Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Have You Received A Call To Ministry? Or to Salvation?

As I watched this video, I was reminded of a favorite story I tell my youngest son at bedtime (even though he is going on 13 years old, he STILL loves for me to tell him stories!)

It is the story of the prophet Samuel.

How Samuel heard 'the call' as he was trying to go to bed in the temple with King Eli.

As much as I love to tell that story, if we look at that whole scenario in light of what Pam shares in this video...Samuel-in a sense-received a call to ministry, and not salvation.  Salvation was not yet given, because no eternal shedding of blood had been shed for all our sins!

As supernatural and awesome that story, I am afraid many mistake the call to SALVATION as a call to ministry....

And one CANNOT be called into ministry FIRST and HAVE NOT YET BEEN SAVED!!!!
First things FIRST!

Many hear a call, but don't know who is calling them.

Just like Samuel the prophet heard someone call his name-and answered the call, according to the instructions of King Eli-many still operate in that religious mindset of answering a call to prophesy, to operate in ministry...and have YET to answer the call TO BE SAVED!

How do you know if you have received a call to salvation, or to ministry?

If you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior, if you let Jesus into your heart, if you repeated a sinner's prayer, if you have NEVER TRULY repented of your sins, if you have no REAL understanding of what happened at Calvary OR in the tomb when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised from the dead, if you believe that Jesus only resurrected in SPIRIT FORM and NOT IN THE FLESH, or if you continuously sin and REMAIN unrepentant of sinning.....THEN....

THE CALL YOU ARE HEARING IS TO S A L V A T I O N!!!!!!!!!  And NOT ministry!!!

You are NOT saved.

If you are truly born again, and understand that there is NO way you can accept Jesus Christ, but He has to accept you, if you HAVE repented of your sins, if-when you sin-you do experience GODLY SORROW for your sin, that leads to repentance, if you understand that Jesus Christ was resurrected IN THE FLESH and is at the right hand of the Father-and can NEVER reside 'in our hearts,'  if you possess a working knowledge of what JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH DID FOR US ALL by laying down His life and picking it right back up again....THEN....


Don't get the two confused.  The enemy calls ministers, too.  He calls those who are NOT saved into ministry so that they can propagate and spread more false doctrine and deceive more people.

~Do you need help in determining if the call you are hearing is to salvation or to ministry, call 518-477-5759. Or watch this video.~

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