Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Trap of Loneliness

We have all been there.
At a place where we are alone.  Circumstances in life has made it so where you are in a lonely place.  Loneliness can happen whether you are by yourself or in a room full of people.
If you are a part of a local church, you may find yourself feeling lonely.  A lot.  You may attend faithfully.  You are there every time the doors of the church open.
Yet you feel like you are the only one there.  No one understands where you are.
You hear from God, and what He is saying.  And it is NOT what the majority, or even your pastor or leader is saying.
And now you are filled with guilt and fear, because someone has told you you should not feel that way. Or you should not entertain ANY voice that is in direct opposition to your pastor's.
I want you to know ONE thing...
So now what do you do?  You are alone, lonely.  No one understands.  And God is calling you to another place in Him.
I want to share something with you...
A lot of times, God will call you away to speak to you.  He is not in the crowd, but the still small voice.
And on the mountaintop where you CAN hear that still small voice is a very LONELY place.
But if you love God more than you love people, He will fill that void.  He will direct your path.  He will give you instruction on what to do.
And sometimes-most times-God uses pain to shake us out of our place of familiarity.  He doesn't want us getting too comfortable ANYWHERE.  And He doesn't want  us getting too familiar with many PEOPLE.
When Jesus Christ of Nazareth went up to the Mount of Configuration, He only took two people with Him.
I entitled this the TRAP of loneliness because what the enemy does is get people entrapped into relationships and alliances with people who have a crafty veneer like they are sent from God.  They come packaged just like you like them.  It doesnt just have to be in a man/woman relationship.  Sometimes even friends we seek out end up being potentially hazardous to our spiritual health.
Sometimes, it is family.  We will hang out with people who carry more demons than the demoniac did in the Word of God, just so we wont be lonely.
Wanting companionship, fellowship, relationship are all healthy things GOD created.  They ARE good.
But what many fail to realize is that whatever God has, the enemy imitates!
So the enemy will send friends, mates, associates, people, etc. so he can use their vessels to eventually cause you harm!
No, it won't be apparent at first why they are there.  But as time moves on, the religious demon starts to manifest itself through the vessels of people who we've developed relationships with.
The Trap of Loneliness.
If God is sending you to a lonely place, trust Him that He has everything in control and HE will direct your paths.
We have to be careful in these end times who we associate with...VERY CAREFUL!
Many of you know my stance about coming out of the church.  I still hold to that.
But I am here to tell you that the enemy is after you...and religious demons do NOT just manifest inside the church walls!
It was religious demons that flew those planes into the Twin Towers!
It was religious demons that started the war Obama ended!
It was religious demons that have caused some of the greatest conflicts in history!
And, bringing it down to where you live, religious demons are packed to capacity...here on social networks.  In various 'come-out-of-the-church' ministries, I have found that these are nothing more than disgruntled, angry, bitter people who are looking for a place to vent their angers, but have little or NO desire to (continue) to grow in the things of God.
When transitioning from the church setting, a lot of these places are the WORST place a person leaving the institutional church can go!
Behind the laughs, the laxing, the 'we-dont-have-to-abide-by-church-rules' anymore mindset is something sinister and demonic, very subtle.
It is the RELIGIOUS DEMON that is wanting you to renounce your faith in God due to all the church hurts and your understandable disappointment over the misgivings of the institutional church.
A person coming out of the I.C. needs healing, mentorship, encouragement, spiritual edification...even moreso than what is received within the church system.
I am telling you to BEWARE of these groups that promote coming out of the church, yet they do NOTHING to promote you spiritually, emotionally, mentally.  They only encourage you to be carnal, to sin, and to give excuse to be in the flesh.
You need a group of certified ministers who have ALL PROPERLY gone through the church exodus, who have left the church completely, and who can help YOU leave the church with the least amount of trauma, or spiritual regression.  Who can help you in your walk with God to HEAL..properly.
If a wound is not healed properly, if a broken limb is not healed PROPERLY, you can walk around with a limp, a bruise, an infection, for a long time, that may even cause unnecessary pain.
We can help you heal spiritually PROPERLY if you have left, or are leaving, the church.  We have all been there, done that.
If you need a SAFE PLACE to heal, to be mentored, to grow, to be counseled, or even to be trained...give us a call 518-477-5759 .

