Praise the Lord!!!!!
I am so blessed to be able to give my God the highest praise!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!
You know, it is indeed an honor for any of us to be able to stand in the presence of a Holy God and to praise His Holy Name! To worship Him in the beauty of Holiness!
I don't think we realize just how wonderful it is to be able to bless the wonderful name of Jesus!
We get caught up with the trials of life, problems, distractions. Do you know we can even get distracted with our blessings????
How so?
I see so many in the church today who I believe are pimping God. I know you all have heard that saying. It means folks go to church, make commitments and vows to God not because they love Him or simply for who He is. No.
They try to play God like...."Ok, God. I got this situation I am dealing with. I have this need. If you meet the need, if you fix my problems, if you give me the man, the house, the woman, the car, the ministry, etc. then I will serve You."
And because we serve a God that is faithful to His Word, He honors it. Just like the children of Israel wanted a king and God gave them Saul. Or when they cried out for manna in the wilderness and it was bad...God will give us answers to prayers...
Even if answering those prayers will hurt us.
You see, God know the end from the beginning. He knows that giving us what we want, when we want it, how we want it, will only pacify us but for a moment. It will stop us from crying and throwing a fit. Just like when one of our kids are in the store crying for candy in the register line. How many of us (mothers especially!) are guilty of giving in to our crying babes?
"Oh, alright! Here! Take the candy!"
And who does it end up hurting? Not us, the child. A cavity, an upset stomach, not being able to eat a meal....all are results of giving in to what that child wants.
Well, God does that to us. He knows the man isn't good for us. He knows if we get that job we won't ever be able to go to church. He knows if we get the house the bills will be astronomical. The car may be a lemon after all....Yet, we pout. We try to manipulate God into giving us what we believe is best for us.
And when He does, we have to learn for ourselves why God was nudging at our hearts, telling us that maybe what we are praying and believing Him for is not His perfect will!
Then we got to repent, get back in line, and get into the perfect will of God....
All that when we could have just obeyed that still small voice telling us otherwise......
How did I get off on that tangent????
Blessings we pray for can even serve to be a distraction.
Saints, we can't let nuttin' get in the way of our praising God!!!!!
Absolutely NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
Because stuff happens. Trials come. Persecutions arise. What are we gonna do?
Go around and wimper like a sissy? "God why me? Why has this happened to me???? I try to do the right thing and look what happens????"
Uh, uh!
I thank GOD ALMIGHTY that I have learned that no matter what we got to praise, we MUST praise, as J. Moss sings!
We are commanded to praise YE THE LORD!!!!
I know some shrug their shoulders and say, "She ain't got nuttin', she is just emotional..."
Let me tell ya something....
You weren't there when I almost lost my mind. You weren't there when God saved my life.
You weren't there when He healed me spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even sexually!
You weren't there when He filled me with His Holy Ghost.
You weren't there after Katrina. You weren't there when I thought I would never see my kids again. You weren't there when I didn't know sometimes where we would live or how we would eat.
You weren't there when my name was put out there for evil, scandalized. You weren't there when I was rejected, by churches, by preachers, by family, by friends.
And all I had to turn to was the Lord.
You weren't there when HE ordained me a prophetess unto the nations, right there in Nita Mae's womb!
You weren't there when the enemy tried to take my life by making me be born three months premature!
You weren't there when I attempted suicide. Or when I was molested and raped. Or when my husband threatened my life and I had to be on the run while I was five months pregnant.
You weren't there when I felt a lump in my breast and God healed me.
You weren't there when I prayed THRU a stroke, BABY!
You weren't there when the man I loved asked me to leave my home...because he was intimidated by the call and the anointing that rests upon my life.
You weren't there when God called me by my name August 21, 1969 in the wee hours of the morning and told me to come forth.....because He was ordaining me. And because He was ordaining me, God promised me-NO WEAPON ON EARTH OR IN THE AIR THAT IS FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL EVER, EVER PROSPER!
So because you weren't have absolutely nuttin' to say about me praising my God!
As a matter of fact, the only reason you cannot praise Him is because you don't believe in Him. You don't trust Him. You trust your intellect. Your connections. Your networking.
