Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Anus Is NOT A Sexual Organ!

Ok, I know I am opening up a can of worms-one that has invariably been opened up in the past.

Sexual relations within the confines of MARRIAGE within the religious system has been debated for years. Anal sex (and oral) has been debated many times over.

I have stated my very strong views on this matter before (not recently)...and have had so-called 'christians' argue with me that I needed to lighten up. That they will do whatever their husbands desires for them to do in efforts to keep their husbands from 'roaming,' so to speak.

I have said it before. And I will say it again:


The Anus is an external part of the DIGESTIVE system. In plain english, it is the part of the body where poop is excreted from the body.

From Wikipedia:

"The human anus (from Latin anūs meaning "ring", "circle") is the external opening of the rectum. Like other animals, its closure is controlled bysphincter muscles. Feces are expelled from the body through the anus during the act of defecation, the primary function of the anus." (


I looked up what a doctor from Western Washington University had to say about anal sex. I found it very interesting:

" sex) is medically risky behavior nevertheless, even if condoms are used as a barrier for STDs. The anal sphincter muscle is not anatomically designed to comfortably admit external objects--it is designed to relax and stretch when stimulated internally by rectal fullness from stool. The automatic reflex is for it to contract and tighten when pressure is applied externally. So relaxation of the sphincter for external penetration is learned over time because otherwise it is very uncomfortable, and must only be done with gentle continual pressure, and lots and lots of lubricant. The risks, even with gentle insertion, are laceration of the anal tissue, and rectal mucosa, resulting in pain, bleeding, and difficulty passing stool comfortably.

Any presence of blood can potentially expose the insertive partner to bloodborne STDs like Hep. B, Hep. C, and HIV. In addition, exposure to stool can result in urethral infections in a male insertive partner.

The receptive partner is at more risk for contracting STDs if there is trauma (even microscopic) to the anus or rectum due to the potential presence of virus in semen, if ejaculation takes place in the rectum. Human papilloma virus also is likely to be spread anally due to this trauma to the anal and rectal tissue, and some of the most difficult persistent HPV infections we see are chronic anal warts, both external and internal to the anal sphincter and they are exceptionally difficult to treat, often requiring surgery to remove.

Aside from the traumatic and infectious risks, there is the risk of sphincter tone (tightness) loss over time due to repeated dilation for insertive intercourse. Many receptive partners experience stool incontinence (leaking of stool or poor control) when they have anal sphincter tone decrease. This, needless to say, is very bothersome and uncomfortable and has to be surgically corrected if it becomes chronic.

Lastly, there is increased risk of spreading gastrointestinal pathogens through anal contact--whether it is bacterial infections like salmonella or E. Coli, or parasitic infections like Giardia." (

Now, the Word of God does not speak directly to the issue of anal sex. But we do have at least a couple of biblical references (of which I'm sure you are familiar with):

Romans 1:26-27

That’s why God abandoned them to degrading lust. Their females traded natural sexual relations for unnatural sexual relations. Also, in the same way, the males traded natural sexual relations with females, and burned with lust for each other. Males performed shameful actions with males, and they were paid back with the penalty they deserved for their mistake in their own bodies.

Leviticus 18:21-23

I am the Lord. You must not have sexual intercourse with a man as you would with a woman; it is a detestable practice.... Nor will a woman present herself before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.

The Word of God does, however, speak to the issue of how GOD feels about homosexuality. There are people who will argue that because it is not broken down in the Word, it does not expressly say 'thou shalt not commit anal sex,' then all is up in the air and fair game, as long as 'christian' couples can get their swerve on, so to speak.

Look at Romans 1. The Word says that God will give people over to 'degrading lusts.' The King James calls them 'vile affections,' or 'evil, dishonorable, disgraceful, afflicting passions.'


Isn't that what the doctor said could happen if you have anal sex? You are more prone to get STDs, eColi and other infections? Plainly put, your anus will be so stretched out that you may no longer have control over the anal muscles? So you can have MANY 'accidents'? (if you know what I mean?)