Black Christians Need to Beware of Cult...Part 2

Continued from Part 1; Characteristics of the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement

5) Stresses Judaism and Hebrew culture and beliefs, even if they go against proper context of the scripture

Here is one of the slickest tricks of this movement.  Judaism and their correlating practices are very strict, adherent to the law.  They not only practice the law but push others to celebrate the celebrating of holy days and feasts.  They use the excuse that what are known as holidays in this country were set in place by the Roman Catholic order to replace the 'holy days,' including the Feast of Tabernacles, the Passover, the Feast of Trumpets and Unleavened Bread.

They also cite the inconsistencies, the corruption, the deception and the gross error of the institutional 'christian' church as yet another reason why one should celebrate holy days and feasts...and not the holidays of modern-day.

And even though they are very adherent to the feast schedule of their Hebrew calendar (they don't recognize the modern-day Gregorian calendar year with 12 months and so on), one can still see the corruption, the deception, the hatred and the error in the BHI movement.

I have known some BHI believers that have gone as far as to say it is sinful not to celebrate or recognize holy days, which goes in direct contradiction of the scripture that says:

Romans 14:5-6

One man esteems one day above another: another esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

He that regards the day, regards it unto the Lord; and he that regards not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he that eats not, to the Lord he eats not, and gives God thanks.

Which leads me to the next characteristic of BHIers...

6)  BHIers tend to have strict dietary laws, and pushes their strict dietary laws onto others.

It is funny that BHIers push celebrating feasts, which is modernly known as a buffet-style type of event where one can eat to their heart's content, but will simultaneously push a doctrine that strictly prohibits one dietary intake, based upon the strict dietary laws of Judiasm.  They don't believe in eating pork, or any shellfish or fish that feeds on fish that feed off of the groundfloor of any body of water, including shrimps, crabs and lobsters.  They view these and other things as 'unclean.'

Many BHIers are strict vegans, while others are at best moderate vegans, who splurge every now and then to some form of meat or protein.

When you are around a BHIer, and you are eating pork, or any other thing they deem as unclean, they will rebuke you.  Or they will try to teach you, sometimes while sitting right at the table while you are trying to enjoy a meal!  They will try to teach you how what you are eating is wrong, its unclean and how you should change your eating habits.

Now, on the surface, this sounds innocent enough, even health-conscious.

But let's go to the scripture, and not rely on what modern-day culture has to say about this.

Above Paul said if a mans eats, its unto the Lord.  And if he doesn't eat a thing, that is unto the Lord as well.

The Judaizers (much like the BHIers) would like to relegate that the Kingdom of God boils down to what one eats or drinks, and this simply is NOT true.

In verse 17, it states:
 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

BHIers would make one think that partaking of certain foods is sin...when the Word says:
For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eats with offence.

BHIers are stuck in the levitical order, and in Judaism, that entraps people in a whole bunch of rules and regulations and still judge after the flesh.  They judge after human flesh, animal flesh, fish 'flesh,' etc., and therefore cannot accept or receive the fact that the levitical order is DEAD, OUT OF ORDER, done away with.  Everything that was instituted within that levitical order is no longer necessary in the KINGDOM OF GOD.

As a matter of fact, according to scripture, it is a doctrine of devils to push dietary laws and lifestyles on people with claims that by somehow restricting your diet will somehow bring you closer to God.

1 Timothy 4:1-5

 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and KNOW the truth.

For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Now am I saying all who are practicing vegetarians are practicing a doctrine of devils?  Of course not.
What I am saying is that if you PUSH this as a doctrine, if you make claims that by restricting one's diet that that somehow gives you a closer connection to God, or power with God, then you may be embracing/teaching a doctrine of devils!

