Tuesday, December 04, 2012


There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension … it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone.”
—Rod Serling

I don’t know if any of you ever remember the anthology series from the 50s and 60s ‘The Twilight Zone.’

They remade it again, with Forest Whitaker as the host in 2002.  TV Guide called The Twilight Zone…the ‘TV’s Best Cult Series EVER!’

Well, just as television has its ‘Best Cult Series,’ religion has its best ‘cult series’ as well.

By definition, a cult is a group of people (not just a church, by the way) that have a certain set of characteristics that single them out.  According to http://www.howcultswork.com/, a cult “trick people into joining and coerce them into staying.”

What I want to point out to you in this post is that MANY people who claim to have ‘left the church’ or who are not ‘religious’ are, in fact, still VERY RELIGIOUS.

I have noticed something that is quite disturbing:  I have noticed a trend of groups of people who do recognize the frailties, the faults and the inconsistencies of religious organizations, of churches, and they heed the call to ‘COME OUT’ of the church.  So they will leave their denomination, their church, their fellowship, their clique, their group.  Then they will start a ‘church,’ a ministry, another group or fellowship that mirrors EXACTLY to a tee what they JUST got delivered from or came out of!!!!!

For example, I have seen people leave out of holiness churches and start a ‘home’ church, then turn around and get a pulpit and put it in their house, go buy some clergywear, go get some papers (I guess to ‘look’ legitimate, whatever THAT means), and start the whole wicked, outmoded, outdated, harlot system ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!

Then when the crowds come, they go get a building.  And what they claim they were delivered FROM, they have actually NOT been delivered from…but mirror the exact same institution they came out of
I want to say this to all the people who claim they have heard from God to leave the church:


What I’m convinced of is that most leaders are not aware of the fact that if God called you OUT of the church, it was FOR A REASON.  And it was NOT to perpetrate the same fraud (whether its your intention or not) that was committed within the organization you came out of.

THIS is the gross error that most commit when leaving a church, feeling like they are heeding the call of God.

God will NOT call you out of an institution,  a church, an organization-showing you all of its glaring errors, mishaps and all-only to have you come out from among them, be separate…and then reproduce the SAME ERROR you came out of.

I think I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating:  RELIGIOUS DEMONS are attracted to churches.  ANYTHING that looks like a church, ACT like a church, SMELLS like a church, CONDUCTS itself like a church…you best believe YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE RELIGIOUS SPIRITS flock to your buildings.


Erecting another church, or having a group of people in your home, over the phone on various conference calls, on Skype, over the Internet that looks in ANY WAY like a church is just like putting up an ad that says:  ’RELIGIOUS SPIRITS WELCOME HERE!’

And if you’re not careful, you can become a CULT.  MANY churches have morphed into mega-cults…and mini-ones, too.

I was talking to Pam Sheppard-a friend of mine-about this phenomena about why this is the case.  Why people leave the church and then turn around and start a church.  This is how the conversation went:

Pam:  ”I am inclined to believe that it was the devil-A religious demon called her out to continue the SAME religious ways with a new message….Satan knows THIS message also….”

She went on to confirm something I believe the Spirit of the Lord showed me as we talked about this phenomena….

The enemy knows AND preaches the message of coming out of the ‘church,’ too.  It is a religious demon that actually mimics the voice of God and it can preach this message to a tee!  It will have you hooping and hollering, too!  But it only does that to lure out those the enemy wants to single out as having recognized it for what it is…only to annihilate them once they come out of one religious setting…and go into another!

In other words, a religious demon will mimic a word/message to sound genuine or authentic.  We all know a religious demon is a murdering spirit.  And it will do whatever it takes to kill its intended target, even preach against its own institution, other preachers, etc, to gain the trust of those who recognize (obviously and openly) religious spirits.

We all recognize religious spirits that wear only certain types of clothes, focus on outer appearance more than inward holiness.  We all recognize religious spirits that preach against fellowshipping with other types of believers.  We all recognize religious spirits that tell women they can’t preach and that they gotta wear veils and the such.

There are other, more insidious, sneaky faces of a religious demon that I believe that MOST are simply not aware of.  This is why you should get “Faces of a Religious Demon” by Pam Sheppard.

(The enemy is trying to take out many who ARE hearing from God to come out by perpetrating that it’s not a religious spirit teaching and preaching that, when in fact, some of them ARE STILL religious, demonized by a religious spirit!)

They are imposters!

One of the lesser known traits of a religious spirit is that it WILL mimic another (authentic) message it KNOWS is gaining momentum in the TRUE EKKLESIA, in the Kingdom of God.

And it will cloak it, and package it in a religious tone, so it can be acceptable to the religious masses.

