Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Religious Spirits 201

I know you have heard a lot of talk on religious spirits.  If you are new to church (as we know it), or if  you've been in church for over 40 years, this term may baffle you because you have been taught that - as the song goes 'Religion SO sweet...'

We all have been lulled into a semi- or fully-delusional state where we are drugged into believing something we know deep down inside 'just isn't right.'  We just went to church and went along with the programs to get along.  We didn't want to rock the boat, so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled 'rebellious,' 'unfaithful,' 'unteachable,' or a host of other names leadership likes to place on thinking people who were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know game when they see it.

Yet even the most discerning, the most wise, the most street-wise of us check our brains in at the door of a church once we enter therein.  We erroneously think that we are NOT supposed to use the wisdom and common sense GOD HIMSELF has blessed us with once we walk through the doors of a church.

We erroneously believe that God does NOT deal with our minds at all.  So any inkling deep down in our guts and minds that game is being played we suppress that, thinking that it's the devil trying to get us 'out of the ship.'

How do we properly discern a Religious Spirit?

Well, for starters, I want to present to you that after we are born again, we should not check in our brains at the door.  EVERYTHING that God has allowed you to learn-whether it was via books and a teacher, or on the streets, or by life experience-EVERYTHING has been allowed to happen in your life so that you can LEARN A LESSON from it.  The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  We have to learn to not have any regrets...even over mistakes.

Human beings are learning creatures.  From the moment we are born into the earth, until the hour we breathe our last breath, we are supposed to be in a CONSTANT state of learning, and probably re-learning, too.

If your gut tells you something ain't right, then TRUST YOUR INSTINCT!

A religious spirit knows how to look holy, righteous.  Just by first glance, you can't tell the difference between a holy person and a religious one.  They will look just like the woman above.

But as time goes on, and you start spending time with that person, you will start to notice inconsistencies.  Certain things just wouldn't line up.  You will start seeing glaring imperfections and brazen outright sin in their lives...but the more those weeds in their lives manifest, the more they try to COVER IT UP with works of righteousness, more church work, more random acts of kindness to strangers, more religious works.

The more works of religion and righteousness they do, you will begin to notice that their life does not line up with the Word of God.  They will sin and not be convicted of it.  They will not respond to the conviction of the Holy Ghost of sin and justify sin, or be in outright denial about their sinful state.  And the more they do this, the more active they get in the church.

They do more 'church work,' hold more revivals, conferences, and convocations, preach harder, prophesy harder...all in an effort to gain their OWN righteousness, to atone for their sins on their own.  Their mindset is 'If I stay in church enough, that will make up for my fornicating last night,' or 'If I do A & B, then that will make up for my dealing drugs at that school...'

The demon starts to manifest by then.  And it looks a little something like this:

By now, the church lady is cussing, drinking, smoking, lying, threatening to cut folks.  When she goes to church, she has her hands upraised.  Praising God, speaking in tongues, running around the church, preaching....the whole nine.  But when you see her in situations that require her to have patience, she has none.  This religious spirit has NO patience.  It wants what it wants, when it wants it!  They gotta preach...NOW!  They gotta prophesy....NOW!  They gotta get married...NOW!  You wanna see if someone has a religious spirit, tell them NO...or WAIT.  If they go off in a tantrum, then you got a religious spirit on your hands!

A religious spirit also is very unaware of the very real fact that they are, too, flawed individuals...with sin.  They swim in a pool of SELF-DENIAL.  They are in self-denial about EVERYTHING.  But the one thing they are in self-denial about is the state of their own selves.

A religious spirit is a potentially dangerous spirit, for there is nothing-NOTHING-a religious spirit WON'T do to protect THEIR IMAGE!  THEIR IMAGE IS EVERYTHING TO THEM!!!  They don't believe in self-exposure or disclosure.  When they fall into sin, drastic measures are taken to COVER UP their sin.  If the religious spirit is a pastor, he/she will employ the help of the church to participate in the cover up.  They will use fear tactics and mishandle the Word of God to manipulate and control people into doing what THEY want them to do.

A religious spirit NEEDS an entourage.  They need a following.  If they dont have anyone following them, they feel useless, rejected, persecuted even.  This is when a religious spirit-that demonic spirit-will FULLY manifest....right before your eyes!
A religious spirit is a proud one.  It won't ever admit to being wrong, or doing wrong.

When you have discerned that you are dealing with a religious spirit, the only thing to do is to get away from them.  Because until the person comes into the realization and revelation that they have something DEMONIC that's driving them to do things in church, or do ministry, or for a good cause, there is nothing that can be done for them.  Religious spirits are SO insidious and subtle that its hard to recognize....at first glance.  It takes TIME to observe a person in all their various atmospheres to determine if they have a religious spirit or not.

