Monday, January 21, 2013

KINGDOM TALK: What Did The Original Apostles Teach & Preach?

~~This is another blog I wrote four years ago, right after the last one about the 12 (disciples/apostles) mission.  It IS a long read....It's good to be reminded of some things!~~

Luke 6:13 -- The Call to Apostleship

Vs 12 says Jesus was in prayer all night in the mountain.  He called 12 out and named them Apostles.  

Jimmy Swaggart defines apostle as:  one sent with a special message; which will always be according to the Word of God; will set the standard (of the church).  

After Jesus called the apostles, He modeled for them what they were to do.  Listen to what HE preached after the commission.

Vs 17 - Jesus and His Disciples were out on the plain; met the masses who came to hear Him and to be healed.  They were delivered from unclean spirits.  The masses endeavored to touch Him; virtue flowed out of Him and they were healed.

Vs 20-23 - Sermons on the plains (aka the Beautitudes)

1)        I like to call it the "Blessings and Woes Sermon"

           First, apostles are to teach the people who and what is REALLY blessed and who and  
           what is REALLY cursed.

           *Blessed be the poor                    -                yours is the Kingdom of God
           *Blessed are you who hunger     -                you shall be filled
           *Blessed are you who weep        -                you shall laugh!
           *Blessed are you when men hate you, they shall separate you from their company, 
             shall reproach you, cast out your name for evil for the Son of Man's sake.....

           Rejoice in that Day!  Leap for Joy!   Your reward is great in heaven.  They did it to the
           prophets of old.....they will do it to you!

           *Woe to the rich                           -                 you got your reward
           *Woe unto you who are full        -                 you shall be hungry
           *Woe unto you who laugh           -                 you shall mourn
           *Woe unto you when all men speak well of you; for they also did of the FALSE 

2)         Love Your Enemies

Jesus commands us to love our enemies.  Not a milk toast message, or easy to swallow like pamplin.  But this is kingdom.  IF you're walking in the kingdom, you are loving your enemies.  And there IS a specific way JESUS instructs us to love them...

Vs 27-30 says we are to love our enemies and do good to them that hate you.  Bless those who curse you; give the other cheek after they slapped the first. 

Give to every man who ask of you; and to those who stole from you don't ask for it back in return.  

What?  What kinda message is that?  Surely God doesn't want us to teach the people to be weak, to be punks?  This is agape love; a love that will keep putting ourselves in positions to be punked.  The world's way is to avenge and protect ourselves.  God's way, kingdom, is to keep putting ourselves out there.  Seems crazy?  Probably.  But that's kingdom!

3)             The Golden Rule

We all have heard of the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The scriptures says...for if you love them which love you what thank have ye?  What does that mean?

Jesus is saying sinners have the capability to love those who love them.  Many Adolph Hitler was in love with Eva Braun, his mistress.  But what he had wasn't real love, it was lust.  Because after he finished having sex with her, he would put his uniform on and go kill about a 1,000 Jews or more per day!  If he had real agape love, he wouldn't have been able to exterminate millions of Jews!

That's the world's version of love.  And if we only love those who we think love us, we are no better than the sinners.  We are fooling ourselves!

Sinners also do good to those who do good to them.  But Jesus says take it to the next step.  He commands us to do good to EVERYBODY!  Enemies, friends, family, jealous folks, and all.

He also says 'lend to those who cannot pay you back!'  

What?  What is that?  

If we lend folks $5, we get all hot and backslide if we don't get $7 back by the end of the month!  I have heard folks so many times, so called saved folks, belly ache over another saint they lent money to not paying them back.  So now its been 5 years and you ain't spoke to Sis. Who Knows What because she forgot to or maybe couldn't pay back $5!!!!!!??????  

That's CRAZY!!!!

Sinners operate like that.  Banks do it every day (or well,maybe not so much these days now!)

We in the Church have gained the mentality, the spirit, of the world that says "I will be good to you only if you are good to me.  If you look like me, sing like me, preach like me, believe as I do, etc..  If you fast as long as I do, then we can hang.  If you hold onto my denominational standards, then we can fellowship."

Now e don't even want to help the poor.  I'm talking about the church!  I don't know where this spirit came from in the so called church today that says we aren't supposed to help the poor!!!!

When right here in the scriptures it says to lend to those WHO CANNOT PAY YOU BACK!  Sinners do that; that's how we as a nation got into this economic upheaval we are in right now.  Banks lending money, being greedy, thinking 'Hey, we will give you this loan and that loan and tack on 20% interest and get rich off your need!'  Then the same banks get upset, give bad credit scores, and take people's homes because they haven't gotten rich off you.  If that ain't charlatain, sinful, I don't know what is!

If these banks and financial institution were saved, kingdom minded, they'd forgive all these loans and stop seizing peoples' homes like they've been doing!  God commands are made to be obeyed.  God has cursed this nation with this financial crisis because these banks won't forgive these loans.  They are being greedy and prey on those who are suffering financially.

No matter what Obama does -- and I pray for him -- this financial crisis won't subside until we as a nation get rid of this credit bureau devil that hold peoples' financial mishaps and mistakes against them for too many years.  According to scripture, all debt is supposed to be forgiven after seven years.

Deuteronomy 15:1-2, 8-10

At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.

And this is the manner of the release:  Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the Lord's release.