All in the guise of offering liberty and freedom from ONE religious setting, when, in actuality,  its only a ploy by the enemy to set folks up for the kill all over again by setting them into yet another religious setting-most of the time, more sinister and wicked than the one they left!!!

This is where the non-denominational ‘denomination’ came from:  they thought they were leaving religion, only to set up another religion called ‘non-denominationalism.’

But they aren’t the only ones guilty of this.  MANY who branched off and left churches to build other ministry have managed to sustain the SAME error, the SAME spirit, the SAME wickedness that they claim GOD delivered them from!


If God is calling you out of the church – and HE IS – then realize this ONE THING.


First of all, let’s get some things straight.

The institutionalized church as we all know it was set up in gross error.  No, the error didn’t begin in the Book of Acts.  It began once the Roman Catholic church gained popularity and acceptance as the model in which to build ministry.

I became aware of this while having a conversation with my own mother.  She is a Catholic, and I was telling her about the Eddie Long fiasco-the whole crowning of him as king.  She hadn’t heard of the story, so I told her about it, how the four men erected Eddie in the air and they named him king, as four men carried him along like he was a god or something.

My own mother said, ‘Well, he is like the Pope.  You know, they erect the Pope like that…’  My mouth flew open as she stated that, like it was right or something!

I respectively but assertively told her that that was ERROR, for BOTH Long and the Pope to be lifted up above flesh like they are gods.  My mother is not a confrontational type, so she left it alone after that.

But I said all that to say this:  we mirrored our churches after the Roman Catholic error, even though in the 16th century, Martin Luther led the Protestant movement…supposedly OUT of the Catholic Church-because they didn’t believe the Pope should have that much authority and wanted to teach and prove the priesthood of all believers instead of a select few.

Yet in many of today’s so-called ‘Protestant’ churches, there STILL is the perpetuation of the priesthood being the select few and instead of having popes on top of the ‘Protestant pyramid,’ they now have bishops and apostles at the top.

The Protestant church of today have succeeded in perpetuating the very error they came out of within the Catholic Church!

They separate clergy from laity.  
They have the clergy wear garb that looks MUCH like what is worn in the Catholic Church.  
They still teach-in the 21st century!-that the people must come through the priests (today, it’s called the prophets) in order to hear from God.
They still have elaborate ceremonies that is supposed to prove to the people that the clergy is legitimate.
They still ‘pull rank’ within the religious institution.  (This is where the ‘apostles-on-top-teacher-on-bottom’ doctrine that is being taught now.)
They still allow the clergy to have illicit sexual behaviors, without accountability or responsibility.


In order to get out of the Church Zone, one must recognize not only the error of which they are in, but be willing and courageous enough to NOT perpetuate the same error they came from once they are FREE.
THIS can take much diligence, much time in prayer, and even counsel.  Counsel by a dedicated team of ministers who are here to help those who TRULY want to be TOTALLY FREE of religion and ALL OF HER VARIED FORMS and FACES.

Endtime Warfare Survival Tactics (for Prophets), Part 2

Retreat is NOT defeat!  Retreat in THIS hour, in these endtimes, is a survival mechanism...

And it IS the CRY of the Spirit of God!


In 2 Corinthians 6, Paul gives the requirements, if you will, of the ministry OF THE LORD.  Ministry these days has been so glamorized that we barely hear the reality of what it's like to be in real ministry today.  Verse 5 starts:

 "...in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings...
...By honour and dishonor, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
... As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;
 ...As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things...."

Unknown.  Incognito.  That is going to be the earmark of those used by God in this hour.  The 'unknowns' are hearing what God is saying.  And saying what GOD is saying.  The famous ones, the well known ones, the popular ones, the ones we have revered in the past are not the ones God is using in these endtimes.
The unknowns/the incognito ones are getting well known.  Some in the religious ranks are beginning to hear of them.  So to the enemy, you are well known.  The unknowns don't have a lot of money, nor do they seek it.  Their selfish agendas and ambitions have been nailed to the cross, so the enemy cannot tempt them with filthy lucre or money.  For the love of money IS the ROOT of ALL evil. It is the very growing/breeding ground of EVERY form of evil.  Money.

Further down starting from verse 14, Paul encourages us to NOT be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  Or, in other words, to COME OUT.

"....Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
 ...And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
 ...And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
 ...Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
 ...And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty...."

Many want to be received of God-chosen-but they won't follow His Instructions.  They are disobedient.  They THINK they are doing God's service, God's work, but have been deceived by a religious demon.

These same 'prophets' are time and time again under constant 'warfare' from the enemy.  They get depressed often, they go through an inordinate amount of unfortunate circumstances...a lot.  They are up one day, and down the next.  This is NOT the will of God.

Its like I said earlier....

Retreat is NOT defeat!  Retreat in THIS hour, in these endtimes, is a survival mechanism...

