...but folks are still flocking TO the buildings...looking for GOD...and instead of finding GOD, they are finding RELIGIOUS DEMONS fronting and masquerading AS GOD...operating just as if they were God...
And the wildest part is that these 'witches' all in the church will point fingers and tell you the witch is the one who practices Wicca, Santeria, VooDoo...they will try to focus your attention and say the resistance, the attack is from withOUT...but the attack is REALLY from WITHIN!!!!!!!!!!
I told y'all in previous posts that the enemy loves to do his dirt and then point the finger and say, 'Look at the enemy....OVER THERE!' The enemy loves to deflect attention from himself...and make the other parties seem to be the enemy...when the enemy is the very one who is flattering you, who is throwing positions and titles at you, who is inviting you to preach at their church(es)...
But you just CANNOT see it!!!!
And how better can the very ones doling out titles and positions within the church system to control and manipulate you (which is really ALL that witchcraft really is!) than by giving you a title and position....and then telling you and dictating to you what you can and cannot preach in their pulpits?
How better for them to control and manipulate you than by them telling you who to marry, where to work, where to live, who to be friends with, who to associate with, all under the guise of 'being in the will of God?'
The witches LOVE to put you on a pedestal (in these churches) knowing you will fail once there...and that failure will be such a blow to your ego and spirit that you will want to give up on God altogether, being super hard on yourselves...this is why the pastors are committing suicide...
They have been set up from the enemy to fail from the start....and the failure is NOT resident in them. IT IS THE SYSTEM!!! THE CHURCH SYSTEM CORRUPTS!!!!
The fact of the matter is when you try to operate in something you are not supposed to, or were not called to, and then try to put on this big front like you belong there-and you really DON'T-it can be a pretty big blow to your ego when you realize you've been toiling 'in the spirit' for years in a church God NEVER called you to!
It can be pretty depressing when you've sacrificed family, friends, loved ones, relationships, etc., all in the guise 'for the sake of the kingdom,' and then 10, 20 years later find out it was all for nothing.
MANY a preacher has had his/her day of reckoning when they realized LONG after 'the call' that God never really called them AT ALL to the 'ministry' and that they were bamboozled, hoodwinked, deceived into believing that they were!
I address this issue and why it happens in my eBook, The Makings Of False Prophet, where many preachers start out on the right track, but get corrupted in the church system when they try to be successful, accepted, approved of by man's/religion's standards....
ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS...when you find yourself having to or trying to be accepted by man, you have already been rejected BY GOD!
Even the ones who call themselves trying to 'change the church system from within...'
There was a time when God was sending HIS prophets to the church system to gather the remnant ones in....but that time has passed. The church system as it is popularly known is currently UNDER JUDGMENT!
And everybody who clings to her WILL Suffer of her plagues....one of them being mass suicide WITHIN THE CHURCH SYSTEM!
(Speaking of mass suicide, I did address the story of Jim Jones ...what a horrible story of mass suicide! But it is one of the best examples yet of what can happen when you do all this religious grandstanding, ministry, seemingly good acts...and all of that NOT be the will of God for YOUR life! None of those people, not even Jim Jones, started out wrong...they meant well. They loved God in their own respects. But look where they ended up?)
Plainly put, the REAL WITCHES (in YOUR churches) are the ones that are in rebellion to GOD. The Word says rebellion is as the SIN of witchcraft.
THAT'S what's happening in these churches: the spirit of God BEEN left the buildings...but folks are still flocking TO the buildings...looking for GOD...and instead of finding GOD, they are finding RELIGIOUS DEMONS fronting and masquerading AS GOD...operating just as if they were God...
And the wildest part is that these 'witches' all in the church will point fingers and tell you the witch is the one who practices Wicca, Santeria, VooDoo...they will try to focus your attention and say the resistance, the attack is from withOUT...but the attack is REALLY from WITHIN!!!!!!!!!!
