You know, I was sitting here this morning after praying and meditating on God and all that He has done in my life...and remembering what it was like for me when I went to church and served in ministry.
I was what others called 'faithful.' That is the term churchgoers use to describe someone who is always at church, always involved in church activities and seems to juggle all their churchy obligations very well.
Well, that was me.
I was the minister who preached, did praise and worship, held classes and headed new members/convert's class, picked up and dropped off those who didn't have a ride to church.
And did it all with a smile...
I can relate to the guy running in circles in the above picture....because that was me.
I put many, many miles on my minivans running after 'church activities.' I spent MUCH money on gas, changing tires, car repair and maintenance and the such....I put a LOT of miles on a vehicle God blessed me with to transport me and my babies I would not have to depend upon anyone else to run us around.
But I allowed a religious demon to make me believe that this was ALL the will of GOD that I give ALL my time, money, tear my vehicles apart, spend every waking moment in church, serving the people of God.
THIS is the crux of the error of why so many people who love God 'burnout' in church or in ministry.
I touched on this in my blog, 'The Church Rat Race.' Basically, once someone goes to church and 'joins,' the clock starts ticking for the leadership to decide when they will be allowed to 'work' in the church. It is expected that new converts 'work' right away...even if it is nothing but to clean the church or the bathrooms, to conduct childrens' church.
Some the pastor may see a call on their lives, or some leadership qualities, at very best. So after a period of time and a series of tests, the pastor may approach a lay member and tell them it's time to do the work of ministry, or to study for it....
So the lay member is honored, and goes for it.
Pretty soon, after they have 'worked' in the church, they get tired.
Countless numbers of people give mini-fortunes, all their free time, all their energy, their talents, their resources that God blessed THEM with to bless THEIR OWN FAMILIES...and just hand all of that over to the church. All because they believe GOD told them to!
Often, it is not until YEARS later that the light begins to come on and an 'aha' moment occurs for these 'faithful' people.
Some of them have been 'promoted' to ministerial positions, maybe even assistant and associate pastor.
They will 'faithfully' serve for many years. And many will say it seems they love it and are good at it. But we never know what goes on behind the scenes. As I wrote in my blog post, "Pastor's Wives Should NOT Be Committing Suicide," I highlighted one church's example of how the organized church system overtaxes its leaders, so much so to the point that they will commit suicide, get addicted to drugs....
Or simply put....just BURNOUT.
While most in the church world look at pastoral and ministerial burnout -and the concurrent leaving of the church or position - as a bad thing, almost as if they had turned their backs on God Himself.
I contend that becoming 'burned out' on church is NOT a bad thing. A fall is NOT a bad thing...if those things lead you at the feet of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to seek for direction and clarity as to what HE would have you to do.
You see, most of the people in leadership positions in the church were not truly called to those positions...within THAT organized church structure.
I can say that burnout is not only likely but also inevitable within a church setting!
Ichabod has been written across EVERY temple, EVERY synagogue, EVERY church, EVERY ministry that has a door to be opened. God said in HIS Word that He dwells in temples made NOT with man's hands. He says WE are the temple of the Holy Ghost. WE are LIVING EPISTLES, read of all men.
Therefore, when we try to contain what GOD HIMSELF says is to be disbursed, scattered, we are much like the people who built the Tower of Babel....
And will see the same results as they did.
Just look at this chart on pastoral burnout:
I cannot lie: when I think about all the time, funds, resources, energy, time away from family, friends, cars, etc. that I have literally WASTED on the organized church system, I get a little annoyed. But more than that annoyance, I am THANKFUL to be OUT!
I have been OUT of the church for the pastor 4 years almost and I can tell you. I have not suffered 'burnout.' I have grown stronger in my walk with Christ. I know more Word and THE WORD, the KINGDOM OF GOD, more NOW than I did when I mounted the pulpits.
I can actually take the money GOD has blessed me with to take care of my family and TAKE CARE OF MY FAMILY! NOT the church buildings, or passa...or fund a variety of unnecessary church events such as church & pastoral anniversaries, conferences, convocations, and the such!
How can I call them unnecessary?
Well, you are reading the words of a person who has been to PLENTY of them all. And I can tell you of a SURETY that NOT ONE of those gatherings I sacrificed my light bill, or rent, or car insurance payment to attend and 'sow into' (yes, I was that stupid!) had ANY eternal value.
NONE of them taught me what I know now.
As a matter of fact, I had to take ALL THAT ERROR I was indoctrinated with in these fake conferences, events, anniversaries and the such and place them ALL ON THE ALTAR and BURN THEM.
I had to forsake ALL ERROR I learned in church....
Could it be that pastors, ministers and the such are burning out at an alarming rate now more than ever because too many of them are trying to maintain something GOD is NOT a part of????
I know this is the fake Jesus, btw. but you get the point! |
Jesus Christ of Nazareth (the REAL one) says HIS yoke is EASY, HIS burden is LIGHT.
If this is true, and I know it is, then why are folks killing themselves, burning out, getting on drugs, addicted to sex, porn, religion, and all kinds of other vices? IN CHURCH LEADERSHIP????
God's not in the buildings, y'all.