"Hurt Feelings During the Healing Process
During the healing process, Iyanla says, there will be moments when the Pace Sisters, gospel singers who've struggled with obesity, feel uncomfortable. After a tense discussion around the dining table, Leslie Pace told producers she felt attacked by Iyanla. Watch as Iyanla discusses the conflict with Leslie and asks the sisters to look inward before pointing fingers at her."
It is no secret how I view Iyanla 'fixing' everyone's life. But for those of you who don't know my stance on that, here goes: Iyanla is a Yoruban priestess. Yoruba is this African religion that goes off into some weird, satanic, voo doo, pre-destination, humanistic stuff that I don't have time to get into. But if you click on the Yoruba link, I PROMISE you what you read of it will send you reeling!
With that in mind, I wonder how is it that this voo doo (ahem, excuse me. I mean Yoruban) priestess has all of a sudden become so all-knowing, so 'powerful,' so sought after in the African American community? Even by those who claim Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Lord, those who say they love God, are anointed...saved AND sanctified.....
Don't get me wrong: I love the singing of these girls. I STILL am blessed by 'Just Because God Said It' by LaShun. These girls could sing CIRCLES around the Clark Sisters....
It concerns me that not only the Pace Sisters, but so many are eating the gobbly gook of Iyanla as if she were a bonafide prophetess who spoke at one of T.D. Jakes' WTAL conferences?
I can relate to the pain the Pace sisters are going through. I, too, was molested as a girl by church leader(s). I, too, trusted and almost married a DL man who was HIV+. I grew up in church as well. Many called me 'anointed,' too. I used to sing (I won't say NEARLY as good as any of these girls! LOL); had a chance at recording and being in the gospel music industry.
Yall know my story...
But I'm not gonna get on TV and let some priestess 'minister' to me! That's for sure!
According to http://iyanlavanzant.com/about/, Iyanla is 'one of America's most profound spiritual leaders and acclaimed empowerment legends.'
Why? Because she is spiritual????
Everything or everyone spiritual is NOT saved, folks! The problem with the church is they are seeking 'spiritual by-any-means-necessary folks.' Meaning, they don't care if you're spiritual and the spirit you're carrying is from the devil...as long as you can 'make something happen in the spirit,' they are cool with you.
People...y'all need to be CAREFUL with that. You can't go messing with all kinds of spirits that are NOT of God then wonder why all hell is breaking loose in your house!
When Leslie Pace say she felt offended by what Iyanla said to her, I was like, 'Well, yeah! HELLO...that (spirit) in Iyanla was mocking YOUR GOD (that you say you have) in you!' Religious spirits LOVE to mock!
These girls would have done better going seek counseling in the privacy of a LICENSED, QUALIFIED therapist to deal with their issues...than to come on this woman's show and air out all their dirty laundry....
The Pace Sisters have been through some stuff...we all know. One sister came out as a lesbian a couple of years ago:
It is no secret how I view Iyanla 'fixing' everyone's life. But for those of you who don't know my stance on that, here goes: Iyanla is a Yoruban priestess. Yoruba is this African religion that goes off into some weird, satanic, voo doo, pre-destination, humanistic stuff that I don't have time to get into. But if you click on the Yoruba link, I PROMISE you what you read of it will send you reeling!
With that in mind, I wonder how is it that this voo doo (ahem, excuse me. I mean Yoruban) priestess has all of a sudden become so all-knowing, so 'powerful,' so sought after in the African American community? Even by those who claim Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Lord, those who say they love God, are anointed...saved AND sanctified.....
Don't get me wrong: I love the singing of these girls. I STILL am blessed by 'Just Because God Said It' by LaShun. These girls could sing CIRCLES around the Clark Sisters....
It concerns me that not only the Pace Sisters, but so many are eating the gobbly gook of Iyanla as if she were a bonafide prophetess who spoke at one of T.D. Jakes' WTAL conferences?
I can relate to the pain the Pace sisters are going through. I, too, was molested as a girl by church leader(s). I, too, trusted and almost married a DL man who was HIV+. I grew up in church as well. Many called me 'anointed,' too. I used to sing (I won't say NEARLY as good as any of these girls! LOL); had a chance at recording and being in the gospel music industry.