If you choose to live that way, I say do YOU.  Just don't push it on others.   All that God made IS good..not WAS good.  The Word says to refuse NOTHING, as long you it is received with THANKSGIVING.  That's SCRIPTURE!

Whatever perceived 'uncleanness' in the food -according to the WORD-is set apart, taken away, by PRAYER and THANKSGIVING.

Our grandparents and great grandparents didn't have access to the healthiest of foods, organic foods, or lived a vegetarian lifestyle.  Yet they outlived us.  Many cite it was because the lifestyle was not as stressful, but I vehemently disagree with that!

You wont convince me that living in slavery days and even post slavery, in an America that was violently racist, was NOT stressful!

A little history lesson, then I am moving on:

Blacks didn't have access to the healthy stuff.  We were given scraps, the leftovers from whatever the slaveowners and their families did not want on their tables.  The chitterlings, the hammocks, the pigs feet.

This was during and post slavery.

Yet I still maintain blacks outlived us.

It wasnt because of their diets. It was because whatever they had to eat on their tables, they received it WITH THANKSGIVING!

They sanctified those 'unclean' meals with prayer.

THAT'S how I believe our ancestors outlived us.  THATS how I believe our ancestors could live with 1000 times more stress than any of us today has ever had to deal with, yet they lived for many, many years.

But that's another blog, for another day...

7)  BHIers believe that the Black Hebrew is going to literally return to Israel before Jesus Christ of Nazareth returns.  

BHIers believe that black people are the chosen ones,  that blacks are direct descendents of the tribe of Judah, the Israelities.

The most popular celebrities to embrace this movement (much to their demise) was the late Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown.

Back in 2003, on their own spiritual journey, Bobby and Whitney made the trek back to Israel.  The media was not allowed to cover much of what went on there, but it is reported that Whitney was 're-baptized' in the Jordan River by Black Hebrew Israelites.  Houston reportedly made claims that going back to Israel-which she called her 'home'-healed her then troubled marriage to Brown and restored her waiving faith in God, as well as helped her overcome her drug addiction (which she died of earlier this year).

With all due respects to Houston and her family, one can't help but honestly look at all of this and conclude that that trek back to what was perceived as Houston's 'Hebraic roots' did nothing to help her with her struggles.

Upon her death earlier this year, many BHIers in Israel mourned her death, viewing Houston as some sort of icon. They stated Houston believed her time in Israel was some sort of spiritual retreat.

As a matter of fact, it may have served to only hurt her...

This is what error does.   It misleads and gives false hope.

When one does not know their GODLY heritage, they are forced to replace it with a lie.  Which is a satanic heritage!

Many BHIers erroneously believe they are supposed to make a trek back to Israel....

8)  BHIers replace names God with 'Yahweh' and Jesus Christ with 'Yeshua' in the Bible.  

There is actually a bible that replaces every instance of God and Jesus with the Hebrew terms available to anyone who decides to follow the doctrine of the BHI.  There has been much debate over this issue.  And all I will say is this:  it seems innocent enough that BHIers would want to use the terminology that is modernly translated as God and Jesus Christ.  The problem lies in the fact that in doing so, they have unbeknownst to themselves replaced God for another god.  A god that they can accept as their God and not one that they believe was forced upon them by 'the white man's religion.'

While on the surface, this seems like just an over-appreciation for one's roots and heritage, underneath is something much more sinister and deceptive taking place.

The enemy knows that there is salvation in NO OTHER NAME, so he has forever been trying to blurry the name of our saviour in the ears of believers.  He has made many to believe that the integrity and authenticity of the scriptures have been tainted so much so by what they call 'the white man's religion' that now GOD needs man to keep up the integrity of HIS WORD.


When man attempts to do this of his own strength and volition, it no longer is of faith that we are saved, but then of works.

I would beware of anyone who has hopped on the Yahweh/Yeshua train in the guise of being on a spiritual journey.  Most are on this train really not knowing of its destination, or its origins.