You don't know God.
You trust religion. Men. Money.
All of that is coming down. And the only things we are going to have to stand on in these last days are God's Word and His Praise!
And we MUST pray!
We are in warfare, as I stated in the last blog.
Prayer, praise and the Word....those are our weapons.
Do you know the weapons of your enemy?????
I think I will make that the title of my next blog!
I love you all!
Be blessed in the Lord.....
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
That's right, I Still love the Lord!!!!!
Praise God, saints!
God is so awesome, so glorious, so marvelous! I can never thank Him enough not for what He has done or is going to do, but simply for who HE is!
We sing that. But I wonder if we really know who Jesus is????
We sing all the latest praise and worship songs in church or listen to them in our homes or cars. But do we know HIM?
Read Phillipians 3. That is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible!
Paul starts out by warning believers to beware of 'the concision. Evil workers.' The concision Paul speaks of are those who put much emphasis on the mutilating of the flesh. You see, in those days, circumcision was the thing to do to prove you were really a Christian. Zealous, hungry after God. No doubt these folks were very well versed in the law and very active in the synagogue.
So what's wrong with a few 'religious' folks? They are a little zealous, so what? They are doing it for the Lord, right?
Wrong! Paul called these folks 'dogs!' What would make Paul do such a thing? Was he not one of the concisors back in the day? He was...
5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
Yet in spite of all that, he later on declared that all that stuff, all of his righteousness, was dung. Poop. Mess. Feces. You got it!
God declares that all OUR righteousness are as filthy rags before Him in Isaiah 64:6.
Paul was admonishing us to beware of folks that focus on the FLESH!!!!
We go around saying that sinners focus on the flesh. This is true. They have tunnel vision, per se. They can see nothing else but flesh; their spirit man is dead.
But sinners aren't the ones we need to run from. For our very lives, ya heard!
I speak of religious folks.
And there are religious folks in every denomination! So we can't point to one denomination or another and declare they reek of religiosity by association. No. We discern who they are after the Spirit. The Spirit of God will let us know who to cleave to and and who to run from!
Then Paul after sharing his testimony of how he was so religious, how God made him to know Jesus.
Was it from speaking in tongues? Or from dancing the aisles? Perhaps it was reading the Word more, being an advent studier of the Word....
Was it by associating with 'spiritual' folks? Or maybe becoming more active in the church? You know, an idle mind is the devil's......
We don't get to know Christ in any of those ways!
How do we get to know Him?
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
We get to an intimate knowledge of who Jesus is when we DIE!!!!!
When our stinking, rotting, deplorable flesh dies to what it wants and craves and yields to the power of God!!!!!!
When we allow ourselves to suffer when we did no wrong w/o retaliation...that is when we are 'conformable to his death....'
Because if we die with Jesus, it is guaranteed that we will be raised up, just as Jesus was!!!!!!
This is why in the midst of my crucifixion, in the midst of my flesh being torn to shreds, in the midst of public humiliation and persecution, I can truly and honestly declare that, as the songwriter sings....
"Go ahead
Drive the nails in my hands
I will rise again
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down...
I will rise again
Just can't keep me in the ground!"
Yes, so I say come on! If this dying is what it is gonna take for me to go to my next level in God, then Go, ahead!!!
But be sure these two things....
One, I STILL love the Lord!!!!!!!
and, Two...
With the power and the authority of Almighty God in my hands!
And the devil is gonna regret he ever messed with me!
Cuz this is one who really, really LOVES her God!!!!!!
God is so awesome, so glorious, so marvelous! I can never thank Him enough not for what He has done or is going to do, but simply for who HE is!
We sing that. But I wonder if we really know who Jesus is????
We sing all the latest praise and worship songs in church or listen to them in our homes or cars. But do we know HIM?
Read Phillipians 3. That is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible!
Paul starts out by warning believers to beware of 'the concision. Evil workers.' The concision Paul speaks of are those who put much emphasis on the mutilating of the flesh. You see, in those days, circumcision was the thing to do to prove you were really a Christian. Zealous, hungry after God. No doubt these folks were very well versed in the law and very active in the synagogue.
