Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Eat The Grass! Drink The Poison! I'M YOUR PASTOR!!!" (Lesego Daniels & Other False Prophets)


I'm sure you all have heard of the South African pastor who made his congregation eat grass to get closer to God.  

I can't lie:  when I first heard of this and read it, I laughed.  A LOT.

I mean it is quite comical for an entire group of people to RUN outside-on command of their pastor-just like a herd of sheep, lie or sit on the ground and to start grazing on the grass..just like a bunch of cows!

Who would be so idiotic to do such a thing?

But a friend of mine found the video of this occurrence...and when he posted it to his Facebook page, I was literally APPALLED at what I witnessed!

Take a look for yourselves!

It was literally like the people were in a trance or under hypnosis or something!

I have NEVER seen something like this...and to be quite's quite scary.

I immediately thought of Jonestown and Jim Jones...especially since I wrote about what happened to almost 1,000 people there back in at the command of Jones, over 900 drank poisoned kool aid and committed the largest mass suicide in history!

The same monotone voice.  The same so-called 'authority' over the people.  The same fear from the people to stand up to their authority....

These 'pastors,' these 'false prophets,' are so manipulative.  And delusional.

They really believe that God is with them and telling them to mislead people...the blind leading the blind!

As crazy as it sounds, these leaders are just as much delusional and crazy as the people are.

They are ALL under another influence.  The SPIRIT OF RELIGION!!!!

The spirit of religion is a deceptive, sneaky one.  It will lead leaders and their followers...right into a ditch.  Into the abyss.  Into deception.  Into HELL!

This is the main reason why I believe that spiritual leaders, pastors, church leadership, five fold ministry, etc. are NO LONGER necessary today!

I have seen MORE cases where the leaders lead people into a ditch than into salvation or deliverance.  Or TRUTH.

I've seen more false than TRUE prophets.  More wolves than shepherds.  More snakes in the pulpit than men and women after God's own heart.

They may GO INTO ministry with the right intentions...but somewhere down the line, they become corrupted.  Their agendas CHANGE.  Their motives CHANGE.  Their love for God dwindles.  Their love for the truth and desire to teach truth is compromised for acceptance among the religious and secular elite. Or for fame and fortune...or for MONEY!

Even for POWER!

This Lesego dude clearly is on a power trip, as I find is most often the case with african church leaders...they are power hungry over there...and when you couple that natural, disastrous desire for ambition that is already resident in them with RELIGION, that is a DANGEROUS and LETHAL cocktail of deception that WILL eventually deceive and kill MANY!

Jim Jones started out as a regular preacher in California who wanted to help poor people.  Who wanted racial equality.  But once the people gave him their power, once they allowed him to control them, he eventually led them to their demise!

I write about this TRAP of all who enter into ministry in my first ebook,

ANYBODY can get caught up in this trap in religion, the trap of so-called 'ministry.'

You can think you are hearing from God regarding 'a call' that you THINK you have...and then pretty soon that call CONSUMES YOU!

The 'call' to preach or minister, to 'go to the nations' or whatever becomes MORE important than your soul being saved.  It becomes more important than you preaching or teaching THE WHOLE TRUTH.  

Your agenda to prove 'you're called' can consume you so that you spend most of your time 'proving your call' than actually being saved, walking in the peace of God, being assured that you are ALREADY IN the WILL OF GOD!  

You get in this rat race to prove to the church community, to your family and friends, to the world that you're THE CALLED OF GOD...that you resort to acting in UNGODLY ways to somehow make that 'call' come to pass.  

And the sad part YOURSELF are not REALLY SURE if you're really 'called' to preach or not!  Heck, some of you don't even know IF YOU'RE SAVED!!!!!!

I find the ones who do the most in terms of proving they're 'called' are the ones most likely who are NOT saved....

Why do I say that?

Because those who ARE saved, they are ASSURED in their salvation.  They have the faith to believe God...NOT their actions, or their following some 'unction' to preach to the nations.  They are not consumed with the ambition to preach or minister to people...

They just live.  BE.  If an opportunity comes up to help someone, they do it.  No fanfare, no press conferences, no 'look-at-what-God-did-thru-my-hands.'  

And then they just continue BEING who God wants them to be!!!!!

I present to you if THE CALL consumes you, than GOD DOES NOT!!!

And it just very well may be that YOU ARE NOT SAVED!!!!!

My friend says it best in this video...that ambition to do ministry is a KILLER!

People like Lesego Daniels and Jim Jones-as well as MANY of YOUR favorite preachers in churchdom TODAY-are CONSUMED with MINISTRY!

The desire to be famous in ministry is what has driven them to where they are right NOW!

And because the people are so in love with them, you can't even SEE IT!

EVEN IN THE FACEBOOK WORLD, there are MANY folks there who are CONSUMED with being 'somebody' in ministry.  

And they THINK that it is GOD that is leading them...when it is THE ENEMY!!!!

Take heed...WHO CALLED YOU??????

You could be leading your people to DRINK THE KOOL AID!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

When You Just Can't Get "Church" Out Of Your System

I have noticed some things about church people and people who just cannot get church OUT OF THEIR SYSTEMS.

What do I mean???

I have come across many different types of church people...and I do admittedly 'study' them.  I watch them.  I observe them....(well, not so much NOW than as I used to!)

I have found that there are people who really have a difficult time detoxing from the system of church.  The culture of church.

I have found that there can be 'church people' IN as well as OUT of the church system.

I'm not talking about spiritual people, or people who are aware of their own spirituality.  Or New Agers.

I'm talking about people who can't get church OUT of their systems!

This is why it is so difficult for some people to leave church...and STAY OUT of church!

If they leave church, they either

1) Go BACK to church
2) Hang around a bunch of church people to 'fellowship' with
3) Look for groups and entities to be a part of b/c they are SO afraid of being alone
4) Start their OWN brand of 'churchanity'

When I created my pic for Detoxed From Churchanity, I really had no idea how true it really IS that some folks are literally ADDICTED to church!

Karl Marx was not telling a lie when he said 'Religion Is The Opiate of The Masses!'

What IS an opiate?

Opiate:  ANY drug that induces sleep or sedation; that causes dullness or apathy; deadening.

Examples of opiates are morphine, heroin, codeine, methadone, oxycontin, dilaudid...

I had Dilaudid on a few ER visits, and I tell you what:  When they put that in the IV, you are OUT!  You are sleepy, you are NOT aware of what's going on around you.  It's a painkiller.  It puts you in another realm...I had Morphine given to me when I gave birth to my last child....we slept like BABIES for a LONG time after he got here!


Because we were under sedation!

Religion, churchanity puts the masses to sleep!  It deadens their sense of reality.  It is a drug MANY take to escape the painful realities they live.  They are in SO much pain, SO miserable, SO unhappy with life-and have been made to believe that they ARE that way b/c they somehow did something (wrong) to make themselves that way...