Yall know my story...
But I'm not gonna get on TV and let some priestess 'minister' to me! That's for sure!
According to http://iyanlavanzant.com/about/, Iyanla is 'one of America's most profound spiritual leaders and acclaimed empowerment legends.'
Why? Because she is spiritual????
Everything or everyone spiritual is NOT saved, folks! The problem with the church is they are seeking 'spiritual by-any-means-necessary folks.' Meaning, they don't care if you're spiritual and the spirit you're carrying is from the devil...as long as you can 'make something happen in the spirit,' they are cool with you.
People...y'all need to be CAREFUL with that. You can't go messing with all kinds of spirits that are NOT of God then wonder why all hell is breaking loose in your house!
When Leslie Pace say she felt offended by what Iyanla said to her, I was like, 'Well, yeah! HELLO...that (spirit) in Iyanla was mocking YOUR GOD (that you say you have) in you!' Religious spirits LOVE to mock!
These girls would have done better going seek counseling in the privacy of a LICENSED, QUALIFIED therapist to deal with their issues...than to come on this woman's show and air out all their dirty laundry....
The Pace Sisters have been through some stuff...we all know. One sister came out as a lesbian a couple of years ago:
Member of Anointed Pace Sister Comes Out As Gay
This sister who came out a couple of years ago still has not been 'healed' of her issues. She went on OWN a couple of years ago hoping that 'coming out' and appearing on OWN would help her.
Another sister testifies here of how she contracted STDs and HIV from (Im assuming) her husband:
This sister who came out a couple of years ago still has not been 'healed' of her issues. She went on OWN a couple of years ago hoping that 'coming out' and appearing on OWN would help her.
Another sister testifies here of how she contracted STDs and HIV from (Im assuming) her husband:
And in an excerpt from "For My Good, But For His Glory," LaShun Pace shares her feelings about getting married to her first husband...and what happens immediately after...
"Now looking back over my life, I wished somebody would have thrown a sheet over my head, threw me in a car, and took off on a long ride to anywhere. As I was looking at wedding pictures, all the guys looked a little soft...They say that love is blind, but wanting to be free and grown so fast can also make you blind.
It was only 2 months after our marriage vows when my love answered the phone and on the other end was 'Dr. AIDS.' Then he said, 'Honey, the phone's for you. I said hello, and the doctor asked if my love had talked to me. I asked concerning what? He went on to say that they had that they had found the virus which causes AIDS in my love's body and that I needed to get to his office right away for testing. He finished telling me of the danger I was in; that the end results would be death, and having children would be no possibility.
He told me about the virus, I burst into tears, and the thought of us both dying was too much to bear. Questions were filling my head, all I could say was, 'Ive just gotten married! What is going on? This was back in 1986, I had heard of the alternative lifestyles of other people but I didn't know about the disease..."
All of this brings me to this ONE ALL-Important question:
Now, I understand. The church system has failed millions of people. So once you keep going through the same thing (IN YOUR CHURCH) over and over again, you will automatically seek help outside of her (the harlot church) for relief. I truly understand.
BUT you cannot, and I want to stress CANNOT, get help from the 'stuff' that you got in church from someone WHO IS NOT SAVED!!!!!!
Iyanla is NOT saved. She does not even believe in God, even though she may talk OF God. I mean, come on! She is hanging buddies with Oprah! Read up on the Yoruban religion.
She is part of the spirit of Antichrist. HOW can someone who doesn't believe in God EVER help you????
You've been hurt in church?
Molested by church leaders?
Turned out by the bishop?
The apostle gave you AIDS?
You do better just going to counseling. If you need the name of a good one WHO IS SAVED, email me at goconnmca@gmail.com. I will refer you to one!
If you're struggling with your own sexuality, I want to share with you MY OWN PERSONAL STORY of deliverance and TRUE sexual healing.
"Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!" is my own story of how sexual abuse in the church led to my own struggle with my sexuality...and how GOD set me free from sexual bondage and confusion.
"Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!" is my own story of how sexual abuse in the church led to my own struggle with my sexuality...and how GOD set me free from sexual bondage and confusion.