But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.

Beware that there be not a thought in they wicked heart, saying, The 7th year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against that poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee.  

Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givenst unto him; because that for this thing the LORD they God shall bless thee in all they works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.

Yet creditors will mark peoples' credit for debt that was made sometimes as much as 10 years ago!  The companies where the debt was made a lot of times doesn't even exist anymore.  They will sell the delinquent accounts to collections agencies and referred others to lawyers and spend all types of money to find debtors (called skip trace).  All of this to collect on an old debt, one the debtor isn't necessarily running from but sincerely has not been in a position to pay.

Yes, the debtor is given options to pay minimal payments, sometimes as low as $20/month, which seems low to many of our standards.  And while that is do-able, if you are talking about a $10,ooo deficit, how long will that person be paying off that debt?  there is principle involved here...

God says to forgive ALL debt!  Lend to those who cannot pay back.  That's Word.  And we are to do it with a GLAD heart, knowing we are not doing world business, but KINGDOM business!  

When we do this, the Word says "he that lends to the poor lendeth to the LORD!"  And trust, God will pay you back, WITH INTEREST!

And don't get angry with folks who don't-or can't-pay you back.  Doing Kingdom Business isn't just a matter of doing, but the motivation and spirit behind what we do!

If you got an attitude of "Man, she asked me for such and such, and that devil never paid me back..."  God will NOT bless you.  If you do something for someone, and you go and tell it on the mountaintop what you did, you have missed out on your blessing.  God says do it in secret, with simplicity...

Romans 12:8

Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation:  he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

That's where you gain the greatest reward!

Do it expecting NOTHING in return!

When you do it this way, the Word says not only will your reward be great, but that you will be called CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST!  Sons of God.

Jesus is good, merciful to the unthankful, the evil as well as the righteous, HE rains on the just AND the unjust.

We are COMMANDED to be merciful--TO EVERYONE.  Why?  Because that is a characteristic of our Daddy!  It's supposed to be in our DNA. Spiritual DNA!  If you come across someone who lacks the capacity to be merciful to others, I'd question their Sonship.  

Ask them...


4)              Judging Others (Vs 37-42)

I think its amazing that as soon as God points out that we are supposed to be merciful that He goes on to speak on judging others.

            *Judge not                     -          you won't be judged
            *Condemn Not              -          you won't be condemned
            *Forgive                         -          you shall be forgiven

Take note--why would Jesus say these things in this order?

When one speaks of mercy, it lends to the fact that one has something they've done wrong, they've sinned, and need mercy.

That being said, when we come across someone who is in sin, who owes us, or God, has a debt to pay, yes, they did it and SHOULD pay!

They should die for their own sins.  They should be put in financial prison (given a low credit score) because they have a debt they owe.  They did wrong, and we shouldn't forgive them.   Because they are GUILTY!

But Jesus came to take the guilt away!  If we keep holding onto others' sin, if we keep judging them for past mistakes, if we keep taking folks to court for debt, keep marking up their credit reports, then what was CALVARY for?  All our sin, our mishaps, mistakes, debt, our junk....ALL OF IT....was nailed to the Cross!

With the work of the Cross and the Resurrection, ALL sin, ALL debt, ALL junk, ALL drama is gone!  Jesus' blood has forever allowed a way for it all to be washed away!

It's like there is a river of blood and there's a sewerage system availed to EVERY living soul walking the face of the planet.  But if you don't turn on the FAUCET and let the BLOOD flow, the sin, the debt, the drama is still there!  Staining up everything!

Has someone wronged you?  Owes you?  Turn on the faucet!  Cover it up not with more lies and deceit, but with the BLOOD OF JESUS!  How do you do that--turn the faucet on?

DON'T JUDGE!  DON'T CONDEMN...FORGIVE.  That's how you turn the faucet on!

When you do, the vale to that River of Life is released and where once a river of blood killed (in Egypt as one of the plagues) THIS river of BLOOD-if allowed to flow freely-will GIVE LIFE!!!!!

The Letter kills, but the SPIRIT GIVES LIFE!!!!!!!

I'm not saying don't preach against sin.  Jesus preached against it; so should we.

But after we've shown the people their sin, we also have to show them the way OUT OF SIN!  Point them to the Cross!  The Empty Grave!

True spirituality is the capacity to see in, preach and teach against it, and yet almost simultaneously offer a way OUT of sin.  It's the ability to show compassion and mercy to those who don't deserve it.

Vs 38 says if we give it will come back good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over shall men give to our bosoms.  The same measure we give is the same way we'll get it back.  This can be for good as well as for evil.

Vs 39 says can the blind lead the blind?  They will ALL fall into the ditch.

The blind in this scripture are those who cannot see the Kingdom.  The KOG is not meat, drink, but righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.

Kingdom is loving your enemies.  Treating others the way you want to be treated.  Lending to the poor and not expecting anything back.  Kingdom is raising up the lowly and resisting the proud.  Kingdom is healing folks, deliverance, showing the TRUE WAY of salvation.

Kingdom is doing what Jesus did, walking like Jesus walked, teaching what HE TAUGHT.  We are supposed to be just like our Daddy.

If we aren't, He calls us hypocrites.

Funny how the world calls people hypocrites those who go to church and live another life outside of it.  But that's just the surface of it....