And TRUE...some of the things folks go through ARE self-induced-meaning they brought it on THEMSELVES...

But in spite of the crazy things folks do, I still believe that God is FOR you.  He is FOR me.  And He LOVES us.  Now, He WILL He sees fit....

The problem is that there are a LOT of folks trying to 'self-medicate' through their 'chastisement' by clinging on to churchanity!

There are a lot of OTHER people who are 'self-medicating' through life because they have yet to realize that they are just mentally and emotionally unstable...and have not sought the professional help that they need to get well.

They find it much more comforting to blame others for their misery, or blame the devil, or blame 'the man,'  lol...or blame a woman...or blame the government....


They have yet to take responsibility, accountability and to take ACTION to change their lives!

So they run to 'church' to try and get God to do it for them.

When God said faith without WORKS is DEAD!

Church folks are some DEAD people!  Zombies!  Dead men walking!

They think they can liven themselves up by shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues, running the aisles, falling all out in the floor, running after miracles, signs, wonders, etc...smh

And the more of that they are exposed to, the more miserable they TRULY are!

So....WHAT happens, what should you do if you simply are STUCK in church mode?

You continuously find yourself trying to find yourself within a church system.

You run to this church and that church, trying to 'fit in.'  And you fit in for a little while...but its only a matter of time before something goes down and the 'love,' the 'fellowship,' the camaderie you felt is gone...and then you're BACK to square one.

I've been there...going from this church to that church.  Letting those people label me this and that.  Allowing them to lay hands on me and 'tell me my destiny...'  The 'will of God' for my life changed so much within their ranks....they made it seem like God was schizo or something!  Like He was saying something different EVERY TIME the hour changed!

What a MASS ball of CONFUSION!


You surround yourself with 'church-like' people.  They talk that church lingo.  They love to quote scriptures.  They amen you, flatter you, tell you what a great 'man or woman of God' you are....

And you act like you don't care, but YOU DO!

You MISS the accolades church people pour on to their pulpit puppets.  You MISS the women google-eyeing you from the pews.  You MISS the crowds amening you during your sermons...or telling you how 'anointed' you are.

There is SOMETHING in you that longs for that...

And I am here to tell you...


And as with ALL addictions, you WILL hit the wall at some point...and reality will come crashing down HARD on you....

The reality of the frailties and inconsistencies of the church system.

THIS insistence on staying in church, of wanting to somehow be accepted amongst their ranks, your strong desire to 'fit in,' is what KEEPS you in the REAL 'church hurt' mode!

I had some religious folks try to tell me I was 'church hurt' whenever I would speak out on the ills of the church.


I did address it in a very popular post of mine in this very blog entitled, Everybody's Not Suffering From Church Hurt!

Just like the title says, I simply pointed out that EVERYBODY'S who is hip to the 'game' of church and have made a conscious decision to COME OUT of church ...they are NOT suffering from 'church hurt.'

They just got tired of the BULL!

The scales came off their eyes!

God showed them a BETTER way!

They became enlightened...and empowered!

Now, true, there may have been some events-or series of events-that ultimately led to their decision to leave church.  And it may have been event(s) that were painful.

But it used to be my belief that no one stays in a CONSTANT state of 'church hurt.'

But I am beginning to see a NEW phenomena:  there ARE a population of people who just LOVE church.  And if they leave, they have NOTHING.  They do NOT know God.  NO ability to TRULY hear from God for themselves.

So the ONLY way they 'feel' saved is by going to church.

So they go...and if they stop going, they will shrivel up and DIE!

THOSE are the people who STAY in CONSTANT 'church hurt' mode!

They stay in 'church hurt' mode because they REFUSE to leave that which is harming them or vicitimizing them.

Church Hurt Mode:

1) Constantly whining about being 'in warfare'
2) Feels a temporary sense of relief when they are 'accepted' among church people
3) Constantly goes back to church.  Go to the altar.  'Rededicate their lives' back to God.
4) Stay fearful (not in a reverential sort of way, but actual terror)
5) Paranoid.  Always 'sensing' something in their 'spirits'
6) GOT TO, GOT TO, GOT TO have a pulpit!
7) GOT TO, GOT TO, GOT TO have a following
8) Rejection, always claiming how rejected they are b/c they are so 'anointed'
9) Always gets shocked when church people hurt them, even though you tried to warn them beforehand and
    they wouldn't take heed...

There are other characteristics of folks who are prone to or who are in fact in REAL 'church hurt' mode.

But here's my thing:


Meaning, it makes sense (to me anyways) that if you are in a culture, a setting, an environment, an institution, that consistently harms you and NOT help you in ANY way, then you need to at least CONSIDER NOT being a part of that institution anymore.

If a woman is in an abusive relationship, escapes the may take a little while.  But sooner or later, she will move on with her life.  And LIVE!

BUT, if she decides to GO BACK for ANY reason, and the abuser CONTINUES to abuse her, so much so until she is killed....

THEN WHOSE fault is it that this woman is gone?


Especially if she was given ALL the tools and resources she needed to stay away from her abuser...and she placed herself BACK in harm's way, then she is at least PARTLY to blame for her own demise.

And when she WENT BACK to her abuser, would it be a good analogy to call the state that she found herself in yet again was 'HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND HURT' mode?

She was in a state where she could be hurt again...and she was being hurt....AGAIN...

Probably OVER and OVER and OVER again...til the end came.

THIS is what is happening with a LOT of church and out of the church.

They STAY in this perpetual state of 'church hurt' because they are, well, IN CHURCH!!!!!!

The ONLY cure for CHURCH hurt is to COME OUT...get healed.  Let God speak to you.

There IS no cure for church hurt for those who cling to churchanity.  Period.

So it does no good to feel sorry for those folks in church who won't come out.  They are in there because that's where they choose to be.

They are grown.

BUT...if you are TRULY tired of church and churchanity, and have a real desire to COME OUT and get the church OUT of your system...FOR GOOD...

Then you ARE in the right place!


DON'T long for church, or the services, or the games, or the titles, or their pulpits. Or their cliches.  Or their 'worship.'



If you do, then it's time to step out ...BY FAITH!!!

If you can't (leave church), you are addicted...TO CHURCH!

Saturday, January 04, 2014



noun \ˌre-və-ˈlü-shən\

 the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one

 a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live, work, etc.

 the action of moving around something in a path that is similar to a circle.


A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Aristotle described two types of political revolution:

Complete change from one constitution to another
Modification of an existing constitution.

Revolutions have occurred through human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, and motivating ideology. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.


