Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Facebook Wars: The Art of Agreeing (or Disagreeing)

'How can two walk together except they agree?'  Amos 3:3

We all have heard this scripture used in sermons and teachings before.  

I have watched certain groups, fellowships and the such in my 20 + years of being saved, and I have found something to be VERY true.

Birds of a feather DO flock together.

Like people will be drawn to one another.  Good or bad.  

In AND outside of church, human behavior almost dictates that people who are alike tend to flock together. Flocking is a tendency that humans and sheep share.  

To flock:  1.  A group of animals that live, travel, or feed together.  2. A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church.  3. A large crowd or number

I studied sheep...and I found it interesting that sheep not only flock together, but they will follow a leader together...even if that leader, say, leads them straight into a lake or river...to drown to their death.

Sheep blindly and wholeheartedly follow a leader-known as a shepherd-wherever they go.  Even if the 'leader' starts out on a right path, but gets off track and goes another way.

"...Sheep are flock animals and strongly gregarious; much sheep behavior can be understood on the basis of these tendencies. The dominance hierarchy of sheep and their natural inclination to follow a leader to new pastures were the pivotal factors in sheep being one of the first domesticated livestock species.  Furthermore, in contrast to the red deer and gazelle (two other ungulates of primary importance to meat production in prehistoric times), sheep do not defend territories although they do form home ranges All sheep have a tendency to congregate close to other members of a flock, although this behavior varies with breed and sheep can become stressed when separated from their flock members.  During flocking, sheep have a strong tendency to follow and a leader may simply be the first individual to move. Relationships in flocks tend to be closest among related sheep: in mixed-breed flocks, subgroups of the same breed tend to form, and a ewe and her direct descendants often move as a unit within large flocks..." from Wikipedia 

I think I quoted this before in my post about pastors....

But anyway, its good information...

This may seem like a great quality to have...and the Word even speaks of sheep...and goats.  Sheep are supposed to be good; goats are supposed to be bad.  But this is from the viewpoint of the leader...the sheep or the goats' 'teachability' supposedly determines their goodness, their loyalty, their faithfulness, and, some leaders will even go as far as to say you're not saved if you don't do EVERYTHING they want you to do.

I was once under a leader like this, in the oneness movement.  I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter, full of fluid, and I refused to sell pecan candy for the church (the pastor).  My feet were swollen up like tree stumps and I just couldn't see myself going out in the 90 degree weather in front of Walmart to sell some pecan candy!  

So the pastor call himself 'cursing me' from the pulpit, kicked me out the church and told me I was not saved!


It wasn't funny then, though.  

For someone who was HEAVILY under the influence of religion, I had to walk 3 miles home in extremely hot weather...with tree stump ankles.  Crying and balling my eyes out because I believed this preacher who told me I wasn't saved!  Why?  Because I didn't sell some pecan candy in front of Walmart!!!

I can laugh at it now....and I don't want to stay on this too long.  But I shared this to show you all how much power and control these leaders can abuse when you GIVE IT TO THEM.

But I want to talk about WHY do people have a hard time with other people disagreeing with them????

How come in religious (or religious like settings) is disagreement automatically seen as betrayal?  The one who disagrees with how a leader interprets things, or teaches things, or maybe how they run things...if someone has the guts to say anything, or just decides to leave because they KNOW the leader does not handle confrontation well, the person is then deemed an enemy?

THIS kind of flock behavior is EXACTLY why there are so many denominations, churches, fellowships and the such.  

I like the term 'agree to disagree.'  

It absolves either party from feeling like the other is the enemy ... just because the two disagree.

I will also say this...it is ok to be sheep...but the Word of God says to be HARMLESS as doves, but WISE as serpents!  Jesus Christ says he sends us out as SHEEP....AMONG WOLVES.

Do you know what that means?

Yes, it is good to be sheep.  But not so you can be UNWISE...or NOT BE AWARE of the wolves that are circling around you - and their agenda. 

