Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Art of Seduction

I want you to take a close look at this picture.

In the background, is the institutional church.  Grandiose.  Majestic.  Stately.  Beautiful.

To the forefront is a couple, seducing one another, yet in chains.  In bondage.  They are not aware that they are in bondage because they are all caught up in the moment.  In the throes of passion.  Ecstasy.

Or an altered state of consciousness....

Awake, yet asleep...

Romans 13:11
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

When we hear the word seduction today, we automatically see a picture in our minds of the couple embedded in the above picture.  We automatically think of two people being seduced into forbidden sexual behavior, or, at the very least, sexual behavior.

When the Word of God speaks of seducing spirits in 1 Timothy 4:1, we automatically assume that the Word is talking about spirits that tempt one to have sex outside of the confines of marriage or other illicit sexual behavior.

Read the text:

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

The greek word for seducing here is 'planos,' which means 'wandering, roving, misleading, leading into error, impostor, corrupter, deceiver.'

It speaks of nothing sexual in its proper context.

The modern definition only serves further to perpetuate the improper defining and perception of the the word 'seduction' as well:

From Wikipedia:
"Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in sexual behavior."
"Seduction involves temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to lead someone astray into a behavioral choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of sexual arousal."


Hear with your spiritual ear...

The enemy CAN and DOES seduce (entice, arouse, tempt) people, but not just sexually to do the wrong thing in the natural.  NO!  That is just to introduce to you what it feels like to be seduced.

Not to be too graphic, but if you have ever been seduced into sex-especially illicit, illegal sex-it is an intoxicating, overwhelming sensation.  It can be a form of escapism from whatever hell (or even boredom) you have going on in your life at the moment.

B.J. Thomas is a famous singer from the 60s.  In the year I was born, he came out with this song 'Hooked On A Feeling.'

The enemy has millions of people 'hooked on a feeling,' so to speak.

That same feeling, that same exhilaration, that same sense of escapism one gets when having sex has been duplicated, per se, in the organized church system.  It has been re-packaged to appear to be holy, appear to be God, appear to be divine.  And because the deception has been borne in the spirit realm, and everybody believes EVERYTHING borne in the spirit realm IS of God, NO ONE is properly discerning seducing spirits...in the pulpit, in concert, in conferences, in revivals, on popular so called christian programming on TV, at altars, in private prayer meetings, dancing down the aisles, running around the church, speaking in tongues, falling all out under the pews, running and riffing up the ying yang, 'prophesying,' teaching and preaching........

They are believing all of this is God, when it is nothing more than a SEDUCING SPIRIT deceiving the masses!!!!!

This is the Art of Seduction that the enemy has cleverly mastered!

He has tantalized your flesh, your senses (that includes your ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell), your soul, your will, your emotions, even your body....RIGHT there in the middle of church services!
And you have mistaken it all for a move of God....

I do not believe it is a mistake of all the sexual sin that has plagued the I.C.

It is only a manifestation of all the spiritual seducing that is going on within the institutional church.
Spirits of religion are praying folks back into church (or attempting to anyways).  Speaking in tongues over them (not realizing they are speaking curses over the very people they claim to be praying FOR!)

Just like a lover/temptress entices her prey..."Oh, don't you miss my touch?  My scent?  My curves?  How I make you feel???"

The spirit of religion beckons, calls you...
"Oh, don't  you miss the choir?  The praise and worship team?  Don't you miss that FEELING you get when you walk up in the House of God?  Don't you want to 'come home?'"

The spirit of pride and ambition calls some...
"The anointing on your life is SO great!  The masses GOT to hear it!  And the only way they will hear it is if you are in the church.  And get up under a covering.  Get the right connections.  You are out here and no one's listening to you.  You need to go back to church and get back in that pulpit!  YOU are called to the nations!"

The spirit of rejection and loneliness coos in...
"Aren't you tired of being alone?  Don't you miss the fellowship?  Oh, how nice it would be if you were back in fellowship with some of your church friends (who haven't spoken to you since you left church, btw!)  If you would only go back to church, you would get your friends back.  That's walking in 'real love.'"

And all these evil spirits are working together to SEDUCE you into sleeping with the Harlot Church....again!