In war, you don't hop out of the foxhole in loud hot pink gear, hollering at the enemy to 'Come and get me!'

You hide, incognito.  You camoflauge yourself.  Play dead even, once the enemy has found you.

I liken these prophets who continue to operate within the four walls of the church to the unwise people in flourescent green who dance atop the ground, in full view of the enemy.  His target is locked and loaded RIGHT in between your eyes!  Why?

Because you're in plain view.

GET OUT of plain view.  COME OUT of the church.  BE SEPARATE.  TOUCH NOT the UNCLEAN thing...THEN GOD says HE WILL RECEIVE YOU!

The truth of the matter is that within the four walls of the organized church, there are unbelievers.  Many of them.  Many of the people who are claiming salvation are NOT saved, yet millions fellowship with unsaved church members, unsaved ministers, unsaved five fold...the whole nine...on a weekly basis.

Then they wonder WHY they are constantly 'attacked?'

I think one of the main ploys of the enemy in these end times is to get folks 'addicted' to church.  There are scores of people-'prophets' included-who are literally addicted to attending church.  If they don't get their fix by going to the next service somewhere in town, then they just don't know what they are going to do.   They MUST get 'a word' from the Lord.   They MUST get their dance, their 'shout' on.  They MUST see the people of God.  They MUST enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! (Psalms 100:4)

What these 'addicts' fail to realize is that that which they externally seek after lies IN THEM!

This, too, is an end time tactic of the enemy.  To get people to not know WHO and WHOSE they are.  To have an identity crisis.  So it becomes easy for someone who calls themself a prophet to take on the identity of another so called, widely-accepted prophet, in order to be accepted and approved of by the people.  But once they fall prey to doing that, they become addicted to the attention, the flattery, the money, the fame, the fortune-they even become addicted to the 'attacks,' 'the drama,' the 'so-called persecution'-that comes along with perverted ministry initiated by the enemy.

The Greek word for gates here is 'sha`ar,' which means 'tabernacle or temple.' (Renember:  WE are the temple of the Lord- Hebrews 9, 1 Corinthians 3:16)
The Greek word for courts is 'chatser,' which means 'settlement or abode.' (Remember, God abides with us wherever we are-1 John 2:14, John 10:38)

In 'Come Out of Her, My People' by Pamela Sheppard, she explains why many seem 'addicted' to going to church and her own exodus out of church:
"...From 90 days to 6 months, perhaps a year, the church addict’s mind must be re-trained. False doctrines and practices that the churchgoer has believed in for decades must be challenged so that the soul can be renewed. As God Himself has compared false worship to prostitution or whoredom , I am not out of line in making a similar comparison. A church addiction can be compared to “good sex” with someone you know does not really love you. Simply put, you get hooked to the thrill and the feeling. Those of us who have never “been there and done that” wonder what the thrill is for a masochist.
Masochism from a psychiatric perspective is defined as a condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain and humiliation gained from despair, deprivation, and degradation. The perpetrator can be others or it can be self inflicted. Unfortunately, masochists are known to find pleasure in self denial and emotional pain.

I can relate on a spiritual level because sexual masochism is like self imposed martyrdom... I ignorantly assumed that I was suffering for Christ.” Notwithstanding, like a spiritual masochists, a sensual, carnal thrill was obtainable through believing that I was more righteous than they because I was faithfully doing God’s will. What a shock to find out after more than two decades, that “God never sent me there for ANY reason.” He simply used what the enemy meant for evil for my personal and spiritual good, so that I could be used by Him to help others “help themselves!” Nevertheless, as one who was “addicted,” I never wanted to leave that Whore on my own so God made HER PUT ME OUT!!!!"

The enemy is planning on using your 'addiction' to church against you in these endtimes.  If you can't come clean and effectively 'detox' from churchanity, the enemy has a foothold in you.  If you have ANYTHING in you that wants fame, fortune, popular acceptance, and approval, the enemy has yet another foothold in you.  If you love attention, there is another one.

Like I said, Retreat is NOT defeat.  It is a necessary survival tactic in this hour.


EndTime Warfare Survival Tactics (for Prophets), Part 1

When we think survival in the endtimes, we automatically think of gathering a hefty supply of unperishable food items, water, ammo and the such just in case of a nationwide or global meltdown.  I just saw a few TV shows where I saw families who had been stockpiling food items, guns, ammo, seeds, and water for years, training family members how to shoot at the target gun range in case they will have to protect themselves.

And all of these may just well be good preparations to take, if you so feel led.

But what I want to address is a matter of much MORE significance than your natural survival in these end times:


Yes, there is 'warfare' out here for those who God has and WILL use in these endtimes to prophetically usher in the TRUE Kingdom of God....out of what is known as the institutional church.

