Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Anus Is NOT A Sexual Organ!

Ok, I know I am opening up a can of worms-one that has invariably been opened up in the past.

Sexual relations within the confines of MARRIAGE within the religious system has been debated for years. Anal sex (and oral) has been debated many times over.

I have stated my very strong views on this matter before (not recently)...and have had so-called 'christians' argue with me that I needed to lighten up. That they will do whatever their husbands desires for them to do in efforts to keep their husbands from 'roaming,' so to speak.

I have said it before. And I will say it again:


The Anus is an external part of the DIGESTIVE system. In plain english, it is the part of the body where poop is excreted from the body.

From Wikipedia:

"The human anus (from Latin anūs meaning "ring", "circle") is the external opening of the rectum. Like other animals, its closure is controlled bysphincter muscles. Feces are expelled from the body through the anus during the act of defecation, the primary function of the anus." (


I looked up what a doctor from Western Washington University had to say about anal sex. I found it very interesting:

" sex) is medically risky behavior nevertheless, even if condoms are used as a barrier for STDs. The anal sphincter muscle is not anatomically designed to comfortably admit external objects--it is designed to relax and stretch when stimulated internally by rectal fullness from stool. The automatic reflex is for it to contract and tighten when pressure is applied externally. So relaxation of the sphincter for external penetration is learned over time because otherwise it is very uncomfortable, and must only be done with gentle continual pressure, and lots and lots of lubricant. The risks, even with gentle insertion, are laceration of the anal tissue, and rectal mucosa, resulting in pain, bleeding, and difficulty passing stool comfortably.

Any presence of blood can potentially expose the insertive partner to bloodborne STDs like Hep. B, Hep. C, and HIV. In addition, exposure to stool can result in urethral infections in a male insertive partner.

The receptive partner is at more risk for contracting STDs if there is trauma (even microscopic) to the anus or rectum due to the potential presence of virus in semen, if ejaculation takes place in the rectum. Human papilloma virus also is likely to be spread anally due to this trauma to the anal and rectal tissue, and some of the most difficult persistent HPV infections we see are chronic anal warts, both external and internal to the anal sphincter and they are exceptionally difficult to treat, often requiring surgery to remove.

Aside from the traumatic and infectious risks, there is the risk of sphincter tone (tightness) loss over time due to repeated dilation for insertive intercourse. Many receptive partners experience stool incontinence (leaking of stool or poor control) when they have anal sphincter tone decrease. This, needless to say, is very bothersome and uncomfortable and has to be surgically corrected if it becomes chronic.

Lastly, there is increased risk of spreading gastrointestinal pathogens through anal contact--whether it is bacterial infections like salmonella or E. Coli, or parasitic infections like Giardia." (

Now, the Word of God does not speak directly to the issue of anal sex. But we do have at least a couple of biblical references (of which I'm sure you are familiar with):

Romans 1:26-27

That’s why God abandoned them to degrading lust. Their females traded natural sexual relations for unnatural sexual relations. Also, in the same way, the males traded natural sexual relations with females, and burned with lust for each other. Males performed shameful actions with males, and they were paid back with the penalty they deserved for their mistake in their own bodies.

Leviticus 18:21-23

I am the Lord. You must not have sexual intercourse with a man as you would with a woman; it is a detestable practice.... Nor will a woman present herself before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.

The Word of God does, however, speak to the issue of how GOD feels about homosexuality. There are people who will argue that because it is not broken down in the Word, it does not expressly say 'thou shalt not commit anal sex,' then all is up in the air and fair game, as long as 'christian' couples can get their swerve on, so to speak.

Look at Romans 1. The Word says that God will give people over to 'degrading lusts.' The King James calls them 'vile affections,' or 'evil, dishonorable, disgraceful, afflicting passions.'


Isn't that what the doctor said could happen if you have anal sex? You are more prone to get STDs, eColi and other infections? Plainly put, your anus will be so stretched out that you may no longer have control over the anal muscles? So you can have MANY 'accidents'? (if you know what I mean?)

I don't mean to be funny, but I have known young boys who were molested by other men, and later on in life developed problems with holding their bowels. They would literally have accidents. Sometimes, it requires surgical correction, as the doctor explained above.

Besides from the medical complications and risks that does arise from anal sex, I have to say...isn't lovemaking between husband (ONE man) and wife (ONE woman) supposed to show love?

I'm sorry...there is no love in being degraded to participating in an evil, vile, disgraceful, and potentially dangerous and afflicting act....and for what?

Just so you can (possibly) prevent your husband from straying?????

Let me share something with you, ladies:

You can be the freakiest of the freaky for your husband. You can give him any kind of sex he wants. You may cringe at first, and resist. But many women give in to this vile affection....mistakenly believing that if they give in to their husbands' desires that he will stay faithful to them.


If your husband propositions you with anal sex, I can almost guarantee that, one, it was introduced to him at an early age or with another male...or, two, he saw it in a porno flick somewhere.

I'm going to share with you a testimony I heard from an associate pastor of a major church in the Boston area years ago, about a man who NEVER participated in anal or homosexual sex, but had a serious addiction to porn. He watched SOOO much porn that eventually, he began to believe the lie of the enemy that maybe he was gay!

So all of a sudden, a normally heterosexual male minister who grew up in church who watched porn and masturbated uncontrollably started entertaining the idea that he may be gay!

He eventually started having homosexual sex...until God delivered him!

All while 'serving' in christian ministry.

This thing is serious, people.

It cannot be anything and everything goes in the bedroom.

The enemy has introduced all kinds of perversion into the bedroom, and countless numbers of 'believers' are just going at it, no discretion, no boundaries, consulting porn and porn stars, talk show hosts, and inspirational speakers INSTEAD of the Spirit of God regarding their sex lives!

Once someone allows someone else to perform anal (or oral) sex on them (which ARE considered homosexual acts, acts of sodomy), they are allowing themselves to be opened up spiritually to perversions and perverted spirits, vain, evil imaginations.