Much like the temptress seduces her man.

The spirit of religion is on the prowl, has the hots for you!  It is insatiable!  It won't be satisfied til she GOT YOU!!!!!

Her very bowels-the institutional church's 'womb'-yearns and craves for YOUR SOUL!

She wants so bad to birth something ELSE.  So she keeps trying to 'sleep' with you, to get you to 'impregnate' her.

(Funny how within the I.C. , they are ALWAYS trying to 'birth' some thing 'new!')

If something is birthed OF GOD, it does NOT have to be new.  The ONLY thing that should be craved to be birthed is THE BORN AGAIN SOUL!!!!  Anything else is of the devil!

The I.C. gains her strength through you.

Every time you go back, you are making her seducing power over you and those around you even stronger!

The spirit of religion-THE HARLOT CHURCH-is the most powerful seductress, the most enticing temptress-of them all!

But you have power over the enemy!

Walk away from her, and never, EVER look back.


Who Introduced the Prosperity Gospel to the Church?

As early as the late 1940s, a pentecostal preacher named Granville Oral Roberts began teaching on seed faith and prosperity.  In 1947, another pentecostal preacher name Asa Alonso Allen went to one of Roberts' tent meetings and was so intrigued by what he heard there that he went home and preached it to his Assemblies of God church in Texas.

A.A. Allen later left the the AOG and started holding tent meetings.

In this message below, A.A. Allen gives a brief 'testimony' of how his 'ministry' blessed an older black couple:

I don't think I have ever been more disgusted and nauseated at this erroneous doctrine than now.  Now, that I have realized just how long the enemy has entrenched and infiltrated this poison into the lives of so many.

What better time to introduce the gospel of prosperity?  When the country was trying to recover for the Great Depression of the 1940s?  When most Americans were trying to obtain the American dream...a white picket fence around 3.5 bedrooms, dog in the yard?  When most Americans had a hard work ethic and working hard was rewarded?

And whats even more nauseating is that he targeted black people in this message, in particular.

Who else eats 'pigs feet, neckbones, and hammocks' but black folks????

Black people in this era were particularly vulnerable.

Black folks think they are poor now?  Only 50 to 60 years post-Emancipation Proclamation, blacks were still struggling to gain civil rights.  They were severely oppressed in every way, including financially.

Especially financially.

Allen realized this, and he capitalized off of their vulnerability.

How many black people in the 50s and 60s were riding around in Cadillacs?  If you were not singing or dancing, and were black, you did not have a cadillac.

And just how the enemy used the vulnerability of the oppressed then, so is he doing it today.

Here, during the recession, EVERYBODY is being oppressed now.  Everybody who does not have a six or seven figure salary.  Even some with a six figure salary are having to pinch pennies.

So now the provocateurs of the prosperity gospel are in full swing.

And now this doctrine is being taught everywhere!

I have said it plenty of times and have been accused of being a 'hater.'  But I will repeat it:

Just because someone is famous and well-liked does not mean you should accept what they teach or preach as written in stone, from the throne room of GOD HIMSELF.

This here is a classic example of error being taught through very popular preachers.  And no one questioned it.

It was accepted b/c of the supernatural signs that occurred with the teaching.  Because of the likability of the preachers.  Because of their popularity.

It is time to wake up!

Do not accept false doctrine...NO MATTER WHO TEACHES IT!!!!!

The above is a cover from a magazine A.A. Allen ministries published in the 1950s and 1960s.  Cadillacs for Preachers.  This sense of entitlement and covetousness was introduced before many of us were born.  It is a diabolical, demonic, false doctrine that exploits the very people it is supposed to help.

Look at the video above and tell me it doesn't look like one of these programs we see air often on BET????

It is TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!!

The RELIGIOUS Lie of Backsliding and Apostasy, Part 1

I remember hearing of backsliding and the apostate church all of the time when I was a churchgoer.

Often, preachers would use these two terms interchangeably in hell-fire and brimstone preaching that was often used to scare people into 'getting right' and 'getting saved.'

I want to make a bold statement/stand:

The popular perception that we have held of backsliding has been grossly misinterpreted and downright error has been spread as it pertains to backsliding and apostasy.