Vs 41-42 says how can you notice the (mote) speck in your brothers' eyes and not see the beam in your own?

Do you know how hard it is to see a speck in another person's eyes?  It's extremely hard to do.  When someone gets something in their eyes, we might inspect the eye a little bit.  But if we don't see anything what do we tell them?  

God wash your eyes out with some running water to flush that thing out.

Then we ask that person "do you still FEEL that thing in your eye?"

They can feel it, the object that's not supposed to be there EVEN BEFORE WE DO INSPECTING THEIR EYE!

Sometimes we get things in our eyes, and just let it stay there.  It doesn't bother us that much so we make no big deal about it.  But if it starts bothering us and obstructing our view, we will seek to get that think out of our eye, maybe even ask someone else to help us out!  

That's the way we are with sin.  

You know, most of the time, folks know when they are wrong.  It's not until that speck becomes a beam in our eye, our spirit, til it bothers us enough, that we try to get it out!

They're getting right, getting their vision right is NOT up to us, but to them!

We go around inspecting folks lives and no one ask us to.  It has to be their quest to get right.  that has to start with conviction ON THEM.  They have to get sick and tired.  Then they will seek help.  Our job is to let them know, 'Hey, if you need help, I'm here.  I love you.  And Jesus Does, too.'

If we were walking around downtown, how many of us would run upon every person who passes us by and start inspecting their eyes?  I mean, imagine it.

It's Christmas, so they got folks downtown.  And because we thought they may have specks in their eyes, especially today because it's snowing and all, and we are like, 'Uh, excuse me.  Let me inspect your eye to see if you got something in them...'

We would think to ourselves 'What is WRONG with that person?'

And how many of you know that that person just may run upon the wrong person and get beat down?  

Well, we gotta lot of folks like that, who run upon folks, inspecting their eyes, their lives, their marriages, their children, etc., sniffing out the 'SIN IN THE CAMP!'  

they say they SEE this, and SEE that, blah, blah, blah.

THAT'S not kingdom!

That's just like when they caught the woman in adultery..

Now, let's be real.  IN order for the Pharisees to have caught them IN THE ACT, they had to have followed or stalked them.  What????  When they got in the bed, they had to have their noses pressed up against the window, fogging up everything.  What's amazing is that they didn't even get ashamed when they saw them get undressed.  They STILL was looking!

For what??????

Were they like 'I wonder what they are going to do next?'

Well, duh!  What do you think?

They had to have been watching whatever happened in that bedroom for awhile...but their nosey behinds were still up in the business!

Bunch of FREAKS!  Peeping Toms!

But you gonna preach to me?  Mote?  Beam...HELLO?

But my point is in order for the religious folks to have caught the TWO of them in the act they had to been a bunch of Filthy McNasties, sitting by, watching them to see what they would do next.

So now because they felt guilty for not having run from the scene of 'the act'-and possibly enjoyed it-to defray from that guilt and deflect attention from THEMSELVES, they brought the woman only to be stoned.  

I mean, where was the man?  Come on!  If the people saw the naked woman all in the street, they would KNOW she was guilty.  And if the village people was too busy stoning them, they would escape being judged, being stoned by this open spectacle.  

Mote?  Beam???

We got many in the institution of church who love outward appearances of holiness.  The long robes and what not, openly showing and exposing the sins of others.  And what you DON'T know or see going on is what's going on underneath those robes while they sit in the best seats of the synagogues, behind the doors of the hotel room where that conference is being held, in the homes of the most prolific and profound teachers of our times, in the confession booths of our biggest rectories....ITS SIN!

Porn, rape, incest, theft, fraud.  You name it!  It's going on!

And these modern day preachers who preach against sin and yet offer no way of escape are preaching an incomplete, ineffective gospel.  

They are NOT preaching kingdom, but religion!

That's a Pharisee spirit.  That's why Jesus Christ of Nazareth called them 'hypocrites.'  Because He knew they were pointing out and preaching something they were guilty of themselves!

KINGDOM TALK: The 12--Their Mission

~~A post I first created four years (wow! it's been that long!) I thought it was worth reposting~~

The Twelve: Their Mission
Matthew 9:37, 10:15

"The Harvest is Plenteous, but the Laborers are Few...Pray"

Pray for the apostles to come.

Jesus calls 12 disciples (He called them disciples--gave them power).

Their mission?  Jesus sends the 12 NOT to the Gentiles or Samaritans.  Not to unbelievers or pagans.  Jesus sent them to the Israelites...THE CHURCH!  In particular, to the lost sheep of the House of ...Israel....

Lost sheep?  In the House??


What Jesus instructed?

  1. FIRST MESSAGE (In order of priority)
          Matt. 10:7 -- The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
          In other words, get it right?  Jesus is coming back!

          The Kingdom of God:  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. Freely you  
          have received, freely you give.