Your husband says 'Oh, honey, there's no harm in this. Let me just try this this one time. ...'

So you give in and then all of a sudden, you and he both are tormented with lusts...passions...VILE passions...that are never fulfilled. Which is what leads to someone straying outside of the marriage for fulfillment. The very thing you were trying to prevent and lowered your standards to prevent didn't work.


Lovemaking between spouses is supposed to bring about harmony, trust, it's supposed to be a safe place. No partner is supposed to feel violated, in pain, disgusted, or nauseated.

I, personally speaking, cannot see how that could EVER be the case with anal (or oral) sex.

All those types of sex does is feed an animalistic passion that demands more and more fulfillment. It's like a high. You finish, and you want more....but only more vile and disgusting.

And a high (as many of you recovering drug addicts know) is a thrill you never get over by giving in to it.

Now, I understand that some reading this may have already been exposed to anal (or oral) sex. They may have been molested or raped as a child anally or orally. And have been tormented with 'vile affections' ever since.

I was one of them...

I want you to know that there IS healing and deliverance from vile affections. He did it for me!

But the first part of the healing process comes in pulling back the nasty scab that covers the wound.

YOU need to know that no matter WHO did WHAT to you, or WHEN they did it, THIS IS NOT HOW GOD INTENDED SEX TO BE!!!!!

And you are NOT a slave to your appetites, or vile affections.

I know that the porn industry, some folks in 'church,' the media...seems like EVERYONE would like for you to believe that you are a slave to your passions. That every urge that hits your loins must be given into. Like we are some type of animals who cannot control ourselves.

Isn't one of the fruit of the Spirit is SELF CONTROL?????

When you are born again, GOD will give you self control....but you have to stay submitted to the Spirit of God.

NOT to the spirit of this world!!!!!

So I repeat....THE ANUS IS NOT A SEX ORGAN!!!!

Allow God to teach you HOW to submit your body members to HIM so that you can glorify God...IN YOUR BODY!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What’s In A NAME????

So what exactly IS in a name? In particularly, a GOOD name.

We often hear of people lauding that it is necessary to protect one’s name, especially in the church and in ministry. (Why...just recently, gospel recording artist Marvin Sapp claimed this very same thing in a Facebook posting.) I have heard many a preacher preach and teach Proverbs 22:1 and Ecclesiastes 7:1 totally out of context…

Proverbs 22:1

A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

A GOOD name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

In both passages of scriptures, it speaks to having a good name (or reputation) in light of one’s record of their entire life, not just a few, good things accomplished in seasons of one’s life.

The Hebrew word for name used in both instances is ‘shem,’ meaning ‘name, reputation, fame.’ It can also mean ‘prosperity.’

Shem was also one of Noah’s son.

The erroneous teaching that has gone forth for years is that one is to protect their name, their reputation, what they are known for, at all costs. In particularly, in ministry.

I have seen preachers literally attempt to kill…all to protect their name, to keep up the image of being a man of woman of God before the people.

I have heard of preachers buying off people to protect their name/reputation.

I have heard of preachers and church folks do all kinds of dastardly, wicked, sneaky, under-the-table tricks…all under the guise of protecting their name. For making sure that their reputation is kept in tact.

I see it as an image type of thing going on.

And keeping up an image of prosperity, of success, of godliness, of holiness, of power, or whatever…at all costs…even sinning to keep up the good name, is synonymous (or just like) marketing.

Anyone who has ever worked in marketing knows, image is everything!

If your image or reputation is tarnished, then you are ruined!

So now we have preachers and church folks who hire marketers to market themselves, their ministries, their products/services, their churches, their fellowships, etc.

It is no accident that the most famous preacher in the U.S. (maybe even the world), is a megapreacher who is considered to be a brilliant marketer of his businesses.

And many preachers emulate and try to be just like him.

But I ask…WHAT’S IN A NAME?????

We have been lied to and told our name is all we got, its everything. So we must protect it at all costs.

I say NOOO!!!!

It is NOT up to us to create (or maintain) a good name.

God promises if we do what is right IN HIS EYES, that HE will MAKE OUR NAMES GREAT.

Now the problem with this is that most people want fame, notoriety, a fantabulous reputation and what has been sold off as prosperity…IN THIS LIFE.

I want you to look at a biblical example of God making somebody’s name GREAT…yet it did not happen until after he left here!

Abraham is often called the father of many nations. God had great plans for Abraham. He had a covenant with Abraham.

God promised Abraham to make his name great, yet Abraham had some things going on with him….I want you to notice some things about Abraham.

Abraham didnt have a marketing team to control and manipulate his image. Abraham didn’t have consultants that advised him to do A or B. Abraham didn’t have to buy off anyone, neither did he have to sin to perform the will of God.

Abraham didn’t have a squeaky clean record. Yet God still kept the promises that He did to him.

Abraham lied to not one but TWO kings (Pharaoh and Abimelech) about the identity of Sara, his wife. He told them she was his sister instead of his wife. (Genesis 12 and 20)

Abraham had mad family strife. In Genesis 13, Abraham and Lot had to part ways because they just couldn’t see eye to eye on things. It got so bad that Abraham had to take one section of land and settle there and Lot had to take the exact opposite section of land…they HAD to separate in order to keep the peace. (Genesis 13)

Abraham had MANY concubines (Papa was a rolling stone!) And MANY children by these concubines. Hagar and Ishmael are the most popular ones we know about because they were the first. But the Word states that Abraham had MANY concubines and subsequent children in Genesis 25 (he was a deadbeat dad!) And he sent them ALL off-just like he did Hagar and Ishmael-when he was ‘done’ with them!

Abraham committed adultery…over and over and over again. With Hagar (Genesis 16 & 21) and many concubines.

Abraham had incest in the family. Lot’s daughters slept with Lot and both were impregnated by their own father. (Genesis 19)

As we can see, Abraham had a really BAD reputation. Yet God promised him to make his name GREAT!


How can that be? Aren’t we supposed make our own name good, since the Word says a good name is preferred over many riches?