The concept of backsliding as it has been so popularly taught in the institutional church was applicable in the OLD Testament ONLY.

"Are you saying that one cannot backslide, or become apostate?"

Let's look in the Word of God.  I did not find the word 'apostate' in the Word of God one time.  I did find the word 'backsliding' in the bible 15 times....all in the Old Testament.

The very last time I see the word 'backsliding' in the Word of God is in Hosea 14.  The Hebrew word used here for 'backsliding' is 'mÄ•shuwbah,' which means 'apostasy or a turning back or away.'

In Hosea 14:4, God promises to heal the backslidings of Israel.

When God heals, that healing lasts.  It is done.  There is no reversal of healing...that's when GOD HEALS!
Same applies to HIS saving power.  When GOD SAVES, IT IS FINISHED!


There IS no backsliding to someone who has been born again, washed in the blood of the Lamb of God!
So when we go to the New Testament to find if the word or the idea of backsliding is there, I found two instances.  One in Acts 21:21 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

Acts 21:21

And they are informed of thee, that thou teach all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.

In this passage of scripture, the 'apostasy' or falling away associated with backsliding is used by the word 'forsake' in this verse.  So what was being forsaken?  THAT'S the question!

What was being forsaken was the law of Moses!  The rituals of Judaism that required that parents circumcise their sons.

Now, of course, because we live in a different dispensation, one where Judaism and all of her rituals are no longer NECESSARY to be heeded because God told us to circumcise OUR hearts, not our flesh!  That circumcision does not take place except when one is submitted to the HOLY GHOST and is BORN AGAIN.

So forsaking, turning away from the religious practice of circumcision is NECESSARY so that we can embrace the concept and reality of having faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in HIS Cleansing Blood to wash away our sins.

If we continue to hold on to Judaism, we make the Cross of no effect and cannot be born again!!!!!

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

Now, let's look at this in its proper context.  If you read the whole chapter of 2 Thessalonians 2, you will see further down that this is talking about what is going to happen when the Antichrist is manifested in the earth.  The SPIRIT of Antichrist has been setting the stage, if you will, for centuries for his appearing.

And the Word says it will happen!

How is this going to happen, or has BEEN happening???

Well, verses 9-12 says:

 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

1.  Well, first of all, signs and wonders has been worshipped so much that now most people expect to see signs and wonders or they don't receive the Word that God gives through you.  This past century especially, with the onset of Azusa, many people have come to expect signs and wonders to always be representative of the Holy Ghost.  They have failed to realize that the enemy is the master magician.  He knows how to do signs and wonders, too.  Has been practicing it for a long, LONG time!

2.  The institutionalization of the church has made it easy for the spirit of Antichrist to control and manipulate the masses.  THIS is why he set it up in the first place!  How better to control a group of people than to get them to congregate.  Then get a whole bunch of congregations to come together in a spirit of ecumenism (the merging of all faiths, churches, fellowships, denominations, etc), even at the expense of truth, in a spirit of fake love and unity.

3.  The way all of this has been able to take place-along with all of the other maladies of the institutional church-is because people have lost a LOVE FOR THE TRUTH!  When a LOVE FOR THE TRUTH is absent, then GOD HIMSELF SENDS A STRONG DELUSION!  The Word says HE sends it so that HE makes SURE they will believe A LIE!!!!

Without a love for the truth, one CANNOT be saved!!!!

In that passage of scripture, I present to you that it is the religious BUT NOT SAVED FOLKS who this great 'falling away' is applied to!

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 again.

The ones who are going to fall away from the faith are ones who were NEVER SAVED or LOVED THE TRUTH from the beginning!

They were religious.  They attended temple, synagogue, mass, church.  They served in ministry.  They ate with Presidents and Kings.  They performed many signs and wonders.  They had a great following.


Otherwise, they could NOT backslide.  They could NOT turn away from the faith...that is, the faith that is in Jesus Christ of Nazareth ALONE!

By making the masses believe that if they are faithful to a church, a denomination, a ministry, a fellowship, an organization, or a man or a woman, then that faithfulness equates salvation and faithfulness to GOD.