I told y'all in previous posts that the enemy loves to do his dirt and then point the finger and say, 'Look at the enemy....OVER THERE!' The enemy loves to deflect attention from himself...and make the other parties seem to be the enemy...when the enemy is the very one who is flattering you, who is throwing positions and titles at you, who is inviting you to preach at their church(es)...
But you just CANNOT see it!!!!
And how better can the very ones doling out titles and positions within the church system to control and manipulate you (which is really ALL that witchcraft really is!) than by giving you a title and position....and then telling you and dictating to you what you can and cannot preach in their pulpits?
How better for them to control and manipulate you than by them telling you who to marry, where to work, where to live, who to be friends with, who to associate with, all under the guise of 'being in the will of God?'
The witches LOVE to put you on a pedestal (in these churches) knowing you will fail once there...and that failure will be such a blow to your ego and spirit that you will want to give up on God altogether, being super hard on yourselves...this is why the pastors are committing suicide...
They have been set up from the enemy to fail from the start....and the failure is NOT resident in them. IT IS THE SYSTEM!!! THE CHURCH SYSTEM CORRUPTS!!!!
The fact of the matter is when you try to operate in something you are not supposed to, or were not called to, and then try to put on this big front like you belong there-and you really DON'T-it can be a pretty big blow to your ego when you realize you've been toiling 'in the spirit' for years in a church God NEVER called you to!
It can be pretty depressing when you've sacrificed family, friends, loved ones, relationships, etc., all in the guise 'for the sake of the kingdom,' and then 10, 20 years later find out it was all for nothing.
MANY a preacher has had his/her day of reckoning when they realized LONG after 'the call' that God never really called them AT ALL to the 'ministry' and that they were bamboozled, hoodwinked, deceived into believing that they were!
I address this issue and why it happens in my eBook, The Makings Of False Prophet, where many preachers start out on the right track, but get corrupted in the church system when they try to be successful, accepted, approved of by man's/religion's standards....
ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS...when you find yourself having to or trying to be accepted by man, you have already been rejected BY GOD!
Even the ones who call themselves trying to 'change the church system from within...'
There was a time when God was sending HIS prophets to the church system to gather the remnant ones in....but that time has passed. The church system as it is popularly known is currently UNDER JUDGMENT!
And everybody who clings to her WILL Suffer of her plagues....one of them being mass suicide WITHIN THE CHURCH SYSTEM!
(Speaking of mass suicide, I did address the story of Jim Jones ...what a horrible story of mass suicide! But it is one of the best examples yet of what can happen when you do all this religious grandstanding, ministry, seemingly good acts...and all of that NOT be the will of God for YOUR life! None of those people, not even Jim Jones, started out wrong...they meant well. They loved God in their own respects. But look where they ended up?)
Plainly put, the REAL WITCHES (in YOUR churches) are the ones that are in rebellion to GOD. The Word says rebellion is as the SIN of witchcraft.
Many mistake rebels of religion as rebels of God...and they couldn't be MORE wrong!
MOST of the time its the rebels of religion that ARE CLOSEST to God!
Religion is nothing more than another manifestation of the flesh, and the Word says that the flesh is an enemy of God!
I wrote a few days ago that the church is full of people who want to be eagles, and I found out that eagles are a part of the vulture family. Take away all the so called regalia, the strength, the beauty of the eagle and all you got is an over-glorified VULTURE.
And a vulture, by its VERY nature, is a beast that feeds off of DEAD CARCASSES. OFF OF FLESH!
The church is FULL of CARCASSES....and the vultures, the eagles, THE WITCHES YOU enable and feed.
They feed off your ignorance. They feed off your fear. They feed off your refusal to dig in and find out the Kingdom of God FOR YOURSELF.
They are banking on your continued cooperation and compliance with religion....then they will turn around and share their 'revelations' with you, trying to sound all deep....
And accuse you of being a witch....when THEY THEMSELVES are the very ones practicing witchcraft!
And don't even realize it!
So the next time someone accuses you of being a witch, remember what I said here.
Just keep it locked away in the recesses of your mind.....
Once you start seeing for YOURSELF the 'witches' in YOUR church, THEN you will COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM!!!!!!
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