Serpents have a STRONG sensitivity to what's going on around them - a 'type' of discernment.  Their bellies that they crawl around upon is the most sensitive parts of their bodies.  They can literally feel when something is coming their way.  When you see a snake hiss, they are not hissing to cause you harm.  Their forked tongues have sensors on the tip that can sense change of motion in the air.  Just by sticking out their forked tongues, snakes can tell if someone is approaching.

And when a snake attacks, it is not just to catch prey, but it is a form of protection.  

Snakes can be killed as well.  So because they have no feet and legs to run from danger, because they have to slither on the ground, even though they do it really fast...their first mode of defense is to attack.  

There is a REASON why God tells us to be WISE as serpents.

God wants us to be AWARE, HYPER-AWARE, as a matter of fact, to what is REALLY going on around us.  

God knew that there would be wolves - hirelings - that would attempt to lead the sheep.  And that the very nature of sheep is to be led.  And if sheep do not OPERATE IN WISDOM/DEFENSE MODE, they stand a great chance to be led astray!

God is calling us to be WISE SHEEP THAT ARE AWARE of what is REALLY going on.


I suggest you SEEK THE TRUE SHEPHERD and not man...

Man always ends up becoming wolves....

There IS an art to disagreeing, and most have not realized it.  Or practiced it.

This is why it is WISE to just part ways, let things be what they are.  If two or more parties disagree on a thing, then they should agree to amicably part ways and move on with their lives.

I titles this Facebook Wars because it seems that many in this arena simply do not know how to 'agree to disagree.'  Everybody's trying to be right.  Set folks straight.  Defend the faith....We don't have to defend ANYTHING.  Jesus Christ PAID it all on Calvary!

Folks on Facebook need to learn to let dead dogs lie.  Agree to disagree.  Stop calling folks enemies just because they didn't agree WITH YOU.


And every disagreement is NOT meant for debate or discussion.  Just let it be.  You walk your way.  And the other party walks their way....

So let's put away the bats and the knives....let's 'study war no more.'  

It's really not that serious.  Really.

How can two walk together...except they AGREE?  

Thursday, May 09, 2013

LeAndria Johnson To Open Church in Georgia

Ok, there is a buzz going on in the church arena that Sunday Best Winner LeAndria Johnson is starting her own church next month in Georgia, according to LeAndria's Facebook page.

For those of you who do not know LeAndria, she is a popular, very talented gospel artist contestant winner on BET'S 'Sunday's Best' series that every seasons airs a 9 month long talent show of gospel artists who want to make it big.  (Just picture 'American Idol' in a church setting)

A panel of judges (including Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams and Cece Winans-that is always subject to change) plus a cheering audience get to choose 'la creme de la creme' of gospel artists who parade around across the stage and duke it out for who is 'Sunday's Best,' who is the best singer of that season.

LeAndria won SB in 2010 and life has been a roller coaster for her ever since.  

She had the church world in an uproar after she gave birth to her son last year...and was not married.  Many people who cheered her on in SB and all her corresponding church events in which she performed after SB were ready to stone her for not being a godly example of a virtuous woman. 

I never had a problem, per se, with her giving birth out of wedlock.  I have been saying from GO that LeAndria is on a train ride that will end up being a wreck.  NOT because of her not being a talented performer and songstress, an entertainer, or not even questioning her salvation.  

Just by virtue of the fact that she is within the church system...THIS is what is going to hurt her in the long run...

I said from her win on SB that LeAndria was being exploited by church people.  Church is well known for exploiting people for their sin or issues, and not being able to do a thing about them.

The FB post states she was preaching and teaching 'revivals' long before SB...as to somehow add 'credibility to 'the call to ministry.'

What most-if not all-church folks fail to realize is that God is NOT opening up these churches.  THIS is why the pastors have to become more and more 'appealing' to the five senses in order to 'gain a crowd.'

First, Kim Burrell opened a church in 2011...another popular, awesome singer in the gospel music industry.  LeAndria and Kim are two sisters I actually applaud for their incredible vocal skills and talent.

But I can wholeheartedly attest to the fact that God has not called either woman to the ministry.

