The Twelve: Their Mission
Matthew 9:37, 10:15
"The Harvest is Plenteous, but the Laborers are Few...Pray"
Pray for the apostles to come.
Jesus calls 12 disciples (He called them disciples--gave them power).
Their mission? Jesus sends the 12 NOT to the Gentiles or Samaritans. Not to unbelievers or pagans. Jesus sent them to the Israelites...THE CHURCH! In particular, to the lost sheep of the House of ...Israel....
Lost sheep? In the House??
What Jesus instructed?
- FIRST MESSAGE (In order of priority)
Matt. 10:7 -- The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
In other words, get it right? Jesus is coming back!
The Kingdom of God: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. Freely you
have received, freely you give.
Jesus addressed their natural realm. This is important. We preachers/ teachers teaching the
Kingdom is getting natural needs met. Owning a business, etc.
vs. 9-10 Don't hoard $$$$$
vs. 11 Scrips were bags used to store food in; no heavy packing. Mann-daily bread. Jesus
instructed the apostles to go into a city, ask around to find people of like faith and stay
with them til released by God. Work with them.
vs 12 When going to a house bestow peace unto it.
vs 13 If the house is worthy (of like faith), Jesus says 'allow your blessing (your peace) to
come upon it. Part of the apostolic anointing is to be able to pronounce PEACE on a
body. If they are not worthy, don't bless the house. Exact words? "Let your peace
return to you."
vs 14 Whosoever doesn't receive you, shake the dust off your feet indicating their blood is
no longer upon your hands. Because you did what God said to do. It is a cursed unrepentant one!
vs 15 States it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on Judment Day than not just
for that house, BUT FOR THAT WHOLE CITY!!
When a body won't repent and does not receive the Word God gave them, not only is that house cursed, but their sin affects the city that the house resides in!!!! It curses REGIONS!!!!!
Look at Hait, or some parts of Africa. There are WHOLE REGIONS that have been cursed because whole houses of God subverted the truth of God, rejected His Word, ignored the prophets and apostles and resorted to other spiritual means to do 'their business.' Not God's business. So this is why poverty, sickness, disease and premature death, unfruitfulness of the land is so rampant in that part of the world.
It's just like when the two angels warned Sodom & Gomorrah they were coming under judgment and Abraham asked them if the city would be spared for, at first, 50 righteous men? (Gen. 18:26-32), then 45, 40, 30, 20, then 10.
Let me tell you something.....
There may be wickedness all around you. All the houses in the city may be filthy. Sodom & Gomorrah like. But if there is a REMNANT....just a small number of folks who are really living for God, God will spare THEM.
The city may perish...those who don't repent. But if you are a righteous remnant of God, your life will be spared!!!!!!
Go on to read Gen. 19:15-25 (the whole chapter 19). Judgment was delayed until the righteous GOT OUT!!!!
The Angels were not to release judgment until the righteous remnant, the covenant people, got out of Dodge!!!
NOW, if the righteous turned back - as Lot's wife did - and disobeyed God after God gave them specific instruction to get out and DON'T LOOK BACK, then they perished along with the wicked!
Once the decree of judgment had already went forth from God...the only way it could be reversed was if the guilty repented. God will delay destruction in His Divine Love and Mercies, to get the righteous out of danger!
This explains why when it says in vs 14 that whosoever doesn't hear the voice of God and take heed, a curse is upon it. Shake the dust off your feet knowing you've done what God commanded.
I've heard preachers say that sprinkling dust on someone's doorstep was witchcraft. I personally had never heard of anyone sprinkling dust, til I read this IN THE SCRIPTURES! Yet the apostles were instructed by the Lord Jesus Christ to shake the dust off their feet if a house didn't receive the Word of the Lord.
You see, Jesus knew that the apostles would be sent by God with a hard word. An unpopular word. A correcting word. A stringent word. And the Word of God says that in the last days that men would hate
that which is good, despisers of good, calling good evil and evil good. And that they will heap teachers unto themselves, having itching ears. When you see someone rubbing their ears, in denotes that they are trying to clear up their ears so that they can hear clearly.
They got many hungry folks, but they are hungry for the WRONG THING! They are hungry for ice cream, candy, cookies, cakes and pies, like Madea says of Cora. They are NOT hungry for MEAT. For that which will nourish then, will fill their sensual appetites. When you find someone who always crave sweets, something wrong. They never want food, but junk. They get sick a lot, out of shape, etc.
That's why we got so many in the organized church SICK. Spiritually sick. They have not been eating right! And they wanna eat right. So when someone comes along with spinach, liver or beef, they go a running to all those conferences and meetings, prophetic ones, in particular, where they can get their fill of cookies, cakes and pies! They will give their whole rent checks to false prophets to lie to then, but will starve a REAL pastor and their families b/c the pastor preaches come OUT of that lifestyle! A hard word...but Jesus didn't back down.
Kingdom teaching/preaching will confront sin and provide a way of escape from sin. Religion merely points out the sin...with no way of escape or hope of REAL deliverance.