Why would God promise an adulterer, a deadbeat dad, a whoremonger, a liar, I would say a borderline sex addict (he had to be to have that many concubines!)…why would God make ANY promises to him? Let alone, the promise to become the father of many nations and to make his name great??????

I thought WE had control over our reputations? I thought our marketing teams, our clever marketing and image consultants, our assortment of makeover experts, our keen and saavy know-how of how to successfully project a (religious and spiritual) image to a group of people and influence them to do whatever you desire was what made our name great???? And saved souls???

Can you see how prideful and presumptious that sounds??????

The awesome thing is that in spite of Abraham’s lapses in character, in spite of his family issues, in spite of his lack of faith and fear, God STILL made his name GREAT!

It is NOT up to US to make our names GREAT. It is totally up to GOD!

When we do what God has told us to do, then GOD will do the rest.

STOP trying to work something up to protect your ‘image.’

When you look in the mirror, you shouldn’t see YOU anymore anyways.

You should see CHRIST IN YOU, the HOPE of GLORY!

When people see you, they should see CHRIST JESUS!!!!

What’s in a name??????

Acts 4:12

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The ONLY name worth ANYTHING in this life or the next-for ALL ETERNITY- is the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!!!!

There is no need for ‘reputation management’ when it comes to Jesus Christ!

Philippians 2:7

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men…

Even though Jesus Christ of Nazareth was God in the flesh, and was therefore equal to God (according to vs. 6), He humbled Himself and MADE HIMSELF OF NO REPUTATION!

He could have gotten the best rep EVER! But instead, He chose to become nothing…to become a servant. And gave His life as a ransom for many.

So where is this coming from, this trend towards have a marketing team, image consultants and the such within the so-called church????

We are to be in the image of God, not man.

Whenever we try to form an image outside of God, we are dabbling into pride, vanity and idolatry. ALL of which is against GOD.

Let’s stop falling into the hands of the enemy by falling for the trap of trying to make a name for ourselves.

In the end times that we currently live in, there are many false christs that are risen up, and many of them have marketing teams, image consultants, makeup and makeover specialists, hairstylists, etc. on their ‘staff.’

Who in the WORLD do they think they are?????

Did you die on the cross for humanity?

Were you tortured, humiliated and persecuted before throngs of men who were supposed to worship you?

Are you sinless, guiltless and without reproach?

If not, then fire your ‘staff.’


Letting God make your name great may mean you don’t see the actual greatness of your name in your own lifetime, as Abraham did not live to see how his name would be made great.

But if you trust God and love God MORE than your image, MORE than you ambitious nature to want to ‘make it’ in THIS life, MORE than you trying to impress your ministerial fellowship, comrades and associates, MORE than trying to make the Joneses believe you got it going on, MORE THAN ANYTHING, then GOD CAN AND WILL MAKE YOUR NAME GREAT!!!!! FOR ETERNITY…where it matters!

Deliverance Gone TERRIBLY Wrong!

Every now and then, I come across a story so profoundly disturbing (re: deliverance), that I have to share it.  

I will preface this with the fact that we all NEED to understand that deliverance ministry and the ministry of casting out of demons (AS it has been taught in mainstream religion and church) has gone TERRIBLY wrong...and is not only ineffective...but in some cases DEADLY and DANGEROUS!

Earlier this year, Daphne Spurlock, a christian mother, slit her 5 year old son Michael's throat and cut his face, then stomped on his chest-crushing his chest cavity.  WHY? 

She was trying to perform deliverance on Michael.  She was ridding him of his demons!

Relatives of Daphne noticed that she started acting really strange after she accepted her religion and attending church.

The following is a link to Daphne's Facebook page.  I want you to notice all the scriptures and scripture pictures she posted on her wall.  As a matter of fact, that's ALL she posted on her page!

After little Michael was placed in a medically-induced coma so he can heal from his injuries....and months of physical therapy, he survived his mother's vicious attack and was placed in the custody of his older sister.

Daphne attended Magnolic Apostolic Tabernacle in Magnolia, Texas.  This was a pentecostal/apostolic church, much like one of the pentecostal churches I used to attend.  They spoke in tongues, laid hands on folks, conducted deliverance.  Look at their banner from the church's website:

Leading families?  In the RIGHT direction?????????

I was tempted to contact the pastor of this church to follow up on this, but then changed my mind.  Smh.

I know this is as disturbing and nauseating a story as one can be...but I want to direct your attention to THE TELLTALE signs of the religious demon/spirit in operation here.

First of all, when you come across someone with a 'holier-than-thou' social network page, they are not well-rounded, they only post scriptures and religious sayings, they don't share their humanity, or the reality of their everyday lives, BEWARE!!!!!!!!  RELIGIOUS DEMON IN OPERATION!!!!!!!!

This woman may have meant well at first.  She may have perceived herself as a christian mother, raising a christian family.  But she became grossly delusional and deceived.  

Remember, I have shared with you that ANYONE can be deceived.  

Those who don't think they can be deceived are ALREADY deceived!

At some point, probably after going to that apostolic altar, Daphne (and probably her poor children, too) picked up religious demons.  

That's when she started acting strange.

Daphne noticed her children acting 'strange.'  She probably in her folly thought she was doing all she can do to help her children (before she did what she did).  I have noticed that children in the church are the sneakiest, most manipulative, most rebellious children of them all.  I have always wondered why this was the case...we have ALL heard the saying 'preachers' kids are the baddest kids.'

Well, after researching this, I am finding that that is the case because most kids raised in church pick up religious demons early in life....and those religious demons torment the children.  The torment manifests as disobedience, rebellion, odd behaviors, learning disabilities (in most kids).  

Parents get overwhelmed because they believe that because they go to church and their children go to church, that that means they and their children are not supposed to deal with these types of maladies...and that if they do deliverance on these kids and perhaps themselves that will end the torment.