God has called them OUT of the church.

BUT because of their love affair with the general public, their need for public approval, their own personal ambition, and maybe a hint of pride, these two sisters will undoubtedly continue on with their ministerial ventures...in efforts to 'minister' to those the average church world has failed to reach.

And while that is an admirable cause and reason (to 'start a church'-smh...you cannot 'start' a church, btw-WE ARE THE CHURCH), the best 'ministry' to the people who won't go to church won't be found inside the four walls of any church.

NO matter HOW talented....or how 'anointed.'  Or how beautiful.  Or how smart.

ONLY THE HOLY GHOST can teach people...and minister to people.

Most of the churches that are being opened today are NOT 'opened' by God.  Period.

All that these people are doing is perpetuating more error, spreading more false doctrine and causing more harm than good.

NOT because of anyone's sordid past, or their imperfections (God can use anyone...WHO IS SAVED.  It's not a question of what their financial status was, or if they were homeless or not, or what family they come from...) or because of their being a man or a woman (there is neither male nor female in the Kingdom of God), or because they are a part of the wrong denomination (WHO came up with denominations?) or ANYTHING like that.

The reason why folks need to STOP opening up churches is because......


God is NOT telling you to start a church.  



Are you struggling with the decision of whether or not to open up 'a new ministry?'  You NEED to read my eBook...

CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK "The Makings Of A False Prophet"

The Makings Of A False Prophet
by Wenona Russ

You will definitely know whether or not you are truly 'called into the ministry' after reading this book.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Danke für Telling Me Du bist Homosexuell ... und Du bist HIV +

Wissen Sie, mit all diesem Gerede von Jason Collins 'Coming Out' aus dem Schrank und alle, ich habe eine Chance, einige Dinge zu überdenken. Da es betrifft, um Beziehungen zwischen Homosexuell Männer und heterosexuelle Frauen ... das neue "Mischehen ... 'Modern Day Psychologen haben diesen Begriff verwendet, um Beziehungen / Ehen zwischen Männern, die Homosexuell (oder bisexuell ...) und Frauen, die gerade sind, sind zu beschreiben. Die Dynamik hinter dieser Art von Beziehung / Ehe ist sehr kompliziert. Ich erinnere mich, als es war nur ein Mann, eine Frau. Jetzt können Sie eine Variation dessen, was "Ehe" bedeutet haben ... und komplizierte Beziehungen sind eher die Norm als die Ausnahme von der Regel.

Ich möchte über Beziehungen, wo eine Frau tritt in eine mit einem Mann, den sie voraussetzt sprechen ist gerade, und der Kerl (vielleicht absichtlich, vielleicht unbeabsichtigt) nicht mit der Frau, dass er Homosexuell oder bisexuell ist zu teilen. Einige Männer nicht teilen mit der Frau, weil sie absichtlich zu wollen, um die Frau zu betrügen.Sie heiratete die Frau als Abdeckung. Er höchstwahrscheinlich arbeitet in einem Bereich, der als "maskulin", wie ein Minister, ein Polizist, oder im Militär ist. Er weiß, er wird viel Flack auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu fangen und vielleicht in seiner Gemeinde, wenn sie waren, um herauszufinden, ob er war Homosexuell. So spielt er die Rolle eines geraden Mann-schöne Frau, 2,5 Kinder, weißen Lattenzaun, 2 Autos (einer davon ein Minivan). Das andere Leben, das er frequentiert die Homosexuell bar, Durchlesen für ein Homosexuell Liebhaber. Oder er kann eine Homosexuell Liebhaber auf der Seite zu haben ... Leben zwei und drei verschiedene Leben. In dem Film "Cover", es ist ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, was passieren kann, wenn ein Mann dies tut. Ich werde nicht verderben es für Sie . Überzeugen Sie sich selbst:


Ich betitelte diese wie ich es tat, weil ich einige Erfahrung mit Dating (und fast heiraten) ein Mann mit seiner eigenen sexuellen Kämpfe haben.