That whole teaching started right around the time the catholic/institutional church began.  The term 'apostate' never came into existence until the 2nd century, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia.

Roman Catholicism introduced the concept of apostasy!

I hope that sinks in....I got to break this up into two, maybe three parts.

I am going to tear down some strongholds and correct some very real religious errors that have kept so many in religious bondage!

Is It Preaching? Or Sermonizing?

The Foolishness oPreaching...


I couldn't agree with Pam more...
Approximately over a year ago, I wrote the following blog on preaching.
This is a question each preacher needs to ask themselves:

My updated corrections are in parenthesis:
1 Corinthians 1:18-21
 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.


 We as ministers of the gospel know all about it.  Even those we label as laity know about preaching.  We know all types of preaching.  We know the hoop. The holler.  The in between, asthma-like huffs and puffs in between phrases or sentences.  We get excited over it.  We dance over it.  We shout and rejoice.  The desired result of preaching, according to the Word of the Lord, is to save souls.  I could be wrong, but I don't see anywhere in scripture that tells us to preach to saved folks, but to instruct, to edify, or grow the saints up in the things of God.

 If we want to encourage the saints, the Word tells us to speak to each other 'in spiritual songs and psalms:

 Ephesians 5:19
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord...

If we want to edify one another, grow the saints up, the Word tells us to teach and admonish one another-again with 'psalms, hymns, & spiritual songs...'

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

 The Word does not say to preach to saved folks.  Preach to unsaved folks; teach, admonish, speak to, rebuke, reprove the saints!


Just think about it.  This may be why the souls are not growing.  You've been preaching to them for 20 years.  Preaching (sermonizing, using Pam's term) them happy.  Preaching (sermonizing) them sad.  Preaching (sermonizing) them prosperity.  Preaching (sermonizing) them strange doctrines.  Preaching (sermonizing) everything...why are you preaching salvation to saved folks?

I was listening to this very popular woman preacher (heck, I will post her name:  it was Cindy Trimm).  She was preaching, but it was in a religious setting.  So I hit play.  I will admit:  I was somewhat annoyed at her preaching in cadence and all...

"And the Lord say...HA!
"Repent for the Kingdom of God...HA!
"..is at hand....HA!"

 As she continued, on her rant for about 40 minutes, I grew very aggravated.  Not because what she was saying wasn't true, but because of the preaching in cadence, and the organist playing behind her.  But I hung in there..I hung in there until, while preaching in cadence, she bust out...

"...that's not my key!..."

'No she didn't!  No she didn't preach to the organist to take the key up one notch!'

The organist complied and took the key up one notch!

immediately turned the message off, in utter shock at what I just heard!

Now, I don't know about anyone else.  But I found all the theatrics behind the message quite distracting.  What Trimm was saying could have been very relevant, very powerful (but I doubt it).  And very true...but the organist playing behind her, and her "HA!" she exclaimed every 5 words was-quite frankly-getting on my nerves!

I have preached sermons, and I had to tell the organist to stop playing behind me because he was distracting from the message, and was NOT playing under the anointing!  (And what's more shocking is that the organist was my OWN father! He didn't speak to me for a minute after that message!)

Now I write what I write not just because of an annoyance or a preference of mine.  It is an admonition for preachers to take a good hard look at the fruit of what they've been doing for years.  We have to ask ourselves-at some point-why do we do the things we do...in the church?  Is it relevant?  Effective?  What are the results?  

We have preached all these sermons, in all kinds of styles.  With the best musicians playing behind us.  But what good has it done?  Really!

Let's be real about it.

No one's getting saved at (church) altars; the ones at the altars are the same ones who been going to the altar for years.  I can talk about it cuz I was a professional altar seeker!   I used to snot and cry all over the place.  I laid out all over the floor.  Shouted.  Danced.  Screamed to the top of my lungs...out of sincerity.

Really believing I was delivered, when the preaching had done nothing more than emotionally move me, excite me.

 Preachers...the saints don't need to hear another sermon from us.  They need to be taught!

And, as you can see with Pam and I citing our examples of sermonizing by Trimm and Jakes, preachers need NOT imitate the styles of their favorite preacher of the month either!  Because most of them are sermonizing and spreading doctrines of devils!