False Conversions - No More ISHMAELS, Part 2

By Wenona Russ
Now, I will say this:  the birthing of a GOD GIVEN, GOD ORDAINED thing, whether it be a ministry, a child, a marriage, a business, a dream, a vision, etc...whatever it is....IS NOT A BAD THING!  The Word of God says the people PERISH w/o a vision!
But when u start getting into birthing things that GOD DID NOT SAY TO BIRTH, you are going off into dangerous, rebellious territory.  B/c WHATEVER is not BORN OF GOD IS BORN OF THE DEVIL!!!!!  NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!!!!!
The desire to birth a thing falls into sin when GOD DID NOT TELL YOU TO DO IT.  Period.
The best protection against this deception is to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!  Learn to hear from the Lord for yourself.  HE WILL let you know if He is pleased with what ur doing or not!
I don't care if the most popular of preachers encourage you to do it.  I have heard such preachers as TD Jakes, Juanita Bynum and Cindy Trimm talk of birthing things...in the Spirit.  I have heard of them speaking of spiritual stimulation and impartation.  This is nothing more than sensual, soulish, and even demonic and should NOT be entertained!  It does not matter WHO teaches it, if it cannot be supported by scripture or goes AGAINST it, it must be refuted.
There are so many Ishmaels running around today...Ishmaelite ministries, marriages, literal Ishmael children!  Its tight, but ITS RIGHT!  Things and people GOD did not ordain to be in the earth.
Now, its not to say Ishmael is not, won't be, blessed.  Of course, they will.  BUT they will be blessed, empowered-eventually-to go AGAINST the Spirit of God and the will and plan of God.  It was not, IS NOT, the will of God that we have to deal with the Iraqi war.  Look at all the ppl who have died as a result of this war.  Why?  B/c 1000s of years ago, Abraham couldn't WAIT ON THE LORD for His promise...he had 'to help God out.'
Now, God is still God.  He is still on the throne.  He will grant victory.  BUT LOOK AT WHAT COST!
Had Abraham kept his pants on-if he had any-there would be no war over there right now.  9-11 would have never happened!
When the sons of men slept with the women after the flood....they created giants (Ishmaels) who terrorized the land.  Much sin was wrought in the earth.  I honestly believe THIS is when homosexuality was introduced into the earth.  Hence, Sodom and Gomorrah....
Now, I know.  Someone is gonna say...'How could a birth of a child EVER be wrong?'
When it was NOT in the will of GOD for that child to be conceived in the first place!  THATS HOW!!!
Ishmael was NOT supposed to be born, or conceived.  But he was, by folks who said they knew God, too.
Don't tell me saved folks don't birth things illegitimately!  It happens more times than we like to mention!
Translate that to mean, also...'DON"T HAVE NO BABIES WITH THEM, EITHER!"
Ministerially speaking, don't start ministries, fellowship with, partner with, ANYONE who you KNOW is an unbeliever.  I don't care if Apostle, Prophet, Chief Prelate of whatever, Pastor, or Evangelist is in front of their name.  The DEVIL got his five fold, too!  WHY?  TO ILLEGITIMATELY BIRTH MINISTRY-DEMONIC MINISTRY-IN THE SPIRIT AND THE NATURAL.
God is FOR giving birth...but ONLY to what HE HAS ORDAINED.
Now there IS mercy for those of us who have birthed Ishmaels, and I believe we all have.  But do know that some of the very trials, tribulations and adversities that we seek prayer and intercession for ON A CONSISTENT BASIS were NOT initiated or ordained to take place in our lives.  These things we go thru were not the destinies God had in mind for us.  But we bring them on ourselves as a result of our sin.  Abraham had to forever deal with the separation from his own flesh and blood b/c of his disobedience.  And I am sure he had NO idea that his precious little Ishmael would grow up to birth a nation of ppl that would forever be at war with HIS ppl!
We bring trouble on ourselves in our own disobedience, impatience and rebellion. God is there to help...but how much greater reward is it if instead of taking all that time, energy, anointing and applying it to the original assignments GOD ordained for us to complete instead of trying to FIX problems/Ishmaels WE birthed into this realm?   But do know that even in mercy, there is a price to pay for disobedience.
We truly reap what we sow....
Please take heed.  THIS IS REAL!  The enemy is not gonna came at some of us with crack, or Hypnotiq or perversion.  Some of us he is gonna get with false ministry gifts, false five fold, false anointings coming to us and presenting themselves like they are the real thing.
God Bless and Shalom!
Want to make sure you have a true conversion, a legitimate birthing, in ministry?  Get a copy of
to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