Ich kann sagen, meine Geschichte unterscheidet sich von Jason Collins 'oder dem Kerl in Cover ... meine Ex Verlobten offenbart bei mir von Anfang an von unserer romantischen Engagement seiner sexuellen Kämpfe ... und seine HIV-Status.

Zu der Zeit konnte ich nicht wirklich zu schätzen, dass er wenigstens ehrlich zu mir war. Als ich mich um und schauen so viele Männer sind einfach nur beängstigend, trügerisch und vielleicht einfach nur alt verwirrt, wenn es nicht betrifft, ihre Sexualität aber in der Dunkelheit über ihren HIV-Status.

Ich kann ehrlich sagen, ich bin eine der Frauen, die gesegnet, was los war kannte. Ich nahm den Vorschlag, weil ich glaubte er sei "umgerechnet" aus seiner Homosexualität ... und dass ich mit seiner HIV + Status umzugehen.

Da die Beziehung ging jedoch merkte ich, dass ich nicht umgehen ... mit beiden.

Die Homosexualität, na ja, sagen wir einfach, wie eine Frau, für mich jedenfalls, war es wichtig für mich zu wissen, dass der Mann, den ich heiraten war wollte mich wollen, und nur ich. Und ich konnte einfach nicht akzeptieren, dass er nicht wollte, ME.

Wie ich das wissen?

Eine Frau weiß. Eine Frau, die weiß, wann ein Mann will sie ... und wenn er dies nicht tut.

Und je näher ich kam zu dem Tag, konnte ich nicht nur mitspielen auszukommen.

Die HIV + Status ... naja, ist HIV eine ernste Sache. Ja, es gibt Möglichkeiten, sich zu schützen. Aber noch einmal, ich konnte nicht mit jemanden zu heiraten, die unheilbar krank sein kann umzugehen. Das war zu viel von einem Stamm auf jeder Ehe zu platzieren.

Also rief ich die Hochzeit.

So ein Teil meines Schreibens ist, um ihn für seine Ehrlichkeit danken .... Danke .

Der andere Grund, warum ich dies schreibe, ist, weil ich den Menschen da draußen, die mit ihrer Sexualität zu kämpfen haben ermahnen wollen. Sie sind (oder zumindest denken, sie sind) zu anderen Männern hingezogen. Und in einer Beziehung mit einer Frau.

Ich möchte Sie um ehrlich zu sein mit der Frau in Ihrem Leben.

Gehen Sie nicht und an eine Frau zu heiraten, weil es ein guter Karriereschritt oder Dienst Schritt wäre. Oder möchten Sie Ihre Familie und Freunde zu beeindrucken. Oder sogar davon überzeugen, dass Sie 'heterosexuell. "

Verwenden Sie nicht die Frau als "Konvertierungs-Werkzeug." Selbst die begehrtesten, schön, heilig oder wie auch immer geartete Frau wird nicht genug sein, um 'konvertieren' Sie von der Homosexualität zur Heterosexualität.

Ich bin nicht einmal der Bewältigung der biblische Aspekt dieses hier .... Ich bin gerade mit dir zu reden .... Frau zu Mann.

Als eine Frau, die in einer "komplizierten" Beziehung (oder zwei) gewesen ist, muss ich Ihnen sagen. Es könnte auf dich nach hinten losgehen. Sie könnten zum Hochzeitsessen TONIGHT gehen. Die Einladungen sind raus. Jeder hat in die Stadt geflogen und Ihre Braut-zu-werden kann strotzt vor Aufregung über die Hochzeit ...

Aber wenn Sie glauben sogar, Sie schwingen 'auf diese Weise, "wenn Sie überhaupt daran denken, Sie sind Homosexuell oder angezogen zu anderen Männern, sie weg zu benennen!

Nicht zu dieser Frau liegen, nicht führen sie auf. Würden Sie wollen, dass jemand das für Sie tun??

Und wenn du ein Mann (oder eine Frau) mit HIV sind, bitte, bitte, bitte teilen Sie Ihre Status vor Beginn der Beziehung zu beginnen!