 What do they need to be taught?  SALVATION.  DELIVERANCE.  THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!

It is only when the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST IS PREACHED that we will rid the altars of professional altar seekers and the  unsaved, unregenerated souls WILL GET SAVED AND DELIVERED!

Let's know when to preach, when to teach.

The only time we see the word 'preached' used in the Bible is when the audience was UNSAVED.  When the apostles spoke to those who were saved, the Word says they taught them, they instructed, they expounded, they rebuked, they reproved...

 Do ur homework...

 Let's get back to using the foolishness of preaching...the Bible's way.

 I encourage you to study that whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 1.  It will change your whole perspective on preaching.

Pulpitry: LIGHTS, CAMERA....ACTION!!!!!!

Where did pulpits come from?

A pulpit is another word for a podium, a platform, a stage (Mirraim Webster Dictionary).

What do people do from a podium or stage?

They give speeches and performances.

Speeches and performances-putting on a facade-comes naturally (and supernaturally) with the use of the pulpit in the organized church.

Pulpits can be dated back to the 14th century in medieval churches.  They were created by priests in the temples who were trying to compete for the attention of followers of migrant preachers who preached outside-much like John the Baptist and Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself-did...OUTSIDE of the temples.

The migrant preachers only had a small piece of wood that they stood on outside to preach the Kingdom of God.  They often could be heard by temple-goers while they were in service.  So the priests and heads of the church created the pulpit so that their voices could carry 'over' the preaching and teaching going on outside.  To keep the attention of the people.

It was a competitive thing between the insitutionalized  priests and the preachers and teachers of the Kingdom of God who proclaimed God's word OUTSIDE of the four walls of the church.

Over time, the pulpits became more elaborate in design, seemingly as to draw attention to the speaker of the hour-and to divert attention AWAY from THE WORD, who is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

Charles Tracy, author of 'Medieval English Pulpits,' calls pulpits 'objects of parochial pride and authority.'

What a fitting definition!

Pulpits as we know them today have morphed into 'objects of parochial pride and authority' indeed, in stark contrast to what they started out as.  There is mention of the word 'pulpit' in the Word of God only once, and that is in Nehemiah 8:4, when Ezra the scribe read the Torah to the people, he taught the people.  Afterwards, they repented...

The Hebrew word used for pulpit here is 'migdal,' which means 'an elevated stage or pulpit.'

And the pulpit Nehemiah used was NOT inside of a temple; it was OUTSIDE.  Just read the entire 8th chapter and you will see this is so.

This would explain why the migrant preachers of the 14th century were preaching on 'slabs of wood' OUTSIDE of the synagogues and temples.

Hmmmm, isn't that odd?

It seems to me the pulpit originated OUTSIDE of the four walls of the church!

The practice of having elaborate pulpit/podiums/platforms did not start until the 14th century, and that was only to compete with the preachers outside of the church preaching the Kingdom of God!

Why were they competing?

They were competing for the numbers.  The priests inside of the temples have always been into the numbers' game.  They will do whatever they need to to keep people coming to their churches.  More people inside of the temples meant easier control of the masses.  It would be easier to try and hinder THE church-THE Ekklesia- that Jesus Christ of Nazareth died for by gathering them all in one place, then indoctrinating and infiltrating error into the masses.

And more people meant MORE money for the temples!

Is it any wonder the stuff we see going on 'in the pulpit' is so crazy today?

We like to call preachers in pulpits 'hypocrites,' but what else do we expect when we place someone on a platform or a stage?

A hypocrite is someone who puts on a show, behind a mask.

Isn't the WHOLE purpose behind putting someone on a platform or a stage is to see them....PERFORM? Or be SOMEONE ELSE?

When you spend $500 to go see a Tyler Perry play, you don't go to the Convention Center, find your seat, sit down, only to watch the stage, do  you?

When you go to your child's school because lil Johnny is going to be the bumblebee in the spring play, you would be angry if you just sat there for 2 hours in the school auditorium-camcorder on standby-only to see an empty stage?

When you travel to a hair show in Hotlanta, sponsored by Dudley's Products, wouldn't you be tee'd off if you just sat there, never seeing any models come down the ramp?