           Jesus addressed their natural realm.  This is important.  We preachers/ teachers teaching the 
           Kingdom is getting natural needs met.  Owning a business, etc.

           vs. 9-10     Don't hoard $$$$$

           vs. 11        Scrips were bags used to store food in; no heavy packing.  Mann-daily bread.  Jesus 
                             instructed the apostles to go into a city, ask around to find people of like faith and stay 
                             with them til released by God.  Work with them.

           vs 12         When going to a house bestow peace unto it.

           vs 13         If the house is worthy (of like faith), Jesus says 'allow your blessing (your peace) to
                             come upon it.  Part of the apostolic anointing is to be able to pronounce PEACE on a 
                             body.  If they are not worthy, don't bless the house.  Exact words?  "Let your peace 
                             return to you."

           vs 14         Whosoever doesn't receive you, shake the dust off your feet indicating their blood is 
                             no longer upon your hands. Because you did what God said to do.  It is a cursed
                    unrepentant one! 

           vs 15         States it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on Judment Day than not just  
                            for that house, BUT FOR THAT WHOLE CITY!!

When a body won't repent and does not receive the Word God gave them, not only is that house cursed, but their sin affects the city that the house resides in!!!! It curses REGIONS!!!!!

Look at Hait, or some parts of Africa.  There are WHOLE REGIONS that have been cursed because whole houses of God subverted the truth of God, rejected His Word, ignored the prophets and apostles and resorted to other spiritual means to do 'their business.'  Not God's business.  So this is why poverty, sickness, disease and premature death, unfruitfulness of the land is so rampant in that part of the world.

It's just like when the two angels warned Sodom & Gomorrah they were coming under judgment and Abraham asked them if the city would be spared for, at first, 50 righteous men?  (Gen. 18:26-32), then 45, 40, 30, 20, then 10.

Let me tell you something.....

There may be wickedness all around you.  All the houses in the city may be filthy.  Sodom & Gomorrah like.  But if there is a REMNANT....just a small number of folks who are really living for God, God will spare THEM.

The city may perish...those who don't repent.  But if you are a righteous remnant of God, your life will be spared!!!!!!

Go on to read Gen. 19:15-25 (the whole chapter 19).  Judgment was delayed until the righteous GOT OUT!!!!

The Angels were not to release judgment until the righteous remnant, the covenant people, got out of Dodge!!!

NOW, if the righteous turned back - as Lot's wife did - and disobeyed God after God gave them specific instruction to get out and DON'T LOOK BACK, then they perished along with the wicked!

Once the decree of judgment had already went forth from God...the only way it could be reversed was if the guilty repented.  God will delay destruction in His Divine Love and Mercies, to get the righteous out of danger!

This explains why when it says in vs 14 that whosoever doesn't hear the voice of God and take heed, a curse is upon it.  Shake the dust off your feet knowing you've done what God commanded.  

I've heard preachers say that sprinkling dust on someone's doorstep was witchcraft.  I personally had never heard of anyone sprinkling dust, til I read this IN THE SCRIPTURES!  Yet the apostles were instructed by the Lord Jesus Christ to shake the dust off their feet if a house didn't receive the Word of the Lord.

You see, Jesus knew that the apostles would be sent by God with a hard word.  An unpopular word.  A correcting word.  A stringent word.  And the Word of God says that in the last days that men would hate
that which is good, despisers of good, calling good evil and evil good.  And that they will heap teachers unto themselves, having itching ears.  When you see someone rubbing their ears, in denotes that they are trying to clear up their ears so that they can hear clearly.

They got many hungry folks, but they are hungry for the WRONG THING!  They are hungry for ice cream, candy, cookies, cakes and pies, like Madea says of Cora.  They are NOT hungry for MEAT.  For that which will nourish then, will fill their sensual appetites.  When you find someone who always crave sweets, something wrong.  They never want food, but junk.  They get sick a lot, out of shape, etc.  

That's why we got so many in the organized church SICK.  Spiritually sick.  They have not been eating right!  And they wanna eat right.  So when someone comes along with spinach, liver or beef, they go a running to all those conferences and meetings, prophetic ones, in particular, where they can get their fill of cookies, cakes and pies!  They will give their whole rent checks to false prophets to lie to then, but will starve a REAL pastor and their families b/c the pastor preaches come OUT of that lifestyle!  A hard word...but Jesus didn't back down.

Kingdom teaching/preaching will confront sin and provide a way of escape from sin.  Religion merely points out the sin...with no way of escape or hope of REAL deliverance.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Where should I begin with this...

I must address this as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (within the religious circle) FIRST.  

This picture is Bishop Larry Trotter, pastor and founder of Sweet Holy Spirit Church in Chicago and his 4 year old granddaughter ... taking a bath together.  

Now, while none of us know if Trotter has on trunks underneath that water, we have to conclude that this photo was, at the very least, HIGHLY inappropriate to take, it was HIGHLY inappropriate for Trotter to be in the tub with his granddaughter in the first place, and then it is GROSSLY unwise to post this picture on Instagram!

The question of whether or not this is child pornography has come up.  

It has always been my understanding that child porn is taking pictures of children simulating or actually performing sexual acts.

According to the Center of Missing and Exploited Children's website,, this is what child pornography is under federal law:

"What Is Child Pornography?"

Under federal law (18 U.S.C. 2256), child pornography is defined as any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where

  • the production of the visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in seuxlaly explicit conduct; or
  • the visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
  • the visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct."
Since Trotter is not engaging in a sexual act with this baby, neither is she, then this particular photograph does not fit into the category of child porn.....


Who is to say what happened BEFORE or AFTER this photo was taken?

It's the IMPLICATIONS of what may have been going on that is SO disturbing!