I have always been something of a history buff, a fan.  While others in class would yawn and whine their way through history class, I would always pay attention.  I have always believed that history places an invaluable role in the present and future of a culture, a race, a nation, a group of people.

That hunger for history did not change when I began to go to church.  I immediately started reading the Word, PLUS reading up on different events in church history....first, from the standpoint of what the church leaders taught (or didn't teach) about church history.  

But when the Spirit of God began to show me inconsistencies in what was generally being taught and accepted as truth within the church system, I began to do my OWN research.  My OWN studies.  Even after being led out of the church system, God led me to people-Pam Sheppard being one of them-who helped me tremendously in my journey towards TRUTH.  

You see, when you are on a journey of TRUTH-and not vindication-it becomes so important to find out truth that you are willing to lay it all down to find out what TRUTH really is.  

I understand the 'process' of detoxing from church.  I've been there, done that.

First, you go through depression.  You think that there is something wrong with you because God is showing you all these things...and yet the people who you love are still very much in deception mode.  And you can't make them see it.  Plus, there is the lack of fellowship that ensues as a result of your ultimately being ostracized and rejected when you share your revelations with others still in church mode.

Then you get angry.  You feel like you have to 'do something' to rescue folks from deception.  You go through the whole 'I'm-gonna-start-a-revolution' stage/God's called me to undeceive the masses/I'm-going-in-these-churches-and-clean-them-up.' 

It's a strong stance.  

And-at first glance-it seems like an admirable one as well.  

But when the 'thing' that is driving folks to 'free the masses' is ANGER-and NOT the Holy Ghost-it can actually not bear fruit...or do anything in the way of liberating the very masses under the deception of RELIGION.

You could go into these churches and prophesy til the cows come home.  You could pump your fist and yell 'REVOLUTION' every day.  You could expose leader after leader on a constant basis.

But NONE of that is going to effect CHANGE/REVOLUTION within the church system!

We like to throw around the word CHANGE a seems like since Obama became president and started us with the whole CHANGE mantra, at first, everyone was pumped, psyched, excited about the IDEA of change.  

But when it actually came time to IMPLEMENT change, to PUT IT INTO ACTION, now a LOT of folks are not so excited about CHANGE anymore.

As a matter of fact, the very folks who were pumping the fists at the Acceptance Speech back in 2008 are now some of Obama's worse enemies!

HOW is that possible?  

How can folks be so fickle to support someone who was/is for change...but then when he actually tries to implement change, they RESIST change?????

You see--whenever someone comes on the scene and tries to 'revolutionize' a culture, a government, a country, a system...and CHANGE does NOT occur from WITHIN the hearts of the people, that change will NOT be embraced.  Or permanent!

Also, a wide-scale agenda will began to try and assassinate the character of the 'revolutionary.'  

I've seen it happen it happen time and time again.

In an attempt to discredit the one who is blowing the whistle, coming in trying to 'change' things-even if at first the people EMBRACED and said they wanted CHANGE...

Folks generally resist change.  Even the very folks who see the NEED for CHANGE, who will jump on the CHANGE bandwagon unabashedly, who pump the fists and chant 'CHANGE!  CHANGE!' the loudest....


Revolutionaries have a heart for the people.  They see the suffering of the people.  They are usually smart, visionaries, go against the grain.  Courageous...

And because there are a lack of QUALITY leaders in this country-in EVERY arena-folks generally gravitate towards strong leaders.  

That IS until those strong leaders rock the boat, try to implement change, and change the status quo, so to speak.

Martin Luther King was a strong leader ...and look what happened to him?

If they cannot assassinate you, they will attempt to assassinate your character.

NOW, if you're the type of person who could care less about character assassination 'attempts,' then I say GO FOR IT.  

But do keep in mind that those groups of people who are inclined to believe the worst about you....WILL!

And the general population of the people who SAID they wanted change....DIDN'T!

Meaning, don't get excited b/c somebody AMENS you, LIKES your posts on Facebook, buys (or asks for free copies) of your books, votes you into a position or publicly applauds you for the 'truth' you present.

Because - again - folks are fickle.  

They will hail your praises today and tomorrow they WILL stone you!

I find a LOT of folks are CURIOUS about change.  A lot of folks TALK about change.  A lot of folks LOVE to hear the latest revelations on CHANGE.  

Some will even get gung ho and over zealous regarding CHANGE.


I'm SURE President Obama is finding that out NOW...

As I am sure many 'revolutionaries' regarding the church system are finding out as well...

You just need to know and understand that your attempts to 'revolutionize' a system GOD was NEVER in to begin with are futile....UNLESS THE PEOPLE CHANGE!!!!!


I have a very dear friend who asked me a question on why leaders allow 'sheep' to defend them, when it should be the other way around?

Well, I think its because the (so-called) sheep are not truly sheep, but goats.  Goats feed on ANYTHING.  Garbage.  Scraps.  They dig through the garbage to find ANYTHING to eat.  

They are SO hungry for a Word, for a doctrine, for a revelation, for a teaching, that they will 'dig thru the garbage,' so to speak, to get it.

They are NOT discerning AT ALL about what they 'eat.'  

This is why wolves, playboys, pedophiles, criminals. and all kinds of deviants can start ministries-online or physically-and garner a LARGE following.


Now, it goes without saying that if the leaders gaining the largest followings are WOLVES, that speaks A LOT to WHO is following them!!!!

Goats are very protective, too.  Possessive even, of their 'turf.'  

And whenever you encroach upon 'their turf,' or leaders on 'their turf,' they WILL start revolting and kicking ...against the pricks!!!!

Goats do NOT like change.  They need to stay in familiar surroundings.  They resist change...vehemently!

(Sounds like anybody YOU know?)

They are STUBBORN creatures...goats are.  

Lots of church folks are stubborn, greedy, undiscerning, and protective of their environments....and leaders....


You don't have any responsibility whatsoever to try and 'rescue' GOATS!!!!

You really don't even have a responsibility, per se, to rescue SHEEP.
The sheep belong to GOD!!!  They are HIS responsibility, NOT YOURS!  NOT OURS!


We have to trust the THE GREAT SHEPHERD OF THE SHEEP, JESUS CHRIST, to save HIS OWN!!!!!

If they don't hear your voice, then they are GOATS and NOT sheep.

No use in crying over goats.  Risking your lives over goats.  Stubborn, mule-headed nasty creatures that do not want truth!

Matthew 25


Revolution is an event that occurs WITHIN THE HEARTS and MINDS of the PEOPLE....and has very little to do with the revolutionaries God chooses to use.  

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

How To Cure A Church/Watch Nite Service Hangover!

I'm sure by now you have awaken out of your sleep from last nite's 'powerful' Watch Nite Service by now...

You can barely remember what was preached.  Or who sang what.  

All you remember is you had one HELLUVA time (excuse my french!)