I don't mean to be funny, but I have known young boys who were molested by other men, and later on in life developed problems with holding their bowels. They would literally have accidents. Sometimes, it requires surgical correction, as the doctor explained above.

Besides from the medical complications and risks that does arise from anal sex, I have to say...isn't lovemaking between husband (ONE man) and wife (ONE woman) supposed to show love?

I'm sorry...there is no love in being degraded to participating in an evil, vile, disgraceful, and potentially dangerous and afflicting act....and for what?

Just so you can (possibly) prevent your husband from straying?????

Let me share something with you, ladies:

You can be the freakiest of the freaky for your husband. You can give him any kind of sex he wants. You may cringe at first, and resist. But many women give in to this vile affection....mistakenly believing that if they give in to their husbands' desires that he will stay faithful to them.


If your husband propositions you with anal sex, I can almost guarantee that, one, it was introduced to him at an early age or with another male...or, two, he saw it in a porno flick somewhere.

I'm going to share with you a testimony I heard from an associate pastor of a major church in the Boston area years ago, about a man who NEVER participated in anal or homosexual sex, but had a serious addiction to porn. He watched SOOO much porn that eventually, he began to believe the lie of the enemy that maybe he was gay!

So all of a sudden, a normally heterosexual male minister who grew up in church who watched porn and masturbated uncontrollably started entertaining the idea that he may be gay!

He eventually started having homosexual sex...until God delivered him!

All while 'serving' in christian ministry.

This thing is serious, people.

It cannot be anything and everything goes in the bedroom.

The enemy has introduced all kinds of perversion into the bedroom, and countless numbers of 'believers' are just going at it, no discretion, no boundaries, consulting porn and porn stars, talk show hosts, and inspirational speakers INSTEAD of the Spirit of God regarding their sex lives!

Once someone allows someone else to perform anal (or oral) sex on them (which ARE considered homosexual acts, acts of sodomy), they are allowing themselves to be opened up spiritually to perversions and perverted spirits, vain, evil imaginations.

Your husband says 'Oh, honey, there's no harm in this. Let me just try this this one time. ...'

So you give in and then all of a sudden, you and he both are tormented with lusts...passions...VILE passions...that are never fulfilled. Which is what leads to someone straying outside of the marriage for fulfillment. The very thing you were trying to prevent and lowered your standards to prevent didn't work.


Lovemaking between spouses is supposed to bring about harmony, trust, it's supposed to be a safe place. No partner is supposed to feel violated, in pain, disgusted, or nauseated.

I, personally speaking, cannot see how that could EVER be the case with anal (or oral) sex.

All those types of sex does is feed an animalistic passion that demands more and more fulfillment. It's like a high. You finish, and you want more....but only more vile and disgusting.

And a high (as many of you recovering drug addicts know) is a thrill you never get over by giving in to it.

Now, I understand that some reading this may have already been exposed to anal (or oral) sex. They may have been molested or raped as a child anally or orally. And have been tormented with 'vile affections' ever since.

I was one of them...

I want you to know that there IS healing and deliverance from vile affections. He did it for me!

But the first part of the healing process comes in pulling back the nasty scab that covers the wound.

YOU need to know that no matter WHO did WHAT to you, or WHEN they did it, THIS IS NOT HOW GOD INTENDED SEX TO BE!!!!!

And you are NOT a slave to your appetites, or vile affections.

I know that the porn industry, some folks in 'church,' the media...seems like EVERYONE would like for you to believe that you are a slave to your passions. That every urge that hits your loins must be given into. Like we are some type of animals who cannot control ourselves.

Isn't one of the fruit of the Spirit is SELF CONTROL?????

When you are born again, GOD will give you self control....but you have to stay submitted to the Spirit of God.

NOT to the spirit of this world!!!!!

So I repeat....THE ANUS IS NOT A SEX ORGAN!!!!

Allow God to teach you HOW to submit your body members to HIM so that you can glorify God...IN YOUR BODY!!!!

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