All that ends up taking place is that the situations are made worse.  AS LONG AS YOU TAKE THE BABIES TO CHURCH AND ALLOW RELIGIOUS DEMONS TO MINISTER TO THEM, they will stay tormented.

Think about it.  

Why is it that when you take your babies to church, they cry and holler more so than when they are at home?
Why is it that your children get sicker after being prayed for by these 'men and women of God?'

Watch your children.  

I know that we have been conditioned that taking our children to church is supposed to help them.  But I am here to tell you IT DOES NOT.  

Look at little Michael:

The religious demons operating and tormenting this whole family escalated to this horrific crime!  

TRUE deliverance is available ONLY IN CHRIST JESUS OF NAZARETH!!!!!!  NOT religion or church!!!!!!!!


Friday, December 07, 2012

Fox News Host Says Domestic Violence Victim May Be To Blame For Own Demise

Dana Perino-former White House Press Secretary who now hosts Fox show 'The Five'-makes a very controversial comment at the end of the above video in a discussion about the NFL Linebacker Belcher/Perkins' Murder/Suicide:

PERINO:  I think it skirts the issue that women are victims of violence all the time--

CO-HOST:  They should have guns!

PERINO:  Well, maybe, or make better decisions...

There are some people that are taking serious issue with her statement, claiming that she is blaming the victim.  There are some who are concerned that the whole focus on Belcher as a victim of a history of head injuries incurred as an NFL linebacker, as well as someone who had to take many pain medications in treatment of those injuries..they are concerned that all of that is overshadowing the senseless murder of a young front of his mother nonetheless!

I totally agree with what Perino says here about women taking responsibility for making BETTER CHOICES as it pertains to relationships.

In an attempt to advocate for women/children who are abused, society has now created this culture that actually enables people to STAY victims.  It helps a woman to make poor choices, promising subsidy or some form of way of escape for a woman who just haphazardly enters into a relationship with a man.


ESPECIALLY in the church/religious culture, this culture will enable you to enter into and sustain relationships with men who are NOT well.  And for whatever reason, when a woman finds out the men she loves is not well, instead of getting out of dodge-or recognizing the signs early on-a woman will decide to stick it out with a psycho.  YES, I SAID A PSYCHO!


That is NOT love, nor commitment, nor standing by your man.  THAT is NOT a sign of strength when you decide to stick with a man who you have seen early on has ISSUES.  But you stay with him because he's your baby's daddy, or he knows how to make you holler in bed, or he pays the bills!
One of the sure fire ways you keep a victim a victim is to take their ability to make WISE CHOICES away from them.  It is to keep them blaming the other parties for what they do.  

The truth of the matter is someone who stays in an abusive relationship is JUST AS SICK as the abuser!!!!!!!!!

What we as a society have to teach our ladies is that it is ok to make a mistake, and WALK AWAY from a mistake.  Learn from it and MOVE ON!  

We have to teach ladies HOW to make WISE choices!

The only way I know to make wise choices is to be INFORMED!  Don't walk into ANY RELATIONSHIP not knowing who you are getting involved with.  Find out their past.  Learn as much as you can about their families.  Do a background check.  

Don't be in such a rush to be in a relationship that you just rush in.

Don't be so quick to open your legs.  Sex for a woman is a powerful thing...and will keep her more wanting a no good man than any other factor.  That...and how much money he makes.

This young lady saw a chance to have something.  I'm sure she saw the signs that Belcher was not well.  But she opened her legs, got pregnant.  Then she realized she was in for trouble, which is why the relationship started going sour.  

Its hard to place blame on the victim...but the victim in these situations are almost always partly to blame.  

They unconciously attract the wrong type of men into their lives.  Then they mistakenly do whatever they can to stay with him.  

The following are signs that you have a potential abuser on your hands:

  • Angry: Swears all the time; road rage; outbursts towards relatives, co-workers, etc.
  • Jealous Behavior: Jealous of anyone in your life; thinks you are always cheating on him; jealous of your success
  • Possessive Behavior: he wants all your attention; threatened by other obligations/relationships in your life
  • Controlling Behavior: doesn't want you to have other relationships; controls every aspect of your life-or attempts to; sets himself up to be your savior
  • Violent Behavior: hitting walls, throwing things, attacks on other people and/or pets
  • Addictive Behaviors:  Those who have addictions almost always end up being abusive. Smoking pot or drinking with a man on a continual basis is a recipe for disaster!
  • Doesn't take responsibility for his own mistakes; plays the blame game...a lot
  • They always feel like someone owes them something; they will have emotional or angry outbursts if they don't get their adult temper tantrum, basically
A GREAT article that every woman should read is "Are You Dating An Abuser?"

The above traits I listed are behaviors I have seen firsthand in relationships I have had in the past with abusive men.  I can honestly say...I MADE BAD CHOICES when picking each of my abusers.  Some of life's lessons come very hard.  I blame no one for my mistakes.  But I learn from them...and hope YOU will learn, too, from my mistakes.  

Nowadays, an abuser can mask abusive tendencies VERY well...from relatives, co-workers, church, fellow clergymen (in the case of preachers abusing their wives), the legal system, etc.  This is why we see a tendency for more and more first time abusers who just outright killed their wife/girlfriend....the abuser had been able to fool everyone around them-including the victim-and it didn't come out until someone killed someone.

It is imperative that we INFORM as many as possible of the signs of an abusive person.  THIS WAY people can make BETTER CHOICES, empowered to set boundaries and, if necessary, WALK AWAY from anyone who doesn't treat or love in a healthy, mature way.

Also, years back, I wrote a blog for women who are looking for a way out of an abusive relationship.  It is a bit long...but I think it may be worth your time.

Instead of jumping down Perino's throat, I think she is to be commended for making a BOLD, TRUE statement.  

KUDOS to you, Dana Perino!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Watching Christian TV Is Just As Dangerous As Church!

Now that you have come out of the church, you find that you are still 'searching,' looking for a word to get you through the week.

So you sit in your recliner and press 'POWER;' the telly comes on and you surf the channels til you find a channel that can give you 'a word.'