There was dancing.  Laughing.  Falling all under the pews.  Shouting.  Running down the aisles.  Screaming.  Hollering.  Crying.  

There was that religious elation and high you seem to always get (at church).  

And now it's over...

And you got one HELLUVA headache.  You can't remember JACK.  If someone ask you what the preacher preached, if you didn't get the free CD message at the end of service, all you can reply is 'I don't know...but it was POWERFUL!'

Last nite, you were on TOP of the world as the clock struck midnight....'HALLELUJAH!  You made it through another year!'

You even remember kids dancing the aisles...IT WAS 'GLORIOUS!'

But now 'the glory' that was so free-flowing, the Word that was so powerful, the POWER you THOUGHT you gained when the prophet laid hands on you, you were all 'drunk in the so-called holy seems to ALL be GONE now!

WHY IS THAT??? feel like you are 'under attack' yet again.  In spiritual warfare.....(DANG!  Just that quick?  What happened to all that POWER you got last nite?) are depressed b/c that high, that glory is has seemed to escape you once again....and now you are back to the drawing board.

NOW...reality has yet again kicked in...(it really NEVER left...YOU just temporarily ESCAPED from YOUR reality, entered into an altered state of consciousness, another 'realm,' another world....NOT b/c GOD called you there.  But so that you could ESCAPE your circumstances!!!)

So now that REALITY has 'seeped back in,' you are wondering...


1)  SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

Realize that you are NOT 'under attack.'  Nor are you in 'spiritual warfare.'  You are simply living LIFE.  Life has its ups and its downs.  And it's all in HOW you choose to cope with the 'vicissitudes of life' (since yall are in love with TD Jakes' $20 word!)

You are NOT that important to the devil that he is riding your coattail ERR'DAY!!!!  STOP THAT TYPE OF THINKING!!!

I know your favorite preacher done told y'all that forever and a day...but you are nothing to the enemy except some dust.  A vessel.  He can use you up, kill your body and then go to another willing vessel.  Just like THAT!  So don't think that you are so mighty, so powerful, so anointed, so wonderful that ALL the enemy got to do ALL day long is fight YOU!  LOL!

SNAP OUT OF IT!  Pride comes before a fall.  ( me...I KNOW!)

You ain't NOTHING to the devil...and God don't need you, either!  The moment you start thinking like that, you're already a done deal!


Listen...all of us are dealing with something.  Life is not perfect.  But the key to surviving is to find healthy, balanced ways to COPE with circumstances that life throws your way.  STOP looking for the magic cure, the anointing oil, someone to lay hands on you, someone to breath on you or prophesy to you to make your life better!


You know, one of my favorite verses in the bible is FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD!

Yall should know what that means...but just in case you don't...listen up!

You can say you have faith ALL DAY LONG.

But the BIBLE says that ALIVE, ACTIVE, VITAL faith that WORKS???  That is a faith that is going to MOVE YOU to DO something!!!!!


If your health's not the greatest, start eating right and exercise.  If your money's kinda funny, go get another harder.  Open up a business.  LOL...go write some books....DO SOMETHING!  If you're in a relationship that is eating away at you, GET RID OF THAT JOKER!!!!  If you are wanting someone to be with, GO GET THEM!!!

If your church is hounding and harrassing you...and causing you mad pain, GET OUT OF THAT JOINT!

Stop sitting there whining about your circumstances and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM!!!

Folks quick to say 'PRAY FOR ME.  PRAY FOR ME.'  But then sit on their do-nothings...and DO NOTHING.  It's time to change that....for real


This may be the hardest thing to do of all.  So many people are so religiously indoctrinated...have been taught ERRONEOUSLY that this is God and that's not...that God wants us to do this and not to do that...and not enough people have ventured to STUDY THE WORD FOR THEMSELVES, that they really do NOT know TRUTH from ERROR.

The skill of TRUE DISCERNMENT (which IS JUDGING, btw) has truly been lost.

The religious system/churches have taught the people how NOT to discern, society has bashed into the skulls of at least this generation of people to NOT judge...that now folks can see a wolf and be like 'Uh, I'm not gonna judge them...If they're a wolf, God will deal with them...'

YEAH!  And in the meantime, that wolf has attacked you, shorn you, and left you for dead...and GOD HIMSELF gave you EYES to SEE, and EARS to properly discern the wolf.  But you ignored God's leadings...

And now the wolf GOT YOU!

And sure, GOD WILL deal with the wolves.  But you must remember God's time is not ours.  And you sat there and allowed a wolf to devour you...and God opened your eyes trying to WARN you to BEWARE!!!!

The issue isn't if God's gonna deal with them; God commanded us to be WISE as SERPENTS, yet harmless as sheep.  NOT DUMB AS SHEEP!!!!

NOW, if I were a sheep, and was lost, no shepherd to be found, and I happen to look up from my grazing and see a wolf, is that NOT judging that that is, in fact, A WOLF????

But religious/churchy people would have you to believe that doing that very thing-judging that that is a wolf-is wrong....

So I'm supposed to just put my head back down-as that sheep-and ACT LIKE I didn't see what I saw????


I KNOW what I saw!!!!  A FREAKIN WOLF!!!!! LOL!!!

I am afraid that what most religious activity has done is to dull the senses and the spirituality of most much so to the point where they truly cannot recognize error ...even when it slaps them in the FACE.

THIS is why I say the cure - probably the most powerful cure of all - of a religious hangover is to STOP ALL RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY!!!!

Now some church addicts will start going mad batty and having religious withdrawal symptoms if they don't get their 'fix' of church attendance, bible reading/studying, fasting, praying, LOL...listening to preachers/teachers on YouTube, etc.

But you need to TRUST that GOD by His Holy Ghost will lead you into ALL truth and understanding!

And it won't necessarily be by way of the religious activity that you have learned within the church system.

AM I saying these religious practices are wrong?  NO.

I am saying when they are done out of an attempt of YOUR FLESH to REMAIN 'in the Spirit,' holy, or keepin your mind 'stayed on God,' then they are ALL done IN VAIN...and OUT OF A RELIGIOUS SPIRIT!

And becoming drunk on religious spirits is the way to become religiously HUNGOVER!!!

Tired of the church/watch nite hangovers????


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WHY All The 'Talk' About 'Jezebel?'

I remember when Juanita Bynum came out with her teaching on 'the jezebel spirit' back in the 1990's.  It was at World Harvest Church.  

BOY!!!!  EVERYBODY was SOOO into this teaching...

I don't think anyone else had ever broached the 'topic' or 'teaching' on jezebel before Bynum.  If they did, no one ever heard of them until THIS WOMAN got in THIS pulpit in Columbus, Ohio and preached her heart out about what she believed to be the 'spirit of jezebel.'