False Conversions - No more ISHMAELS! Part 1

By Wenona Russ
For the past few days, the Lord has been dealing with me heavily about Ishmaels.  Those things that we tend to birth thru our flesh b/c we find it SO hard to wait on the Lord.
It is in the nature of a woman-in particular-to want to birth a thing.  Men, too.  But for different reasons:  women love the idea of birthing something, anything, b/c it makes them feel more productive.  It gives her a sense of purpose and fulfillment unlike any other thing a woman can do.  This is why there are teenage pregnancies and what not...that girl wants something to love, to cherish, to nurture, to bring up...b/c it gives her a sense of PURPOSE.  Something to love.
So whether she is ready or prepared for it or not, she gets pregnant.
As it is in the natural, so it is in the SPIRIT.
A female wants to feel like she can nurture something.  So she will hook herself up with someone who SHE KNOWS is not of God b/c she feels like she is anointed enough, powerful enough, on it in the Spirit enough to nurture and love that thing to perfection!  Whether it be a ministry, a husband, a child, a business...whatever.
ILLEGITIMATE BIRTHS in the spirit....
For the man, a man gets a sense of accomplishment when he procreates.  He is made to feel like he is virile, powerful, and EVERY man wants a seed in the earth that will outlast him.  God created the man like that....that desire to procreate IS a godly thing....God PUT that in the man.
The problem arises when the man is OUTSIDE OF THE WILL OF GOD...and yet still wants to procreate.
It is when a man is not ready for the responsibility when the problem arises....
As it is in the natural, so it is in the spirit....
A man who knows he is anointed by God, but IS NOT READY for ministry will seek illegitimate means to support his ministry.  He will go thru great lengths-most of them ungodly ones-to 'birth' a ministry.
The following are some thoughts God dropped in my spirit regarding ILLEGITIMATE BIRTHS....
"That devil KNOWS a MAN and another MAN cannot reproduce, and that IS the #1 agenda of the enemy. To reproduce after HIS OWN KIND...
So whether it presents itself in the form of a homosexual or a partner in ministry, that spirit will SEEK OUT THE WOMB-whether natural OR spiritual-of A WOMAN so that it can properly reproduce after its own kind!!!!! LADIES, BEWARE!!!!! When a man seeks out a woman to 'help out in the ministry...' He knows he cannot do anything-i.e., have a baby, have a well rounded ministry, a legitimate one-without the natural OR spiritual womb OF A WOMAN. BE PRAYERFUL!"
"And Im NOT just talking about PHYSICAL reproduction-Im talking about SPIRITUAL reproduction as well! Why do you think all these illegitimate ministries are being birthed? Illegal, illegitimate spiritual intercourse & impartation, conception - then birthing!"
"It started with illegitimate STIMULATION-they flatter you telling you how anointed you are, they want to take you under their wings to cultivate the anointing in you-as if THEY harvested the anointing themselves! ILLEGITIMATE STIMULATION!"
"Some so called 'men of God' will link up with you NOT for the $$$, ur anointing, legitimacy in ministry, etc, but b/c they want to have a child with you!"
"OH LORD! I know Im gonna get it for this. But I am about to EXPOSE that devil and ALL his plots and schemes! A couple got married-a 'man of God' and a lady I know, and when I heard about it, the spirit of the Lord told me 'he is only marrying her to have a child with her....' I was like WHOA!!!! Didn't give it a 2nd thought!"
"You see, ladies, what we're dealing with IS A SPIRIT. And this spirit mimics the Spirit of GOD. Just like God wants us to 'be fruitful and multiply,' so does this evil spirit seek to 'be fruitful & multiply!' Some of these so called men of God KNOW they are on their way to a burning hell, and want a 'seed' in the earth to continue the mission that they are on. One case in point is that HOMOSEXUAL spirit. We all get up in arms about how the homosexual agenda is spreading like wildfire thru every aspect of society. Well, this is why same sex marriages are becoming legalized. This is why now it is easier for a same sex couple to adopt than it EVER was. But ALSO there are HOMOSEXUALS that are actually procreating with women to re-populate the earth with MORE homosexuals. YES, ITS TRUE!"
Nothing but FALSE CONVERSIONS in the spirit!
"You say, how is that possible? Well, think about it: look in the church. It seems like there are MORE homosexual leaders now more than ever...but they came from SOMEWHERE! The likes of James Cleveland and Walter Hawkins and others in the church married, procreated with women, and birthed a whole new species of gay and lesbian offspring. So all these ppl who are struggling with their sexuality were birthed from corrupted seed, undelivered seed. And NO ONE in the church confronted the sin. Our grandparents and parents KNEW this was going on in the church! But NO ONE dealt with it. And sin that is not dealt with GROWS. Look at what happened to the artist formerly known as Tonex. He was molested by those in church as a child-IN AN APOSTOLIC CHURCH! And NO ONE dealt with it. But now everyone wants to bash him...YET NO ONE tried to help him when he was a child. They just let this stuff continue in the church..."
"The enemy will constantly seek to birth thru ur womb, spiritual or natural seed. Ministries. Children-natural and spiritual. Businesses. ANYTHING! PROTECT UR ANOINTING!"
"In this society, childbearing and having kids has become idolized...hence, all these shows showing women in the delivery room and what not. Folks are actually worshipping the act of childbearing. And religious folks or spiritually blind folks cannot see what the enemy is doing....he is shutting the wombs of the righteous by getting the righteous to procreate with the 'sons of men.' NOT the sons of GOD! So every birth of a child is supposed to be blessed,according to the religious. But those of us who are spiritual know better. Do yall remember that movie 'The Omen?' There are some children who GOD did NOT ordain to be here...the DEVIL did. The devil seeks to procreate JUST like GOD does. That is one thing the enemy covets, possibly even more than the anointing he once had! So now since he see he cannot get the anointing back, he seeks a legal entryway into the earth realm BY WAY OF THE WOMB OF A WOMAN! That way the position and assignment THAT DEMON cannot fulfill, HIS CHILD WILL! MY GOD! GRASP THIS IN THE SPIRIT!"
Stay tuned for Part 2 of 'False Conversions - No more ISHMAELS!
Want to learn more about ministry?  Check out my new eBook:
to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

Falling In Love With Jesus...