Well, whenever we put someone on a pedestal, on a stage, behind a podium...and YES, even a pulpit, we must expect that they WILL perform!  And a performance is NEVER REAL!

STOP getting mad at finding out that preachers are actors, puppets on a string.  You placed them on the stage to perform, not to minister TRUTH to you.
A minister of truth is going to step DOWN from the pulpit and minister to you, RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!  They are NOT going to hide behind clergy collars, cassocks, long flowing robes and fancy pulpits that cost more than what you make in one year.

A minister of truth is going to TELL YOU THE TRUTH.  And they will do it wherever you happen to be.  You don't have to dress up and go to a building to be set free.

Do YOU need that type of minister?  Do church buildings and all its rhetoric and hype intimidate you?  Do you tire of the hypocrisy of churchgoers and preachers, in particular?  Yet you see the need for ministry?

Then its time to COME OUT of the church...and BE THE CHURCH!

Have You Received A Call To Ministry? Or to Salvation?

As I watched this video, I was reminded of a favorite story I tell my youngest son at bedtime (even though he is going on 13 years old, he STILL loves for me to tell him stories!)

It is the story of the prophet Samuel.

How Samuel heard 'the call' as he was trying to go to bed in the temple with King Eli.

As much as I love to tell that story, if we look at that whole scenario in light of what Pam shares in this video...Samuel-in a sense-received a call to ministry, and not salvation.  Salvation was not yet given, because no eternal shedding of blood had been shed for all our sins!

As supernatural and awesome that story, I am afraid many mistake the call to SALVATION as a call to ministry....

And one CANNOT be called into ministry FIRST and HAVE NOT YET BEEN SAVED!!!!
First things FIRST!

Many hear a call, but don't know who is calling them.

Just like Samuel the prophet heard someone call his name-and answered the call, according to the instructions of King Eli-many still operate in that religious mindset of answering a call to prophesy, to operate in ministry...and have YET to answer the call TO BE SAVED!

How do you know if you have received a call to salvation, or to ministry?

If you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior, if you let Jesus into your heart, if you repeated a sinner's prayer, if you have NEVER TRULY repented of your sins, if you have no REAL understanding of what happened at Calvary OR in the tomb when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised from the dead, if you believe that Jesus only resurrected in SPIRIT FORM and NOT IN THE FLESH, or if you continuously sin and REMAIN unrepentant of sinning.....THEN....

THE CALL YOU ARE HEARING IS TO S A L V A T I O N!!!!!!!!!  And NOT ministry!!!

You are NOT saved.

If you are truly born again, and understand that there is NO way you can accept Jesus Christ, but He has to accept you, if you HAVE repented of your sins, if-when you sin-you do experience GODLY SORROW for your sin, that leads to repentance, if you understand that Jesus Christ was resurrected IN THE FLESH and is at the right hand of the Father-and can NEVER reside 'in our hearts,'  if you possess a working knowledge of what JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH DID FOR US ALL by laying down His life and picking it right back up again....THEN....


Don't get the two confused.  The enemy calls ministers, too.  He calls those who are NOT saved into ministry so that they can propagate and spread more false doctrine and deceive more people.

~Do you need help in determining if the call you are hearing is to salvation or to ministry, call 518-477-5759. Or watch this video.~

Premature Death: Another Plague of the Institutional Church

This is Joy Mifflin.  She was a popular 'evangelist' who passed on yesterday of cancer.

This video was taken in 2010.

Mifflin had just tweeted at the beginning of October encouraging many to tune into the 2012 Presidential Debates, and sending her love to her 'pastor,' Pastor Sheryl Brady from the Jakes Affiliation.

A little over a month later, Joy was on life support/respirator, and taken off...only to die on November 9.

She was 33 years old.

She lost a 7 year battle to breast cancer.

Prayer requests were petitioned on her behalf as she lay on life support the day before she passed, asking God to heal and restore her.

This reminds me of another story of a young woman who received 'prayer' for healing and died soon thereafter...the late wife of gospel artist Marvin Sapp, Dr. MaLinda Sapp.