I was on the bandwagon, too.  Hung on every word this woman hollered, proclaimed, taught, prophesied, etc.

WORE this VHS OUT!  (Thats how old this teaching IS!)

All of a sudden, different 'variations' of  the jezebel teaching started popping up throughout churchdom.  

Over 20 years later, folks STILL hollering about what they perceive to be 'the jezebel spirit.'  

Every week, someone else claims to have some sort of 'revelation' on the 'jezebel spirit.'

If you listened to these pulpiteers and pulpit PUPPETS, it would almost seem like God is saying NOTHING else about ANYTHING else ..... EXCEPT JEZEBEL!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Now...knowing God the way that I do, I do know that God WILL speak to and teach His people.  He will reveal things to those who seek Him.

But God has no need nor any desire to repeat Himself.

Now FOLKS may WANT Him to repeat Himself...b/c they have a HARD time believing what He said THE FIRST TIME.  

Folks have been mimicing and re-packaging 'the jezebel doctrine' for over 20 years....and it's REALLY sad!

Because from Bynum ALLLLLL the way down to what you read on jezebel just a FEW MINUTES AGO is TOTALLY WRONG and ERRONEOUS!

That's right!

PSA:  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my ebook, '"The Fruits of Azusa,' I explained the origin of MOST doctrines that are being taught in the 'church' today.

Sad to say, the 'jezebel spirit' is one thing I did NOT cover...not in detail anyways....

But it definitely IS a FALSE TEACHING/DOCTRINE that is floating around in the church systems.

Let these puppets and pulpiteers tell you, jezebel is just so powerful and has so much 'control' over people, that now all of sudden folks have no sense of right or wrong, good or bad.  No accountability.  Can't hear from God from themselves.  Can't do NOTHING!

It's ALL jezebel's fault!!!!! LOL!

NO...ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many charismatics and religious folks like to 'blame the devil' and 'a spirit' on just about everything....if they sin, the first thing they wanna cry is -Like Flip Wilson used to say - THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!'

When it was nobody but YOU!  Nobody but ME!

If a person decides to sin, it's because THEY WANTED TO!!!!!  PERIOD.

No spirit 'overtook' a person and made them do A THING!

But instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY for one's own actions, owning up to it, church people (in particular) LOVE to blame the spirit world and the devil for ERR'THANG!

Imma leave that alone for a sec...and get in the Word.  Cuz some of you religious spirits ain't gonna hear me unless I throw some chapters and verses up in there!


NOW, Go read 1 King 16...that's the first mention in the Word of God of Queen Jezebel.

Now some cultural references...

Folks like to make like jezebel was this fine, made - up sister who had all the men salivating at the mouth.  Many a religious man has made her out to be the epitome of seduction and provocativeness.  Some of the most beautiful actresses in the world have played jezebel, including Bette Davis and Elizabeth Taylor.


The demonization of the (beautiful) woman has been a stigma within the church system for centuries.  The very thing that made the woman attractive to the opposite sex (THE MALE) has been twisted around and turned into 'a demonic spirit' by the religious right...mostly men....who are for the most part- afraid of their own sexuality and prowess...and their attraction to the opposite sex.

Couple that with insecure, homely, frightened, thirsty females (replete within the oppressive church system) who thrive for the attention of the male...especially and in particular, any male that actually HAS (or FEIGNS to have/fakes the funk) authority in the 'spiritual/religious' realm.  For some reason, females flock to these types of men within the oppressive church culture.

When these men come across a (beautiful) female that TRULY has authority, truly is beautiful...these men will go to no lengths to have her.  They are attracted to her...they MUST have her.

Then after they marry her, get her, then they tire of her, discard her...and then DEMONIZE her!

When the real demon is in the MEN that perpetuate this stereotype of the woman (whether it be Eve, Jezebel, Rahab, etc.) is the reason the man continues to fall.

Time really prevents me from citing all the examples in the bible where a woman was demonized by the religious system, ostracized, cast out....

But the very ones that religious men went to great lengths to demonize and ostracize were the VERY ONES Jesus Christ of Nazareth ACCEPTED.  REVEALED HIMSELF TO FIRST.  USED THEM TO BRING THE WORD TO THE 'MEN.'  (Remember Mary Magdalene?  Who had all kinds of demons...?  Til God got ahold of her...then she was the first one who saw Jesus Christ RESURRECTED!  And then she went and TOLD the scary apostles the good news...while they were sitting around sulking and crying ....thinking that Jesus had left them!)

Yall remembered the woman at the well?

When Jesus Christ of Nazareth revealed himself to HER (first), SHE went and told THE MEN in the city about JESUS!!!!

It would seem to me that God has a tendency to speak to women MUCH more than He does the men.  

Not saying He does not....all I'm saying is that God indeed uses the foolish things of the world to confound THE WISE.

For all the insecure religious men (and some women) out there, let me reassure you.

God DOES use the foolish to confound the (religiously) wise!

God uses beautiful women, as well as homely ones.  Married women, as well as single ones.  Fat women and skinny women.  Women who go to church...and women who don't.  Women WITH a reputation...and women who HIDE their sins!  (You caught that, uh?  LOL)

But as to keep the attention of the chapter and verse seekers, I will go into the word even show you that there is NO such thing as a SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL!



There is only one time in the Word of God where the spirit of someone who lived before is actually referred to as something that is 'transferred' (for lack of a better term) to the people.

The Spirit of Elijah 

BOTH times the Spirit of Elijah was mentioned was in the Old Testament.

Do you know what that means?

Ever heard of necromancy?  Consulting the spirits of dead folks for 'revelation, spiritual insight, wisdom, info on the future?'  

ALL of that was strictly forbidden in the Word of God.  

Yet they got folks that have developed major church doctrines on consulting with, relating to, transferring spirits of, the whole mantles' doctrine....of dead saints!!!!!

HMMMM, let's see...what other religion/church does that?

Could it be the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH?????  St Mary, St Peter, St Paul....etc?

We protestants love to stone catholics on how they consult to and pray to dead saints...but charismatics and pentecostals been worshiping jezebel for over 20 years now!!!!!

How so????

Juanita Bynum made up a doctrine about the spirit of jezebel...based very loosely upon several OT scriptures and Revelations 2:20....and while YES, God mentions jezebel having SOME influence over A church-the church SPECIFICALLY AT THYATIRA- not a group of churches...

Nowhere in the Word of God do I see this 'spirit of jezebel' having so much power over the church as most make it out today!!!!!

The Word of God does not EVER elude to or even mentions a 'spirit of jezebel' having such massive influence over the 'entire body of christ' as some would elude to.

So what's with all this teaching on jezebel???????