So what's wrong with a few 'religious' folks? They are a little zealous, so what? They are doing it for the Lord, right?
Wrong! Paul called these folks 'dogs!' What would make Paul do such a thing? Was he not one of the concisors back in the day? He was...
5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
Yet in spite of all that, he later on declared that all that stuff, all of his righteousness, was dung. Poop. Mess. Feces. You got it!
God declares that all OUR righteousness are as filthy rags before Him in Isaiah 64:6.
Paul was admonishing us to beware of folks that focus on the FLESH!!!!
We go around saying that sinners focus on the flesh. This is true. They have tunnel vision, per se. They can see nothing else but flesh; their spirit man is dead.
But sinners aren't the ones we need to run from. For our very lives, ya heard!
I speak of religious folks.
And there are religious folks in every denomination! So we can't point to one denomination or another and declare they reek of religiosity by association. No. We discern who they are after the Spirit. The Spirit of God will let us know who to cleave to and and who to run from!
Then Paul after sharing his testimony of how he was so religious, how God made him to know Jesus.
Was it from speaking in tongues? Or from dancing the aisles? Perhaps it was reading the Word more, being an advent studier of the Word....
Was it by associating with 'spiritual' folks? Or maybe becoming more active in the church? You know, an idle mind is the devil's......
We don't get to know Christ in any of those ways!
How do we get to know Him?
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
We get to an intimate knowledge of who Jesus is when we DIE!!!!!
When our stinking, rotting, deplorable flesh dies to what it wants and craves and yields to the power of God!!!!!!
When we allow ourselves to suffer when we did no wrong w/o retaliation...that is when we are 'conformable to his death....'
Because if we die with Jesus, it is guaranteed that we will be raised up, just as Jesus was!!!!!!
This is why in the midst of my crucifixion, in the midst of my flesh being torn to shreds, in the midst of public humiliation and persecution, I can truly and honestly declare that, as the songwriter sings....
"Go ahead
Drive the nails in my hands
I will rise again
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down...
I will rise again
Just can't keep me in the ground!"
Yes, so I say come on! If this dying is what it is gonna take for me to go to my next level in God, then Go, ahead!!!
But be sure these two things....
One, I STILL love the Lord!!!!!!!
and, Two...
With the power and the authority of Almighty God in my hands!
And the devil is gonna regret he ever messed with me!
Cuz this is one who really, really LOVES her God!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
God has called us unto peace...
~This is a very old blog of mine from over 6 years ago. Still true though...~
1 Corinthians 7:39
The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
I Corinthians 7:15
But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
The state of marriage today has gone awry. The plan of God regarding marriage was:
Genesis 2:21-25
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
The enemy has launched an all out attack on marriages. One of the enemies of marriage is domestic violence. Many in the church do not talk about it, pretend like it does not happen.
Here are some facts and statistics from the Black Church and Domestic Violence Institute:
Domestic violence is any forceful behavior one adult uses to control another. It can be physical (beating), verbal (threats), sexual (rape), economic (taking her money), and psychological (mind games).
90-95% of DV victims are women, many are active in their local church.
Nearly 2 in 3 female victims of violence were related to or knew their attacker.
75% of the visits to emergency rooms by battered women occur after separation
One-third of all female homicide victims are killed by husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or ex-boyfriends.
Abusive men who kill their partners serve an average of two-to-six year prison terms.
Almost 25% of pregnant women seeking prenatal care have been battered during pregnancy.
The March of Dimes reports that pregnant women are at particular risk of being battered by spouses. More babies are now being born with birth defects as a result of the mother being battered during pregnancy than from the combination of all the diseases for which we immunize pregnant women.
In a national survey of over 6,000 American families, 50% of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children.
Domestic violence is a very real tragedy in the church today. We don’t want to talk about it.
We shout over it. We dance over it.
But what happens when we get home?
God hates divorce. He created marriage to be something beautiful. Something to show this world the relationship between the church and Himself. The Word of God says husbands ought to love their wives how? As Christ loved the Church!
And what did He do to prove His love?