I remember singing this song right before a sermon in 2005, right before Katrina.  This song became the basis for a 'cliche' that we hear many in church say and proclaim like it is normal.

"Falling In Love with Jesus
 Falling In Love with Jesus
 Falling in Love with Jesus is the best thing I've ever done..."

I think I can safely inform you that 'falling in love with Jesus' is a dangerous thing.

"What?"  I know what you are saying.  "How could falling in love with Jesus be a bad thing?"

Ok, to recap, the whole phrase and mindset of 'falling in love' is a gross misonomer.  It leads to making lifelong decisions based upon an emotional high, a delusion.  I have seen many people 'fall in love' and lose their lives, either naturally, or spiritually.

Remember, 'falling in love' means that we blindly jump heart-first into a relationship or alliance with someone who has not been proven or tested.  We fail to guard our hearts with ALL diligence, as the Word admonishes us to.

MANY people go to church, seeking after God.  The preacher preaches them happy, then tells them to walk down the aisle, shake their hand, and 'accept Jesus into their hearts.'

Then they are told they are born again, they are saved.  That they are 'in relationship' with Jesus.

They haven't sought God on their own.  They haven't prayed.  They haven't cracked open the Word to study to show THEMSELVES approved.

They just blindly-and prematurely-accepted the preacher's spiritual assessment of themselves.

My question to you all that walked down the aisle is this:

WHAT Jesus did you enter into relationship with?

What's His name?

What does He look like?

How do you KNOW He loves you?  What did He do for you?  Do you KNOW?

Did you repent of your sins?  Were you EVER told that you had to?

What do you know about THE CROSS?  The Resurrection?

Or did you merely get saved based upon what a preacher told you to repeat?

If you did, you got in relationship with the FAKE JESUS!

YES!  There is a REAL Jesus Christ of Nazareth...AND a FAKE ONE!

The fake Jesus' name is Jesus Immanuel Sananda.  This is what he looks like:

The Word of God tells us that the devil can transform himself into an angel of light.  Jesus Immanuel Sananda is a fallen angel that seeks the love, adoration, praise, worship and devotion of the masses, much like Lucifer coveted after the worship of the angels in heaven.

This picture of 'Jesus' is in millions of churches, homes, as well as other paraphanelia across the WORLD. Many pray to the pictures, or whatever this image is affixed to, thinking that they are praying to the real Jesus.

Many are 'in love' with THIS jesus...but they think they are 'in love' with the REAL Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It's not their faults.  Just like many blindly fall in love with their mates, their boyfriends and girlfriends, without knowing the full details, without trying the spirits to see if they be of God, without doing a thorough background search, without withstanding the test of time....MANY people jump heart-first into a 'relationship' with a jesus they BARELY know!

Everything is hunky dorey, at first.

  In Love with a Personwalks in the parks
holding handsspending all their time together
much gift giving
hasty, rush-rush marriages
will stay in abusive situations
  In Love with the fake Jesusfaithful church attendance
loyalty to pastor/churchhours in fasting/prayer
sowing 1000s of dollars into ministry
hasty decisions to enter into ministry
will stay in abusive churches

But as time passes along, the beautiful fake Jesus they allowed to 'impregnate' them with a vision, a dream, a ministry, etc., starts to morph into something ugly, grotesque, demonic, much like the transition a woman trapped in an abusive marriage sees. How she watches as the man she loves and gave herself to on their wedding day turn into a monster who beats her almost every day.  Who mocks and laughs at her very existence...the very love he claimed to have had for her never really was...and now she realizes it...5, 10, 15 years into the marriage from hell.

By now, she feels trapped, even though she sees the dysfunction of her marriage.  Even though he brought home an STD to her, she stays.  Even though that evangelist saw the dysfunction of her ministry, she stays.

By now, the lady-who has caught her husband cheating on her more times than she can remember, she can barely remember when he said 'I do.'

Many in the organized church system are like abused women stuck in abusive marriages.  They feel like they have invested so much time, prayer and energy into their churches, their ministries...and plus they are ashamed to admit that they have been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, so they stay.  They fall for the lie of the enemy that keeps lying to them telling them that they should stay so they can intercede for their churches, their marriages....

All because they 'fell in love with A jesus...' and NOT the REAL Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Don't be so quick to give your hearts away....you NEVER know who you're giving it to!!!!!

Homosexuality and perversion in the pulpit? Part II

As I stated in my last note, there seems to be a rise in homosexuality in the pulpit, in the churches.  And we all need to ask ourselves why is this so?

I went into defining each category of sin mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.  It was a blessing to do it!

I also did it because we all have to look at ourselves as well.  Truth be told, those 'categories' of sin just about covers us ALL.  We ALL have been guilty of at least one of those sins.  So that leaves us all filthy as rags in the eyesight of God.

Be that as it may...the subject is why so much blatant homosexuality out here today?


We are living in the last days.  In the last days, the Word says that this would happen.