And since this post was put out here publicly, then ALL implications behind this photo should be dealt well!

I have come across a few stories where parents were arrested JUST for taking pics of the kids-ALONE-in the bathtub.  

Swedish Mother Arrested Over Taking Pics of Kids in Tub

Texas Parents Arrested Over Bathtub Photos

Are Bathtime Pictures Pornographic?

These parents were arrested for taking pictures of their kids in the tub....they were NOT in the tub with the kids.  One mother was breastfeeding her child....but if a mother can breastfeed her child in PUBLIC and not get arrested for is it ok that she was arrested for doing it IN PRIVATE?

(That's another blog, for another day!)

I am going to tell you why these parents were arrested, lost custody of their kids and went through hell and high water to regain custody of their kids....

Because these acts did not take place inside of a church or within the confines of a religious system!

Because they were not leaders in a church or a religious organization!

Sad to say, within the religious system, child abuse and exploitation is not only acceptable, but if it is ever discovered or even suspected, it is MOST likely to be swept under the rug, dismissed, and allegations and obvious warning signs are blatantly ignored!

We all remember 20 years ago when it first started coming out about the priests molesting altar boys?  These altar boys were grown men by then and just couldn't go on without sharing what they went through at the hands of perverted priests.  I am sure that at some time during their childhood, these altar boys reached out to someone for help.  

But their cries for help were ignored.  The allegations went uninvestigated, ignored, filed away for no one to search further.  People were undoubtedly bought off in exchange for their silence when allegations went public.  

This makes me think about former christian gospel artist Tonex now known as B. Slade.  Anthony Williams grew up in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World denomination and went on to become one of the most popular, most talented singers in the industry.

That's until he came out of the closet.  

Once Anthony went public with his gay lifestyle, he was shunned and pretty much blacklisted by his christian compadres and the industry.  He did take on the pastorship of his father's church in the Spring Valley area.  But I haven't heard of him preaching is my understanding that even after coming out of the closet, he was still allowed to pastor Truth Apostolic Community Church.  And he was even invited to preach at other gay-accepting, gay-affirming churches....


I don't want to focus so much on Anthony's turn of lifestyle, but on WHY this happened...

I want you to watch this video.  Anthony is now known as B. Slade.  Slade is an openly gay performer who performs at various venues.  This video explains a LOT of what Anthony went through...that brought him to this point where he is right now:

In this video, Anthony shares that he was molested as a child in the P.A.W (@3:12 into the video).

What most religious people see in this video is an embittered, wounded, hurting young man who is lashing out at the religious institutions.  


THAT is the question we need to ask.

He was not just expressing his hurt and anger over how the industry shunned him after his coming out, or the breakup of his marriage, or the death of his parents-and the insensitive way that religious people supported him (or didn't support him) afterwards.  

He was not just expressing disappointment and bitterness over losing popularity and fame he had worked so hard to attain within the gospel music industry...

This was a young man who grew up in a coveted popular pentecostal denomination, one where 'holiness' was supposedly preached and taught.  I went to another popular pentecostal denomination for almost 5 years.  

If you listen closely 3 minutes and 12 seconds into the video, he utters these lines:

"...the irony is I was introduced to this by you.
    so I'm a product of a double standard institute.
    Homey, bitter ain't the word for it, that's an understatement.
    That's why I had to take a vacation..."

Introduced to WHAT?

Homosexuality! Sexual perversion!  Within the religious circles!

It seems to me that within religious organizations, there is a tendency to ignore signs of child abuse.  When I was in ministry, I was told that ministers are mandated child abuse reporters.  

But it is within the institution of church where abuse happens the most and is reported THE LEAST!

If anyone sees anything that may constitute child abuse (within the church setting, or committed by church leaders or workers), it is highly likely that that abuse WILL continue, go unchallenged, unreported and will serve to destroy the innocence of children entrapped within the religious institutions.

Trotter's grandbaby is smiling in this picture with her granddad.  Undoubtedly, she loves her pawpaw implicitly.  In her mind, she is just having fun with pawpaw.

But the sick thing is in his mind, they are having fun, too!

But WHAT IF he is abusing that baby?  Exploiting her?  

I challenge you if you're a church leader, or even if you go to church and you stay in the Chicago area, maybe you go to Sweet Holy Spirit....PLEASE don't be blinded by the charisma of this man.  SOMEONE needs to report this man ASAP to the local authorities so that that household can be investigated.

At the very worst, if nothing is going on, then at least those around them will sleep a little better at night.  

There is no worse feeling than to have witness possible abuse (of a child or a woman-of anyone), having had the power to put a stop to it...but because you didn't want to get involved, or because you love your pastor, or because you don't want to make the church 'look bad,' you kept silent.

Then it comes out later on that that WAS in fact abuse....

Who is going to look out for the children?????

No one looked out for Anthony Williams/Tonex/B. Slade.  And look what's happened to him now.

Ten or twenty years down the line, what if this baby IS being abused?  And she ends up being whorish?  Or lesbian or bisexual?  Or she abuses chidren herself?  

It all began right here, folks.  With her grandfather taking inappropriate pictures with her in the tub....

That's how it started with me.

My uncle would tongue kiss me every night.  Then he fondled me...I was maybe 10.  Then he took the Polaroid and took nude pictures of me.  He would compare me to models in porno magazines.