Now listen...what many have failed to realize that the church is NOT the building so many flock to week after week.  WE are the CHURCH.  The Church is a group of people, of believers, the Ekklesia-THE CALLED OUT ONES-who ARE called out for the PURPOSES of God.

We need to understand that the very nature of the chosen has ALWAYS been-throughout history-that they have always been CALLED OUT of something-even if that something GOD had initially made and instituted.  Noah and his family were CALLED OUT of the masses as the only human survivors of the flood.  Abraham (and thus his descendents) was CALLED OUT from among his family and kindred to go to a land he didn't know of and become the father of nations.

The Israelites were CALLED OUT of Egyptian bondage.  Joshua and his followers were CALLED OUT of the wilderness.  When Jesus Christ of Nazareth chose the 12 disciples, He CALLED THEM OUT of their respective vocations and lifestyles and challenged them, commissioned them, to become fishers of men.  And on the Day of Pentecost, those in the upper room were CALLED OUT to receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost.

In these end times, we need not play down the significance and the importance of when God CALLS OUT a people.  THIS is the determining factor that qualifies a people to be truthfully called THE CHURCH-THE CALLED OUT ONES-THE EKKLESIA.

It is funny how religious people-church folks-like to take this phrase of THE CALLED OUT ONES, THE EKKLESIA, to mean that in essence, theoretically, one can be called out, yet STILL REMAIN within an entity...and yes EVEN A PLACE, where GOD HIMSELF has CALLED YOU OUT!!!

When I look back in the scriptures at every time God called a people OUT of something or someplace, it was LITERALLY-NOT figuratively or theoretically-meant that when God said GET OUT, GO, THAT is EXACTLY what He meant.....


Read your word.

When God told Noah to COME OUT, He didn't say, "Oh, I'm sending a flood, but you can stay on the land.  Don't build the ark.  Don't worry about the animals.  If you stay right where you are, then I will protect you in the midst..."

When God told the Israelites to get out of Egypt, He didn't say, "Stay in Egypt.  I'm going to deliver you from their bondage, but stay right there!  I want you to pray for the Pharoah, that he may repent..."


When God said GO, He meant GO.

Not 'come out' but still remain there-in that place-to try and convert a people GOD HIMSELF has judged.
Once you understand this very real and consistent characteristic of our God, your chances as a prophet of surviving in these end times are VERY great.

I entitled this article such-addressed in particular to those who call themselves prophets-because we all know that the enemy is on the prowl to kill the prophets, especially in these end times.

The Kingdom of God must be ushered in prophetically, and the enemy does NOT want that kingdom to manifest any further.  This is why he has planted many false prophets, apostles, etc., to mimic the true.  The Word says he would.  The greatest way this has happened is by way of the religious demon, the anti Christ.  The Fake Jesus and his comrades.

They mimic everything that is God.  They have a church.  They have moves of the spirit.  They prophesy.  They do all the church things.  They fake miracles, signs, wonders.

But one thing that will always give them away is that those who operate by a religious spirit will ALWAYS be stuck on announcing themselves, titles, positions.  They love pomp and circumstance.  Ceremony.  Ritual.  They operate in false authority.

And they are drawn to true prophets.

NOT because they want to hear what God is saying.  But they are drawn to the 'prophetic' only in a guise to undermine it and kill it and those who operate in it.

The one thing that terrifies the fake Jesus are people who HEAR from God for themselves.  That are led by the Spirit of God.  They are not fooled by signs and wonders, fake words pulled out of the sky.  They test and try the spirits to see if they be of God or not.

They don't just take a man's or woman's word for ANYTHING.

The fact of the matter is that if you consider yourself to be a prophet in THIS hour-in these end times-then your work is NOT WITHIN the four walls of the organized church.

Your 'work' is OUTSIDE of the organized church.  As a matter of fact, not only those who consider themselves to be prophets, but ANYONE that is within the organized church system today is under a strong delusion from the spirit of Anti-Christ.

Think about it.

If the church IS the Ekklesia-truly the CALLED OUT ones-then where are they called OUT of?  Some will automatically assume they are called out of the world, but this is NOT true.  Those in the world do NOT belong to God.  He created them.  But they are NOT His.

Many are CALLED, but few are CHOSEN.

The Ekklesia are the CHOSEN of God.  God CHOSE them to be saved, from the foundations of the world.
It has been the way of GOD since time began that He CALLS OUT those WHOM HE CHOOSES.

Therefore, if God has called you out-as a 'prophet'-yet you still remain within the organized church system, it is time that you start to examine WHO called you?

Because if GOD calls you OUT, then you would hear His call, and would OBEY IT.  IMPLICITLY.  NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

I find it is a weakness of many who say they are prophets that they feel an incessant need-a drive, almost an obsession-to be accepted by the organized church.  When, in fact, if you TRULY are a prophet called BY GOD HIMSELF, you would recognize AND accept the fact that YOU WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER BE ACCEPTED BY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE, OR THE ORGANIZED CHURCH ITSELF!