I wholeheartedly believe that (I still believe in the existence of the devil, btw) that the enemy is trying to scare a WHOLE lot of folks into believing that a woman...or the spirit of a DEAD woman at that, is somehow the cause of the 'overthrow and downfall of the church.'


The jezebel that is mentioned in Rev. 2:20 only affected that ONE church.  The church at Thyatira ...which is now modern day Akhisar, Turkey.

Not Christianity!  Or the western church!

Now I understand that the seven churches God spoke to in the Book of Revelations...some seem to think that He was somehow speaking to seven types of churches.  

Again, let's look at the Queen Jezebel...all these things described in Rev. 2:20 were things Jezebel actually did during her reign.  BUT the reason why her influence (and I DO want to emphasize the word INFLUENCE, NOT spirit!)

 The reason why jezebel's influence somehow seeped down from generation to generation was NOT b/c the so-called 'spirit of jezebel' was so powerful and what not.

It was because the RELIGIOUS culture of Judaizers and the religious people kept her influence ALIVE within the religious culture!!!!!!

Those entrapped within the religious systems of men LOVE to iconize and idolize people who they deem powerful -whether that be powerful in a good way, or powerful in a bad way.

Then they deitize them and make them out to be gods...or spirits.  Somehow to keep the spirits of those who they admire, emulate, and worship alive...forever.

Which is really sad...because the ONLY one whose 'spirit' we should ALL seek to emulate and worship is the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!

Now, my saying these things does not mean I don't believe in the reality of the enemy or the demonic...I DO.

BUT, calling everything a 'spirit of this' and a 'spirit of that' where the Word of God is absolutely SILENT....?  That is EXTRA BIBLICAL nonsense!!!!!

It is ERROR.
It is leading millions ASTRAY!

The enemy LOVES to blame others for his foolishness....he loves it that millions of church folks are blaming the spirit of a dead woman for the 'demise' of the modern day church as it is known.

How CRAZY does THAT sound???

And let's take it a STEP further:  if 'the spirit of jezebel' has THAT much control over YOUR churches, WHERE IS THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD??????

Could it possibly mean that the church as YOU know that YOU were born into, that YOU were baptized into, that you became a MEMBER OF, has been under the CONTROL of ANOTHER SPIRIT....

ALL ALONG???????????

That NEVER crossed your minds...has it??????

Maybe THAT'S why you are so fascinated with 'jezebel?'

That's why you KEEP raising up teachers that teach yall this GARBAGE...?

It feeds into your sense of religiosity and superstition.

The enemy has been in charge of your churches since their inception....and HE has set up gods ....

Get your attention NOT on Jesus Christ of Nazareth...but on jezebel, and ahab, and leviathian (and I mean...what the HECK is a leviathian, anyways/?????  A DRAGON????)

On a python?  I have heard SOOO many teachings on the spirit of this and the spirit of spirits to animals and the such.  When animals DO NOT even have SOULS..OR SPIRITS!!!!

So WHERE are these teachings coming from?

Go read your old testament...the religious there LOVED to deitize animals and give spiritual significance and power to animals...I guess b/c they were the ones being sacrificed at the altars for the sins of the people...who knows!

But GOD is NOT pleased with this practice!

Worshiping the creature MORE than the CREATOR ....WHO IS blessed forever!!!!

Worship is not just singing Isreal Haughton or Fred Hammond...

Yall worship jezebel by putting these idiots in the pulpit that keep feeding you this JUNK on how powerful jezebel is...and running to conferences based solely upon exposing the spirit...of a DEAD woman???!!!

Listen to how crazy that sounds!!!!

And one more thing...

HOW is it that most of you cannot even STAND Juanita about her like a DOG....

But you STILL upholding teachings she gave 20 yrs ago????

Yall call her crazy, delusional, a witch, a jezebel...everything but a child of God....but YOU STILL recycling her teachings...??

Repackaging it and making it sound it came from YOU???????



Monday, December 23, 2013

When GOD Is Giving A Whooping, You BEST Move Out the Way!!!!!

Do y'all remember when coming up-those of us who had siblings-and how when they would misbehave?  And then mama or daddy would get the switch or the belt and start tearing their butts UP?

And -especially if you're an older sibling, and you KNOW the pain their feeling as they are getting their butts beat-you feel SO bad for them?

But as bad as you felt for them, you KNEW better than to intervene in that whipping?  

You knew NOT to go to mama or daddy and say a THING while they are getting whipped!

Because you KNEW if you did - heck, even if you were in the same ROOM as them while they are getting whipped - you KNEW you were gonna be NEXT?

You didn't quite understand it coming up.  You thought mama or daddy was being extra mean or something when they'd tear your hide, too...

Maybe it was for covering for the sibling when you KNOW they did wrong....
Maybe it was because you had the audacity to try and STOP the beating!
Maybe you lied about YOUR PART in the wrong doing...

Whatever the reason was, you BOTH got your tails beat.  GOOD!

Ever wonder WHY that happened????

Hebrews 12:10-12

Our human parents disciplined us for a little while, as it seemed best to them, but God does it for our benefit so that we can share his holiness.

No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at the time. Later, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.

So strengthen your drooping hands and weak knees!


Some folks who know folks who are 'going through' are feeling sorry for those folks....the folks who are going 'through' present their problems as 'an attack from the enemy.'

And, of course, in the church arena and realm, all you got to do is use certain lingo and catch phrases, and the whole gang of 'prayer warriors' flock and think its their 'job' to 'tear down strongholds' and 'wage warfare' against 'the enemy.'

And then they 'go in...'  thinking that they are doing 'God's bidding and service' by praying for a person who is going through.

And THEN they start to catch ALL kinds of hell and what some call 'backlash in the spirit,' thinking that its the enemy....

WHEN REALLY, IT'S GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD HIMSELF will whip the very ones who call themselves 'waging warfare' on the behalf of someone(s) that is going through....

Let me share some thing with you....

Some folks DO go through as the result of a REAL enemy...the devil.  

In THOSE cases, YES.  By ALL means, PRAY.  PRAY.  PRAY.  The Word tells us to pray!

And SOME folks are going through because THEY BROUGHT IT ON THEMSELVES!!!!


Their 'going through' is the chastisement of THE LORD!

And here you are (with your prayin, warring self!) are just like that older sibling who feels bad for the younger sibling getting their TAILS you make the MISTAKE of trying to STOP the whipping!!!!!!!!


I repeat...

YOU ...Prayer Warrior...Intercessor....WOG....MOG....CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT INTERVENE WHEN SOMEONE IS UNDER THE CHASTISEMENT (or even worse) THE JUDGMENT OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may fool around and catch a beating YOURSELF!

You can pray that they ENDURE their chastening like a big boy or a big girl...
You can pray that their strength fail not....
You can pray that God will have MERCY on them....

