Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Bishop Wayne Jackson Lies On Men To Make Them Bishops?


By now, I am sure you all have seen this video, or portions of it.  The footage from a consecration service held in Detriot, Michigan last year by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson of Greater Faith Ministries International.

I have stated in past posts that I am really oblivious to the going-ons of the harlot church....but every now and then, some things occur that is so BRAZEN and BLATANT, that I have to write on it.

I did at first resist to write a blog on this because-quite frankly, I found it EXTREMELY least, at first I did.  I laughed about this scenario for a whole day.

This reminded me of an episode of 'The Boondocks' entitled ""Pause" (WARNING: Explicit language and sexual references-if you're religious, you will be offended) where the grandfather in this show joins a Christian theatrical coupe so he can become famous...and runs into some interesting 'initiations' along the way.

But I know when the Spirit of God is dealing with me...when I am supposed to write on something.  I woke up at 3:30 this morning (something I DO NOT normally do) and my spirit was VEXED.  The kind of vexation my spirit gets when the Spirit of God wants me to write on some thing.

SO here it is.

As I stated, the above video is a consecration service.  Two bishops are being consecrated into office, under the auspices of Bishop Jackson and Greater Faith Ministries.

After the bishop reads some scriptures, shares with the audience the qualifications of a bishop, he instructs the two gentlemen to lie down prostrate on the floor, at the altar.  Then he covers the two men with sheets, then one at a time, he proceeds to lie on top of them, as they lie prostrate on the floor!


I sat here in utter disbelief as I saw this....but after looking at it a couple of times, I actually tried to give the bishop the benefit of the doubt.  I went to the scriptures.  I asked God to show me in His Word instances of where a man has EVER lied on top of another man....for ANY reason.

Sure enough, I DID find instances.  Elijah and Elisha both raised young men from the dead by lying on top of them, in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 4, respectively.  Then the Apostle Paul raised Eutychus from the dead in Acts 20.

(Alert: I have purposely posted the stories from the bible and its a long read.)

1 Kings 17: 17-23 - Elijah raises the woman from Zarepheth's son
17 After these things, the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, became sick; and his sickness was so severe that there was no breath left in him.
18 And she said to Elijah, What have you against me, O man of God? Have you come to me to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my son?
19 He said to her, Give me your son. And he took him from her bosom and carried him up into the chamber where he stayed and laid him upon his own bed.
20 And Elijah cried to the Lord and said, O Lord my God, have You brought further calamity upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son?
21 And he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried to the Lord and said, O Lord my God, I pray You, let this child’s soul come back into him.
22 And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
23 And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the [lower part of the] house and gave him to his mother; and Elijah said, See, your son is alive!

2 Kings 4:17-35 - Elisha raises the Shumnamite woman's son

17 But the woman conceived and bore a son at that season the following year, as Elisha had said to her

18 When the child had grown, he went out one day to his father with the reapers.

19 But he said to his father, My head, my head! The man said to his servant, Carry him to his mother.

20 And when he was brought to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

21 And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him and went out.

22 And she called to her husband and said, Send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, that I may go quickly to the man of God and come back again.

23 And he said, Why go to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath. And she said, It will be all right.

24 Then she saddled the donkey and said to her servant, Ride fast; do not slacken your pace for me unless I tell you.

25 So she set out and came to the man of God at Mount Carmel. When the man of God saw her afar off, he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite.

26 Run to meet her and say, Is it well with you? Well with your husband? Well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

27 When she came to the mountain to the man of God, she clung to his feet. Gehazi came to thrust her away, but the man of God said, Let her alone, for her soul is bitter and vexed within her, and the Lord has hid it from me and has not told me.

28 Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? Did I not say, Do not deceive me?

29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up your loins and take my staff in your hand and go lay my staff on the face of the child. If you meet any man, do not salute him. If he salutes you, do not answer him.

30 The mother of the child said, As the Lord lives and as my soul lives, I will not leave you. And he arose and followed her

31 Gehazi passed on before them and laid the staff on the child’s face, but the boy neither spoke nor heard. So he went back to meet Elisha and said to him, The child has not awakened.

32 When Elisha arrived in the house, the child was dead and laid upon his bed.

33 So he went in, shut the door on the two of them, and prayed to the Lord.

34 He went up and lay on the child, put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands. And as he stretched himself on him and embraced him, the child’s flesh became warm.

35 Then he returned and walked in the house to and fro and went up again and stretched himself upon him. And the child sneezed seven times, and then opened his eyes.

Acts 20: 7-12 - Paul raises Eutychus

And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.

8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.

9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep:  and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.

10 And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him.

11 When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed.

12 And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.

Now....I used to go to church.  I was a faithful churchgoer...a minister even in the church.  I have been to consecration services.  I have seen all kinds of shenanigans go on in the name of piously and 'divinely' ordaining someone into office.  And I have to admit....even in my own licensing/ordination service, I questioned A LOT of what went on in that service.

There were times as a minister when my pastor would insist I participated in certain rituals, rites and traditions...and most of the ministerial staff would just sheepishly comply, without confrontation, question or challenge.  That has never been my nature.  I ALWAYS questioned this stuff that has been allowed to go on in the church!

This is what made me 'a troublemaker.'

Eventually, God would lead me OUT of the church...for which I am eternally GRATEFUL.

But I have to speak on this stuff, because it is often not until you get out of bondage do you understand FULLY just how much bondage you were really in.  

What's disturbing to me is not only the actual act(s) of this bishop, the brazenness, the blatant, idolatrous, lustful, sensual activity that is being cloaked in religious piety, pomp and circumstance.....

It's not only the cowardice of the two men that willingly lied on the floor at an altar and - in front of family, friends and a whole CHURCH full of people (and now, undoubtedly, in front of the world via YouTube and Facebook) AND in front of GOD - and allowed another man to lie on top of their buttocks while he writhed and made funny faces...which simulates a sex act...(I HAVE to call it like I see it).