That's right!

When John the Baptist roamed the earth and prepared the way of the Lord, he was NOT accepted among the religious ranks.  He didn't get invites to preaching gigs.  He didn't get the long, flowing robes, or honor of men.

All he got was beheaded.


For saying what THUS SAITH THE LORD.

I present to you prophets that when God calls 'a prophet,' they are NEVER accepted on a widescale.  They were never famous.  They didnt have millions following them.  They didnt get accepted into church circles.

As a matter of fact, there was always a hit out on them, so to speak.

Folks was always trying to kill them.  And it was ALWAYS after they said what THUS SAITH THE LORD.

A strategic survival tactic in these end times, 'Prophets,' is going to be in your ability to COME OUT when God says COME OUT.  God may send you with a word.  Give it, then leave.  Stick and move.  Prophets are NOT stationary.  Neither is the move of God.  God is ALWAYS on the GO.

If you call yourself a prophet, yet you 'fellowship' at a local church, you are either not called by God, or in direct disobedience to God.

You must start to examine and entertain the fact that your 'prophetic' call may have come from the enemy himself, and NOT God.

The fake jesus.  The religious spirit.  The spirit of Anti Christ.

I know this is a shock, but it is true.

The enemy calls people, too.  And his voice is very convincing.  Very pious.  Very spiritual sounding.

One of the ways you can know if God called you or not is your motive.  Why are you doing what you're doing?  Do you want a 'prophetic ministry' like other famous 'prophets' such as Juanita Bynum or Brian Carn?  Do you want public endorsements from mega preachers?  A worldwide ministry?

I remember a few years back, there was this flowing, ongoing, recycled 'prophesy' that would get prophelied that 'God is taking you to the nations...!'

A LOT of people took that and RAN.  They ran, started churches, ministries and the such...and I can safely say GOD DIDN'T TELL THEM TO DO THAT.

How can I say that now?

Because all I have to do is look at the fruit of their 'ministries.'  Nothing but confusion, sin, deception, immorality, and perversion permeates these 'ministries.'  And all the while, the enemy sits back and laughs at how he has made what is publicly perceived as 'the church' is mocked on almost a daily basis by the public.

If you are a 'true' prophet, stay under wraps.  Stop calling yourself a prophet.  Stop passing out cards and flyers with your 'titles' plastered all over them, handing them out to religious spirits embodied in these devilish, demonic church folks who are working for the enemy to snuff YOU out!    Oh yea, they look real holy and pious, with their long robes and collars on....but underneath, full of dead men's bones.  The bones of the prophets!

Stop seeking approval from church folks.  It will NEVER come.  Don't get all hurt and depressed when they reject you.  EXPECT IT.  EMBRACE IT.

The prophets God called OUT were always INCOGNITO.  In other words, no one KNEW they were prophets.  On the outside, they looked all raggedy, tore up, non religious, even nasty and wicked.  Man looks at the outer appearance, but GOD?

Yall know the rest!

It is important in THIS hour that you operate INCOGNITO.  IN secret.  If God give you something, give it.  Then stick and MOVE.  Get OUTTA there!

I mean, it really is common sense.

When I was in the military, and we did training on the battlefield, we had warpaint on our faces.  We were dressed in camoflauge.  NO part of our real persons-or that who we REALLY are-was just out there, in the open, for all to see.  We stayed in foxholes.  We had our M-16s, ready to fire.  We were always on the lookout for the enemy.

We were not above ground, in orange and flourescent green clothing, purple hair, hollering to the top of our lungs...'HEY ENEMY!  Here we are!  Come get us!  We take authority over you!  We gotchya now!'



In warfare, a survival and strategic tactic is to STAY INCOGNITO!!!!

One of the reasons why satan wanted to infiltrate and take control of the church by way of turning the Ekklesia into the organized church system is because what better way for him to control and shut the mouths of the true prophets then to get them in one place, centralize them-then annihilate them?

Any good general knows that there will be some casualties, but to cut down on the number of casualties, it is imperative to scatter the troops!

You cannot have all the prophets of a region centralized in one church or denomination-trapped in an organized church system-and then sit by and idly allow the enemy to annihilate them all.

This is why you must stay mobile.  Retreat is NOT defeat!  Retreat in THIS hour, in these endtimes, is a survival mechanism...

And it IS the CRY of the Spirit of God!


Prophets of Baal

I have seen a lot of people speaking on Jezebel.  A LOT.  We are to study to show ourselves approved.  So it is commendable that more are grasping the reality of the existence of Jezebel in the local church assembly and in leadership, in particular.

But I think that the jury is out on how many people realize that Jezebel-as formidable a spirit as she is-serves another god, a god that is blindly being served, worshipped and honored in many pulpits and altars today.