Just read Romans 1: 21-28:

21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

Now, I don't wanna get hard on the brothers.  I love you, I REALLY do!  But we have to take note of what's happening before our eyes here in the scriptures.  Now, in my last note when I defined the meanings of the sinners called Effeminate, Abusers of themselves with Mankind, Adulterers, Fornicators, I noticed something.

When looking up the Strong's Concordance meanings, I noticed that the women were not addressed in this definition, but the men.  I wondered why was this so; clearly, there are lesbians in the land.  There are female fornicators, adulterers.  But why not mention the women in these sins?

It took me back to Genesis, and the fall of man, that is referred to the fall of M.A.N., not the fall of man and woman.

Now, don't get mad with me.  But it seems to me that when the man sins...in particularly, against his own body or that of a woman's, then God does not address the sin of the woman...directly.  God comes after the MAN.  Now, I will admit, this is a hard saying.  I feel for you, brothers.  But I cannot change the scriptures, or the mind of God, no matter how bad I feel about it.

What I am trying to say is that God will punish the man MORE than the woman in these matters.  God will address the man and fault him for not taking his rightful place as the leader.  Just think about it:  if Adam hadn't eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and it was just Eve, do you all think that all of mankind would have suffered death?  If Adam had put his foot down and said, 'Woman, God told me not to do this. So even though I love you, I won't sin against God...'  I think that mankind could have stayed in paradise.  Eve would have repented, and all would be fine.

But it wasn't until the man sinned-then lied about it, that God pronounced judgment.  This speaks to the accountability of the man.

In Romans 1, if you read it...you will see that the first mention of this bent towards homosexuality and lesbianism starts off when people started hauling off into idolatry (Vs 23).  "And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things."

When we as the church start worshipping anything or anyone other than GOD, then we open ourselves up collectively to the spirit of whoredoms, homosexuality and perversion!

Just read your word!

When Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to meet God and get the 10 Commandments, the Israelites turned to idolatry, worshipping NOT GOD, but their golden calf.  The Word says when they had made themselves naked before this false god (Exo. 32:25), that was when Moses proclaimed 'Who is on the Lord's side?' in vs. 26.

Then Moses commanded the Levites to slay 'every man his brother, everyman his companion, every man his neighbor..' in vs. 27.  Brother here in the Greek is 'ach'  meaning 'brother of same parents; half-brother (same father).  Companion in the Greek is 'rea' meaning intimate friend of fellow.  Neighbor in the Greek means 'qarowb'  or a kinfolk.

Why does the Greek word for each of these slain not indicative or specific to females?  Surely females were in the this number of idolaters that worshipped the golden idol and were slain by Moses' command that day.  Just as Eve was surely guilty of disobeying God.

When we as a church, as believers, as leaders, allow idolatry in the house, we are opening the door to homosexuality and perversion to come into our houses.  

I'm so glad God led me to define the other sins in the previous lesson.  Because in order to understand the origins we have to study what led to the opening in the first place.

Once we allow idolatry (that is fed by covetousness) to come into our houses, and opened the door to that spirit in the Church, there was a lot of sexual immorality that came about as a result of this.  Men were sleeping with boys and men.  Women were sleeping with women.  Children were sleeping with each other.

Married folks started having open marriages, and single folks started having 'open relationships.'  I see that on ppl's statuses here on FB and now it makes me terrified to think about it!

We have allowed molestation, incest, fornication, homosexuality, sexual abuse, rape, date rape...the whole nine...to go on in the house of God.  And we as leaders have been afraid to ADDRESS THE ISSUES OPENLY!!!!!!

Now don't get it twisted:  this has been going on in our churches for generations!

Do we really think this just started happening in the past 40 years or so?  NO!  Sin-ALL sin-starts out as a seed.  Yes, we are born into sin, shapen in iniquity.  But, certain sins in order for them to take root have to be planted in our lives, in our hearts, in our spirits, from somewhere!

In the case of sexual sin, homosexuality and lesbianism, in particular, there is a seed that has been planted in the life of people who not only practice this lifestyle, but struggle with same sex attractions as well.

Please read a response to someone who asked me the very question in which these notes are based:


I think there are many factors as to why so many pastors have fallen with this spirit. I think the first reason, by far, is the rise of the availability of pornographic material. There is a spirit of perversion that is unleashed into the soul of one who watches porn. The images that are ingrained in the mind of a man (or woman) -and even children- for a long time, especially if they choose to participate in sexual activity while watching it.

I also believe another reason is that the spirit of perversion was introduced to many of these pastors when they were young, probably by other church leaders. They saw this as a normal part of life, in the church, and all the secrecy that can surround it, so no one said anything. People died who had been in the church preaching for 50 years, they probably molested some kids, and no one said anything, swept it under the rug.

So this surge in homosexual preachers coming out or falling is only fruit of covered up abuse from their childhoods. And covered up sin in their adult lives.

So to answer your question, I would say it would be the rise of child abuse and pornography is what is causing these homosexual tendencies in preachers. There are groups out here that support pedophilia, which is adults who prefer to have sex with children. And there is, of course, those who say nothing is wrong with porn.

You don't even have to go that far to see porn; the tv programs that come on during prime time are just another form of soft porn. So there is also a de-sensitization from overtly sexual programming on TV...I heard a statistic that says during a christian conference on any given day at your local hotel, more preachers look at porn than unbelievers. That's incredible!