It's not only the applauding of the audience of people, the others on the ministerial staff holding out their hands towards the 'men of God' as they lie on top of one another at what is supposed to be a holy altar...

What disturbs me THE MOST about all this is the blind, foolish way that people in this congregation is DEFENDING this nonsense!

I went on Bishop Jackson's Facebook page to ask him for biblical understanding of this ceremony and was blocked.  I was given the ol' 'Touch-not-mine-anointed' and "Don't-put-your-mouth-on-the-Man-of-God' responses by loyal followers of Jackson.

Jackson himself never even bothered to answer any questions, not from me, or anyone else who asked 'What is up with this, bishop?'

This so reminds me of the Bishop Long fiasco...and the Creflo Dollar one...

I wonder how many 'wrecks' has to take place before people start putting on their spiritual seatbelts?

Before people STOP driving and drinking STRANGE WINE from the pulpits of these perverted bishops!  You WILL get in a wreck if you do!

It REALLY concerns me... the blindness that is rampant within the fake body of the fake christ.

Yes, I said it.

There seems to be this blind following and support of error, of sin, of blatant, brazen unrighteousness in the church....particularly when those in error, in sin, teaching and practicing erroneous ceremonies based loosely on random scriptures wrenched violently out of context are IN MINISTRY.

And there seems to also be this 'Don't-ask-don't-tell' mentality and understanding by those in the church, even when THEY THEMSELVES may be sitting right in the pews...and shaking their heads, wondering what is going on in the pulpits.

People seem scared to ask questions.  They seem too apprehensive to confront error and teaching wrong doctrines and practices.  

What is this?

A religious demon has INFILTRATED the church system...and now these pastors, these bishops, apostles, prophets, etc., really believe they are hearing FROM GOD when they hear a voice that says..

'When you consecrate these two men, let them lie prostrate at the altar, and I want you to lie on top of them...I want you to transfer your 'anointing' to them....'


Reading this manner, does that MAKE sense?  Does that sound right?  

Let's not over-spiritualize this.

THIS here work...(like my grandma used to say) is NOT OF GOD!

This is of the spirit of Antichrist.  Period.

I have been saying for years that the altars are not altars unto God, but altars unto Baal.  The god(s) being served in the organized church is NOT the ONE and LIVING GOD.

All you got to do is look at the FRUIT.

There is NO WAY anyone with the Spirit of God could ever justify this....

The letter KILLS, but the Spirit gives LIFE.

If you go by the letter of the law, and cite mere historical, biblical references that pertain to another era in church history, another dispensation, and try to apply that to what is being done a futile attempt to justify it, make it are doing God a GRAVE disservice and insulting the Bible!

Just because some thing was done in the past, recorded in the bible, even because it was labeled a miracle DOES NOT MEAN that we are supposed to mimic that event, try to make it happen again, in a fleshly, carnal attempt to glorify God.

In many instances in the bible, polygamy was practiced, taught, and even encouraged.  The wisest man in the bible is said to have had MANY wives.


Just because Solomon was who he was, and it is recorded in the bible what he did, and he is revered as a man of God, DOES NOT MEAN that today, men of God are supposed to practice polygamy!

Does it?????

We as the Remnant of God KNOW what to push as doctrine, what words of God to use to back up said doctrines and practices...rightfully dividing the Word of Truth.

Not wrongfully dividing historical references in the bible to justify religious, carnal ceremonies that God neither requires or approves of.  

It is time that people who are hungry for THE REAL GOD, the Remnant, stand up, take notice...and if they are still a part of this diabolical church system, it is TIME to come OUT OF THE CHURCH!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Win Souls To Your Church? Or Into The Kingdom of GOD?

Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

We all have heard this scripture quoted, generally used to support the doctrine/teaching of modern day evangelism....or 'winning souls' to Christ.

We all have had our hands in handing out Chick tracts, knocking on doors and witnessing to lost souls who choose to stay home from church...or just happen to be home.

The most famous of 'door knockers' are the Jehovah's Witnesses.  They will knock on doors in rain, snow, sleet or hurricane....winning 'souls' to the Kingdom Hall!

Now, allow me to dissect that little saying, that phrase, that is so easily quoted (and practiced) among charismatics, pentecostals and the all around religious.



The greed word for winneth in Proverbs 11 is 'laqach,' which means 'to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, snatch...'

Nothing here even hints to salvation.

In the Old Testament, it was a common practice-and even a command of God at times-for people to forcefully seize their 'enemies' and takeover their lands, homes, regions, families and the such.

The art of 'winning' speaks to a battle.  In the Old Testament, there wasn't a 'battle' for souls.  Salvation-nor the Holy Ghost-was given.  So NO ONE was born again.  

The art of 'winning' in this context in Proverbs 11 means that the person God gave instruction to go and possess a land, or seize the people in the Old Testament...THEY are wise.  And that wisdom, those strategies used to 'win' those many battles against the many 'ites' of the Old Testament always came straight from God.

(Even in the New Testament, there was no 'battle' for souls.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth won EVERY and ANY battle there would ever be for our souls at Calvary....AND at the Resurrection!)

That scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with modern day evangelism. That is not a directive from the Throne Room to go and 'win the world for Christ.'

The Word of God says NO MAN comes unto the Father except the SPIRIT OF GOD DRAWS HIM!

No where in the Word of God are we required to 'seize' souls for Christ.  Seizure, takeover, snatching all speaks to a forceful acquisition of one's soul, most probably against the will of that soul.

Even though God has all power in HIS Hand, even GOD HIMSELF does not forcefully 'seize' our souls.  He doesn't just takeover.  When it is our time to be born again, it is the HOLY GHOST who does the convicting, the wooing, the drawing.  