Plenty of people do that, innocently enough, because they feel a spiritual void that has been left open because they no longer attend a church where they are spoon fed lies, error and spiritual poison.

I used to do it, too.

But in the past five years or so-even before I left the church, I started to notice a trend on christian television.

The most popular doctrine(s) all began to focus on life in the here and now.  Many preachers left the topic of salvation alone, and ventured off into strange teachings about prosperity, destiny, spiritual warfare and the such.

And while I am all for things of the Spirit, it was a little too strange even for the likes of me.  The Spirit of God began to show me the error in some of the most popular TV preachers.

You have to be a lover of TRUTH in order to listen to what the Spirit of God has to say regarding a situation, a person or anything or anyone.  And when He tells you it is error and to leave it alone, to discard it, to consider it dung, then THAT'S what needs to done!

I have concluded most preachers dont broach the subject of salvation because they are not saved and so they cannot preach or teach on something they have NOT experienced themselves.  Many do not know how to rightfully divide the Word of Truth, so many are led astray.  Why?

Most of all what's taught on so-called 'Christian TV' is a direct result of supply & demand.  The fact of the matter is if the general public demands to see television programming that appeals to their flesh and neglects the subject of salvation and PROPER deliverance, then that is what these TV programmers are going to give them.  WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR!

But watching christian television nowadays can do much more damage to you than if you were to sit in a church!


In order for a religious demon - or ANY demon-to be able to take over your will, you got to be in an altered state of consciousness.  You have to be semi-catatonic, sort of like in a trance.  The whole act of even WATCHING television can leave a person semi-hypnotic.  When one cannot go to sleep, what do they do?  They turn on the TELEVISION!

That state where you are not quite asleep but not quite awake is the state where the enemy can come in without you even knowing it.  All types of suggestions and thoughts can be programmed into your psyche.


Add to that CHRISTIAN programming, and you have the ability to put to sleep even MORE masses of people who may recognize the error of the organized church system, BUT have not come to understand that MODERN DAY CHRISTIAN PROGRAMMING is an endtime setup of the enemy to program millions of people into false conversions, false deliverances, fake salvations, deceiving many into believing they have received something when, in fact, they HAVE NOT!



Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Is Your Church Under Spiritual Attack?

Is the Church Under Spiritual Attack?

By Wenona Russ

In the past few years, the church has had to endure a few public scandals that has served to discredit the viability and relevancy of the church for these contemporary times.  As more and more scandals have unfolded, more and more people have called for prayer and fasting (especially during THIS time of the year) for the church. Folks are alarmed because the church-and the ministry, in particular, SEEMS to be under what some called 'spiritual attack.'

Many quote the Word that says 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.'  And this is true.
If you ask yourself if the church-the institutionalized church-is under spiritual attack today, I say YES.  YES, it IS up under attack today.  But most of the people do not discern WHO is attacking WHAT.  They perceive that it is the devil and his imps attacking the church.  When I want to present to you that it is NOT the devil!

All the scandals, all the embarrassments, all the sexcapades and financial abuses are all being allowed to surface...BY THE HAND OF GOD!

Yes, that is right!  GOD has allowed these things to hit the church, as most known it.

God allowed the whole Bynum/Weeks fiasco, the Paula White/Benny Hinn thing, Eddie Long, Ted Haggard, Zachary Tims...all of it.

It is hard to hear, but it's true.  GOD ALLOWED IT.


The church is under judgment.  I have been saying this for the last few years, the Lord spoke it to me in a word He gave me two years ago for 2010.  But when folks are dull of hearing-or when they only listen to what they want to hear...God then has to turn around and BACK UP what He said through the mouths of HIS TRUE Ekklesia, the TRUE church.  There IS a FALSE and a TRUE church!

The institutionalized church is demonically influenced, funded, run and maintained by evil spirits.  It is in the best interest of the enemy to feed the masses false doctrine, doctrines of devils, to misinterpret the Word of God, and to disable the ability of the people from hearing from God FOR THEMSELVES!  This is why in the institutionalized church, it is highly discouraged that you just trust that the voice you are hearing, that leading in your Spirit, that unction of the Holy Ghost that won't let is highly discouraged that you follow it.

Instead, you are encouraged to allow the leaders to become your spiritual ears, your mouth, and your spiritual eyes.  Then the leaders KEEP you that way for 20 years or more...knowing the longer they KEEP you bound to their religious system, KEEP you hooked to their messages, their conferences, their books, their teachings and their doctrines, the longer they are guaranteed your allegiance to their system...and the longer you will invest your money into their systems, too.

The TRUE church-the Ekkleisa-is a remnant, a body of believers who are led by the Spirit of God.  They are sons of God who God raises up in this time to usher folks into the Kingdom of God.  The Ekklesia realizes that this is NOT about a man or a woman, but it is all about Jesus and folks getting saved and delivered.  In the TRUE church, you are encouraged to develop your own relationship with God.  You are TAUGHT how to hear from God for yourself.  You can walk out and be used of God immediately...its all according to YOUR faith.  Not the faith of a leader.

A believer in the Ekklesia is NOT forced to do things for God.  They are LED BY the Spirit of God to do some things...all things.  And because where the SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS there IS LIBERTY, a believer is free to be who he/she was called to be in God.  That may not mean a pulpit preacher.

In "The Makings of a False Prophet," I help believers who feel a call of God on their lives discern whether it is from the Lord or not, as well as give pointers on how not to fall into rebellion and disobedience AFTER accepting the call.

So you determine.  Is your church under spiritual attack?  Probably not.  It IS under judgment.  But judgment is not always a bad thing.

In a court of law, when a verdict is found, it is a corrective, judicial matter.  The punishment is given not only to punish the wrong doing, but in hopes that the guilty won't commit the crime again.  In a best case scenario, the guilty as charged will confess of their wrongdoing.

This is all God is wanting from those caught up in the modern-day church system to to confess their wrongdoing.  To repent.

It's not an attack.  It's an act of love that your church is under judgment.