Then the sex began...

It's only by the grace of God that I've been healed of it all.  And I experienced GREAT shunning and persecution within the church I grew up after I reported my uncle to the police.  I didn't report it til I was like 14 years old....I couldn't muster up the courage to do it before then.  

I am speaking for every child right now...and from the heart.

Church folks...I know I'm hard on you.  But you got to do better than these babies!!!



Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Bishop Wayne Jackson Lies On Men To Make Them Bishops?


By now, I am sure you all have seen this video, or portions of it.  The footage from a consecration service held in Detriot, Michigan last year by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson of Greater Faith Ministries International.

I have stated in past posts that I am really oblivious to the going-ons of the harlot church....but every now and then, some things occur that is so BRAZEN and BLATANT, that I have to write on it.

I did at first resist to write a blog on this because-quite frankly, I found it EXTREMELY least, at first I did.  I laughed about this scenario for a whole day.

This reminded me of an episode of 'The Boondocks' entitled ""Pause" (WARNING: Explicit language and sexual references-if you're religious, you will be offended) where the grandfather in this show joins a Christian theatrical coupe so he can become famous...and runs into some interesting 'initiations' along the way.

But I know when the Spirit of God is dealing with me...when I am supposed to write on something.  I woke up at 3:30 this morning (something I DO NOT normally do) and my spirit was VEXED.  The kind of vexation my spirit gets when the Spirit of God wants me to write on some thing.

SO here it is.

As I stated, the above video is a consecration service.  Two bishops are being consecrated into office, under the auspices of Bishop Jackson and Greater Faith Ministries.

After the bishop reads some scriptures, shares with the audience the qualifications of a bishop, he instructs the two gentlemen to lie down prostrate on the floor, at the altar.  Then he covers the two men with sheets, then one at a time, he proceeds to lie on top of them, as they lie prostrate on the floor!


I sat here in utter disbelief as I saw this....but after looking at it a couple of times, I actually tried to give the bishop the benefit of the doubt.  I went to the scriptures.  I asked God to show me in His Word instances of where a man has EVER lied on top of another man....for ANY reason.

Sure enough, I DID find instances.  Elijah and Elisha both raised young men from the dead by lying on top of them, in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 4, respectively.  Then the Apostle Paul raised Eutychus from the dead in Acts 20.

(Alert: I have purposely posted the stories from the bible and its a long read.)

1 Kings 17: 17-23 - Elijah raises the woman from Zarepheth's son
17 After these things, the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, became sick; and his sickness was so severe that there was no breath left in him.
18 And she said to Elijah, What have you against me, O man of God? Have you come to me to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my son?
19 He said to her, Give me your son. And he took him from her bosom and carried him up into the chamber where he stayed and laid him upon his own bed.
20 And Elijah cried to the Lord and said, O Lord my God, have You brought further calamity upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son?
21 And he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried to the Lord and said, O Lord my God, I pray You, let this child’s soul come back into him.
22 And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
23 And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the [lower part of the] house and gave him to his mother; and Elijah said, See, your son is alive!

2 Kings 4:17-35 - Elisha raises the Shumnamite woman's son

17 But the woman conceived and bore a son at that season the following year, as Elisha had said to her

18 When the child had grown, he went out one day to his father with the reapers.

19 But he said to his father, My head, my head! The man said to his servant, Carry him to his mother.

20 And when he was brought to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

21 And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him and went out.

22 And she called to her husband and said, Send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, that I may go quickly to the man of God and come back again.

23 And he said, Why go to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath. And she said, It will be all right.

24 Then she saddled the donkey and said to her servant, Ride fast; do not slacken your pace for me unless I tell you.

25 So she set out and came to the man of God at Mount Carmel. When the man of God saw her afar off, he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite.

26 Run to meet her and say, Is it well with you? Well with your husband? Well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

27 When she came to the mountain to the man of God, she clung to his feet. Gehazi came to thrust her away, but the man of God said, Let her alone, for her soul is bitter and vexed within her, and the Lord has hid it from me and has not told me.

28 Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? Did I not say, Do not deceive me?

29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up your loins and take my staff in your hand and go lay my staff on the face of the child. If you meet any man, do not salute him. If he salutes you, do not answer him.

30 The mother of the child said, As the Lord lives and as my soul lives, I will not leave you. And he arose and followed her

31 Gehazi passed on before them and laid the staff on the child’s face, but the boy neither spoke nor heard. So he went back to meet Elisha and said to him, The child has not awakened.

32 When Elisha arrived in the house, the child was dead and laid upon his bed.

33 So he went in, shut the door on the two of them, and prayed to the Lord.

34 He went up and lay on the child, put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands. And as he stretched himself on him and embraced him, the child’s flesh became warm.

35 Then he returned and walked in the house to and fro and went up again and stretched himself upon him. And the child sneezed seven times, and then opened his eyes.

Acts 20: 7-12 - Paul raises Eutychus

And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.

8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.

9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep:  and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.

10 And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him.

11 When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed.

12 And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.

Now....I used to go to church.  I was a faithful churchgoer...a minister even in the church.  I have been to consecration services.  I have seen all kinds of shenanigans go on in the name of piously and 'divinely' ordaining someone into office.  And I have to admit....even in my own licensing/ordination service, I questioned A LOT of what went on in that service.