The GOD of BAAL.

The Spirit of Baal is an ancient spirit.  Baal means ‘master,’ ‘owner’ or ‘lord.’  People were celebrating the god Baal as far back as the 14,000 years before Christ was born.  Most of the Baal worshippers were the descendents of the oldest son of Noah, Shem.  Baal was the god of fertility, lands, cattle, rain, prosperity, and the harvest.

To make a long story short, the Israelites constantly fell into idol worship of Baal time and time again because they wouldn't trust God for their daily needs-especially in the scary, rocky, and hard times.  Even though God had told them to not serve other gods but to trust Him to supply every need-day by day, the Israelites time and time again fell into idol worship and spiritual adultery.  They would forget what God had done for them and would go 'whoring' after other gods....mainly Baal.  Baal was mostly a Canaanite god.  Canaan was Israel's 'Promised Land.'

Reminds you of any times today?

In the midst of yet another recession, a LOT of people have strayed away from trusting God TOTALLY for their daily bread, in Jehovah Jireh to provide all their needs.  They don't see manifestations of God as often as they would like, so they doubt his Presence today.  They have forgotten their testimony and gone whoring after the gods of prosperity, relationships/marriages, children/having babies/baby worship, idol worship of man, even after ministries.

Remember in the Word, Jezebel's prophets ....they were called 'Prophets of Baal.'  They had a 'ministry,' too.

And just as Queen Jezebel was seeking and recruiting for her company of Prophets of Baal, so it is NOW that the Spirit of Jezebel is recruiting for people to worship her god, Baal.

In order for her to be successful in her recruitment efforts, Jezebel has to get you to come to her 'recruitment centers,' just like an army recruiter has to have those who are interested in enlisting into the Army to come to their recruitment office.  These recruitment centers are called 'churches.'  Some of them are more specific, and are labeled 'Schools of the Prophets' or 'Schools of the Apostles,' maybe even 'ministerial school.'

The Qualifications for acceptance into a Baal Recruitment Center:
1) You have to be weak minded
2) You cannot know your TRUE identity, and be willing to take on another identity.
3) You have to be ambitious.
4) You have to be willing to put man before God.
5) You have to be prideful.

These are the basic foundational elements that a potential Baal worshipper must possess to be recruited into one of these Baal Recruitment Centers.

I was there.  I once was a part of the 'system' known as Babylon, the Baal Recruitment Center.  I was very zealous towards the things of God, but very naive about the capacity for flesh to simply let you down.  The following is an acceptance letter into one of the most prestigious ministerial schools in the country, the Potter's House School of Ministry.
So it took me getting abused over and over again by the system before I got 'a revelation' that it was time for us (my children and I) to COME OUT from among JEZEBEL, her recruitment centers, and her god BAAL and BE SEPARATE!!!

That was my FIRST STEP into deliverance from Jezebel and all influences of Baal.

My deliverance has been progressive; as I take one more step towards victory, I share it.  Why?

Because it is my desire to see others FREE from Jezebel's and Baal's grasp.

In Faces of a Religious Demon, by Pam Sheppard, I learned the many more faces and layers of a religious spirit.  I knew probably about 6 years ago I had been contending with a religious spirit, but just didn't how to do so effectively.  Pam's book has helped me tremendously in revealing to me the demons that plagued myself as well as the various people in my life who had abused me, within AND without the organized church system.

I have always been a victor, but NOW I am truly indeed MORE than a conqueror.  We gain victory through strategy.  And we gain strategy not by hooping and hollering, or dancing and speaking in tongues.  We've done that for years, and all of that has proven to be UTTERLY INEFFECTIVE!


And this book is chock full of knowledge and wisdom!

I encourage you to find out for yourself if you got a religious spirit or if religious spirits plague you and your loved ones...by ordering your copy of  Faces of a Religious Demon today!

"I Need A Word From God..."

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God..." ( Matthew 4:4)

We all have been here, at that pivotal moment in our lives where we literally NEEDED a word FROM THE LORD.  Those who are truly hungry for God have been at a place where we have been starving for a Word from God.  And rightfully so....God said those who hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL be filled.
Yet, we all have been at that place where we have NOT been able to hear from God...or we felt that we needed 'confirmation' from the Lord regarding 'a word' either we ourselves have heard, or a word given to us from others.

This is the reason many are (I can say) literally addicted to church, to sermons, to conferences, to conference calls, to convocations...

Addiction is NEVER a good thing.  I know BeBe and CeCe came out with a 'gospel' song years ago called 'Addictive Love' and it's supposed to be talking about how we as believers are addicted to the love of Jesus Christ.

I know we have been saying this cliché for years in the church that they are 'addicted' to 'the word,' when really they are addicted to CHURCH.  Because the only time they get any 'word' is when they are inside of a building being fed 'a word' from a man or a woman.