Repent before it's too late!

Slain in the Spirit

Slain:  people who have been slain, dead, killed.

We all have heard the phrase 'slain in the spirit.'  A preacher lays hands on someone-or sometimes not-and then the people fall to the ground, out in somewhat of a 'trance,' supposedly by way of the Holy Ghost.

While 'slain in the spirit,' it is said that the people in a trance are hearing from God...that God is delivering that person from afflictions or bondages of all kinds.  So this practice has been accepted, along with all its various forms.

The word 'trance' is not used often in the Bible, a total of 5 times.  The last time is in the Book of Acts 22:17, when God instructed the Apostle Paul to leave Jerusalem.

The Greek word for trance used here is 'ekstasis,' which means 'a throwing of the mind out of its normal state, alienation of mind, whether such as makes a lunatic or that of a man who by some sudden emotion is transported as it were out of himself, so that in this rapt condition, although he is awake, his mind is drawn off from all surrounding objects and wholly fixed on things divine that he sees nothing but the forms and images lying within, and thinks that he perceives with his bodily eyes and ears realities shown him by God;  amazement, the state of one who, either owing to the importance or the novelty of an event, is thrown into a state of blended fear and wonderment.'

The word 'ekstasis' is where we get the word 'Ecstasy' today.

As we all know, the drug Ecstasy. Ecstasy is a drug that elevates the mood.  It is used at parties called 'raves' where kids take it so that they can party for up to two to three days.  Users of the drug say that it produces profoundly positive feelings, empathy for others, elimination of anxiety, and extreme relaxation.

Or in other words, they are placed in a trance, that is self-induced.

In the Christian world, these trance-like states are said to be moments of prayer and meditation, probably based upon the cases in the Bible where people were in trances.  People have reported receiving messages and special revelations 'from God' while under these 'self-induced' trances.  But I would like to point out that in every case where Balaam, Paul, and Peter were in a trance, the Bible says they were either praying and/or fell into a trance.

The instances in the Word where they were in a trance, in the Old Testament, the Word says that Balaam 'fell' into a trance.  In the instances of Peter and Paul, the Word says they were in prayer before being in a trance.

In both instances, in the Old and New Testament, the trances were brought on by the WILL OF GOD.  They were NOT self-induced trances brought on by the will of man.

It is safe to say that the 'slain in the spirit' movement is a movement self-induced by the hands and will of man.

They are man's yet another attempt to get close to and in communion with God, instead of trusting and relying upon THE HOLY GHOST to give the unction and initiate it.

Whenever we step into the realm of trying to 'make something happen'-even if it's get in communion with God, or to hear from God-we fall into the arena of error and deception that the enemy can EASILY imitate.

The instances of being in a trance (in the Bible) that were induced by the hand of God are OF GOD.

The instances of being in a trance (in the modern-day churches today) where someone in 'slain in the spirit' are-for the most part-NOT OF GOD.

How can I say that?

Because anything that is not initiated in the genuine SPIRIT OF GOD BY THE WILL OF GOD is of the devil.

People who are 'slain in the spirit' are always done so by the motion of someone's hands or by the direct laying on of hands.  Nowhere in the Bible do we ever see an account where someone is 'slain in the spirit.'
And when you have people open up themselves to the things that are (seemingly) of the spirit that is induced by the hands of men, those people are opening up themselves to the demonic realm.

Tell me:  why would someone knowingly open up themselves to something ungodly and demonic-yet they say they are 'seeking after God' or 'wanting to hear a word from God?'

Most of the time, most people who allow themselves to be 'slain in the spirit' do so ignorantly, not knowing what they are allowing into their spirits.  I can tell you...having been saved over 20 years-and actively in ministry for over 5-I have seen plenty of cases where some were slain in the spirit.  I MYSELF have been 'slain in the spirit.'  And in just about every case, either myself or the others who I knew who had hands laid on them and they were 'slain in the spirit' got up off the floor WORSE OFF then what they were before!

If you want to know the benefits of something (in the Spirit), you have to take time to examine the FRUIT OF IT.  And fruit does not just automatically pop up out of the ground or on the tree.  Even Jesus gave the fig tree ample time to bear fruit (the average life expectancy of the fig tree is hundreds of years) in Matthew 21 before He decreed it to wither up and die due to fruitlessness.  So it takes time to wait, watch and see if the fruit of various things that we have allowed in the Body of Christ will be good or bad.
If no fruit is yielded-or bad fruit is borne out of it-then clearly that means it was NOT OF GOD.

And whatever is not of God eventually leads to death.  So it is with being 'slain in the Spirit.'

Seducing Spirits - Do they REALLY exist in the Church? Pt. 1


What is a seducing spirit?

When we hear the word 'seduce,' we think of soap operas where a man seduces a woman into the bed.  Or vice versa.  We always think of it in a sensual way.

That is part of what a seducing spirit really is.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils..
The Greek word for seduce used in this verse is 'planos,' which means 'misleading, leading into error, imposter, corrupter, deceiver'

The whole essence of seduction is that it is done through the five senses.  We can be seduced by what we 1) SEE, what we 2) HEAR, what we 3) TOUCH, what we 4) TASTE, and what we 5) SMELL.

The lie and the deception that man is tempted with always is done in the realm of our senses.  In our soulish realms.

The question is...can seducing spirits exist IN THE CHURCH?

You better believe it!


Because today, Christianity has become-for the most part-very sensual.  Any attempt to access the spirit is done by way of our senses, and when this occurs, we open up ourselves to the demonic instead of the divine.

And the spirit that seduces (or ministers) to many in the church is solely RELIGIOUS in nature!
Don't believe me?

How many people do you know go to a church because of the music ministry?  A slamming music ministry appeals to the NATURAL sense of HEARING.

How many people do you know go to a 'seeker-friendly' church?  One where they are made to FEEL right at home?  A 'feel good' church appeals to the NATURAL sense of  TOUCHING/FEELING.  (if only a touching in a 'psuedo-spiritual' sense)

How many of you know someone who has said to you 'I gotta go to a church that is clean, or where the interior is designed just right...'  or 'When I go to church, it must look like THIS or THAT...'?  Appeals to the NATURAL sense of SEEING.