I am leery whenever I hear of people who 'seize souls for Christ.'  They are not seizing souls for Christ.  They are operating in a spirit of control, witchcraft...and most probably seizing the souls of man to be totally submitted to their religious institution...and NOT GOD!

Folks getting saved has absolutely to nothing with your witnessing techniques, or how loving you seem to be.  Or how convincing your 'lifestyle'-no matter how 'holy-may be.  

The act of fishing has little to do with the bait, and EVERYTHING to do with the HUNGER of the fish!

Matthew 4:18-20
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea:  for they were fishers.  And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Mark 1:16-18
Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea:  for they were fishers.  And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you fishers of men.  And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.

Mark 1 talks of the Kingdom of GOD...NOT church!

Yes, in Matthew and Mark, Jesus Christ of Nazareth spoke of making the disciples 'fishers of men.'


The Greek word for souls in Proverbs 11 is 'nephesh,' which means 'the seat of one's appetites, emotions, the activity of the will.'

Context, Context, Context!

In its proper context, the word 'nephesh' here also means the actual person.  And not just their wills, emotions and appetites.  

Religious people took Proverbs 11 and ran with it....using this scripture to justify seizing the wills, the emotions and appetites of a person to be totally submitted to their respective religious institutions.  

When in this context, that is NOT what it meant!

If you read the entire chapter of Mark 1, what Jesus Christ of Nazareth was commanding the disciples to do was to present the Kingdom of God to an alternative to RELIGION. (vs. 14)

In verse 21, Jesus Christ of Nazareth went into the church, preaching the Kingdom of God.  In order to enter in, they had to repent FIRST.

For Christ

One of the five fold offices was the evangelist.  Paul instructed Timothy to do the work of an evangelist.  But it was NOT to baptize folks to go to church, or the synagogue or the temple.  When Phillip baptized the eunuch, I don't see in scripture where Phillip referred the eunuch to a synagogue.

As a matter of fact, in the synagogue is where the Kingdom of God message met the most resistance.

Mark 1:22

And they were astonished at his doctrine:  for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

The work of evangelism that Timothy was instructed to do was to point people towards JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.  And HIS Kingdom!

It was in the synagogue where Jesus had to do the MOST deliverance!  Folks in church had unclean spirits...EVEN THEN!  And NO ONE WITH ENOUGH AUTHORITY TO CAST THEM OUT!

Vs. 23
And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?  Art thou come to destroy us?  I know there who thou art, the Holy One of God.  

And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.  And when the unclean spirit had torn him and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.

When the REAL JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH came on the scene, teaching a 'strange new thing,' what did the church folks say?

Vs. 27 
And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this?  What new doctrine is this?  For with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they DO obey him.

THIS IS WHAT EVANGELISM is supposed to do!

Point people to the Kingdom of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!!!


Modern day pentecostals and charismatics have used the scriptures, twisted them out of context, as a justification, a marketing ploy, to get more people to attend their churches....

And because more people are coming to your churches, LESS people are entering into the Kingdom of God!

Also, I will add one more thing.

Timothy was instructed to do the work of an evangelist.  The apostles of the early church were given instructions on how to run a local assembly.  What offices to institute.  Their qualifications.  

WE are not instructed to do what Timothy and the founding fathers of the early church were....

Those stipulations, qualifications, specifications and the such were applicable to THE EARLY CHURCH.  

What many fail to realize is that the Church Age is OVER.

We are now in the Kingdom of God.  And in the Kingdom of God....there ARE no 5 fold ministry.  There is no need for it was stipulated to Timothy.  

Those who GOD has called to be in the Kingdom of GOD WILL be drawn NOT by fancy evangelism techniques, weak witnessing ploys, forceful religious and spiritual witchcraft to force people into physical churches, to be faithful to religious organizations and denominations.


You only need ears to hear the call!

Friday, December 28, 2012

"It Would Be Better 4 Them 2 Have A Millstone Around their Neck & B Thrown N2 The Sea..."


In my last 'installment' where I wrote how to recognize a religious spirit in Religious Spirit 201, I briefly go into what a person should expect from someone operating or functioning under the influences of a religious spirit, and NOT by the leading of the Holy Ghost.

I have jumped from 201 to 401 because since writing this post earlier this year, I have learned yet even MORE about the religious spirit.  Its like the Holy Ghost has taken me on a crash course the past few months regarding the religious spirit....and I want to share what I have learned here.

Another 'manifestation' of the religious spirit-and the most dangerous one I have encountered yet-is in the person(s) who 'ACT' all sweet, and nice and kind.  Every time you see them, they are smiling.  Their outward demeanor is so genteel, so caring, so ewwy and gooey, that you will think you have encountered Jesus Christ Himself!

They are squeaky clean.  They (seemingly) have no past.  No history of falling into sin.  Their kids are perfect.  No signs of struggle...they have 'a good reputation' among church folks.

EVERYONE just LOVES them!  EVERYTHING they do is so wonderful!

This spirit doesn't just manifest in a woman, mind you.  It is spirits have no gender.

It is fully functional in a man as well as a woman.

The church world and the religious welcome this man or woman in their midst, in their pulpits, in their concert arenas, on their reality shows, on their tv and radio networks, on their Facebook or blog page because these people are 'squeaky clean.'  They present just the 'right image' of holiness, of righteousness, of perfection....just enough to get more people to come to their church, their concerts, watch their channels or peruse their social media sites.

(Haven't you heard?  Marketing is everything!)

BUT to the truly discerning person, such as myself, we can see straight through the facade.

We can't put our finger on what is wrong.  They don't cuss, they don't cheat, they don't fool around, they don't drink or do drugs.  They've been married to ONE man, ONE woman forever....(just like the Word says...right?  The husband of one wife?)

Their kids ain't never been in trouble, been to jail, aint never rebelled, gets all A's, and every time you see them, they are all cheesing!