They just recognize it as trendy.  They see others embracing things, teachings, using certain cliches and terminologies, and never bother to question or research to find out why it is they believe what they believe or practice what they practice.

Some key points before I close:





Black Christians Need to Beware of Cult...Part 1

You all have heard of the Black Hebrew Israelites.  We all have.  Who are they, and where did they originate?

Well, innocently enough, this movement was borne out of a desire to know a race or culture of one's own identity.  In the midst of racism and slavery, an entire race of people sought to seek out their heritage, which is in and of itself not a crime neither a sin.

The following is an excerpt from a popular Black Hebrew Israelite website:

"In scripture the children of Israel are prophesy to lose the knowledge of who they really are. This is also part of our punishment, for disobeying the most high. If a people lose the knowledge of who they are, they have lost the knowledge of their Nationality, History and Heritage. A people without a History is a people that doesn't exist.

Since coming to the United States, we have been called by many different names in reference to our nationality.

We are the only group in this country that this has happen to. Presently we are Known as African-Americans, from Afro Americans, from Negroes, before that we were Colored and so on. This is madness...

"This very thing has happen to us here in North America, we are the only people who were not allowed to practice our original culture, etc. upon our arrival. This is one of the main reasons why we don't know who we really are today. ..."

"In verse 3 of Psalm 83 Israel is referred to as the 'HIDDEN' ones. Hidden means secret, and this is why the truth that I am presenting to you today is called 'The World Best Kept Secret', it's a secret about the identity of true Israel. But at the same time this verse says that our enemies consulted to take away our nationality/ identity...."

The Black Hebrew Israelite can be those who simply desire to get closer to God and believe doing so means embracing what they call their 'hebraic roots'- and using scripture to do so-to the radical, in-your-face street preacher-who consider themselves prophets-who hurl insults and hate language at passerbys all day long on the street corner of any urban area.  And everything and everyone in between.

Marcus Garvey is one of the earliest examples of one who considered himself a direct descendant of Israel, or one of the chosen people described in the Word of God.  He was one of the first leaders who embraced and taught Back-to-Africa movements (better known as Black Nationalism).  He was from Jamaica and had a major impact on modern-day religion that was geared towards black racial pride, ranging from the Nation of Islam to the Rastafarian religion.

Not to say that this cult (which is what they are) was borne simply at the turn of last century, post slavery.  There have been many cultures (mostly Jewish) that embraced and followed a Judaic (or of the law, strictly of the Old Testament) brand of worship and ministry.  Judaism is still practiced in many countries to this day.

Even though we are at the end of the church age-and scripture itself even prophesied it-there are still people who have had a really difficult time cutting ties with religion, temple worship, Judaism, and levitical priesthood.

John 4:19-21, 23-26

The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

There has been a movement in the past 20 years or so of 'Black Hebrew Israelites' to go back to Israel, instead of Africa, as introduced by Garvey.  And as recent as 2010, Israel has accepted black hebrews into their  land, recognizing them as harmless and peace-abiding.

But as with all belief systems, there are dangerous, cult-like, even criminal offshoots of this movement, that targets African-Americans disgruntled with society, with the organized church system, with their lack of knowledge of their own heritage and history. So they use that as 'bait' to catch many an unsuspecting seeker of truth to be recruited amongst their ranks.

The people who are most susceptible to being recruited into this cult range anywhere from the harmless preachers disgruntled with the organized Christian church to murderers and child abusers who reign out of fear and violence over their followers.

They seek out and disciple black men, in particular.

Many mistake the BHI for the Nation of Islam, but the BHI vehemently dismisses that the Honorable Elijah Mohammed is their saviour, as the Nation of Islam believes.

The BHI do believe in Jesus, a false Jesus, nonetheless.  They call him Yeshua, who is only another mask of Jesus Immanuel Sananda.
And they call God, Yah, Yahweh, or Abba.

A lot of people see the BHI as harmless to be ignored.  I beg to differ.