He gave His Life for the Church!
Now, if Jesus gave His life for the Church, His Bride, then who do you think is behind husbands killing their wives?
And nowhere in the Bible does it say a woman should stay with an abusive husband, or vice versa.
Wives abuse their husbands, too. Either way it is wrong!
God has called us to peace. That is especially for those suffering in abusive relationships or marriages. It is not God’s will that you remain in danger. B/c that is what you are, in danger! Yes, God sends His angels of protection.
But why stay in a burning building-wanting to see if He will do you like He did Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego-if God has provided a way of escape???
That is not wise.
Anyone in an abusive relationship should get out as soon as they can. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom on how to leave an abuser, who to get involved with the process, and where to go.
God did it for me. I just made up my mind that I wasn’t gonna let anyone abuse me. And when I saw how my oldest son reacted as a baby when he saw us fighting like that, it broke my heart and that look on his face gave me all the courage I needed to leave.
If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for your kids…
If you know anyone who is suffering like this, don’t be silent about it. Don’t say, ‘It is not my business. I can’t say anything.’ No. I would rather have someone be angry with me and I said something to save their lives then to not have said anything and be burying them way too young, like we did with my cousin over 15 years ago.
God loves you and wants you save you from that madness!
Seek to get out by His Hand of Mercy and Power!
Separation Safety Plan
Name:_______________________ Date:____________
Complaint #:___________ Officer: Net______________
The following steps represent my plan for increasing my safety and preparing in advance for the possibility for further violence. Although I do not have control over my partner's violence, I do have a choice about how to respond to him/her and how to best get myself and my children to safety.
Step 1:
Safety during a violent incident. Victims cannot always avoid violent incidents. In order to increase safety, battered victims may use a variety of strategies.
I can use some or all of the following strategies:
If I decide to leave, I will ___________________. (Practice how to get out safely. What doors, windows, elevators, stairwells or fire escapes would you use?)
I can keep my money and car keys ready and put them (place) _________________ in order to leave quickly.
I can tell _____________________about the violence and request they call the police if they hear suspicious noises coming from my house.
I can teach my children how to use the telephone to contact the police and the fire department.
I will use _______________________ as my code for my children or my friends so they can call for help.
If I have to leave my home, I will go _____________________ (Decide this even if you don't think there will be a next time).
If I cannot go to the location above, then I can go to___________________________or ______________________________.
I can also teach some of these strategies to some/all my children.
When I expect we are going to have an argument, I will try to move to a space that is lowest risk, such as ____________ ____________________. (Try to avoid arguments in the bathroom, garage, kitchen, near weapons or in rooms without access to an outside door).
I will use my judgment and intuition. If the situation is very serious, I can give my partner what he/she wants to calm him/her down. I have to protect myself until I/we are out of danger.
Step 2:
Safety when preparing to leave. Battered victims frequently leave the residence they share with the battering partner. Leaving must be done with a careful plan in order to increase safety. Batterers often strike back when they believe that a battered victim is leaving the relationship.
I can use some or all the following safety strategies:
I will leave money and an extra set of keys with _____________ so that I can leave quickly.
I will keep copies of important documents or keys at _______________________.
I will open a savings account by ______________, to increase my independence.
Other things I can do to increase my independence include:
The domestic violence program's hot line number is 297-8833 (Metro Police Domestic Violence -880-3000) and I can seek shelter by calling this hot line.
I can keep change for phone calls on me at all times. I under stand that if I use my telephone credit card, the following month the telephone bill will tell my batterer those numbers that I called after I left. To keep my telephone communications confidential, I must either use coins or I might get a friend to permit me to use their telephone credit card for a limited time when I first leave.
I will check with ____________________ and _____________ to see who would be able to let me stay with them or lend me some money.
I can leave extra clothes with _________________________.
I will sit down and review my safety plan every ______________ in order to plan the safest way to leave the residence. _____________ (domestic violence advocate or friend) has agreed to help me review this plan.
I will rehearse my escape plan and, as appropriate, practice it with my children.
Step 3:
Safety in my own residence. There are many things that a victim can do to increase her/his safety in their own residence. It may be impossible to do everything at once, but safety measures can be added step by step.