Let's face it.  Most of the people who go to church go to their church for carnal, fleshly, soulish, sensual reasons.

The religious demons KNOW THIS, so that's how they mimic a move of God, a touch of God, a word from God and package it so that it comes to you through ONE of the FIVE senses that appeals to FLESH.
And once the bait is bitten, YOU HAVE BEEN SEDUCED!!!!!!

The church has little knowledge when it comes to understanding demonic seduction by religious demons. Religious demons are in full control of the organized church. These seducing spirits have imbedded themselves into the very walls and pulpits of the organized church. Seducing spirits live in the organized church, inside their human hosts, and  they are quite comfortable there.

No church is exempt!

These seducing spirits, in the form of the religious demon, will not budge and members have quite happily invited them in.


The demand has been for a church that appeals to man's senses.  And all this is-the whole matter of religious demons seeped into the very foundations of these monuments and idols we call churches-is THE DEVIL giving man what they desire, what they demand more of.

Seducing spirits, in the form of  religious demons, have taken up office in the organized church.

Religious demons crept into the organized church and every last person, down to the preacher, was just plain unaware, thinking all the time what they are experiencing is a move of God.

The organized church doesn't want to know a thing about seducing spirits. They show no interest, and couldn't give a hoot about a seducing spirit takeover in the form of the religious demon. Why?  Because they themselves are now hosting religious demons within themselves.

What does a seducing spirit in the form of the religious demon do, how do we define their brand of demonic seduction?

1. Seducing spirits lure you
2. Seducing spirits tempt you
3. Seducing spirits entice you
4. Seducing spirits lead you astray
5. Seducing spirits corrupt you
6. Seducing spirits charm you
7. Seducing spirits captivate you

Do you see how a seducing spirit manifesting through a religious demon could make you go to a church?

If you are ready for the truth about seducing spirits/religious demons and their new home, the organized church, you MUST get a copy of Pam Sheppard's book, Faces of a Religious Demon.

Shake the Dust From Your Feet

Mark 6:10-12

 And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place.
 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence,shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.


We all have heard this ‘shake the dust off your feet’ and keep it moving phrase the church.
What I want to point out is that in Mark 6, the disciples went about preaching the Kingdom of God…from ‘house’ to ‘house.’  In the midst of this, there was a lot of healing going on.  Miracles.  Signs and wonders.
Take note that most of these miracles, healings, and deliverances were going on OUTSIDE of the temple.

Jesus had already admitted that because of their UNBELIEF, He couldn’t do ANY mighty works.

Do you see that?

Today, the ‘church’  is crying out for signs, miracles and wonders, yet THE REAL JESUS OF NAZARETH is NOT in the building!

Some get upset and state the above scripture is some type of curse.  I will say that it is more of a command.  It came STRAIGHT FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD, by way of Jesus Christ.  So WHATEVER HE SAYS, THAT I WILL DO!

Many do not embrace THIS particular teaching of Christ Jesus because they have a false perception of love.  They think that by leaving the church and not looking back, that that constitutes ‘putting a curse’ on a congregation.

Nothing could be MORE LAUGHABLE!

The Word of God says a curse causeless shall not stand (Proverbs 26:2).  That means no one can curse you unless you are in DISOBEDIENCE or NOT RELATIONSHIP with God.  If you are TRULY BORN AGAIN, you have been redeemed from the curse (of the law).

In other words, the only way a curse can work on you is if you are not saved!!!  Or in rebellion.

Let’s clear up some things:  first, God DOES send prophets to a group of people.  Second, if that group of people refuses to take heed to the voice of GOD and be  obedient, then JESUS HIMSELF commands those WHO ARE SENT to SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR FEET AND KEEP IT MOVING!!!!!

Trust me:  you do NOT want to disobey God when He calls you to come out of a church system!  You will be cursed right along with those people!  Guilt by association…

Take another look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah:  all of Lot’s family got out of harm’s way when judgment came…all EXCEPT Lot’s wife!  And it wasn’t even because she stayed behind when God said go.  It was because she MERELY LOOKED BACK at that which God told her to RELEASE!!!!!!


God has been dealing with a LOT of you to come out of these churches, yet you stay because you think that your presence would make a difference.  Your prayers are just oh-so-powerful that now YOU-PROPHET ALMIGHTY, APOSTLE ALMIGHTY, EVANGELIST ALMIGHTY-you think YOU are going to change the church.


Just like God warned Lot and his people to get out of Dodge  so they wouldn’t suffer judgment with Sodom and Gomorrah, so DO YOU have to TOTALLY and COMPLETELY remove yourself-mind, body, soul, and spirit-from these churches.  If you have been instructed by God to GO, GGGOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Judgment was already in the works for S & G….nothing that Lot, his people, Abraham-the Father of ALL nations-or HIS people could do to change God’s mind.

The intercession that Abraham brought before God did NOT work for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah!  It only had enough ‘prayer power’ to save Abraham and his people!!!!!

I have mistakenly thought God was placing upon me a ‘burden’ for the lost in the church, so that’s why I should stay, fast and pray.

And the longer I stayed, the more harm I brought upon myself and my house!  God had to literally use TWO hurricanes to get me out of ONE false church!!!

Hurricanes Katrina AND Gustav!

That’s right…it’s only the mercies of GOD that we were NOT consumed!

And here I thought I was doing God’s service!

After Gustav…I was OUT OF THERE!

God led me to Jeremiah 15 yesterday during devotion.  I encourage you to go it, read it and study it.  It is a VERY sobering message…for a VERY sobering time!

In Come Out of Her, God’s People  by Pam Sheppard, we are offered hope in the midst of transition as well as given reasons why to leave the organized church system.

Spiritual Chitlins…

We are about half way through Black History Month.  We have celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday (most of us). And in light of that, I want to ask you all-blacks and whites alike-a question.