But don't think you're so big and bad and bold 'in the spirit' that you can STOP what GOD is doing in a person's life....EVEN if what GOD is doing is (temporarily) bad!

Just step back...and let GOD BE GOD!!!!!

Because YOUR hands are TOO short to box with GOD.

That person NEEDS the chastisement of the Lord.  That person needs judgment to be administered to their life so that the peaceable fruit of RIGHTEOUSNESS can prevail and manifest in their lives.

That person's VERY soul being SAVED depends on if they accept-AND endure-the chastening of THE LORD!

I don't care HOW God uses them.  I don't care HOW anointed some think they are.  I don't care WHO they are...

NO ONE is exempt from the chastisement of the Lord....

EXCEPT, of course, those who BELONG to the DEVIL!

Hebrews 12:6-8

Because the Lord disciplines whomever he loves, and he punishes every son or daughter whom he accepts.
Bear hardship for the sake of discipline. God is treating you like sons and daughters! What child isn’t disciplined by his or her father? 

But if you don’t experience discipline, which happens to all children, then you are illegitimate and not real sons and daughters.

If they don't 'take their whipping,' ENDURE IT, then God says they are NOT Sons (of God!)

Some folks you know TODAY are enduring hardships.  

They are suffering consistent, unending depression.  They are burying folks right and left.  They are experiencing all kinds of loss.  They are literally tormented in their minds...with no relief.  They are suffering in their bodies.  

And the MORE you pray for them, THE WORSE THEY GET!

Now, HOLD UP....


Isn't that what the Word of God SAYS????

Ok, then...if that is true (and we all know the Word is TRUE), then if your praying, PRAYER WARRIOR, for these people is NOT making things BETTER in their lives....but worse, then that means that what they are going through MUST BE ORDAINED BY GOD!!!!


If GOD allows it, and your prayers, your intervention, doesn't bring about any change to the situation, you need to step back and ask GOD, 'GOD, is this YOU?  Are YOU doing this in this person's life????'

And if He says YES, then BACK OFF!

Do not try to manipulate God with your prayers b/c you feel bad for what a person's going through.  You can feel bad for them, pray, but WATCH HOW you pray!

Because you COULD be praying AMISS, operating in the realm of witchcraft, AND SUFFER THE SAME DISCIPLINE/CHASTENING of the Lord that the person you're praying for is!

I know what I'm speaking of.  I used to be a 'prayer warrior' in church.  Head of intercessory teams.  Stayed 'on my face' praying for folks...and turns out those folks were under judgment or being chastened by God...and then all of a sudden, I found myself going through craziness, too.

I had to step back and go to God and seek direction...

And that's when HE gave it to me!

So its best you MOVE OUT OF THE WAY when God's judging folks or whipping their tail!

They may lose their life...but they WILL gain salvation!


Many doctrines have been erroneously taught in the church system.  If you want to learn WHERE these doctrines-such as prayer warriors and warfare praying-get a copy of

Friday, December 20, 2013

What Will You Do When the Cock Crows?

Mark 14:72

"At that very moment, a rooster crowed a second time. Peter remembered what Jesus told him,“Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down, sobbing...."

You know...its been about 4 years or so now since I've been in church....

It was scary at first-leaving the church.  I really didn't know where I was going or what I would do next.

I just took it one day at a time.  Day in.  Day out.

You see, when you are used to not being in the know, or in the clique, the fellowship thing really doesn't get to you.  There are some (people) who literally shrivel up and DIE because they don't see so-and-so and they can't sing in the choir or the praise team.

Or they can't hear Apostle So-And-So preach...

I personally began to really enjoy the quieting of my spirit that occurred after I left the church.

It was like I could hear from God BETTER.  It wasn't 'Pastor said this...' or 'Prophet said that...'

It was more like 'GOD SAID THIS...' and 'GOD SAID THAT..'

And for someone like me to hear from GOD?  FOR MYSELF?????

That STILL blows me away.

I have a past.  Lol...I have a present...AND a future.

I wrote about it in my ebook 'Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!'

I share about my struggles with same sex attraction.  And lust.  Fornication.  Sex addiction.  I'm very blunt and candid-some may consider it graphic even.

Because I don't share my present day struggles that I may go through in this area, some seem to think that I don't still deal with my flesh.  That simply is NOT true.

I just choose not to dwell on them ....

I still mess up.  I still need to repent.  I just don't get on FB or Blog Talk Radio and whine about it all day long.

Because quite frankly, I believe that that is between ME and God.

One thing you can say about me is that I won't lie to you.  I am real.  I will tell you how it is.  Even if it angers you.  I don't do it to anger you; I have to share the truth.  Even if it hurts you.  Or me.

But to get back to my topic....

WHAT do you do when the cock crows and you realize that you messed up?  That the very thing GOD said He was expecting you to do - mess up - and the very thing you said you would NEVER do....YOU DO????

And that reality hits you right in the face????

Peter was faced with some reality about his humanity.

Peter loved God.  Peter would go to bat for God.  But he was a bit religious....and presumptiuous.

He presumed that if given the opportunity, he would die for Christ.....when it was Christ who came to die FOR US!!!

But Peter trusted so much in HIMSELF to be righteous and earn a right hand seat with Christ Jesus that he stopped relying on the power of and faith IN GOD.

I think that's why God allows the cock to crow in our lives know?

When faced with our own sin and shortcomings, we have two choices.

We could do a Judas and off ourselves...never repenting.  Never going to the mercy seat to obtain favor from God.

We could be so hard on ourselves and never forgive OURSELVES...that no matter WHAT GOD has said or done about the situation....we will beat ourselves up til we die.


We can run BOLDLY to the mercy seat and get favor and mercy from God.  We can simply ask God to forgive us.  AND KEEP IT MOVING!!!!!

I have learned in this walk to not be so hard on myself.  There was a time when I fell into fornication ....and I was SO distraught that 'I' had fallen that I just couldn't get over it.  So I took some pills, turned on the gas and waited to die.


When you find someone like that who would rather rely on THEIR strength, mull around in self loathing and pity, who will go around for weeks beating themselves on the chest in remorse, who run to the altar week after week for the same issue, who will continuously ask OTHERS to pray for them b/c they just can't 'snap out of it....,' then you have run into a religious spirit who just may kill themselves.


NOT because the mercy and blood of Christ is not able to cleanse from all unrighteousness...nor b/c God didn't forgive.

But simply b/c they refuse to ACCEPT the mercy and forgiveness of GOD.

Religion has caused so many folks (preachers, pastors, members alike) to be so daggone hard on themselves!

The church system is such an abusive and cannibalistic one.  There is hardly any room for one to repent or to ask for mercy....

The way this thing is supposed to work is that if one falls, they should NOT have to go before a church, or Facebook, or Twitter, or a board or a council, or a priest to repent of their sins.

