The above character, Lorraine (Lonette McKee), is a lesbian in an impoverished community in New York who lives with her live-in lesbian lover, Theresa (played by Paula Kelly). They are often discriminated against in the tight-knit community and rejected, but they forge on in their relationship.
Then one day, local drug dealer C.C. (played by Glenn Plummer) catches Lorraine alone, threatens her by knifepoint, drags her into a dark alley and beats and rapes her exclaiming:
"After I'm Done With You, You'll Never Want Another Woman AGAIN!"
I have seen this movie at least twice in the past. But it was when it first came out...way before I had my own experience with same sex attraction later on in my twenties...
This was a very hard scene for me to watch, and it brought tears to my eyes.
(For those of you who don't know my story, you can read about it in my eBook 'Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!')
I could definitely relate to my eBook, I go into detail of the sexual abuse I suffered at the hands of a relative and the abusive relationships that followed afterwards.
A lot of people really don't understand the dynamics behind homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and so on.
There are a LOT of men out there that believe if they can 'turn a woman out,' that she will somehow 'turn straight' by one sexual encounter with them.
And in C.C.'s case, he believed that he could violently, forcibly convert this woman. Smh.
If you have seen the whole movie, all the rape did was drive Lorraine further into the hands of her lesbian lover.
Many who seek to help the lesbian or homosexual really believe that they can somehow change them by all these outward calisthenics, be it religious, violent or otherwise.
When I decided I would 'come out' and started attending lesbian support groups, I consistently ran into women who shared horrid experiences of sexual abuse as children and young women. Of horribly abusive relationships with their teen boyfriends, or being cheated on.
After many a candid and open discussions amongst ourselves in these support groups, it was concluded that most of the women who turned to the lesbian or bisexual lifestyle did so out of CHOICE. The attraction to women did NOT begin until AFTER the incidences of abuse, or infidelity.
These women decided they had had enough of the men using and abusing them. Some as girls were raped by other women. Some as preteens and teens were introduced to sexual experiences with the same sex - what many call 'sexual experimentation' - and through a SERIES of events, as well as the confusion of trying to figure out if they were gay or lesbian or not, having these desires towards the same sex and not knowing how to RESIST THEM, many grew up eventually believing that they were 'created this way.'
There is something very powerful about sex.
When you have sex with someone, you become one with that person. And anything introduced during a sexual encounter can literally become a part of your soul. Your spirit.
If the sex is with someone of the same sex, there is a trust that is released with women, in particular, that makes it extremely difficult for her to differentiate between right and wrong. There is a literal hormone that is released when a woman has an orgasm called 'oxytocin' (it can be released to some degree in men upon ejaculation, too. Which is why when men have sex with men, that bond can be hard to break as well).
When oxytocin is released, it really does act like a 'love potion,' of sorts.
When Michelle Obama and others say things like 'you can't help who you love,' in a sense, it is true.
That is, when you involve sex...
And if that sex is NOT within the godly confines of ONE man and ONE woman who are married, when you take that and pervert it in any way, there are bound to be casualties.
When two people of the same sex come together and release oxytocin, that bond can seem intricately IMPOSSIBLE to break. Because it is with a person who knows what you have, how you tick, how it feels to be a man, a woman, wired the same way....couple that with mind-boggling, explosive sexual experiences, and it can really seem to the two involved that they really CAN'T help who they 'love.'
PLUS, you add to the equation the probable dysfunction that the both of them probably suffered in earlier or childhood years...that draws them together, too.
The enemy uses all of this to bring about what we call the alternative lifestyle. And dupe millions of people into believing they are actually in love with the same sex.
And when people who simply DO NOT understand those dynamics come in with a wrecking ball and call them names from the pulpit like 'faggots' and 'bull-dykes,' or brutally rape them, or try to 'turn them out,' or bring them to polluted church altars where the very preachers who are laying hands on them are gay, bi or on the down low THEMSELVES...
Its NO WONDER most who are still in this lifestyle mock, laugh at and shun church.
Some will go, because they enjoy the spotlight and the attention that church gives them. But most will not...unless, of course, is someone who is gay or lesbian decides to open a 'gay-friendly' or 'lesbian-friendly' church where they would feel comfortable to 'worship God.' (See my article, 'First Gentlemen, First Lady and Other Foolishness In The Church')
In the meantime, while everyone's experimenting with this population of people, going to either extremes on how to deal with gays and lesbians - either being eerily silent on the issue or publicly applauding behavior and attractions that we all know is not normal or healthy.
(TRUST ME. I've known more gays and lesbians personally than most people. I've sat in support groups with them. Seen them cry as they share their abuse stories. NOTHING about the homosexual or lesbian lifestyle is NORMAL or EMOTIONALLY, SPIRITUALLY or MENTALLY healthy...NOT TO MENTION PHYSICALLY!)
So while this speculation is being done, millions still suffer in torment to their desires....
Knowing deep down just AIN'T RIGHT! But feeling entrapped and imprisoned to them.
Couple that with a hostile religious environment and no real answers to their torment, is it any wonder so many in the lifestyle CHOOSE to STAY in the lifestyle?????
Well, I can say I have found it!!!!!
If you are trapped in a whirlwind of desires that you KNOW are wrong, but are somehow driven to fulfill them, GOD IS THERE TO HELP.
I'm NOT talking about going to church...or coughing up some demons...
I'm NOT talking about going to therapists that don't understand your plight...
I'm NOT talking about anything you probably EVER heard about before!
I found help simply by going to God for MYSELF. He allowed someone who had the same struggles I did to share how HE got free. And THAT STORY helped me DECIDE...'HEY! I CAN BE FREE, TOO!'
I share that story in my eBook, "Down Low Deliverance: Be SET FREE!"
Nothing spooky or magical here. Just an honest story of a church girl who had been abused but who is now SET FREE by the LOVE, TRUTH and POWER of GOD!