No, not from racism.  Anyone with two eyes and two ears can honestly see that we still have a long way to go before racism is totally eradicated in this country.

No, what I want to know is are you free….FROM RELIGION????

During slavery, the slaves had a very poor diet.  According to several writings from actual slaves, a slaves’ diet included molasses, chitlins, hamhocks, corn meal, Indian corn, black-eyed peas, very little vegetables or fish, and some birds.  Whatever their masters in the plantation did not want or threw away, THAT is what the slaves consumed…them and their children.

I got this analogy of the church being likened to a plantation during slavery from my friends over at the Church Folk Revolution (thanks, btw!).

As I sat and pondered on this for a while, the similarities between the institutionalized church and the plantations where slaves were oppressed became more obvious to me.

Just like the slaves on those plantations starved and were overworked, oppressed,  and poorly fed, so are congregants who go to these churches (sad to say, mostly the congregants who go to predominantly black congregations) not being properly nourished.  They are fed spiritual chitlins and hog, hammocks and throwaway scraps.

A bunch of recycled messages/scraps from the tables of famous preachers.  Recycled over and over again.  That’s how religious clichés and old prophecies such as ‘this is your season’ or ‘we are in a shift’ become so popular….they are nothing more than spiritual chitlins.  (Now, I know there are some of you that love chitlins…but the fact is that chitlins is nothing more than hog guts.  Its waste.  Its disgusting and have absolutely NO nutritional value.)

Well, just like chitlins in the natural are stink, have no nutritional value…even though they are quite fulfilling and satisfying.

So are MOST of the teachings that go forth in the institutionalized church are nothing more than spiritual chitlins.  They STINK in the nostrils of GOD, they yield NO spiritual or eternal value…even though they do serve to appease the hearers…albeit temporarily.

Being from New Orleans, I have family and friends that LOVE chitlins.  So I can hear some of your responses to this post…”There’s nothing wrong with eating chitlins!  They are GOOD!”

Well, according to the NY Health Department, eating chitlins (which are nothing more than a pig’s small intestines!) can present dangers to one’s health.  There is a risk of contracting E. Coli, Salmonella, and what’s known as yersinia, a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, fever, and severe abdominal cramps that feel like appendicitis.

Not to mention what the long-term effects are of such a diet. Chitlins are high in cholesterol, which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Just imagine:  slaves had no choice but to eat chitlins as long as they remained on the plantation, as long as they were slaves to ‘massa.’  They ate chitlins because that’s all they had to survive.  It was either eat chitlins or starve…

But people who are ‘slaves’ to the institutionalized church system-religious plantations, I call them-THEY have a CHOICE!

Your pastor/massa is serving you SPIRITUAL CHITLINS every week…and because it’s traditional, and it tastes good to you, you don’t see anything wrong with it!

Oh sure.  There is a stench in the air…some have gotten used to it, it’s been there so long.  Just like when you’re in the kitchen, preparing those vittles…after awhile, you don’t even smell the funk anymore…

There is that stench in the air…but it’s only noticeable to those who walk up in your building for the first time.  The funk hits them in the face as soon as they enter the doors of your church.  Its slaps them in the face!  And while they are holding their noses almost wanting to puke, fanning their faces, trying to figure out ‘What IS that smell?’ You are sitting there, waiting on your next serving of SPIRITUAL CHITLINS!

And then you get offended when those visitors don’t come back anymore!

We hear folks talk about nobody’s getting saved in church anymore, that saved folks are just migrating from church to church, house to house.  I have to agree with this: except what’s happening is that saints/slaves are starving.  They are tired of their steady diet of spiritual chitlins and hammocks, smothered in spiritual cornbread and molasses.

The chitlins have passed for the meat of the word, and the pastors/massas have made it palatable and tasty for you by including hefty side orders of spiritual cornbread and molasses, to sweeten it for you.  To make the so called ‘meat-of-the-word’ they are peddling go down easier.  Just like when mama used to make that corn bread with that red beans and rice…a lot of times, she wouldn’t even use rice.  She would just eat the beans with corn bread, in her own words, to make the beans go down easier!

Pastors/Massas for generations has gotten away with feeding the slaves, oops…excuse me, saints, chitlins, greens, red beans and corn bread.  And the saints saw nothing wrong with it for a long time.

But as more and more slaves/saints start getting spiritually sick from their steady diets of death and scraps, more and more of others slaves are taking a stand.  In their minds, their ‘stand’ is to go to another church.  It is a major accomplishment in the minds of those saints ‘who smell the funk’ in their old churches for them to pick up and move somewhere else.

But what they fail to realize is that THAT pastor/massa where they migrate to have the same funk on their plantation/in their church, too.  Some pastors/massa-when they find out that you were ‘Jakes’ or Longs’ ni_ _ _ _ , or belonged to another church but left the ‘wrong way,’ i.e. you didn’t get pastor/massa’s permission to leave or you didn’t get ‘released,’ then they tell you ‘You better go back where you came from!’

(How many of y’all remember Creflo telling Eddie Long’s congregants who went to his church after the scandal to go BACK to New Birth when the grits started hitting the fan?)

Creflo even called them NEGROES at about 1 minute and 40 seconds or so into this video!


The above video looks SO much like a scene out of the movie ROOTS when a slave ran away to another massa’s plantation who seemed to be nicer or kinder to the slaves.  And that massa would rebuke that slave for running away to his plantation-that slave might get a lashing or two before being returned to his original master.

It’s so time to WAKE UP!

If you go the institutionalized church, you are in SLAVERY!

And ALL the pastors/massas (YES, YOUR PASTOR, TOO!) work together to KEEP you that way!

What a sad state to be in, especially as so many celebrate Black History Month, claiming to be free.  Yet, in actuality, you are yet STILL SLAVES, feeding on SPIRITUAL CHITLINS!

If you want to get off the plantation once and for all, and get fed some spiritually sound and healthy food, all you gotta do is start walking.