But addiction can be a dangerous thing, even in a spiritual connotation.

If we are not careful, we will become 'addicted' to miracles, signs, wonders, and FALSE words said to be from God.  We can be addicted to the supernatural, never questioning THE SOURCE.

Where did this need for 'confirmation' of a word that proceeds out of the mouth of God come from?
Do you remember Gideon in the Bible?

Read up on the story of Gideon in Numbers 6.  To make a long story short, Gideon heard from the Lord...yet in verse 17, he turns around RIGHT AFTER hearing from God and asks for a SIGN!

You know...in the Old Testament, God had to deal with people with signs and wonders because MOST of the Israelites simply could NOT hear from God for themselves.  So the Israelites depended a LOT upon others to bring them the Word of the Lord.  This was because Israel stayed in rebellion and disobedience TO GOD almost more than they walked in obedience to God.

Disobedience will MUTE your ability to hear from GOD!

And walking in continued disobedience gives people over to strong delusion!
I can remember one time I was parked in a parking lot, needing a 'WORD FROM THE LORD.'
Funny thing was it was regarding whether  or not I should stay at a church I was attending (that's when I was still part of the organized church system).  I had just gotten off work and was bone tired and I had to preach that night.

I heard a voice so clear..."That is your church home.  I have a work for you to do there...."  Then this voice went onto tell me "...and the pastor is your husband..."

I won't lie to you:  I did a Sarah when 'God' said that...LOL.  Yes, I laughed!  I was like 'there is NO way that that man is my husband!  He is 15 years my junior...my oldest son is almost his age!'  Then some other things were said about how we were going to build ministry together, blah, blah, blah....

I got a LOT of confirmation on that 'word' from several different sources.  We would go to churches and people would prophesy marriage to us both. MANY 'prophetesses' and 'prophets' prophelied about how we were going to take the city.  The co-pastor of the church even came to me to 'counsel' me on several occasions to prep me for marriage to this pastor (who also happened to be her son!)

That word I got in that parking lot led me to stay with that church for a total of 5 years.  And we didn't end up marrying:  come to find out he was on the DL...and had an incurable STD, all while STILL pastoring that 'church.'

When that lying spirit of Baal saw that I was not going to fall for that, he sent a ( false) prophetess to this same church to prophelie to an armorbearer and the pastor -a 'prophecy' that set off a chain of events that would eventually lead to a church scandal and the pastor marrying a 19-year old...they are still 'married' and have a son.  And he is still in his lifestyle, and the young girl plays along as the dutiful first lady of the church...

And the prophetess of Baal that lied to those two has a church of her own now, too.

Let me tell you something:  there is a false spirit out there that knows the desires of our hearts.  It knows what we crave and desire the most.  No secret:  most of us go crying on the altar or blabbing on Facebook how bad we want a mate, or a ministry, or a car or a house.  So the devil heard your prayers.  So now all he got to do is send a prophet of Baal to lie to you, tell you what you want.  And then we get fooled into thinking these prophets of Baal are really from God because what they said does come true.

That is not the only prerequisite of knowing if someone is a TRUE prophet of God or not.

A TRUE prophet of God is not only going to be able to tell the future-fortune tellers can do that.  A TRUE prophet is going to utter what THUS SAITH THE LORD and THAT ONLY.  A TRUE prophet of God is going to be soaked in OBEDIENCE TO GOD.

When we get hooked on needing confirmation of words from God and seeking after a sign, we are treading on DANGEROUS territory.  VERY DANGEROUS.  Because the enemy mimics EVERYTHING God does.   The enemy can do signs, perform miracles, prophesy, speak in tongues, dance.

So if your diet of the Word of God is more of 'I-gotta-see-a-sign-I-gotta-see-a-move-I-need-a-confirmation,' then you are subject to be deceived by the devil.

The Church Rat Race

I am sure many of you have heard of ‘the rat race.’

For those of you  who haven’t, allow me to enlighten you.  The rat race is a phrase coined for very ambitious people who want to attain to a level of status in life, in pursuit of ‘the American Dream.’

They go to college, they get married, have 2.5 kids, buy the 4 bedroom house with the white picket fence.  They bust their tails to climb the corporate ladder, to become a success.

Many sacrifice their relationships-even their relationship with God-to ‘successfully’ climb the corporate ladder and run that rat race to the TOP of corporate success.

Many work tirelessly and endlessly-burning the midnight oil-to trump their co-workers’ three-figure salary, or their neighbor’s newly constructed 6 bedroom home and Cadillac.

Then when they get there…they are making that BLING!  They are ‘ballin,’ and ‘high callin’.  They have reached the top of the corporate ladder.  They ran their race…and made it!  Frazzled as they may be, littered relationships all along the track where they ran the rat race…but it’s all been worth it, right????