There were times as a minister when my pastor would insist I participated in certain rituals, rites and traditions...and most of the ministerial staff would just sheepishly comply, without confrontation, question or challenge.  That has never been my nature.  I ALWAYS questioned this stuff that has been allowed to go on in the church!

This is what made me 'a troublemaker.'

Eventually, God would lead me OUT of the church...for which I am eternally GRATEFUL.

But I have to speak on this stuff, because it is often not until you get out of bondage do you understand FULLY just how much bondage you were really in.  

What's disturbing to me is not only the actual act(s) of this bishop, the brazenness, the blatant, idolatrous, lustful, sensual activity that is being cloaked in religious piety, pomp and circumstance.....

It's not only the cowardice of the two men that willingly lied on the floor at an altar and - in front of family, friends and a whole CHURCH full of people (and now, undoubtedly, in front of the world via YouTube and Facebook) AND in front of GOD - and allowed another man to lie on top of their buttocks while he writhed and made funny faces...which simulates a sex act...(I HAVE to call it like I see it).

It's not only the applauding of the audience of people, the others on the ministerial staff holding out their hands towards the 'men of God' as they lie on top of one another at what is supposed to be a holy altar...

What disturbs me THE MOST about all this is the blind, foolish way that people in this congregation is DEFENDING this nonsense!

I went on Bishop Jackson's Facebook page to ask him for biblical understanding of this ceremony and was blocked.  I was given the ol' 'Touch-not-mine-anointed' and "Don't-put-your-mouth-on-the-Man-of-God' responses by loyal followers of Jackson.

Jackson himself never even bothered to answer any questions, not from me, or anyone else who asked 'What is up with this, bishop?'

This so reminds me of the Bishop Long fiasco...and the Creflo Dollar one...

I wonder how many 'wrecks' has to take place before people start putting on their spiritual seatbelts?

Before people STOP driving and drinking STRANGE WINE from the pulpits of these perverted bishops!  You WILL get in a wreck if you do!

It REALLY concerns me... the blindness that is rampant within the fake body of the fake christ.

Yes, I said it.

There seems to be this blind following and support of error, of sin, of blatant, brazen unrighteousness in the church....particularly when those in error, in sin, teaching and practicing erroneous ceremonies based loosely on random scriptures wrenched violently out of context are IN MINISTRY.

And there seems to also be this 'Don't-ask-don't-tell' mentality and understanding by those in the church, even when THEY THEMSELVES may be sitting right in the pews...and shaking their heads, wondering what is going on in the pulpits.

People seem scared to ask questions.  They seem too apprehensive to confront error and teaching wrong doctrines and practices.  

What is this?

A religious demon has INFILTRATED the church system...and now these pastors, these bishops, apostles, prophets, etc., really believe they are hearing FROM GOD when they hear a voice that says..

'When you consecrate these two men, let them lie prostrate at the altar, and I want you to lie on top of them...I want you to transfer your 'anointing' to them....'


Reading this manner, does that MAKE sense?  Does that sound right?  

Let's not over-spiritualize this.

THIS here work...(like my grandma used to say) is NOT OF GOD!

This is of the spirit of Antichrist.  Period.

I have been saying for years that the altars are not altars unto God, but altars unto Baal.  The god(s) being served in the organized church is NOT the ONE and LIVING GOD.

All you got to do is look at the FRUIT.

There is NO WAY anyone with the Spirit of God could ever justify this....

The letter KILLS, but the Spirit gives LIFE.

If you go by the letter of the law, and cite mere historical, biblical references that pertain to another era in church history, another dispensation, and try to apply that to what is being done a futile attempt to justify it, make it are doing God a GRAVE disservice and insulting the Bible!

Just because some thing was done in the past, recorded in the bible, even because it was labeled a miracle DOES NOT MEAN that we are supposed to mimic that event, try to make it happen again, in a fleshly, carnal attempt to glorify God.

In many instances in the bible, polygamy was practiced, taught, and even encouraged.  The wisest man in the bible is said to have had MANY wives.


Just because Solomon was who he was, and it is recorded in the bible what he did, and he is revered as a man of God, DOES NOT MEAN that today, men of God are supposed to practice polygamy!

Does it?????

We as the Remnant of God KNOW what to push as doctrine, what words of God to use to back up said doctrines and practices...rightfully dividing the Word of Truth.

Not wrongfully dividing historical references in the bible to justify religious, carnal ceremonies that God neither requires or approves of.  

It is time that people who are hungry for THE REAL GOD, the Remnant, stand up, take notice...and if they are still a part of this diabolical church system, it is TIME to come OUT OF THE CHURCH!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Win Souls To Your Church? Or Into The Kingdom of GOD?

Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

We all have heard this scripture quoted, generally used to support the doctrine/teaching of modern day evangelism....or 'winning souls' to Christ.

We all have had our hands in handing out Chick tracts, knocking on doors and witnessing to lost souls who choose to stay home from church...or just happen to be home.

The most famous of 'door knockers' are the Jehovah's Witnesses.  They will knock on doors in rain, snow, sleet or hurricane....winning 'souls' to the Kingdom Hall!

Now, allow me to dissect that little saying, that phrase, that is so easily quoted (and practiced) among charismatics, pentecostals and the all around religious.