This is a dangerous cult, one that has several 'communities' dispersed throughout this country, much like the Amish ones.  Except that within their communities and compounds, it is anything but peace-loving or law-abiding!

Some of the BHI are criminals, and have even committed murder...as well as attempted murder.

In a case that shocked the nation, BHI cult leader Peter Moses of Durham, N.C., was convicted of murdering two people, including a 5-year-old boy who he thought was gay in 2010.

This was the most well-known criminal case within a BHI community to date.

But do believe that-just like there is abuse, rape, incest and even murder within the so-called institutional church system-that the same injustices, crimes, abuse, persecution, deception and corruption that is publicized and sometimes overemphasized in the media goes on within the Black Hebrew Israelite community!

We just don't hear about it.  Why?

Many BHI fellowships are underground entities, believing that the current societal, religious and governmental systems in place in this country are in a conspiracy, of sorts, against their existence.

This is the reason for the rise in BHI communities, fellowships and organizations throughout the United States.

The Black Hebrew Israelites hold to certain belief systems, in addition to traditional Judaistic doctrines, including:

1) Tracing their geneology back to the 12 tribes of Israel

They believe that most of the minority races existing today can be traced back to the original tribes of Israel.
Ruben = Seminole Indians (Muskogee).
Simeon = Dominicans of Hispanola.
Levi = Haitians.
Judah = African-Americans.
Dan = Cubans.
Naphtali = Argentineans & Chileans.
Gad = Native Americans.
Asher = Incas.
Issachar = Aztec Indians and other Mexicans.
Zebulon = Mayan Indians and other inhabitants of countries from Guatemala to Panama.
Ephraim & Manasseh = Taino & Boriqua Indians and other Puerto Ricans
Benjamin = Carribe, Cibao, Arrowack, and other inhabitants of Guyana and the West Indies.

2) BHI believe that Israel taken into Egyptian and Babylonian captivity in the Word of God was prophetic of the blacks being taken into slavery in this country.  They believe that all the curses in Deuteronomy 28 were meant for the African-American peoples.

3) BHI are either overtly or covertly oppressive of women (and children) in their community.  

Speaking as a woman who was engaged to a BHI-as well as having seen the treatment (or should I say mistreatment) of the women and children within this community, I can attest to the fact that the men within this cult system are not only oppressive of 'their women,' but that they outright abuse them.  Much like what went on with Jim Jones' Peoples' Temple and their movement in Guyana, women and children are viewed as property.  The trick is that they do not show their true colors right away when trapping unsuspecting women into their cults.  They start out wining and dining them.  Calling them sisters and queens, or 'achoti' or 'malcah' in hebrew.

They seek out strong women are some even practice polygamy.  They will 'marry' more than one woman; some men (who call themselves 'apostles' or 'shalachs' within the BHI) have been known to marry as many as 5 or 6 women in different states, to set up 'ministry' in that state..or just another shootoff of their BHI belief systems.

Many of these men will let a woman head up the ministry in a particular region, while he goes off and marries another woman in another state in hopes of developing a franchise (if you will) of BHI settlements throughout the country.

But within the system, many women are beat, raped, and attacked often when they do not comply or 'submit' to the so-called leadership of their 'husband' or 'leader.'

Much like what happened with Jim Jones...

I have even heard of BHI communities where the child labor laws are ignored and children are put to work in fields-in THIS country-to support these cults.

And the sad part is that many women who have been caught up in the web of deceit and lies are afraid or too ashamed to come out of it, so they stay and subject themselves AND their children to abuse, neglect, spiritual exploitation and a host of other injustices within the BHI.

4)  Those entrapped within the BHI will push racial pride-even to the point of putting down other races.

BHIers are very racially conscious.  Now, there is nothing wrong with embracing one's culture, neither of being accepting of who you are.  Some BHI congregations don't allow ppl other races into their services!  But you venture off into sin when you start idolizing your culture, your race, your ethnicity...and NOT worshipping JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.  OR trying to conform Jesus Christ into an image that you can more readily accept, in other words, conforming HIM to please YOUR flesh, instead of KILLING YOUR FLESH, dying to who you are or you THINK you are-or who you believe YOU WERE, and conforming to the Image of Jesus Christ clearly spelled out in the Word of God.