Safety measures I can use include:
I can change the locks on my doors and windows as soon as possible.
I can replace wooden doors with steel/metal doors.
I can install security systems including additional locks, window bars, poles to wedge against doors, an electronic system, etc.
I can purchase rope ladders to be used for escape from second floor windows.
I can install smoke detectors and purchase fire extinguishers for each floor in my house/apartment.
I can install an outside lighting system that lights up when a person is coming close to my house.
I will teach my children how to use the telephone to make a collect call to me and to _______________(friend/minister/ other) in the event that my partner takes the children.
I will tell people who take care of my children which people have permission to pick up my children and that my partner is not permitted to do so. The people I will inform about pick-up permission include:
__________________________________________(school),________________________________________(day care staff),________________________________________(babysitter),___________________________________(Sunday school teacher),________________________________________(teacher),________________________________________(and),________________________________________(others),
I can inform ______________________________(neighbors), _______________________________________(pastor), and, _______________________________________(friend) that my partner no longer resides with me and they should call the police if he is observed near my residence.
Step 4:
Safety with an Order of Protection. Many battered victims obey protection orders, but one can never be sure which violent partner will obey and which will violate protection orders. I recognize that I may need to ask the police and the court to enforce my protection order.
The following are some steps that I can take to help the enforcement of my protection order:
I will keep my protection order _________________(location) (Always keep it on or near your person).
I will give my protection order to police departments in the communities where I usually visit family or friends, and in the community where I live.
There should be a county registry of protection orders that all police departments can call to confirm a protection order. I can check to make sure that my order is in registry. The telephone number for the county registry of protection order is _________________________________.
For further safety, if I often visit other counties in Louisiana, I might file my protection order with the court in those counties. I will register my protection order in the following counties:
___________________ and _________________ that I have a protection order in effect.
I can call the local domestic violence program if I am not sure about B, C, or D above or if I have some problem with my protection order.
I will inform my employer, my minister, my closest friend and _____________ and ____________that I have a protection order in effect.
If my partner destroys my protection order, I can get another copy from the Davidson County Courthouse by going to the Circuit Court Clerk's office on the 5th floor.
If my partner violates the protection order, I can call the police and report a violation, contact my attorney, call my advocate, and/or advise the court of the violation.
If the police do no help, I can contact my advocate or attorney and will file a complaint with the chief of the police department.
I can also file a private criminal compliant with the district justice in the jurisdiction where the violation occurred or with the district attorney. I can charge my battering partner with a violation of the Order of Protection and all the crimes that he/she commits in violating the order. I can call the domestic violence advocate to help me with this.
Step 5: Safety on the job and in public. Each battered victim must decide if and when he/she will tell others that their partner has battered them and that he/she may be at continued risk. Friends, family and co-workers can help to protect victims. Each victim should consider carefully which people to invite to help secure his/her safety.
I might do any or all of the following:
I can inform my boss, the security supervisor and ___________ at work of my situation.
I can ask ________________ to help screen my telephone calls at work.
When leaving work, I can _____________________________________ __________________________________________.
When driving home if problems occur, I can _______________________________ __________________________________.
If I use public transit, I can ________________________________________ _______________________________________.
I will go to different grocery stores and shopping malls to conduct my business and shop at hours that are different than those when residing with my battered partner.
I can use a different bank and take care of my banking at hours different from those I used when residing with my battered partner.
I can also __________________________________________.
Step 6:
Safety and drug or alcohol use. Most people in this culture use alcohol. Many use mood-altering drugs. Much of this use is legal and some is not. The legal outcomes of using illegal drugs can be very hard on a battered victim, may hurt his/her relationship with their children and put him/her at a disadvantage in other legal actions with the battering partner. Therefore, victims should carefully consider the potential cost of the use of illegal drugs. But beyond this, the use of any alcohol or other drug can reduce a victim's awareness and ability to act quickly to protect themselves from the battering partner. Furthermore, the use of alcohol or other drugs by the batterer may give him/her an excuse to use violence. Therefore, in the context of drug or alcohol use, a victim needs to make specific safety plans.