But we are to NEVER judge after appearances, people.  EVER!

We who have the Spirit of God KNOWS something JUST AIN'T RIGHT!!!

So we see these people as this:

Everyone else sees the woman in the first picture...but WE see 'THIS' right above!

Everyone else jumps on their bandwagon, eats up any and everything they say, do, write, preach, teach.  But those of us with EARS to HEAR, we can't partake of their meals.  We see filth...we see defilement.  

We see them for what they REALLY ARE!!!!

The ONLY way to make the religious spirit/demon in this person FULLY manifest is to CHALLENGE WHAT THEY TEACH or PREACH.

As long as you go along to get along-to keep the peace-to seem 'submitted' to ALL they teach or preach, then they are loving, sweet, kind, genteel...just like the first picture.  

But once the SPIRIT OF GOD shows you some things that are blatant ERROR in their teaching(s), and gives you the boldness to confront or challenge NOT THE PERSON, but THEIR ERRONEOUS TEACHINGS, then they will turn into this:

All of a sudden you are PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in their eyes.  

They will brandish you, try to tarnish your 'reputation,' (as if by doing so that would somehow manipulate you into doing what THEY want you to do).  

See, to the RELIGIOUS SPIRITS that manifest in RELIGIOUS LEADERS, image and reputation is EVERYTHING TO THEM!  

Because the religious demon has marketed their religious leaders/slaves as 'perfect,' 'holy,' 'clean,' and  'righteous' to the general public, once something DOES come out on them, once a flaw, a sin, IS discovered, they will stop at NOTHING to protect their precious images/reputations!

THIS is why they feel they can manipulate and control others with the threat that if you do not comply they will spread dirt about those who challenge their erroneous doctrines and teachings.  They feel that EVERYONE is afraid of maybe getting a bad reputation, or having their names tarnished...they feel that everyone is a slave to the religious demon THAT DRIVES THEM and EXPLOITS THEM into GOOD WORKS as a means of holiness!


Those of us who have been redeemed by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, BORN AGAIN, and SANCTIFIED FOR REAL?  

WE HAVE NO FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



P U T        U S         O U T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are FREE from religion, religious demons, the drive to work, work, work to attain holiness, or to work, work, work at 'protecting our names.'

This is why I say that THIS religious spirit-the one that operates THE MOST in RELIGIOUS LEADERS-is the most dangerous one.  

Again, the best thing you can do-for starters-if you are being influenced by, or sitting up under religious leadership IS TO LEAVE!

They will CONTINUE to do what they are doing.  NO matter how much you confront their teachings, they will continue to teach what THEY will.  NO matter how faithful you may have been in the past to them, once you challenge them, they will TURN ON YOU!  You used to be the best thing since apple you are Beelzebub himself!  

Don't retaliate.  Leave it in God's hands.  God will soon let THEM know YOU BELONG TO HIM!!! And NOT THEM!!!!!!!

I have seen God shut whole churches DOWN because a leader mishandled one of these, GOD'S little ones!
Read your Word....Jesus Christ of Nazareth pronounced judgment to those leaders....

Matthew 18:6

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

If you read the whole chapter 18 of Matthew, He wasn't just speaking of children.  He was speaking of THOSE WHO ACCEPT the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM AS A CHILD!

In other words, if you humble yourself IN THE EYES OF GOD and receive HIS TRUTH-EVEN when HIS TRUTH is in direct contradiction to what your leader(s) in the church arena (or even outside the church arena-religious spirit ARE operating OUT HERE as well!) teaches or preaches, and those leader(s) try to attack you in any way, it WILL be better for them to have a millstone tied to their necks and for them to be thrown into the sea...

A millstone

If you are encountering attack from a religious leader, STAND STILL AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD!!!

In just a little while, you will see your enemies NO MORE.

Some of these leaders are just SO hypnotized by the religious demon, they don't even realize they are attacking you.  They may have the spirit of Saul...and you are David.  They love you, but something keeps driving them to throw their 'javelins' at you.  

Yet, you still love them.  You won't put your hands on them.  But you need to do like David did....AND RUN!!!

I wrote in another blog, Endtime Warfare Survival Tactics, Part 1, that RETREAT IS NOT DEFEAT!  You MUST stay mobile.  In these endtimes, RETREAT is a survival mechanism!


Yes, the religious world disdained you, mocked you, tried to make you think you were crazy because you dared to speak what GOD spoke.

They have done EVERYTHING they could to kill you...either literally....or reputationally.  Or spiritually.



Is Religion Your Greatest Investment?

Friday, December 21, 2012

NRA's LaPierre Is The Devil Incarnate

CEO of the National Rifle Association delivered what I believe to be the most deceptive, stomach turning, phoney, hypocritical 'pot calling the kettle black' speech today that I can say I have EVER heard.  (And I grew UP in church and heard doozies of sermons/speeches that were CRAZY!)

Anybody with a lick of sense, and an ounce of discernment/wisdom could see through the fakeness, the smirkness, the utter hypocrisy of this man.

I had NEVER heard of this guy before today.  I watched the whole speech and I wanted to punch my laptop's screen in!  I really did.

LaPierre reeks of a guy who is gung ho of pushing HIS agenda-and that would be to 'protect his God-given right to bear arms.'  At ALL costs.

He went the low route in many points in this speech, citing movies, video games, national tragedy and disaster and blame shifting towards the people who recognize the danger of regular, average citizens having assault weapons or arms.

Not ONE time did he EVER broach the subject or entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, it is unwise, unsafe and extremely dangerous to have these weapons in the first place!

The police department, the military, those who protect the POTUS-YES, they NEED these weapons because there are terrorists that have these types of assault weapons and other weapons in their arsenal...and many target America-and the POTUS in particular-to harm.

Obama has received more assassination threats than any other POTUS in American history.