What BHIers have done is allowed a religious demon to make them believe a lie, or make them so focused on race, on sex (or the flesh), and if Jesus was a black man or not, if the Israelites were black, or hispanic, or cuban, or whatever...that they have FORGOTTEN what the scripture says that there is neither male NOR female, Greek or Jew, nor bond OR free...in Galatians 3:28!

Now, I want to stop right there!


Do you know what that means to me????

YES, let's go there.  YES, slavery happened.  CAPTIVITY happened.  I LOVE THE WORD OF GOD because you see GOD foresaw that man would harp on the injustices they suffered, one of them being slavery, captivity.   Just like BHIers harp on slavery, some Jews hard on being in captivity, etc., GOD said ONCE YOU PUT ON CHRIST JESUS, YOU ARE NO LONGER YOUR HISTORY!!!!!!! 




We all have a past.  We all come with baggage.  But Christ said HIS YOKE IS EASY, HIS BURDEN IS LIGHT!  So LIGHT PACKING is what is needed for this journey!!!!

I'm not saying you wont remember what you have been through.  I am saying when you have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb, it wont hurt anymore!

And when you share your testimony, that anger is not there.  That bitterness, that rage...so prevalent within the speech, the demeanor, the delivery of BHIer preachers, SIMPLY IS NOT THERE!

The enemy's job is to keep you stuck in your past.

If you are NOT aware of that, then the enemy has done his job in stealing your identity.  And once the enemy can steal your identity, he can then replace it with his identity, his lies.

And that is exactly what he has done with this BHI movement!

Know your history.  Remember and share your testimony, as the Spirit of God leads you to.

But it shouldn't sting when you do.  If it does, you have not been healed...
Stay tuned for Part 2

Your Next Preaching 'Gig' May Be a Set Up from the Enemy...

This sounded innocent enough:  church folks were on an annual missionary trip to the Holy Land on Friday.

Since filming the above video, the hostages have since been released.

As you remember, in 2011, Egypt was the home of riots, bedlam, and chaos.

I titled this 'Your Next Preaching 'Gig' May Be a Set Up from the enemy...' because back in 2010, I was given an invitation to come out to Egypt to preach and fellowship with a group of 'believers.'  They were going to let me stay in their home (the pastor and wife) and it was supposed to be more of a revival than a one or two night thing.

I never felt easy in my spirit, neither did I believe God wanted me to go to Egypt.  (Anyone who knows me knows I am not a fearful person and love to opportunity to travel and go to other countries.)

I can openly say that the pastor who invited me there was almost pressuring me, insisting that my coming to Egypt was 'the will of God' and 'my destiny.'

I never got that witness in MY spirit.

So I told them NO.

I mean when you really think about it, its quite amazing.

A pastor and congregants go on your run-of-the-mill Holy Land Tour and are kidnapped.  It has been learned that in Egypt, there has been a rise of kidnappings of tourists and visitors there since the riots.
And then there were the riots themselves...

Its all water under the bridge now.  And I now know that had I been driven by ambition and a lust to be behind a pulpit, or to have a preaching revival in Egypt on my ministerial 'resume,' that I may not be here today.

I recognize that that whole trip was a set up from the enemy!

What would have happened had I went to Egypt????

The religious demon had a trap set up for me, for sure!

Now, somebody is saying, 'Oh, no!  You shouldn't look at it like that.  God may have wanted to use you over there. '

That is a lie.

I share this with you all to try and help someone.

You have been seeking 'promotion,' 'acceptance,' and looking for opportunity forever.  And many so called 'opportunities' have presented themselves to you.

You don't know if its God or the enemy.

I am here to tell you...the enemy WILL send you opportunities...YES, EVEN PREACHING, SINGING, and MINISTERIAL opportunities!

