Saturday, February 23, 2013

Aren't You TIRED Of Recycled Prophecies?

We all have heard them, that is, if you have went to any church service, any prophetic conference, etc. where a so-called prophet is in the house.

Most of us would be in the audience with sweaty palms, in heavy anticipation, praying that the 'man of God' or the 'woman of God' would call on us to 'give us a word' in season.

Then they would 'call us to the front,' or maybe they will walk over to give us 'a word!'

"There is a paradigm shift going on in your life!"

"You're Next In Line..."

"Dance for Your Miracle!"

"Step Into Your Destiny!"

"I See A Wedding Gown..."

"You Are Called Into The Ministry!"

Then we would get all hype and emotional.  Some may cry.  Some may run.  Some may dance.  Some may literally holler.  

Some may even fall 'slain in the spirit.'

We all had our way of 'receiving' a word from the Lord.

If we are HONEST, most of the prophecies that are going forth in the church TODAY are the SAME exact prophecies that were being peddled around in the church TEN YEARS or MORE ago!

Smh (for those of you who don't know...that means Shake My Head).

Now...I don't claim to be an expert in the prophetic or anything, but in the Word of God, God would send His prophets with a word, and then that was that.  And right now, I'm in the Old Testament.  

God didn't send 10 prophets to tell ONE person the SAME WORD, to 'give confirmation,' or to remind folks of what He said years before.

Folks WITHOUT the HOLY GHOST remembered what God said.  They just chose to accept it, believe it....or reject it.

(I can say that because the Holy Ghost was not given until the Book of Acts.)

So how is it that IN THIS DISPENSATION, AFTER God has poured out the Holy Ghost in the Book of Acts, with all this holy ghost floating around, that folks TODAY need 50 prophets (and I say that VERY loosely) to come to them with THE SAME WORD?????


THAT is NOT the Spirit of the Lord that is sending 100 prophets to you with the same 'word' confirming what you THOUGHT you heard God said 5 years ago.

And let's play devil's advocate and say it WAS God...where is YOUR faith????

Why is it that YOU don't believe the Word of the Lord?

Why do you need 'confirmation' of what He told YOU?

I wrote two blogs entitled I Need Confirmation, Part 1 and I Need Confirmation, Part 2 that sheds some light on the whole 'practice' in the church of folks 'needing confirmation.'  That whole practice actually can open you up to serious spiritual danger and error.

You see, the enemy knows you seek after a sign, much like Gideon needed God to 'send confirmation' of what God told him.  So the enemy WILL send 'confirmation,' over and over the form of 50 'prophets' who all say the exact same thing you thought you heard way back when!

You cannot be duped into believing a word is from God just because more than one person came at you with that word, or you got a sign, or you dreamed of it.  

Folks are so desperate for 'a word' that they will receive anything, thinking it's a word 'from the Lord.'  I touch on that in I Need A Word From God, too.  (Can you tell I am very passionate about this topic?)

I have to be!

I have seen way too many cases where even well-meaning folks gave off prophecies-recycled prophecies-in efforts of trying to 'encourage' believers.  People, you CANNOT just say any old thing and try to play it off as a word from God, even if you meant well!

I have seen folks go off and get married because they got off, recycled prophecies...those marriages ended in divorce and mayhem....EVERY last one of them!

Read this 'recycled' prophecy I saw someone post on Facebook this week:

I'm hearing WEDDING BELLS and my heart is leaping for joy!

Ladies, some of you I already know personally that God has sent someone good and favorable your way, but more shall have that testimony soon the Lord is saying.  He is saying some of you will not have time to wipe the tears as that counterfeit exits your life before the real thing shows up.  Your mind will tell you, "It's too soon!'  But your spirit will pose the question, 'What are you waiting for?'  Get ready!"

You will see God is not finished with you, but there is some 'growing together' stuff that must take place.  So he's sending that man to enhance your life as you compliment his and learn and grow in oneness.  This is the season.

Get rid of the grudge, the bitterness, the attitude or else you won't even recognize him when he arrives.  Today the Lord is saying is your day. It is written in the heavens that if you delight in Me you shall have the desires of your heart.  Take delight and await the manifestation of the promise!
Wow.  Ok.  Where can I begin?

First of all, I heard this EXACT same prophecy-almost verbatim-back in 2004 when the enemy was trying to get me to marry this gay preacher/pastor.  SMH!

From MORE than one person!!!!!

Let's just suffice it to say, that was NOT God!!!!