Add to all of that the lack of sound teaching and deliverance in the church and the tendency to cover up wicked things...and you got a brew of sexual perversion on the rise in the church.

So there you have it.  We have opened the door to these spirits by practicing and teaching idolatry.  Along with the open door of idolatry, there are other contemporary issues-or rather issues that have grown throughout time-and practices we as the church have participated in to contribute to the rise of homosexuality and perversion in our pulpits.

Now.  Let's address some issues:

1)  Child abuse.
Ok.  Let's be real.  It is happening.  Sad to say, it is happening...and its happening right in the church.  It's been happening for YEARS.  Two instances in my childhood of molestation occurred in and around the church.  Both were in positions of leadership in the church.  And unfortunately, both were related to me.  For this reason, and reasons I haven't yet understood, no one ever addressed these issues.  No one corrected the behavior.  No one dealt with the perpertrators.  And these (yes) men were allowed to continue in their said positions in the church up until their deaths..(and in the other, the incarceration of my relative b/c he murdered someone).

Now as a child, when something like that happens to you, it is tragic.  Horrific.  But even more tragic is when people sweep it under the rug, or even reprimand you for opening up and telling someone.  All of this happened in my case.  So I learned to cover up and lie about deviant sexual behavior as a child.  I was taught that it was ok to go to church, hoop, holler, sing in the choir, and then have sex after church, behind the church, in the foyer, etc.  Right or wrong, children are taught behaviors by the actions (or lack thereof) of the adults around them who are responsible for them.

Couple that with the fact that these abusers were in positions of authority over me, and that solidified the 'ok-ness' of the abuse.  Children begin to learn that such behavior is normal.  I am no different than any other child who was sexually abused.  So now we have a generation, maybe 2 or 3 generations-of church kids who were more than likely molested or sexually abused...and it is highly likely it was someone in church leadership!   This is horrendous!

But what's more horrendous is the silence-especially we in the black church/community-enforces surrounding issues of sexual abuse.  We have been training the babies to suffer in silence.  If we let them talk about it, then we are 'nursing our wounds.'  And I guess ppl in the black church are supposed to be so strong, so resilient, we can take anything.  We don't need to talk about abuse in the church!  Just go to the altar and pray through!

That sounds good, spiritual.  But what does the WORD OF GOD say?

Proverbs 28:13
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
Mercy is not extended to people who cover up their sins.  It is only when we expose the works of darkness that sin can be healed.  And, yes, exposing old wounds can be painful.  But I promise you:  the more you open up and talk about it, the more you are delivered from that thing!  The more you tell your story, the less power it has over you!  No matter how humiliating or painful-whether you be a man or a woman that was abused as a child-if you would open up and let the light shine on your wound, it will heal faster!

My mama used to tell me that band-aids were bad for us.  I said why?  She said that a wound, a scab, of any kind heals faster when you let some sun shine on it!

We have used 'band aids' in the church for generations:  and that's why no one is getting delivered or healed of their wounds.  When someone is hurt, abused, raped, molested, etc., we shush shush about it.  We take the abused to the altar and pray for them.  And then tell them to not talk about it.  If we go to the police, we are admonished by clergy that we shouldn't be bringing church folks to court (this happened to me when a man in leadership in a church I was going to raped me.  I went to the police and that bishop rebuked me and told me I was out of order from trying to press charges against this man!)

The abused are then accused of lying, or the church folks say crazy things like 'Oh, the devil is attacking this ministry.  We gotta pray right now against that slanderous spirit...'  When the devil was in the ministry when it first started because the abuser was there...with that nasty, sexual perverted spirit all up in him (or her) to begin with!

I will even go as far as to say the DEVIL started the ministry in the first place!

I won't go there..or rather, I won't stay.

Let's face it, Church Leaders.  We have been guilty of aiding and abetting the sick, twisted, sexual desires of many a church leader.  How?  Because we haven't held them accountable for their actions.  We haven't punished them for their actions.  We have allowed our leaders to continue to rape our boys and girls...and then wonder why they grow up gay or lesbian???

NO ONE is born GAY!  Homosexuality and lesbianism are seeds planted by the enemy early on in a child's life.  Child abuse is one way that seed is planted.  The other way is the number two reason why there is a surge of homosexual activity in the church pulpit...

2)  Pornography
The second way the seed of perversion and homosexuality is planted in one's life is thru viewing-and participating in-pornography.

Now I know there will be some argument here.  But it is true.  There are things that go on in pornography, there things that happens to someone-spiritually-when they look at that stuff.  How do I know?  Well, an uncle who molested me as a child introduced me to porn.  He took pictures of me...I won't go into details.  But I was a child...11 years old.  The seed of perversion was planted in me as a child.  I learned promiscuity and how to gain influence over men at an early age.

I later developed same sex tendencies, (for those of you who are not familiar with my testimony).  As one who dealt with those issues...and have been delivered from them (THANK YOU JESUS!), I can attest to the fact that this is true.  There was no one in my family who was gay (with the exception of one-who I believe was molested as a child anyway).  But admittedly, I came from a highly religious family that sexually abused one another.  And we were told to hush!