IT IS A SET UP!!!!!!



The Art of Seduction

I want you to take a close look at this picture.

In the background, is the institutional church.  Grandiose.  Majestic.  Stately.  Beautiful.

To the forefront is a couple, seducing one another, yet in chains.  In bondage.  They are not aware that they are in bondage because they are all caught up in the moment.  In the throes of passion.  Ecstasy.

Or an altered state of consciousness....

Awake, yet asleep...

Romans 13:11
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

When we hear the word seduction today, we automatically see a picture in our minds of the couple embedded in the above picture.  We automatically think of two people being seduced into forbidden sexual behavior, or, at the very least, sexual behavior.

When the Word of God speaks of seducing spirits in 1 Timothy 4:1, we automatically assume that the Word is talking about spirits that tempt one to have sex outside of the confines of marriage or other illicit sexual behavior.

Read the text:

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

The greek word for seducing here is 'planos,' which means 'wandering, roving, misleading, leading into error, impostor, corrupter, deceiver.'

It speaks of nothing sexual in its proper context.

The modern definition only serves further to perpetuate the improper defining and perception of the the word 'seduction' as well:

From Wikipedia:
"Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in sexual behavior."
"Seduction involves temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to lead someone astray into a behavioral choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of sexual arousal."


Hear with your spiritual ear...

The enemy CAN and DOES seduce (entice, arouse, tempt) people, but not just sexually to do the wrong thing in the natural.  NO!  That is just to introduce to you what it feels like to be seduced.

Not to be too graphic, but if you have ever been seduced into sex-especially illicit, illegal sex-it is an intoxicating, overwhelming sensation.  It can be a form of escapism from whatever hell (or even boredom) you have going on in your life at the moment.

B.J. Thomas is a famous singer from the 60s.  In the year I was born, he came out with this song 'Hooked On A Feeling.'

The enemy has millions of people 'hooked on a feeling,' so to speak.

That same feeling, that same exhilaration, that same sense of escapism one gets when having sex has been duplicated, per se, in the organized church system.  It has been re-packaged to appear to be holy, appear to be God, appear to be divine.  And because the deception has been borne in the spirit realm, and everybody believes EVERYTHING borne in the spirit realm IS of God, NO ONE is properly discerning seducing spirits...in the pulpit, in concert, in conferences, in revivals, on popular so called christian programming on TV, at altars, in private prayer meetings, dancing down the aisles, running around the church, speaking in tongues, falling all out under the pews, running and riffing up the ying yang, 'prophesying,' teaching and preaching........

They are believing all of this is God, when it is nothing more than a SEDUCING SPIRIT deceiving the masses!!!!!

This is the Art of Seduction that the enemy has cleverly mastered!

He has tantalized your flesh, your senses (that includes your ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell), your soul, your will, your emotions, even your body....RIGHT there in the middle of church services!
And you have mistaken it all for a move of God....

I do not believe it is a mistake of all the sexual sin that has plagued the I.C.

It is only a manifestation of all the spiritual seducing that is going on within the institutional church.
Spirits of religion are praying folks back into church (or attempting to anyways).  Speaking in tongues over them (not realizing they are speaking curses over the very people they claim to be praying FOR!)

Just like a lover/temptress entices her prey..."Oh, don't you miss my touch?  My scent?  My curves?  How I make you feel???"

The spirit of religion beckons, calls you...
"Oh, don't  you miss the choir?  The praise and worship team?  Don't you miss that FEELING you get when you walk up in the House of God?  Don't you want to 'come home?'"

The spirit of pride and ambition calls some...
"The anointing on your life is SO great!  The masses GOT to hear it!  And the only way they will hear it is if you are in the church.  And get up under a covering.  Get the right connections.  You are out here and no one's listening to you.  You need to go back to church and get back in that pulpit!  YOU are called to the nations!"