The Word of God says to go directly to GOD and obtain mercy!

The church and all her constituents set up idols and icons within her, and then when those icons and idols fall, they publicly stone and condemn them...some of them to DEATH!

Is it any wonder that these preachers are offing themselves more frequently?

I just read an article by TD Jakes where he went into his reasonings as to why the increase in pastoral suicide.

He made some valid points:  but I got it in one sentence.

The reason why the pastors are committing suicide is because these men and women were not and should not be pastoring in the first place.  The system in church is one that takes advantage of leaders AND the people.  They feed off one another....and NO ONE is relying on the power of God but the systems of MEN to redeem man.  And the systems of man will save NO ONE.

The pastors are set up as demigods....folks go around amening them and worshiping them all year long, giving them all their money, etc. And slowly but surely, these pastors start believing their own hype.  They start to thinking they ARE gods.  They start believing their own press - and forgetting their own humanity.

This is why I got out of the ministry:  ministry is such a dangerous game.

And it takes its toll on really does.

And many, MANY people who believe they are 'called' into the ministry are SO being lied to by the enemy of their souls....its only a trap to get you to be among the growing number of pastors who are becoming increasingly depressed, mental and suicidal.

Godly sorrow is a part of repentance.  If one falls, they should feel it.  But NOT forever!

Remember in these churches where they would have you tarrying, snotting, crying, hollering, fall all in the floor, all under the pew...talking about you are repenting?  Or 'being purged?'


It does NOT take God all day to pardon your sins or forgive them.  The moment you ask for forgiveness, YOU ARE FORGIVEN!!!!!!

Get up from there and ACCEPT His forgiveness!

Now, folks' forgiveness?

Especially CHURCH FOLKS?  You may NEVER get their forgiveness or mercy.

But as long as you got what YOU need from GOD, ur GOOD!

An important part of repentance is not just the godly sorrow part.

The Word of God says NO CHASTISEMENT seems pleasant ....for the MOMENT.

Meaning, even GOD is not gonna beat you up forever.  There IS no never-ending, continual season of chastisement.  There IS a season...but it is short.

God's mercies are new WHEN?  EVERY MORNING!!!!!

That means that when you get up in the morning, God has given you ANOTHER CHANCE!

Breathe in that oxygen and exhale that CO2 and LIVE!!!!!!

Peter could have done a Judas and just offed himself...I mean COME ON!

He had denied the very Savior who he vowed to die FOR!
Not only that, but dude was cursing up a STORM while doing it!
He wasn't EVEN behaving like an apostle/disciple SHOULD!

But when Jesus LOOKED HIM IN THE EYES, Peter realized what he had done, YES, HE WEPT!

If you gotta cry, go ahead and CRY.

But don't sit there and cry me a river...for weeks!

Get you one good cry in and then go ahead and REPENT!

Go to bed and when you wake up in the morning, guess what will be waiting for you even BEFORE you get out of bed?????

A BRAND NEW MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT ONLY THAT...NEW MERCIES (plural) God will give!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLENTEOUS MERCIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT'S how I can get up every day....with a smile on my face.  Knowing that no matter what, GOD'S GOT ME!

When the cock crows in your life, go ahead and look to Jesus.

Cry if you must.  His beauty, His mercies, His love, His longsuffering towards us is absolutely AMAZING!!!!

But then wipe your tears and GET TO MOVING!!!!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cooking a Gynormous Meal Doesn't Prove I LOVE U!


There are some that may misconstrue this post as a rant, per se, against Thanksgiving Day.

And I guess, it kinda is.

As I get ready to log into work (yes!  I'm gonna go make that paper today!), I began to think on the whole concept and misconception on which this day is allegedly 'celebrated.'

Family members that don't talk to one another all year long scramble to get funds together to travel so that all the family can gather around a table, offer God thanks for all He has given them.

Most of these family members can't stand one another.  And some people invite folks who can't be around family to come to their house for din the whole concept that's behind thanksgiving is lost because you're spending it with a bunch of strangers who mean absolutely NOTHING to you.

So folks gorge themselves with food to the point of making themselves physically ill....and the folks who spent possibly all week preparing this illustrious meal are too tired to even enjoy the company ....OR the meal....

It made me think about the foolishness of it all.

Folks spending money they don't have, to cook TOO much food that usually ends up in the trash anyways does NOT prove that the folks who prepared the food 'love' the people they are feeding.

As a whole, I think that folks in this country are WAY too obsessed with food.

When folks go to church, afterwards, what do they do?

They go to the nearest Golden Corral, or Chinese Buffet and gorge themselves with food.

Or they gather in the 'fellowship hall' and pack on the pounds.

People in this country eat entirely TOO Much food.  All year long!

The way you prove you love people is in how you treat them ALL YEAR LONG.

They way you prove you love GOD is in how obedient you are to Him, ALL YEAR LONG.

Not in setting aside ONE DAY of the year where you decide to 'give God thanks' for all He has done.

How would YOU feel if you worked hard all year long for someone you love, but they only decided to say 'thank you' and 'I love you' only ONCE per year????????

You would be peeved, wouldn't you?

That relationship would not last too long, would it?

But that's just what so called christians do ..... they decide to thank God once per year...and God's been good to them ALL YEAR LONG.  Faithful.  Longsuffering.  Forgiving.  Merciful....

As a matter of fact, God grants us NEW mercies .... HOW often?

EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

Yet we only say thanks.  We only DO thanks...we only take the time to be grateful for what He's done....Once per YEAR???????

HOW is that right?????

HOW is it right to only give a meal to the HOMEless....ONE day per year...when they need to eat the other 364 days per year....and then they STILL need a place to stay....ALL YEAR LONG?

I've been homeless before, and I can tell you.  My son and I appreciated the one meal, maybe the gifts that was lavished on us....but the people who did it did it to make THEMSELVES feel better.

NOT because they 'loved us,' per se!

NOT because they even CARED about where my son and I were gonna stay after they did their 'good deed' or two for the year!

The holiday season is so really is.  I just can't get with it.  Folks who spit at you all year long, folks who could care LESS about your plight or how you get along ....all year long, ALL OF A SUDDEN, get a heart, get some compassion from somewhere.  And decide that they want to feed you and maybe get you some gifts.


That's just CRAZY to me!

So I'm chillin today.  I'm going make that double time.

And you can bet your bottom dollar that come tomorrow, come next week, come next month, I will prove my love my loved doing what's RIGHT by them....ALL YEAR LONG!

Come tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, FOREVER, I WILL give God thanks.  I WILL live a grateful and thankful LIFE....ALL YEAR LONG.

God WILL know I love Him...not by what I profess on some designated holiday....but in how I do what He says....

ALL YEAR LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!