But it was my introduction to porn that opened the door to the issues I would suffer with later in life.  And the abuse.  It's a double whammy.  Not trying to promote porn here, but there are sexual things that go on in porn, and there is a diabolical spirit attached to porn, that unleashes a host of other lusts in our flesh that simply are not acceptable according to the Word of God...(and in some cases, by the law, either!)

I went to a service one day where the preacher's son testified about his suffering from same sex tendencies.  (BTW, This was the church service where I received my deliverance from this spirit!)  He testifed about being promiscuious and all, and how that graduated to watching porn, then participating in it.  He admitted it was after watching porn that he started being attracted to other men!  If I was to mention this man's father, you would all know him.  I was so floored upon hearing this...especially since it was over ten years ago!  I was the first one at the altar, begging for forgiveness from my God and deliverance, of which He granted....LIBERALLY!!!!

You see, sex is a beautiful thing.  It was created by God, so therefore it is good.  BUT...when we step outside of the parameters clearly set by the Word of God, then we open ourselves up to demonic activity, oppression.  And if we don't seek deliverance from that thing soon, it could lead to possession.  I am convinced that a majority of the pastors who are gay and preaching...well, they have given themselves over to that spirit.  The enemy has convinced them that they are gay...they are lesbian.  Forever.  It's had a hold on their lives for so long, they don't even believe that they can be delivered anymore.   They may be possessed.

But just like the Gadarene Demoniac, even someone possessed by a devil can be FREE!  Delivered!!!
It starts with you making up your mind that you don't want to live that way anymore!  You have to hate that sin more than anything!  You can't make excuses for it.  You can't coddle it.  You can't play with it!  There can't be anything in you that wants to hold onto it.  NOTHING!  When you think about having gay or lesbian sex, you have to get sick to your stomach!  You have to beat your chest and cry out to God...'I won't let you go til you bless me, Lord!'

And you gotta know that it is POSSIBLE to be delivered!

Deliverance started for me when I got wind of someone else's story of being set free!  My hearing a testimony of how someone else struggled with this and they got free...well, that fed my faith.  That encouraged me to know that I didn't have to stay bound by something I knew was wrong.  That's another thing...

You need to know, be convinced of, that homosexuality and lesbianism IS WRONG!  It's a sin.  Now when I started this, I spread it all out on the table.  I defined other sins and then homosexuality.  If you can recall that scripture in 1 Corinthians 6, the Lord mentioned homosexuals three time in that list.  Why?

I think He did it because He knew that there would be people who said, 'Oh, well, u so busy picking homosexuals, but other ppl sinning out here, too!  IN the church!'  Yes, they are.  We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

But...God repeats Himself for emphasis.  God mentions it three times because he wanted to be clear that NO ONE who has participated in homosexual or lesbian behaviors or activities will enter into the KOG.  Not even the little boys who were molested by their pastors.  And this is sad, heartbreaking.  Because it was no fault of your own.  A grown up, someone who should have known better, took advantage of you...


Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound...


I apologize to those of you who grew up in churches where the leaders or grown ups molested you.  Or maybe it was your parents.  Uncles, aunts, teachers, coaches.  They planted corruptible seeds in you and now you are dealing with this.  And not only have we as the church failed you in not confronting the issue when it began as a child, but we covered it up.  We lied about it.  We scolded you for telling the truth, so now you learned to lie.  The grown ups who knew better left porn laying around the house, or maybe-like what happened to me-they showed you porn.  Or got u involved with porn.  They prostituted you...some in the church, some on the streets.

No matter how the seed was planted...I AM HERE TO TELL YOU!!!


(Now...back to the leaders...)

3)  The Big Cover Up
I have already touched upon this.  The fact of the matter is we need to be accountable for our actions, and hold others accountable as well.  If someone in our chuches come to us with news of molestation, rape, or sexual abuse, we need to address it.  Now how you choose to deal with it depends upon the offense:  if this is repeated behavior on part of the abuser and they are unrepentant, then we need to OPENLY deal with that sin!

1 Corinthians 5:1-5
 1  It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.
 2  And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.
 3  For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,
 4  In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
 5  To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

We are not told to coddle repeated offenders/sinners who prey upon those we are responsible for.  I was told while in ministerial training that we as ministers are mandated reporters of child abuse. What has happened?  Are we no longer accountable to the laws of the land, because we want to save face in the face of other ministries and the public?  Are we too ashamed to deal with our dirt?  Let me tell you something, leader:  for every gay or lesbian person in your church, that means there was a leader somewhere in their lifetime that refused to step up and be responsible for the care, the wholistic care, of that soul, of that child.  Because someone abused that gay person, that lesbian SOMEWHERE in their lifetime!  And they covered it up!

I don't understand why we as the black church (in particular) have a tendency to cover up such things that go on in our houses??

If you do not deal with that sin in its infancy, it will become a full grown monster in maturity!

Not saying homosexuals or lesbians are monsters.  I am saying that the sin, that spirit in them, can become a stronghold in their life of monstrous proportions not because that spirit is so strong.  Its because its been there, unchallenged, uncovered, fed and celebrated in society, in the media, in our schools, in our churches for SO LONG...the 'strength' of that spirit is only in the minds of the ones who are bound by it.