One tid bit of information/statistic LaPierre conveniently failed to mention...

Plainly put...LaPierre is a wimp.  But worse than that, he is obsessed with his guns. His way with words and knowing what to say to get to the heart of extremists who insist on packing assault weapons out of fear that someone, some psycho is lurking on every corner, waiting to tick off everybody who goes shopping, to the mall or to school....

The devil knows how to twist facts, too, to make himself seem like his way is the right way.

Did anyone else see STRAIGHT through this guy?????????

I decided to check this guy out and see what he was talking about before last week.  What I found was disturbing!

Earlier this year, LaPierre boldly made a statement, asserting that the NRA won't back down in fighting for Americans' 'rights' to bear arms unless MANY children are gunned down!  He actually numbered a number....

HE SAID ONLY IF 1,000 CHILDREN ARE GUNNED DOWN IN THE SCHOOLS WILL THE NRA BACK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read following article from interview from May 25, 2012:

NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything

Read it...and weep....

It is VERY disturbing what this guy said in this interview earlier this year.  VERY DISTURBING!

No one needs to pay attention to this devil.   YES!  I called him a devil!

Another quote from LaPierre:
"Yeah, that's probably the only way we'd reassess much of anything at this point: 1,000 dead kids, shot up pretty good, lying face down in the school auditorium or something like that," LaPierre said, noting that anything less than 1,000 dead kids would not be enough for the NRA to stop urging Congress to pass pro-gun legislation. "I mean, that's just a ballpark number, but I imagine seeing 1,000 or so body bags being wheeled out of a school and a whole town of crying parents would probably make us reflect on our values for at least a little bit."
"So yeah, more or less 1,000 dead kids," LaPierre added. "Something around there. And teachers don't count."

In the speech LaPierre gave today, he seemed like he really cared about America's kids.  But I saw RIGHT through it.  This sick bastard (yes, I said it.  It's in the Bible.  Pray for me.) put on the nice act, the compassionate, caring man who started out his speech paying homage and respect to the Newtown parents who lost their babies....when he could CARE LESS about those babies.  JUST READ WHAT HE SAID EARLIER THIS YEAR ABOUT CHILDREN BEING MOWED DOWN before the NRA would even begin to rethink their stance.

I'm sorry if I seem really angry in my tone, but I AM.

One thing I cannot STAND is a hypocrite who acts like he cares for our children, when he only cares about promoting HIS OWN agenda that can potentially endanger many more kids in our schools....

That's if LaPierre gets his way....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Diseased, Improper Praying: Praying Amiss...

The events of the past few days has birthed a strong desire in many people to pray.  And the desire to pray is a VERY GOOD desire to have, for God tells us that men ought to ALWAYS pray, and never faint (Luke 18:1).

BUT....if people do not know HOW to pray effectively, their prayers can be prayed 'amiss,' which is-according to James 4:3-praying prayers improperly, ineffectively, and in vain.

Religion has taught us that ANY type of prayer, prayed to ANYONE WE CHOOSE, is good and effective.  It has focused on the ACT of prayer, and NOT the SPIRIT of prayer.

Prayer is lauded as good and a proper response-let's say-to a national tragedy.  

As we have all found out this past week, a national tragedy will even bring the President of the United States to his knees.  

And while it is a good thing that people are wanting to and desiring to pray, if the people are not taught HOW TO PRAY, it will ALL be in vain.

And then when the next tragedy happens, people who don't know God will grow even more angry, indifferent or bitter towards God because it will seem to them that humbling themselves and praying 'did not work.'  And the only reason it did not 'work' was because the prayers were all prayed WRONG.

1)  The first 'rule' of prayer is that YOU MUST PRAY TO GOD and GOD ALONE!  I have seen many people the past few days kneeling to statues, holding rosary beads, chanting Hail Mary's and praying to dead saints on behalf of the little kids who were slaughtered last week.  I have to ask myself...'Do they NOT know that these DEAD 'saints' do NOT hear their prayers?  Do they NOT know that you can pray to the devil and his minions...IF you are NOT praying to GOD?????  Do they NOT know if they pray 'to the devil,' that it will INDEED be the devil who answers?  And guess what?  

He won't answer with good things. He won't protect anyone.  He won't bless anyone.  Its his job to steal, to kill AND to destroy.  KNOW HOW YOU ARE PRAYING TO!!!!  Put the beads, the rosaries, the statues and the Hail Mary's are entertaining DEMONS!!!!!  (Remember the movie, Angels and Demons, with Tom Hanks? WHY do you think any and all reference to the Catholic Church always brings about the existence of the demonic...and then it is always in the context that all of mankind is just subject to the wims of the demonic?????  Because the WHOLE Catholic system is set up on DEMONS!)

2)  Prayer that promotes one's own agenda and NOT the will of God is SICK, TWISTED prayer...the Word of God actually calls it 'DISEASED.'  The word for 'pray' in James 4:3 is 'kakōs,' which means 'improperly, wrongly, sick.'  The word 'kakōs' is also the same word used in the New Testament in the scriptures that talks about sickness and disease.  Those scriptures that talks about the sick being healed .... it is actually used for the words 'sick,' 'evil' and 'diseased.'  

What this means is that it is possible to pray prayer that indeed IS SICK, TWISTED, DISEASED.  And that diseased prayer is ANY prayer that is prayed amiss...or wrongly, ineffectively, to the wrong god, in the wrong motive or spirit.

3)  We have been taught that in order to pray effectively, we must be inside of a church building.  We must take on a certain posture.  We must use certain pious and holy sounding words.  Clamp our hands together real tight, close our eyes and pray.  WRONG!!!  While some prayer goes forth that way, I present to you that MOST of THIS type of prayer is NOT heard by God, because it is done religiously.  ANYTHING done religiously will more likely than not be rejected by the Father.  