If drug or alcohol use has occurred in my relationship with the battering partner, I can enhance my safety by some or all of the following:
If I am going to use, I can do so in a safe place and with people who understand the risk of violence and are committed to my safety.
I can also ___________________________________________.
If my partner is using, I can _____________________________.
I might also _________________________________________.
To safeguard my children, I might ________________________ and ______________________________________________.
Step 7:
Safety and my emotional health. The experience of being battered and verbally degraded by partners is usually exhausting and emotionally draining. The process of building a new life for myself takes much courage and incredible energy.
To conserve my emotional energy and resources and to avoid hard emotional times, I can do some of the following:
If I feel down and ready to return to a potentially abusive situation, I can _____________________________________________.
When I have to communicate with my partner in person or by telephone, I can ____________________________________.
I can try to use "I can . . . " statements with myself and to be assertive with others.
I can tell myself - "_____________________________________ ______________________________" whenever I feel others are trying to control or abuse me.
I can read ____________________________to help me feel stronger.
I can call ___________________, ___________________ and _________________as other resources to be of support of me.
Other things I can do to help me feel stronger are __________________________, and _______________________________.
I can attend workshops and support groups at the domestic violence program or _________________________, or _____ _______________to gain support and strengthen my relationship with other people.
Step 8:
Items to take when leaving. When victims leave partners, it is important to take certain items with them. Beyond this, victims sometimes give an extra copy of papers and an extra set of clothing to a friend just in case they have to leave quickly.
Money : Even if I have never worked, I can legally take 1/2 of the funds in the checking and savings accounts as Louisiana is a community property state. If I don't take any money from the accounts, he/she can legally take all money and/or close the account and I may not get my share until the court rules on it if ever.
These items might be placed in one location, so that if we have to leave in a hurry, I can grab them quickly.
When I leave, I should have:
Identification for myself
Children's birth certificate
My birth certificate
Social security cards
School and vaccination records
Checkbook, ATM (Automatic Tellers Machine) card
Credit cards
Keys - house/car/office
Driver's license and registration
Welfare identification, work permits, Green card
Passport(s), Divorce papers
Medical records - for all family members
Lease/rental agreement, house deed, mortgage payment book
Bank books, Insurance papers
Small saleable objects
Address book
Pictures, jewelry
Children's favorite toys and/or blankets
Items of special sentimental value
Telephone numbers I need to know:
Police department - home - 911
Metro Domestic Violence Division - _______________________
District Attorney General's Office -_______________________
Police department - school _____________________________
Police department - work ______________________________
Battered victims program -______________________________
County registry of protection orders ______________________
Work number________________________________________
Supervisor's home number_____________________________
I will keep this document in a safe place and out of the reach of my potential attacker.
Review date:_________________________
Can I just go to a friend’s house?
It is always best to go to a shelter as a safe haven because your abuser won’t know where you are. If you go to a relative’s or friend’s house, they will follow you and could possibly harm them.(Remember the Carto family in Mary Poppins.)
In a battered woman shelter, the staff does their best to accommodate all incoming women and children. You may get your own room and bathroom, as well as meals, counseling, legal advice, transportation, toiletries and housing assistance.
They will explain what your options are in this situation. They will motivate you to go on with your life, heal from this trauma, and encourage you that you can make it. You can live LIFE without your abuser!
If you keep up your end of the bargain, as far as sticking to the plan carved out when you are admitted to the shelter, stay focused, and pray, God will see you through and give you favor across the board. With the courts, with housing assistance, with just about anything you and the kids would need.
Remember, NO weapon formed against you shall prosper! Just as Rahab let down the spies with the red cord and they escaped in the book of Joshua, God has a way of escape for you! You are worth SO much more than being abused. Than allowing your kids to see you abused. Get out and let God heal you and your family and watch Him move in your life!
God Bless!
Min. W. Russ
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Why do I love Jesus?
I guess you are wondering 'Why do she love Jesus so?'
The Word of God says to whom much is given much is required.