The spirit of rejection and loneliness coos in...
"Aren't you tired of being alone?  Don't you miss the fellowship?  Oh, how nice it would be if you were back in fellowship with some of your church friends (who haven't spoken to you since you left church, btw!)  If you would only go back to church, you would get your friends back.  That's walking in 'real love.'"

And all these evil spirits are working together to SEDUCE you into sleeping with the Harlot Church....again!

Much like the temptress seduces her man.

The spirit of religion is on the prowl, has the hots for you!  It is insatiable!  It won't be satisfied til she GOT YOU!!!!!

Her very bowels-the institutional church's 'womb'-yearns and craves for YOUR SOUL!

She wants so bad to birth something ELSE.  So she keeps trying to 'sleep' with you, to get you to 'impregnate' her.

(Funny how within the I.C. , they are ALWAYS trying to 'birth' some thing 'new!')

If something is birthed OF GOD, it does NOT have to be new.  The ONLY thing that should be craved to be birthed is THE BORN AGAIN SOUL!!!!  Anything else is of the devil!

The I.C. gains her strength through you.

Every time you go back, you are making her seducing power over you and those around you even stronger!

The spirit of religion-THE HARLOT CHURCH-is the most powerful seductress, the most enticing temptress-of them all!

But you have power over the enemy!

Walk away from her, and never, EVER look back.


Who Introduced the Prosperity Gospel to the Church?

As early as the late 1940s, a pentecostal preacher named Granville Oral Roberts began teaching on seed faith and prosperity.  In 1947, another pentecostal preacher name Asa Alonso Allen went to one of Roberts' tent meetings and was so intrigued by what he heard there that he went home and preached it to his Assemblies of God church in Texas.

A.A. Allen later left the the AOG and started holding tent meetings.

In this message below, A.A. Allen gives a brief 'testimony' of how his 'ministry' blessed an older black couple:

I don't think I have ever been more disgusted and nauseated at this erroneous doctrine than now.  Now, that I have realized just how long the enemy has entrenched and infiltrated this poison into the lives of so many.

What better time to introduce the gospel of prosperity?  When the country was trying to recover for the Great Depression of the 1940s?  When most Americans were trying to obtain the American dream...a white picket fence around 3.5 bedrooms, dog in the yard?  When most Americans had a hard work ethic and working hard was rewarded?

And whats even more nauseating is that he targeted black people in this message, in particular.

Who else eats 'pigs feet, neckbones, and hammocks' but black folks????

Black people in this era were particularly vulnerable.

Black folks think they are poor now?  Only 50 to 60 years post-Emancipation Proclamation, blacks were still struggling to gain civil rights.  They were severely oppressed in every way, including financially.

Especially financially.

Allen realized this, and he capitalized off of their vulnerability.

How many black people in the 50s and 60s were riding around in Cadillacs?  If you were not singing or dancing, and were black, you did not have a cadillac.

And just how the enemy used the vulnerability of the oppressed then, so is he doing it today.

Here, during the recession, EVERYBODY is being oppressed now.  Everybody who does not have a six or seven figure salary.  Even some with a six figure salary are having to pinch pennies.

So now the provocateurs of the prosperity gospel are in full swing.

And now this doctrine is being taught everywhere!

I have said it plenty of times and have been accused of being a 'hater.'  But I will repeat it:

Just because someone is famous and well-liked does not mean you should accept what they teach or preach as written in stone, from the throne room of GOD HIMSELF.

This here is a classic example of error being taught through very popular preachers.  And no one questioned it.

It was accepted b/c of the supernatural signs that occurred with the teaching.  Because of the likability of the preachers.  Because of their popularity.

It is time to wake up!

Do not accept false doctrine...NO MATTER WHO TEACHES IT!!!!!

The above is a cover from a magazine A.A. Allen ministries published in the 1950s and 1960s.  Cadillacs for Preachers.  This sense of entitlement and covetousness was introduced before many of us were born.  It is a diabolical, demonic, false doctrine that exploits the very people it is supposed to help.

Look at the video above and tell me it doesn't look like one of these programs we see air often on BET????

It is TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!!