The awesome thing about prayer is that it can be offered ANYWHERE, and if it is done in the right motive, the right way, to the ONLY GOD, then HE WILL RECEIVE IT!

Psalms 145:18 says God is near to ALL who call on Him.  

If you're a sinner and the Spirit of God is convicting doesn't matter if you're in a crack house, in jail, in the bed next to your lover, or standing over the dead body of someone you just shot.  You can pray RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE and GOD WILL HEAR YOU!  

And NOT only that, but if you REPENT, GOD WILL SAVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We see all these people who try to get sinners to an altar and would try to make people believe that repentance and forgiveness of sins can only take place at a church altar.  We have all seen the movies where the sinners walk up the aisle and to the altar to 'get saved.'  NOWHERE in the Word of GOD was ANYONE EVER saved at a temple, a synagogue or a church altar!  In the early church, folks were getting saved EVERYWHERE BUT the temple.  

The word for prayer used in the Old Testament is 'tĕphillah,which means 'a house of prayer.'

This means in the Old Testament-under the old dispensation, there always had to be a place of prayer in order for it to be accepted by God.  We all know this to be true, because God even had strict stipulations on the specs for the temple, the priesthood and ceremonies, spelled in detail in the Old Testament.

BUT look what happens in the New Testament:

The word for prayer used in the New Testament is 'proseuchē,' which means 'a place in the open pray, outside the cities, where they had no synagogue; a place set apart or suited for the offering of prayer; prayer addressed TO GOD.'

Now in the New Testament, prayer is not just restricted to the temple.  It is NOT EXCLUDED from the temple, for even though God broadens the parameters in which man can and should pray (to give men EVERYWHERE a chance to repent), but He gives all a chance to reach out to him. 

There is no special 'place' to pray.  

We have heard of many 'prayer vigils' going on now since the Newtown tragedy.  It sounds real pious and all, but do we even KNOW what the word 'vigil' means?  

A vigil is a watch kept during normal sleeping hours. The act or a period of observing; surveillance. The eve of a religious festival.

Plainly speaking, it is a religious observance.  

I guess the closest thing to a 'vigil' found in the Word of God is when Paul spoke of 'watchings' and 'fastings' in 2 Corinthians 6:5 and 11:27.

But in BOTH instances, this speaks of the trials the apostle had to go through as he was being used to help grow the early church.  We must understand the CONTEXT of these passage of scriptures.  The Early Church went through MUCH persecution and martyrdom.  The Original Apostles-in a sense-HAD to go through all of that in order to fulfill the will of God for THEIR Lives.  

Nowhere else in the Word of God does it says GOD requires that OF US.  

The foundation of the Church, the EKKLESIA, has ALREADY been laid.  It does not need to be 're-laid,' so to speak.  When you have a building-and the building is the EKKLESIA-and GOD HIMSELF has said the foundation is SURE (which speaks to STABLE, UNWAVERING, IT WON'T CRUMBLE), then man in all his pious attempts and good intentions should not and DOES NOT have to turn around and rebuild the foundation! 

(But thats another blog for another day!)

All I am saying is that God required the early Apostles to go through what they went through...He is NOT requiring that of US.

SO we don't NEED to hold vigils, watchings, and fastings as they did.  ALL GOD IS REQUIRING OF US is to PRAY.  

In the Old Testament, priests/flesh had to represent the people to God every year to offer sacrifices/prayers for the people.  But in THIS dispensation, WE ARE ALL PRIESTS unto God (1 Peter 2:9, Revelations 1:6, 5:10).  So we can ALL go to the throne of GRACE and obtain MERCY directly from GOD...FOR OURSELVES!  (Hebrews 4:16)

The only 'middle man' now is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!  The HIGH Priest forever after the order of Melchisedeck.  That means He lives and reigns FOREVER.  NEVER to die anymore.  HE IS RISEN and AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER, FOREVER MAKING INTERCESSION FOR US! (Romans 8:34)

NO MORE NEED for human intercessors!!!

The SPIRIT OF GOD, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, they intercede for all mankind.  

I want you to look up the word 'intercession' in the New Testament:  EVERY TIME the word is used, it is always talking about JESUS CHRIST or the SPIRIT OF GOD interceding on our behalf!  NEVER is it used for a man interceding.

There were human intercessors in the Old Testament, the most popular being Abraham.  Other prophets of old prayed, as well as the Levitical priesthood.  But that was ONLY because they were SET APART, sanctified, for the express purpose of prayer, of interceding on behalf of the people to God.  The people could NOT just approach God, unless, of course, He had allowed it.  The people couldn't just ask for forgiveness for their own sins-if they entered in the Holy of Holies without permission, they would have been struck dead!

We no longer need someone else to pray for us!  

Popular teachers like Juanita Bynum have erroneously taught things like 'you just can't approach God any old type of way.'  They have been SO focused on the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy of Holies, the Tabernacle and all the OLD TESTAMENT revelations and manifestations of the Presence of God that they have failed to graduate to the NEW TESTAMENT in much of what they teach...and because THEY don't have the revelation for THIS DISPENSATION, they teach millions of others what THEY know only.

We don't have to go through lavish ceremonies, wear sheets and veils, hoop, holler, speak in tongues/code language, moan, groan (the SPIRIT of GOD does that FOR US), wear $1000 robes and garb to approach God NOW.  We don't have to get ourselves 'right' and clean up before we enter the throne of GRACE.  The Word says to BOLDLY go to the throne of GRACE...that's in faith, trusting that GOD hears you and WILL ANSWER YOU!!!!!!!!

Teaching like that appeals to our flesh, is religious.  It makes us feel like we have somehow earned the 'right' to pray and that if we are good enough, perfect enough, holy enough, follow all the procedures enough that that will somehow pre-qualify us to get what we ask for in prayer.  


