Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Ezekiel 18:4, 23

Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine.

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?

I was riding down the street and God brought this scripture in my belly.


I have been a part of many churches. I have been in leadership and I have noticed a spirit that I believe grieves the heart of God.

It is a spirit that makes leaders/pastors, etc. believe that the sheep God has entrusted to HIS care belongs to them!

Why do I say that?

Because these pastors 'claims' these souls for their church before they even come to their church. Then when they come he/she won't let them go.

What some leaders must understand that God may use you to minister to these souls. You may fast and cry and pray for them. You labor with them long. You rebuke and build up.

You consider yourself their spiritual mother or father.

But after God is done using you to bring that sheep to a place in God, you must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Ghost when it is time for that sheep to move on.

I know. We hear of church hopping. But realize even this.

God is in charge of that soul.

That soul belongs to GOD, not you!

Even if they are out of the will of God when they leave, because that soul belongs to God, God knows how to lead his sheep.

Now, if you are a shepherd after God's own heart, then expect a great exodus in these last days.

Because People are hungry for God. Not you. Not your choreographed praise and worship. Not lights and cameras. Not hype. Not spiritual gifts.

Not your stale prophesies and stagnant revelations. Not your half truths.

People want to be SAVED!!!!

And you cannot hold the souls of God captive any longer!

So many pastors, ESPECIALLY ones who don't preach true salvation, find it necessary to use scare tactics to get people to stay and submit to their false authority.

It is nothing more than witchcraft and wizardry.
And God says to 'Let my people GO!'

If you aren't gonna teach the people what it really takes to be saved, that's Acts 2:38 salvation, then stop spinning your wheels and let them GO!

Don't make God have to burn your house down, or expose you to let HIS people GO!

Stop power tripping and let the power of the Holy Ghost draw people.

People ain't studdin' your hair, or your suit, or your eloquent words. They ain't studdin the fake praise and choreographed worhsip.

They will get over your testimony. For it is not your testimony that saves us....

It is JESUS testimony that saves us!

You can't take them outta God's hands anyways...

John 10:29
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

I will post a word God gave me about deliverance focused ministries.

So many people are so caught up in deliverance only that they miss salvation.

What is the point of deliverance if you die and go to hell??????

Be Blessed in Jesus' name!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

R U A Part of the GOBN???

Greetings 2 u!

Now I know, the title may seem like I am anti-Pastors. No, I'm not.

I have a question for pastors. Elders. Leaders. Male ones.

R U a part of the Good Ol' Boys Network?

Do you see Hophni and Phinehas running rampant in the church and instead of dealing with it, you cover it up? You are so worried about appearance and approval of man that you don't stand up for your daughters?

You see Slick Willy making a move for the praise leader and you won't do a thing about it? Then when she ends up pregnant, you wanna blast her from the pulpit?

A couple has come to you wanting to get married. The man is a leader in the church. You know the marriage is doomed and not of God. But because that's ya boy and you tired of seeing him feem in his flesh, you agree to marry him and his hottie so he won't fall into sin.

You see that pedophile masquerading as a deacon brushing up to the kids in church. He goes on all the trips where the kids go. Yet, you won't do a thing about it. You didn't check his background well enough when you 'deaconized' him, and now all the kids are at risk. But you don't have the courage to kick that nasty deacon out.

You know that preacher or organist is a little fruity. He has too much pep in his step, too much sugar in his tank. And you discern that he is sweet on a couple of guys in the church.

But because he plays that organ crazy, because he is so anointed and talented, you won't sit him down and do deliverance with him. Then he will get offended and leave the church.

Or you know that woman is called to preach. Yet, you keep her down, preach at her and tell her she has a devil because she came to you with the call.

If you have been guilty of doing these things, then you are an official member of the GOBN--Good Ol' Boys Network!!!!!!

Being a part of the GOBN means you are a part of lies, coverup and deception. Why? I don't know why. Seems to me being a member of the GOBN means losing your soul, but some kinda way, you justify being part of a coverup. You justify lying and placing people in situations where they can lose God or backslide.

You are afraid of people. You are a people pleaser. Because you know that standing up for the truth would mean losing some friendships and alliances. Some members will leave if you expose deception and foolishness. If you preach holiness and salvation instead of prosperity and partaking of foolish marriages.

Some of you can't make that stand because you fell into the trap yourself. And you conclude that you made it out okay. So, so will they.

Do you not know you are held responsible for those souls you mislead??????

Don't be a part of the GOBN! Stand up for righteousness! If you aren't gonna get folks saved, and tell people the truth about salvation, if you don't give GODLY counsel to the people and allow them to enter into foolishness....

You will see those same souls in hell with you in the JUDGMENT!!!!!

God Bless.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What is going on with the marriages???

I didn't want to believe it.

I didn't want to receive it.

I was heartbroken.

I was heartbroken when I heard about the impending divorce of Paula White and the marital discord between Bishop Thomas Weeks and Prophetess Juanita Bynum Weeks.

This has been a trend for the past few years. When Noel Jones was divorced-that is when it seem to begin.

Major preachers marriages failing.

I thought about it. I prayed about it. I am not the type of person to be happy to hear of a Christian marriage breaking up.

God, what is going on with all these Christian marriages???????

God showed me.

Especially in Christian marriages. People, SAINTS, we need to take care of one another. I don't mean preach about taking care of one another.

I mean turning down that opportunity to preach or sing to spend some quality time with the one God gave you. Stop pleasing folks and please God, and take care of your loved one.