No.  Sadly enough, once they reach the top, many realize that it was NOT worth it.  And feel hopelessly empty and unfulfilled once they have reached the top of the corporate ladder.

I want to let you know that there IS a rat race that goes on IN THE CHURCH as well.

Do you see that priest running that race up above in the picture?

That is how it really is in the church today.

The sad thing is that many who start going to church do not start going to enter into a rat race, but are attempting to get OUT of the rat race that they were in, in the world.

New converts blindly and trustingly start going to church after they realize that they ‘need Jesus.’ So culture and tradition has taught most that Jesus Christ of Nazareth can only be found within the confines of a church building.  So that’s where they go.  After being there for a period of time, it is expected of these converts to become apt enough in the Word and the things of God to go and witness and teach others.  Pretty soon, the ‘ministry bug’ hits them.  They hear a sermon, a false prophecy, or get a false confirmation from somewhere that they are called to ‘preach the gospel.’

It is the next step in the order of the church.  First, you join the church, become a member.  Then you sit and learn for a few years.  Then the pastor gives you a work to do.  It may be preaching behind a pulpit.  It may not.  It might be working in children’s ministry.  Or on the praise team.  Or teaching new convert’s class.  Or nursing home or prison ministry.  Pretty soon, it becomes a unspoken rule that ‘la creme de la creme’ of any work done in the church is to get behind a pulpit and ‘preach the gospel.’

If the pastor calls you out and says before the congregation ‘you are called to preach,’ or ‘prophesy…’ then that person is automatically revered above someone who just may work with children.  And because of the lack of TRUE identity that lies within the walls of the church-due by the very nature of its structure-breeds insecurity, competition, envy and jealousy amongst its ranks.

There is something about the almighty pulpit that spiritually and physically-in the eyes of the people-put ministers on pedestals.

Soon, these ministers-to-be find themselves thrust into a church rat race, towards the pulpit!

They climb the ministerial ladder that has been set up among the errant religious church system, that pits people against each other…who are supposed to be part of the same body.

They do this believing that this is the will of God for their lives…because a preacher said so.  The reason so many in the church lack identity is intentional.  It is a plot of the enemy to make ALL of the people JUST ALIKE.  To get the masses to come to one organization, and be ‘faithful’ to that organization.  To give their all to that organization.  To be loyal to a man or a woman of God…even moreso than to GOD Himself.

Its a rat race I believe most are thrust into ignorantly, sucked into the church ministerial system, because a leader saw their natural gifts and talents and are trying to benefit from them.  Most leaders raise up leaders so that when that church system is up and running, THEY will get the tithes and offerings from the church they helped raise up.

Some people intentionally enter the church rat race because it is their nature to be competitive and they seek power and control within the religious system.  They need a following, someone to cheer them on as they pursue their ‘careers’ in ministry, as well as needing the financial backing of the church.  Especially in the uncertain economic times we are living in, where else can one with virtually no education or viable work experience can gain a following and a sure income but within the ministry?

There are people that will literally kill folks to get to the pulpit.  Their ambitious natures are so strong that they will sacrifice their very relationships with God to enter into-and stay-in ministry.

In ‘The Makings of a False Prophet,” I go into detail as to why this is the case.

No matter the reason why people enter the church rat race, they do.  And sad to say, once they reach the pulpit, once they reach the heights of ministerial success, they realize that the price they paid to get there was NOT worth it.  They look back at all the littered, wasted relationships, the sacrifices made, the tears shed, the money spent, the time wasted….and get there and still are very much unfulfilled, still very much miserable, not feeling like they still are not doing what God would have them to do.

I personally know many people who have reached the heights of ministerial success, and yet are VERY miserable on the inside.  I get calls all the time from them.  They have more than one church, happily married, 5 bedroom house with the white picket fence, get invited to preach at this conference and the next….yet they are on the verge of suicide.

We all witnessed someone climbing the ministerial success ladder and his very public and shameful demise…that of Zachary Tims.  I mean if anyone had ‘made it’ ministerially, Tims was it.  He looked like Will Smith, was hosting TBN almost every day, pastored a mega church in Florida, beautiful wife and kids, the bling, the endorsement of Benny Hinn…yet in the end, his life was ramsackled with adultery, scandal and drug abuse.  And it literally cost him his life…

I am convinced most people who enter the church rat race do so blindly, not knowing what to expect. Not knowing what demons can be picked up along the way of running this rat race…They enter in only desiring to do what God says…they just mistakenly hear a religious demon that is interested in trapping them and destroying them.

Here is a recent article, another contemporary preacher, Deitrick Haddon, admits how the church rat race failed him and his buddy, the late Zachary Tims.

The church rat race eventually kills all who runs it....