The greed word for winneth in Proverbs 11 is 'laqach,' which means 'to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, snatch...'

Nothing here even hints to salvation.

In the Old Testament, it was a common practice-and even a command of God at times-for people to forcefully seize their 'enemies' and takeover their lands, homes, regions, families and the such.

The art of 'winning' speaks to a battle.  In the Old Testament, there wasn't a 'battle' for souls.  Salvation-nor the Holy Ghost-was given.  So NO ONE was born again.  

The art of 'winning' in this context in Proverbs 11 means that the person God gave instruction to go and possess a land, or seize the people in the Old Testament...THEY are wise.  And that wisdom, those strategies used to 'win' those many battles against the many 'ites' of the Old Testament always came straight from God.

(Even in the New Testament, there was no 'battle' for souls.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth won EVERY and ANY battle there would ever be for our souls at Calvary....AND at the Resurrection!)

That scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with modern day evangelism. That is not a directive from the Throne Room to go and 'win the world for Christ.'

The Word of God says NO MAN comes unto the Father except the SPIRIT OF GOD DRAWS HIM!

No where in the Word of God are we required to 'seize' souls for Christ.  Seizure, takeover, snatching all speaks to a forceful acquisition of one's soul, most probably against the will of that soul.

Even though God has all power in HIS Hand, even GOD HIMSELF does not forcefully 'seize' our souls.  He doesn't just takeover.  When it is our time to be born again, it is the HOLY GHOST who does the convicting, the wooing, the drawing.  

I am leery whenever I hear of people who 'seize souls for Christ.'  They are not seizing souls for Christ.  They are operating in a spirit of control, witchcraft...and most probably seizing the souls of man to be totally submitted to their religious institution...and NOT GOD!

Folks getting saved has absolutely to nothing with your witnessing techniques, or how loving you seem to be.  Or how convincing your 'lifestyle'-no matter how 'holy-may be.  

The act of fishing has little to do with the bait, and EVERYTHING to do with the HUNGER of the fish!

Matthew 4:18-20
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea:  for they were fishers.  And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Mark 1:16-18
Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea:  for they were fishers.  And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you fishers of men.  And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.

Mark 1 talks of the Kingdom of GOD...NOT church!

Yes, in Matthew and Mark, Jesus Christ of Nazareth spoke of making the disciples 'fishers of men.'


The Greek word for souls in Proverbs 11 is 'nephesh,' which means 'the seat of one's appetites, emotions, the activity of the will.'

Context, Context, Context!

In its proper context, the word 'nephesh' here also means the actual person.  And not just their wills, emotions and appetites.  

Religious people took Proverbs 11 and ran with it....using this scripture to justify seizing the wills, the emotions and appetites of a person to be totally submitted to their respective religious institutions.  

When in this context, that is NOT what it meant!

If you read the entire chapter of Mark 1, what Jesus Christ of Nazareth was commanding the disciples to do was to present the Kingdom of God to an alternative to RELIGION. (vs. 14)

In verse 21, Jesus Christ of Nazareth went into the church, preaching the Kingdom of God.  In order to enter in, they had to repent FIRST.

For Christ

One of the five fold offices was the evangelist.  Paul instructed Timothy to do the work of an evangelist.  But it was NOT to baptize folks to go to church, or the synagogue or the temple.  When Phillip baptized the eunuch, I don't see in scripture where Phillip referred the eunuch to a synagogue.

As a matter of fact, in the synagogue is where the Kingdom of God message met the most resistance.

Mark 1:22

And they were astonished at his doctrine:  for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

The work of evangelism that Timothy was instructed to do was to point people towards JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.  And HIS Kingdom!

It was in the synagogue where Jesus had to do the MOST deliverance!  Folks in church had unclean spirits...EVEN THEN!  And NO ONE WITH ENOUGH AUTHORITY TO CAST THEM OUT!

Vs. 23
And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?  Art thou come to destroy us?  I know there who thou art, the Holy One of God.  

And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.  And when the unclean spirit had torn him and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.

When the REAL JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH came on the scene, teaching a 'strange new thing,' what did the church folks say?

Vs. 27 
And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this?  What new doctrine is this?  For with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they DO obey him.

THIS IS WHAT EVANGELISM is supposed to do!

Point people to the Kingdom of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!!!


Modern day pentecostals and charismatics have used the scriptures, twisted them out of context, as a justification, a marketing ploy, to get more people to attend their churches....

And because more people are coming to your churches, LESS people are entering into the Kingdom of God!

Also, I will add one more thing.

Timothy was instructed to do the work of an evangelist.  The apostles of the early church were given instructions on how to run a local assembly.  What offices to institute.  Their qualifications.  

WE are not instructed to do what Timothy and the founding fathers of the early church were....

Those stipulations, qualifications, specifications and the such were applicable to THE EARLY CHURCH.  

What many fail to realize is that the Church Age is OVER.

We are now in the Kingdom of God.  And in the Kingdom of God....there ARE no 5 fold ministry.  There is no need for it was stipulated to Timothy.  

Those who GOD has called to be in the Kingdom of GOD WILL be drawn NOT by fancy evangelism techniques, weak witnessing ploys, forceful religious and spiritual witchcraft to force people into physical churches, to be faithful to religious organizations and denominations.


You only need ears to hear the call!