Don't neglect your families or marriages for ministry. We got our priorities mixed up! We are so hyped up into believing that it is okay to not spend time with our families, our husbands, our wives to prove to people who don't care anyway that we are the anointed of God!!!

What a bunch of poppycock!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my first pastor, Bro. Michael Day, pastor of Living Way U.P.C. of LaPlace, LA, I love what he told his congregation one time. He said he will not neglect his wife, Nora, for no one in that church. I love you, I will be there for you and pray for you. But God gave me this wife, and I am going to take care of her.

That was almost 20 years ago. They had been married as teenagers years before I knew them. And they are still going strong.

That is a real man of God. Yes, anointed, love God, handled the affairs of ministry effectively, meets the needs of the sheep entrusted unto his care. But I see how he has CONSISTENTLY dealt with the wife of his youth. No matter who comes or goes to Living Way, he is enraptured with his wife. He takes her out. He prays with her. He is committed to her....NOT TO HIS MINISTRY.


I believe preachers can be a bit unbalanced. We get caught up so with the needs of the ministry so, that we neglect home. Then we act shocked when things blow up.

Look at Juanita Bynum. I love her with all my heart and soul. But I always wondered how wise it was to be traveling all over the world and leaving her new husband behind like that.

We need to learn balance. The glamour of ministry can blind us, it really can. We get caught up with the applause, the accolades, the approval. Oh yeah, we can preach that it doesn't affect us, but it does. And if attention is lacking at home, we seek attention elsewhere, no matter how anointed we are, no matter how much God uses us.

But when the lights are off, the power shuts down, and the folks are gone, we have to deal with reality. The umph of ministry is not with us when we are home alone and our spouse is off ministering to someone else. The umph of ministry is not there when we need our spouse to help us with the kids, when we just plain miss our spouse.

Preachers, male and female, take care of the home front. Your first ministry is NOT the church, it is your family.

Take care of your marriages. Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands.

If our families are jacked up, then the churches are jacked up.


God is an AWESOME God!

The only wise God!

Omnipotent, Sovereign God!!!!!

I giving out a clarion call! Ladies, God is calling you. You are going thru hell and high water, but in the midst of the hurricane, God is calling!

Get sensitive to the Spirit and hear what thus saith the Lord!

What God has placed in you is so special! So wonderful! So powerful!

My last three posts or so have all been leading to this one, girls.

If this post is causing you baby to leap and it bears witness in you, you need to heed the call.

With the clarion call comes responsibility. This means relationships, alliances, associations and friendships must go. You know what they are, who they are with.

I don't just speak of alliances...I am not talking about just with man. Churches, groups, jobs, families, anything that you are so tied to that you cannot see God.

Your allegiance is not to man, or a church, or a group anyways, it is to GOD!

I preached a word last week, 'R U a tree?' To God be the Glory...what God asked is no matter what storm blows in our lives, can we still be found standing in God? Psalms 1 was the text scripture...if you read that scripture, you will see God says if we don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly, sit in the seat of the scornful, translation--put up with FOOLISHNESS, then you qualify to be called a tree in the kindgom of God.

See, there are many twigs, branches, grass, and flowers in the church. But twigs and branches not attached to a tree are what? DEAD!

Grass withers, as the Word says.

And flowers, as pretty as they are to look at, really serve NO purpose in the ecosystem!

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth....

When you make a stand that you will not put up with foolishness, i.e. homosexuality in the church, people setting people up to fall, not preaching salvation, pastors shacking up, false prophesies = witchcraft, and giving the witches in the church positions and prominence, even making them 1st ladies, then you qualify to be called a TREE, not by man,


Ladies, r u a tree? Have you had the guts and courage to be humiliated, talked about, lied upon, mistreated, misunderstood because you wouldn't be a partaker of another man's sin?

Because you stood for truth, at all costs?

Trees are valuable to the ecosystem. They feed many organisms. We get paper, glue and other products from trees. We need trees.

As it is in the natural, so is it in the Spirit.

We need trees in the church. We need women of God who are going to feed the flock. Who will be the pillars of sustenance at least for a season, for the weaker, the younger. Too many so called mothers in the church that abandon the babies, that talk about them, have no compassion on them. That is why the girls are being molested and raped in the church.

That is why the Spirit of Hophni and Phinehas has been allowed to run rampant in the church. No one wants to expose foolishness in the church. Do you know how many women have been wounded in the church, by men?

Pastors lusterating after women in the church, and it isn't that they want that woman so much, but that spirit or lack thereof in them, they covet what God has given us women! And if they can SEDUCE you into giving up your position in God, your anointing, your self respect, your dignity, then they will. Because even if you don't sleep with them, if you get in alliance with that spirit that is lacking, then it will steal your anointing!

It will give you what you think it wants. A license? Marriage? Position? Attention? Flattery?

Watch it, ladies! Watch out for a man, EVEN IF IT IS A PASTOR, who always get in your face and it seems he can only focus on you. He tells you, "You are so great, so anointed, so powerful." That's your daddy!

He ain't supposed to be in your face like that!!!! He is about to molest you in the SPIRIT!!!!!!

Cover yourself, tree! Protect your anointing at ALL costs! The enemy will use something that started out innocent enough, but then the enemy perverts.

It is gonna hurt when you cut them off. But run for your lives! For your anointing! For your ministry!


Come out of the foolishness! It may act, talk, sing, preach, dance and speak in tongues like God, but try the Spirit by the Spirit. Pray. God will show you.

Then be obedient and heed to the call!

Peace to you