Second of all, let me dissect this a bit, if I can.

This 'prophet' said (b/c GOD DID NOT SAY THIS!), that your 'mind will say it's too soon, but your 'spirit' will say 'what are you waiting for?'

This prophet spoke of the spirit saying that when in actuality, it is the SOUL that would undoubtedly say that.  How can I say that?  Because when one is born again, our minds are to be renewed.  We are NOT to ignore the promptings that influence our minds...because our minds ought to be renewed; we are to have the mind of Christ.

The soul is the seat of our will and our emotions...and it would be the SOUL that would 'tell us' to 'go for it' as it pertains to participating in a premature marriage.  We know that it takes time to discern a person, to know a person...and it is utter foolishness to up and marry someone when you hardly KNOW them!

Yet, this person is claiming that God is putting His stamp of approval on folks marrying all willy nilly, using NO wisdom.

I tell you....I have seen folks get this prophecy, then they went off and married Blow Joe who they knew for like 2 weeks.  Or they married the DL preacher.  Or the pastor who was struggling with drugs.  

And NOT ONE of those marriages that were prompted, if you will, by a 'recycled prophecy' have made it....

NOT ONE!!!!!

Another one of the recycled prophecies is this 'paradigm shift' I have heard over and over again...

Essentially, a 'paradigm shift' is 'a radical change in underlying beliefs or systems.'  A change in one's thinking.

Paradigm Shift is a scientific phrase introduced to by a scientist named Thomas Kuhn back in 1962.  Before 1962, no one was using this phrase in the church.  Oral Roberts wasn't 'healing' folks in the old tent meetings, telling them there is a paradigm shift.  A.A. Allen wasn't selling his book on prosperity in the 50s, saying there is a paradigm shift.  

Now, I can understand the whole evolution of things, the element of change.  Change is inevitable.  It's how we all grow.  

But what charismatics have done was taken a SCIENTIFIC term and tried to apply it to the spiritual.  

So now turn on any 'christian tv channel' and the preacher is talking about 'paradigm shift.'

Some people who I even respect still uses this term.  

But here's the's just like when Obama came on the scene talking of change.  It won him not one, but TWO presidential elections.  

But if the people don't make moves toward change, embrace change, flow with change, then there will be no change!

Same thing has happened in the so-called church:  folks been screaming all decade about a paradigm shift...but they still embrace organized religion, an antiquated church system in which God is no longer a part, and IGNORE the call to COME OUT of the harlot church....

So that's why the enemy got to keep sending folks to pump them up telling 'a change, a paradigm shift, is gonna come...'  But then those same folks resist change.  

Just like in politics, the people may WANT change, but the 'powers that be' keep stopping real change from going forth.  (But that's another blog for another day!)

Which brings me to my point.  

WHY are recycled prophecies needed anyways?????

Aren't you TIRED of the recycled prophecies??????

When folks reject TRUTH, then they are by default embracing a LIE.  DECEPTION.  And the enemy will help you dig yourself DEEPER into the grave of deception and error.  

When folks consistently reject something because it is not what they want to hear, then God will leave them to their own devices...

The enemy keeps sending recycled prophecies to folks who have rejected TRUTH-THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.  God has given folks over to STRONG they cannot receive the truth.

This is the danger of recycled prophecies, people.  And also, of making major life decisions off of 'recycled prophecies.'

I could go on, dissecting other 'recycled prophecies' we have ALL heard, but I don't have that kind of time.  

Next time someone comes at you with a prophecy that has been recycled, don't listen to your soul.  Or your heart.  Or the next 43 people who give you the same word...

Take that thing to GOD HIMSELF and WAIT ON IT...see if its God.  Examine it.  Just like I did above.  God is not gonna get mad if you do....HE WANTS YOU TO!!!!!

1 comment:

Detoxed From Churchanity said...

When something has to be recycled, that means that there is a threat of there being some sort of shortage, so to speak. The reason why we recycle plastics or paper is because we want to be environmentally correct...but it goes deeper than that. It also means that at some point in the future, we are afraid that we won't have enough resources at our disposal to make these products.

The reason why your favorite preachers keep recycling the same messages, the same prophecies and what have you, is because they are afraid that no more word is gonna come forth!

So they keep throwing the same ol' same ol' at you....

The Word of God speaks to 'a famine of the Word of the Lord' in the last days.

These are the days to stock up on your Word ...ON YOUR OWN.

Stop depending upon your favorite preachers for a word from the Lord!