There IS no 'posture' of prayer.  There is no one particular way you have to stand, sit, kneel, or clasp your hands, or close your eyes to pray.  You could be walking or running down the street, and praying.  You can pray at work at your computer....silently.  Charismatics have erroneously taught that you have to 'say the word out loud' in order for it to happen.  THAT IS A LIE!  The Word does NOT need our voice for it to be effective; plus, there are plenty of people who speak the Word, but because they speak it from an evil, unrepentant heart, it is spoken amiss.  The letter kills, but the Spirit gives LIFE.  

If you are wanting to pray, and you know that God is leading you to pray, all you gotta do is talk to God...RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.  If you're in a place where you can't speak, then just think it.  Isaiah 65:24 says before they speak the prayer, God will answer.  If you don't believe it's true-if you are so convinced that you just GOTTA speak for prayer to be effective-then how do deaf mutes pray????

They cannot speak.  So are they excluded from being able to pray because they don't have the ability to speak????

Of course not!  That is utterly ridiculous!

4)  The prayer language doctrine is a doctrine straight out of hell.  NOWHERE in the Word of God was anyone ever instructed to pray in a heavenly language-in some sort of spiritual pig latin-to confuse the devil.  God doesn't need our code language to answer our prayers.  The fact of the matter is...before we speak or utter the prayer God is able to answer it.  This has happened to me on several occasions, as a matter of fact.  I would be thinking something, and before I had the chance to utter the prayer from my lips, GOD ANSWERED!  I ALWAYS get amazed when He does that!  

The very first person I heard use the terminology 'prayer language' was Oral Roberts.  I have to tell you...Oral Roberts has been the biggest purveyor of doctrinal and scriptural error of the past century.  I am in the process of writing my 2nd book, the Fruits of Azusa, that thoroughly researches the Azusa Street Revival of 1906, as well as ALL the error that was birthed in the organized church system as a result of it.  And in doing my research, I have found a GREAT deal of error was propagated by Roberts.  And he is highly celebrated in the church community.

I won't get too much into detail about the prayer language here.  All I will say is that if you don't have the 'prayer language,' DON'T SEEK IT.  It is a language of the devil...and if you pray in tongues, your prayers are just as sick, diseased and twisted as Holy Mary's, and Catholic prayers to dead saints.  Except you are praying STRAIGHT to demons and fallen entities.  


5)  NOW....the Word of God DOES tell us HOW TO PRAY.  

The Word does not say to pray to dead saints, to Mary, in code language/tongues, or in a building, or at a Wailing Wall.  We all know the scripture on THE LORD'S PRAYER well:

Our Father, which is in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the GLORY forever.  Amen
Matthew 6 and Luke 11-as well as James 4-are excellent scriptural references to prayer.  I suggest you study them for yourself....extensively.  Pray about them:  ask the Spirit of God to reveal TO YOU what HE WANTS TO SHOW YOU ABOUT PRAYER.

Stop buying all these books on prayer.  Most of them are colored with charismatic language and stock full of error....only teaching you to pray wicked pray amiss.

Monday, December 17, 2012

♥ 2 ♥: Mothers, Your Kids Need HELP (for the Newtown Kids)


The Newtown Massacre of 20 children a few days ago is still fresh in all our minds and on our hearts.  There is not one mother, not one parent, whose heart does not break, or even who does not even shed a tear, over this horrendous tragedy.

After getting over the shock of the murders, my mind went immediately to the parents of Adam Lanza.  The mother, in particular.  I empathized with her because she was a single mother of a mentally ill kid.  Even though she had money, resources, Adam's father was involved with him...and I myself have none of those resources available to me...and I myself know the struggle of raising troubled kids.

To protect the privacy of my children, all I will share is that at one point in their lives, my children had to deal with some form of mental illness, even a learning disability.  I have not had the opportunity to have a father who was actively involved in my kids' lives, neither have I had the support and resources that Nancy had.  

According to the following article, Nancy was living off hundreds of thousands of dollars in alimony and child support.  Peter Lanza, Adam's father, is a VP at a major corporation.  This family had all the money in the WORLD...enough money to get Adam the help he obviously so desperately needed.  

Yet with all our limitations, none of my kids has gone out here and murdered 20 kids.  My kids have adjusted well and/or dealing with their issues, by the grace and power of God.  I can admit, some of my ways of dealing with the issues has seemed act of tough love.  But I did what GOD instructed me to do, and it is working well for us.

I guess the point of my blog today is to question some parents about the choices they make, in particular, as it pertains to their kids.  


When I look at this picture, I see a troubled kid.  If my son went to school with this kid, I would instruct my son to steer clear of this young man.  Look at his affect:  he is looking down, unable to look in the eyes, disconnected.  That's the perception I get JUST from looking at this picture!

Now, I understand.  As a mom, we all want to think that our kids are angels, even if they are, in actuality, demons.  We fall in love with our kids the moment they are birthed into the earth.  The moment the doctor places the bundle of joy on our breasts after we have pushed them out our wombs, we fall in love with this seemingly perfect little angel.  

Our hearts melt and from that moment on, there is absolutely NOTHING we wouldn't do for our kids!

And I guess, that is normal.  We are supposed to love our children.  That maternal instinct to nurture and take care of our young is supposed to kick in at the moment of birth.  

But when that romanticizing of our kids last until they are adults, so much so that we can't see the forest from the trees, til we are in straight up denial about our kids when issues (may) come up.

This past summer, I met a really nice lady who generously offered us a ride to a (christian) overnight camp facility here on the East Coast.  We were given each other's contact information and coordinated the whole ride thing through the camp director.  

On the ride to the camp, I began to discover that the lady's 12 year old son was, well, a little off.  He sat near my son in the mini van and he just couldn't keep his hands to himself, he was always touching in my son's face, and he just couldn't respect my son's boundaries.  After awhile, my son tells me 'Mom!' to get my attention and that's when I looked in the back seat and saw what was going on.  My first instinct, of course, was to just tell the little boy to STOP, but I was riding in THEIR car, so I had to be really tactful.