Much grace and mercy God has given me. Much forgiveness and much of that blood Jesus shed at Calvary had to be used to wash me and purge me from sin and iniquity in my life.
So because Jesus paid so dear a price for me, I must repay Him by giving Him my ALL.
When you think about it, when you really love Jesus, you cannot help but give your ALL to Him.
ALL can mean your will, your desires, your emotions, your ambitions, your dreams, your will, your talents, your body, your home, your car, your job, your whatever!
Are you willing to give God your ALL today?
So many of us, I was there, are content on giving God a portion of themselves.
"I will come to church on Sunday, but I work hard. So I gotta play hard. I gotta hang out at the clubs and get my dance on."
"I believe in God. I am a good person. I do good things. But it doesn't take all that to love God. She is fanatical."
"I have been in church for decades. After awhile that passion dies, that zeal dries up. Just she wait and see. I wanna see what kinda worship she is gonna give God at 80!"
Well, in Psalms 71, the Word talks of an old person whom everyone else had pretty much given up on. Folks were saying David was washed up and wrinkled. He had nothing else to give to the work of God.
Time, age, and sin had taken a lot out of David. But the one thing that was in tact was that heart after God. See, David, the little shepard boy who was promoted to Kingship because he loved God as a boy was now an old man. He had seen a lot in his time. He had failed God a few times. He had some mighty victories as well.
But he could say, 'I have been young, and now I am old. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread.'
He could also say that God was for him. Many thought him to be a prodigy, a wonder. All those battles, all those failures, all that family dysfunction (son raping daughter, son killing other son, adultery, putting the minstry before his family, murder, deception and abuse of authority, etc.).
Yes, God still loved David. Honored His Word and Promise by David, and left him a legacy to be godly proud of.
I know that once a new convert is born again, there is a fire, a zeal, that is fiery and passionate.
But somewhere down the line, the cares of life, the flesh, this world, the trials and tribulations takes it tolls and the fire , the passion goes out of the most important relationship we have, that with the Lord Jesus Christ.
But just as a marriage is to be kept alive by maintenance and work, so must we work at our communion with God.
There is nothing that brings passion and fire like praying through!!!!!!
It is my desire to start prayer meeting at church early in the morning...perhaps when I get a vehicle and of course, if the Pastor agrees!
I know the key to the lock on the souls and the harvest in these last days is prayer!
WE must pray!
I must pray!
It is in prayer that I long to worship Him. And I fall in love with Jesus all over again. His Presence is so sweet! So intoxicating!!!!!
As much as I love to smell a man with Polo cologne, even that doesn't compare to the fragrance of the Holy Ghost when is His Presence enters a room!
Ever been in His Presence and it was so powerful and thick until you can smell the glory cloud coming, like you smell the rain cloud before it gets to you??????
My God!!!!! What a glorious aroma!!!!!
I am addicted to that smell, much like the kids get high on liquid paper or aerosol!
Much like the rockstar will do anything for a rock...
Just as the alcoholic can't get the crust outta his eyes good and he runs to the corner store to buy a swig of whiskey...
I am hooked on the Presence of God!!!!!!
And I love Him SOOOOO much!
Because He first loved me!!!!!!!!!
Love, His Baby Girl, Wenona
The Word of God says to whom much is given much is required.
Much grace and mercy God has given me. Much forgiveness and much of that blood Jesus shed at Calvary had to be used to wash me and purge me from sin and iniquity in my life.
So because Jesus paid so dear a price for me, I must repay Him by giving Him my ALL.
When you think about it, when you really love Jesus, you cannot help but give your ALL to Him.
ALL can mean your will, your desires, your emotions, your ambitions, your dreams, your will, your talents, your body, your home, your car, your job, your whatever!
Are you willing to give God your ALL today?
So many of us, I was there, are content on giving God a portion of themselves.
"I will come to church on Sunday, but I work hard. So I gotta play hard. I gotta hang out at the clubs and get my dance on."
"I believe in God. I am a good person. I do good things. But it doesn't take all that to love God. She is fanatical."
"I have been in church for decades. After awhile that passion dies, that zeal dries up. Just she wait and see. I wanna see what kinda worship she is gonna give God at 80!"
