I write this to reach out to women who have been bamboozled, hoodwinked, tricked into a set up by the enemy. You have been lied to, made to believe that your 'assignment' by GOD is to do the 'work of God' by the 'man of God's' side. You have felt 'a pull, a connection, a link to the man of God and you have believed it was God that told you you would be the first lady of your church.
I know from experience that this delusion and deception is rampant in what is known as the body of Christ. I also can attest to the FACT that for women, this phenomena is GREAT.
In order to understand what goes on in the mind of a woman who is under this deception or delusion, you have to understand the CULTURE, the ENVIRONMENT, that she is raised in.
MOST of these women are raised up in church. In VERY religious settings. All or most of the families are preachers, so it is EXPECTED for the little girls to grow up and marry a preacher.
These little girls are groomed almost from birth by mothers, aunts and grandmothers-not to mention by proud dads, granddads and uncles-to be a first lady. Most of these religious settings do NOT accept that a woman can be called to preach and teach the gospel (as well as I know that some of you don't believe it either).
So because the women are 'sat down' and 'silenced' in these religious settings, the next best thing for them to be are first ladies. Their church will accept that. Their families will accept that. But absolutely under NO circumstances can a woman EVER be called to preach. Or let alone pastor!
It is 'her place' to be in the first lady's seat, dressed to kill, loved, adored and sometimes even worshiped by the congregation.
It is in her role as the 'first lady' that it is acceptable for her to teach or preach, but then only to the females of the church. She would serve as a spiritual 'mother' of the church, a role model for all the ladies to follow.
She is called to stand by the man of God's side, no matter WHAT goes on behind closed doors. He can preach the house down behind the pulpit, be gay or on the DL, be a FLAGRANT adulterer, a pedophile, stealing from the people, he can be beating the living daylights out of her and the kids, ruling his house with an iron fist....
But as long as the 'man of God' is happy, preaching the folks happy, putting on a good show, making the people feel good about themselves, then all is good. The money will start rolling in, and pretty soon pastor can get 'first lady' ANYTHING her heart desires! No longer a fledging, struggling ministry, the church will finance and take care of ANY venture the first family presents. They are guaranteed a home, a car, nice clothes, a pension, vacations...the kids will be able to go to private schools.
Even if the first lady KNOWS that what's going on financially behind the scenes is wrong, she won't divulge. She will play along, sometimes out of fear of being harmed by the pastor, or out of fear of being the broke, disgusted and busted ministry team and family they were when they first started out in ministry.
Sometimes the 'first lady' really is unaware of what's REALLY going on, in her marriage, in the ministry, in her family. She has been literally brainwashed and whipped by the man of God so that she cannot see the forest from the trees. She got her head up so far in the clouds she couldn't see what was going on down here on earth if she plunged 1000s of miles deep within its core...poor deceived woman!
Whatever her mindset, the woman plays along with a fantasy, sometimes for YEARS. She plays this religious game of 'I feel like something is wrong, but Im not gonna do anything about it' or 'That is just the enemy trying to break up our marriage and the ministry..' Both straight up LIES from the DEVIL that he convinces her of so that she will continue to play along in HIS plot-and NOT God's plan-to deceive a whole flock of people. And thus further negatively affect the REAL church, the Ekklesia.
In the church setting, WOMEN ARE TAUGHT TO GO ALONG WITH THE PROGRAM. There are only TWO domestic violence shelters in the whole Orleans parish, and yet there is even MORE domestic violence in New Orleans POST-KATRINA. And I know that a LOT of it is going on IN CHURCHES. AND in leadership.
The most famous first family of New Orleans doesn't even live together!
Now Pastor Deborah Morton and her husband, Bishop Paul S. Morton of the Full Gospel Fellowship live in two different states. She pastors Greater St Stephen in New Orleans while he pastors Changing A Generation outside of Atlanta.
Yet they put on the show that all is well and they are the happy ministry couple.
And being from New Orleans, I can tell you. It is the goal of EVERY ministry in the Greater New Orleans area to be JUST LIKE a certain 'undisclosed' ministry couple whose headquarters was relocated to Georgia back in 2005. This obsession and envy-if you will-stems back decades ago when this man first became pastor of this popular church in N.O. in the 70s. I was all of 9 years old and I remember my dad specifically telling me how much this church was taking all of the members from my uncles' churches. I also remember a scandal (that NO ONE can find ANY shred of data on, btw) that in the 70s or the 80s, the pastor was allegedly shot by his first lady in the buttocks because he had been cheating on her....allegedly with another man!