The mother saw the very annoyed look I had on my face and began to explain to me that her adopted son had a form of autism and apologized.  She began to say how wonderful a kid he was and that, despite his obvious behavioral problems, he was a really sweet kid that meant no harm.  She told me of the difficulties she had with him, since birth.  How he couldn't function at school.  How he got on everybody's nerves, even kids his own age.  

She confided in me of the moment she got him at the hospital as a baby.  She teared up talking about.  It was obvious this white woman who so graciously allowed us to ride with her LOVED this little biracial adopted son of hers.  

When we arrived at the camp, I began to notice as I was checking my son in that this little boy indeed got on everybody's nerves!  Slapping peoples' heads, running, trying to tackle all the fellow campers he hadn't seen since the previous summer, laughing loudly and uncontrollably....

I felt really bad for this mother and father.  They had done all they can to provide this child who had no parents with a loving, safe home.  A decent life.  But he was a HANDFUL!  

When I picked up my son from camp the following week, my son began to share with me JUST how annoying this young boy was.  He told me countless stories of how this young boy got on everyone's nerves, how even the camp staffers at some point seemed overwhelmed with trying to give this obviously challenged young boy the attention he so craved.  

Now, I don't mean to sound like I'm discriminating against kids with autism or disabilities.  I qualified this whole thing by sharing my own struggles as a single mom of challenged kids.  BUT I also have a testimony (God is still working it out, btw) of GOD working it all out.... order for God to begin to work it out, to help with these kids, I had to SNAP out of it.  Come to the realization that HEY, there IS a problem.  Then I had to ask GOD to give me WISDOM on how to deal with the problem.  I did not have the luxury (the money, the support, the resources, etc) to be in denial or to romanticize about my kids.  I had to face it HEAD ON, see the whole thing for exactly what it is.

AND I had to practice precautionary and safety measures, at some point.  (There's that wisdom thing kicking in again!)

With that being said, I have to raise my eyebrow at Nancy Lanza.  

The article above gives us insight onto what type of woman Nancy was.  

First, this single mother who had all money could buy frequented bars.  She was an avid gun collector....and not only that, she brought her YOUNG SON to the firing range to teach him how to fire arms!!!!



WHY would a mother ever place a gun in the hands of a mentally disturbed child?  WHY would she go as far as to teach him how to fire a weapon????  

I just keep picturing that little boy who went to camp this past summer with my son with a gun.  NOT a pretty picture!

Im a sharpshooter myself, but would NEVER teach a child to fire a weapon, ESPECIALLY a child with head issues.  

Look at that picture of Adam again.  

Does he LOOK LIKE a kid who should have EVER had access to weapons in the first place????????????????

I can tell you what happened:

There are some mothers who are SO in love with their kids that they cannot see the forest from the trees regarding their kids.

When they see their 20 year old disturbed son, all they see is the precious little baby boy they brought home from the hospital...NOT the mentally challenged, disturbed, somewhat dimented young man that stands before them!

And Nancy was seriously deluded.

She was a teacher, so I take it she was smart.  She could have plugged into resources for her son, if need be.  Some of those resources may have involved institutionalizing Adam, imprisoning him, locking him away, so he could have gotten the help he needed.

He couldn't feel pain????????  What the??????

I know that there is this trend thats taken place in the past 20 years or so, where society has wanted to assimilate the mentally ill into mainstream society with the general public.  Forbidding opportunities at housing, employment, education, etc. to those who are mentally challenged in most of the country is now prohibited by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

And while I think that is a wonderful idea for those who are JUST disabled PHYSICALLY, I DO think that whole thing needs to be rethought as it pertains to those who are MENTALLY challenged.


Well, because, as we have noticed for this past year especially, there has been a STARK increase in the amounts of murders by people who were mentally ill to some capacity.  And since this country has done a really poor job of researching and treating mental illness, we SHOULD NOT grant total rights and privileges to those who we even SUSPECT are mentally challenged, because we don't know to what extent their mental illness lies.

In other words, there is a broad spectrum to the mental illness triangle.  Some are slightly mentally ill, while others are psychopaths and sociopaths, a danger to themselves AND to others around them.

Mental illness transcends race, culture, class, OR religion.  NO one is immune from it.  There ARE no vaccinations from getting mentally ill.  Some are born with a proclivity and a vulnerability towards developing mental illness, while others develop mental illness later on in life, due to life challenges they face along the way.  And a lack of effective coping mechanisms to deal with life.

Mothers, we know our kids better than ANYONE ELSE.  Better than teachers, better than social workers, better than the police or the judge.  EVEN better than their peers and friends or associates.



SIMPLY GET HELP FOR YOUR BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it involves calling child protective services YOURSELF to get help, GET HELP.

If it involves calling the police and getting them into the system (because, unfortunately, that is the only way many are going to be treated is if they FIRST get into 'the system), THEN GET HELP.

If it involves locking your child up because he is a danger to himself, to you or to others, yes, you love your child, but you love your child ENOUGH to lock him up so he can get the HELP HE/SHE NEEDS!

If you have a mentally challenged child, your life is no longer your own.  You don't have the luxury of being a gun collector, or smoking weed to cope, or drinking the problem away.  YOUR CHILD NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!!

You cannot worry about what the Joneses are going to say.  Im sure Nancy was worried about what the Joneses up there in Newtown would say....and now she, Adam and 26 more people are gone because she would not REACH OUT and GET HELP!

I'm not writing this to hurt anyone, or put anyone down.  I am writing this as a mother.  A mother who has children herself, who understands, and who is TIRED of seeing the carnage!

We as a society can no longer turn the other way and pretend like we don't see what we DO SEE.

NOW.........DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!