Well, in Psalms 71, the Word talks of an old person whom everyone else had pretty much given up on. Folks were saying David was washed up and wrinkled. He had nothing else to give to the work of God.
Time, age, and sin had taken a lot out of David. But the one thing that was in tact was that heart after God. See, David, the little shepard boy who was promoted to Kingship because he loved God as a boy was now an old man. He had seen a lot in his time. He had failed God a few times. He had some mighty victories as well.
But he could say, 'I have been young, and now I am old. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread.'
He could also say that God was for him. Many thought him to be a prodigy, a wonder. All those battles, all those failures, all that family dysfunction (son raping daughter, son killing other son, adultery, putting the minstry before his family, murder, deception and abuse of authority, etc.).
Yes, God still loved David. Honored His Word and Promise by David, and left him a legacy to be godly proud of.
I know that once a new convert is born again, there is a fire, a zeal, that is fiery and passionate.
But somewhere down the line, the cares of life, the flesh, this world, the trials and tribulations takes it tolls and the fire , the passion goes out of the most important relationship we have, that with the Lord Jesus Christ.
But just as a marriage is to be kept alive by maintenance and work, so must we work at our communion with God.
There is nothing that brings passion and fire like praying through!!!!!!
It is my desire to start prayer meeting at church early in the morning...perhaps when I get a vehicle and of course, if the Pastor agrees!
I know the key to the lock on the souls and the harvest in these last days is prayer!
WE must pray!
I must pray!
It is in prayer that I long to worship Him. And I fall in love with Jesus all over again. His Presence is so sweet! So intoxicating!!!!!
As much as I love to smell a man with Polo cologne, even that doesn't compare to the fragrance of the Holy Ghost when is His Presence enters a room!
Ever been in His Presence and it was so powerful and thick until you can smell the glory cloud coming, like you smell the rain cloud before it gets to you??????
My God!!!!! What a glorious aroma!!!!!
I am addicted to that smell, much like the kids get high on liquid paper or aerosol!
Much like the rockstar will do anything for a rock...
Just as the alcoholic can't get the crust outta his eyes good and he runs to the corner store to buy a swig of whiskey...
I am hooked on the Presence of God!!!!!!
And I love Him SOOOOO much!
Because He first loved me!!!!!!!!!
Love, His Baby Girl, Wenona
How I love You...
This following song was birthed out of my spirit man tonite as I was contemplating and meditating on God. There is no one walking the face of God's green earth that makes me sing like that but JESUS!!!!!!
All my life I had been looking for that Perfect Love, that One True Love that will love me for me. That will desire me for me. Stretch marks and all. Baggage and all. Slightly overweight and all. Gravity setting in and all. the midst of my maturing, God has put a YES down in my soul. An assurance that I cannot leave Him. He loves me TOO much!!!!
And I love Jesus because He first loved me!!!!!!!!!!
So as I sat at the computer posting, the Lord dropped that song in my spirit. I hope one day to share it on a stage in front of thousands as God promised.
But I already feel like the world is my audience...I am in the Presence of a King!!!!!!
And HE is the whole world to ME!!!!!!!!!
I Love you, Jesus!!!!!!
Love, Your Baby Girl.....
This following song was birthed out of my spirit man tonite as I was contemplating and meditating on God. There is no one walking the face of God's green earth that makes me sing like that but JESUS!!!!!!
All my life I had been looking for that Perfect Love, that One True Love that will love me for me. That will desire me for me. Stretch marks and all. Baggage and all. Slightly overweight and all. Gravity setting in and all. the midst of my maturing, God has put a YES down in my soul. An assurance that I cannot leave Him. He loves me TOO much!!!!
And I love Jesus because He first loved me!!!!!!!!!!
So as I sat at the computer posting, the Lord dropped that song in my spirit. I hope one day to share it on a stage in front of thousands as God promised.
But I already feel like the world is my audience...I am in the Presence of a King!!!!!!
And HE is the whole world to ME!!!!!!!!!
I Love you, Jesus!!!!!!
Love, Your Baby Girl.....
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Arise, O, Lord
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
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