Today, you can't find any record of that incident. No arrest report. No hospital records. Is it true? I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
It is how things go in the religious world of becoming a first lady.
I write this to wake up my sisters.
Listen, Ladies....
Just because you were raised a certain way does NOT mean you have to live out the remainder of your days fulfilling the plans of OTHERS for YOUR life. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!
And please understand. It may include a husband. Or it may NOT.
Either way. God had YOU in mind when HE created YOU.
You remember going to school, and having done homework, only to find out you did the WRONG HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT???????
You were MAD, weren't you?
All that work, all that time, all that intelligence expended....and for what?
To finish a work, or start a work, or DO work...and realize that that was NOT what you were supposed to be doing!
And many times, the teacher didn't EVEN give you credit for doing the wrong assignment!
God is like that teacher.
He is not going to give you 'credit' for doing a 'good' thing. No matter HOW hard you worked. No matter HOW faithful you were. NO matter HOW pure in heart you were. No matter WHO gets saved, who or claims salvation and deliverance, at your church. No matter HOW many spiritual children you believed you 'birthed.'
When you stand before God, He is going to say HE DON"T KNOW YOU!
I can look back at when I almost became a first lady. It seemed like such a great idea, at the time. I was SO psyched! I mean, I get to work side by side with the man of God, someone who I believed was honest and sincere about the work of God, who I believed really wanted to see souls saved and delivered. For the first time in my life, a majority of the people LIKED me, were concerned abut me. I got help for my kids and I (which was great, b/c I was a single mother up to that point).
All of a sudden, I was undergoing makeovers. I was told that a first lady-to-be was to dress this way, wear tons of makeup, do the hats thing, wear spikes and 'tear the house down' every Sunday. It was not AT ALL what I thought it would be, being in the 'inner circle,' being up close and personal with the pastor.
Who I thought was a man of God turned out to be on the DL. I was HORRIFIED.
But then after I found out what I knew, it was expected of me to keep silent, to still go along with the wedding. To still undergo the 'grooming process' of becoming a first lady. MUCH like what Esther went through to prepare to be the queen. As a matter of fact, that passage of scripture was used (as well as the scripture about Hannah and Samuel and Peninah) OUT OF CONTEXT to try and give me biblical reference and support for this grooming process for the great cover-up. That was supposed to give me reason to believe that I was still the 'first lady' and should marry a gay man, a diseased gay man, to boot.
But no matter how much they tried to buy me off, no matter how much they tried to groom me, make me over, like some church Barbie doll, no matter how much scripture they threw at me, no matter how many false prophetesses and prophets tried to prophelie to me that this was all the plan of God, no matter how much even the co pastor (who was the pastor's mother, btw) tried to counsel me and tell me that 'we as women go through a lot in marriage...this is just something, your burden, that you have to bear...,' the SPIRIT OF GOD IN ME would not allow me to go through with it. So I called it off.
The plan of God for YOUR life is NOT to cover for your wicked husband. Yes, that's what I called him....WICKED. Men of God don't beat their wives and kids into submission. Men of God don't have sex with children or other men. Men of God don't go to hookers or are strung out on drugs-prescription or illegal. Men of God don't steal from or fleece the sheep....even if its under the guise that he is just trying to take care of his family. T.D. Jakes gets to me, b/c he often 'testifies' about how he had humble ministry beginnings in the hills of West Virginia. How he couldn't pay his bills and how his family struggled. So he 'loaded up the truck and he head for Beverly...' no, I mean Dallas.
And we all know how the story goes from there.
Now Jakes makes SURE that he nor his family will EVER struggle again. HOW? By making sure you will continue to buy his books, go see his sorry movies, and frequent his conferences....ALL that keep you as victims, victims that NEED HIS ministry to be 'loosed' or set free.
Let me tell you something, Ladies.
NO matter what the reason is WHY you choose to go along with the foolishness, GOD KNOWS. I implore you to get it together and GET OUT. And STAY OUT of the churchanity thing. Because women who have been raised in that, and have left, are more prone to go back to what they know or what they are familiar with.
You do NOT have to be a first lady to be in the plan of God. God NEVER ordained that mess in the first place!
The ONLY first lady was EVE.
I pray you hear what is being said to you...
God Bless You!