It is not hormonal, or in DNA.  IT IS LEARNED BEHAVIOR.  And learned behavior -even though it can be a challenge-can be unlearned.  Or one can learn new things, renew their minds.

And part of that renewal process is to KNOW THE TRUTH!  The Word of God says YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You see, another form of lying is covering up sin.  When we keep the truth from people, we are, in essence, lying to them.  And religion has lied to many of the gay or lesbian population.  YES!  It has!  How so?

So many in the pulpit make homosexuality and lesbianism out to be like the cohort of sins!  The pinnacle of evil.  Now, true, it is an abomination.  The Word says so.  But in the Kingdom of GOD, ALL abominations, ALL sin, ALL evil spirits, ALL principalities are subject to the KING!  They have to bow at the name of JESUS!!!!!  THERE IS NO SIN THAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS CANNOT ERASE!!!!!!

And most of these churches that have gone around ostracizing you have made you believe that you cannot be free.  That's why they call you names.  That's why they say things like 'they can't get free,' 'that's a hard spirit,' etc.

BUT THAT DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is possible to be delivered from homosexuality and lesbianism...in the Kingdom of GOD!

When you come across a church that preaches at you, calls you a fa****, a p***, and don't want you there, I can almost guarantee that that is a religious church/system and you do best exiting left door as soon as possible anyways!!!  Cuz all they're gonna do is mess you up and make you a twofold more child of hell like them!!!

But once you come in contact with the KINGDOM, and hear the TRUTH, the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE!!!

Do you see that?  The Truth will MAKE u free!  Not set you free.  You are automatically made free by the truth!

This is why it is so important, Leaders, that we TELL THE TRUTH!  Let's not participate in another cover up.  Not when it pertains to homosexuality.  Or adultery.  Or fornication.  Or sexual abuse.  Or knowledge that one of your ministerial staff is watching porn.  DEAL WITH THAT SIN.  IF YOU DON'T DEAL WITH IT, IT WILL TEAR YOUR CHURCH APART!!!!!! It may be humiliating to have to air out your own dirty laundry.  But what's worse?  Airing out your own dirty laundry and being uncomfortable for a little while?  Or being made whole, as a body, and healed???

4)  Desensitization as a society
We are living in a society where we are constantly bombarded by sexual images, on tv.  On the radio.  Heck, just go to some of these churches, and these ppl dress like they're going to a club!  What can we as leaders do about that?  Well, for starters, teach the ppl that how they dress IS important.  What they choose to look at will feed the soul...and since a lot of whats on TV is nothing more than soft porn anyway, we have to tell the ppl to be really selective about what they watch-or allow their kids to watch.  We gotta teach separation from the world; I know.  It's not popular.  We were so busy trying to win the world, we became the world.  When the scriptures clearly tells us we are NOT OF THE WORLD.  And as a result of compromise, many are desensitized to blatant sexuality in the land.  We no longer balk at sin, we wink at it.  If we preach/teach too hard, we are called judgmental and legalistic.  But we got to teach the Bible.

Teach the young ppl that if you listen to garbage, garbage is going to come out.  Teach our children that even though the teachers say its ok to have two mommies or daddies, that that is NOT true.  We got to get back to basics.  Holiness may be an inside job, but if you feed our insides garbage, garbage is going to come out...sooner or later.  That way, when the ppl do come in contact with blatant sexuality (and unfortunately in this day and time, they will) they will be able to withstand temptation.  To the pure ALL things are pure...

Now before I end this, I want to address something that many won't.  The responsiblity of sin...that lies upon the male first, then the female.  In my study here, I have seen that God holds the males MUCH more accountable for their sins-in particularly, sexual sin, than that of the women.  Do I think this is fair?  I don't.  God always seem to address the men first, no matter the sin or situation.

If the men hold that much responsibility, then that means its gonna be the men who are gonna have to lead the way, to initiate a mass deliverance of the abused and the sexually deviant in the church.  I don't know why it is this way.  I do know that God set the man as the head of woman.  So He deals with the man...first.  And in some cases, more heavily, than the woman.  Now, God does deal with the woman.  She suffers as a result of sin.  (TRUST ME, I KNOW!)

But God is a God of order.

Its almost like God knows that the men should know better, just like when we as parents have to deal with our children collectively for wrong doing.  We always tend to deal with the older kids first.  Why?  Because they should know better.

So I speak from my heart to my brothers...

I can't imagine what you have to deal with ...being a man.  But I know that you bear the burden of sin more heavily than us.  God speaks to you.  So I implore you to get it right with God, if you are caught up in any of these deviant behaviors. I am here to tell you that when YOU repent, when YOU get delivered, when YOU decide not to cover up sin anymore, YOUR WHOLE HOUSE, YOUR WHOLE CHURCH, YOUR WHOLE COMMUNITY, YOUR WHOLE REGION, NATION...WILL BE HEALED AND DELIVERED!!!!!!!!!


My sisters, COME FORTH!!!!!

CHILDREN, BE HEALED and DELIVERED in the name of JESUS!!!!!!