After her husband requested around-the-clock prayer for his wife, who was battling colon cancer, she succumbed in September 2010 to the debilitating disease.
A few weeks before in August 2010, Marvin Sapp had requested prayer for MaLinda, who was diagnosed with colon cancer the year before but was declared 'cancer-free' by doctors earlier that year.  Apparently, the cancer had come back.

MaLinda died at 45 years old.

Dontavies Boatwright was a finalist on the popular gospel contest show, Sunday's Best. He went on to record an album, become a radio announcer, and preached at several venues.  He died of a heart attack yesterday as well, at the age of 33.

(I want yall to notice that he was an avid tongue speaker in the above video)
And probably the most well-known of these is the late David Wilkerson.  One of the TRUE endtime prophets of this age.

In April 2011, David Wilkerson and his wife Gwen were involved in a car accident that claimed David's life first.
Gwen would die a little over a year later in July of this year, presumably from grief and injuries she sustained in the car crash with a tractor trailer that claimed the life of her beloved husband of 58 years.

She was 81....he was 79.

David Wilkerson was the pastor of Times Square Church, the founder of Teen Challenge Ministry and author of 'The Cross and The Switchblade.'

Another gospel couple who died in like manner as the Wilkersons are the Wrights, the late gospel artist Timothy Wright and his wife Betty and his 14 year old grandson, D.J.

The family was driving home when they were hit head on by a drunk driver.  The crash killed Betty, 58, and D.J. instantly.

Timothy Wright died of his injuries (and probably grief) almost a year later in 2009.  He was 61 years old.

(I was particularly fond of Wright's music, and was saddened to hear of his untimely death and that of his family....)
Rev. Timothy Wright and wife Betty
D.J. Wright, Grandson
I can go on and on....we hear stories of premature death (in the church setting) ALL the time.

No one bothers to say anything about it and automatically conclude that ALL PREMATURE death(s) in the church are the will of God.  We religiously say that it is God's business who He 'decides to take home' and when.

And while I can wholeheartedly agree that only God knows when our time is up, NO ONE can make me believe that EVERY death is God's will.

There is something going on here!

I want to share something with you that my mentor, Pamela Sheppard, made me realize.

The religious demon LOVES to mock those who are within its 'jurisdiction,' if you will.

The religious demon loves to cause 'accidents,' diseases, and the such that will take out REAL believers.

There are some things that are NOT supposed to happen.  Like that guy in Creflo's church who was praying at the altar and was gunned down!

How can ANYONE make that right?  How can anyone explain that away, saying it was the 'will of God' for this man to be shot to death...WHILE HE WAS PRAYING?  TO OUR GOD????

That makes absolutely NO sense to me!
Gregory McDowell
39 year old McDowell took 5 bullets while praying to God....while sitting in a church!  He was in the production department and in maintenance at famous megachurch World Changers International of College Park, GA, pastored by Creflo Dollar.  The shooter was a former maintenance worker of WCCI.

There is still no motive for the shooting at this time.

Does anyone else here see a trend?

It seems to me that premature death is fast becoming yet another plague that is plaguing the organized church, just like premature death took the firstborn in Egypt after GOD released the 10 plagues as judgment against Pharaoh and the Egyptians' disobedience.

I also want to make it known that most of these people were tongue talkers!

We have written before on how the enemy uses tongues to release curses upon themselves and the ones they love...without even realizing it!

All those prayer requests requesting prayer, from TONGUE TALKERS?

Let me share something with you:  I am not of the crew that speaks ill of people who don't know any better.  And having come out of that crowd of pentecostals/charismatics, I understand ALL TOO WELL the error they operate in.  I understand the love affair and deception that is latent in the doctrines of speaking in tongues.  I understand how people can hold on to that doctrine for dear life, even when it hasn't produced any (lasting) fruit, and caused illness, calamity, sickness and in some cases, even premature death!

But it will take the Spirit of the Living God to reveal this to many.

I won't say you should come out of the church.  You need to hear that from GOD for yourself.

But I will say this much:

Recognize what is going on around you and do NOT ignore those tiny urgings from the Spirit of God when HE warns you about things, or people, or groups, or churches, or affiliations. If GOD tells you to hold off on the tongues, DO IT!

In THIS season, it can literally be a matter of life, or death.