Das ist Informationen, die Sie mit der anderen Person WAY AHEAD Zeit teilen. Warten Sie nicht, bis Sie mit der Person zusammen seit 1 Jahr ... oder 2 waren. Dann sagen sie.

Denn wenn Sie schlafen zusammen, passieren und dass andere Person bekommt HIV, können Sie ins Gefängnis gehen!

Plus, wie ethisch ist das?

Geben Sie diese Person die Chance auf Arbeit durch, ob sie vorwärts zu gehen mit Ihnen in einem (romantische) Beziehung mit der HIV wollen. Das ist wirklich schwer news ... und sie haben das Recht zu wissen.

Und ich weiß, dass immer auf HIV getestet, ist keine Voraussetzung in den meisten Staaten, bevor sie eine Ehe-Lizenz ... aber ich sehr empfehlen, sich testen. Nicht nur für die Hochzeit ... aber (es sei denn, Sie beide Jungfrauen sind) in der Beziehung.

NO Ihr Alter, Ihren Beruf, Ihren Familienstand, Ihren Status im Dienst, oder was auch immer egal. Wenn Sie jemals Sex haben, sich testen zu lassen! KNOW YOUR STATUS!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CHECK OUT meinem neuen Buch "Die Voraussetzungen für einen falschen Propheten"

Die Voraussetzungen für einen falschen Propheten
von Wenona Russ

'Das Zeug zu einem falschen Propheten " ist ein Buch, das bei den Motiven für den Wunsch, im Dienst sowie die als Werkzeug einen im Dienst sein kann zu beurteilen, wo sie in den Herzen sind, wie es zum Dienst betrifft aussieht. Viele ein wahrer Prophet wandte falsche infolge nicht unter den sehr grundlegenden und praktischen Dinge der Autor Aktien in ihrem 50-pg Buch beherzigen. Das ist der Stoff sie nicht sagen, werden Sie in Bible College oder die Schule der Propheten und / oder Apostel! 'Das Zeug zu einem falschen Propheten gräbt sich in das Herz und die Seele, um die Echtheit einer echten Berufung vom Herrn bestimmen tief, und wie man die Echtheit rein und unbefleckt. Lassen Sie sich von diesem Buch gesegnet sein, wenn Sie wirklich bereit, sich untersuchen und sehen, nicht nur, wenn Sie in dem Glauben sind, aber wenn Sie wirklich genannt. Es ist ein eye-opening und realistische Sicht auf welcher Dienst ist und was es nicht ist. Große Lehrmittel für jede Klasse auf Ministerebene jeder Ebene.

FAL$E TEACHER$ by Shai Linne

One two one two, Yo!
Special dedication to my brothers and sisters on the great continent of Africa To Saints in Malawi, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe.
Don't be deceived by what America is sending y'all man, yeah? Let me begin, while there is still ink left in my pen, I am set to contend for Truth you can bet will offend, Deception within the church man, who's letting them in?

We talked about this years ago, let's address it again. (Yeah)
 And I ain't really trying to start beef, but some who claim to be part of his sheep got some sharp teeth.(they're wolves)
 You cast at me when you criticize them when you criticize them, but Jesus told us: Matthew 7:16, we can recognize them! And God forbid that for the love of some fans, I keep quiet and watch them die with their blood on my hands!

 (so...)There's nothing left for me to do except to speak to you in the spirit of Jude 3 and 2 Peter 2
 And I know that some would label me a Pharisee, because today the only heresy is saying that there's heresy:

 "How dare they be specific and drop some clarity on the popularity of the gospel of Prosperity"
 Turn off TBN that channel is overrated. The Pastor's speak bogus statements, financially motivated. It's kind of like a pyramid scheme.
Visualize Heretics christianizing the American dream.

 It's foul and deceitful, they're lying to people, teaching that camels squeeze through the eye of a needle! Ungodly and wicked, ask yourself how can they not be convicted treating Jesus like a lottery ticket.
 And you're thinking they're not the dangerous type because some of their statements are right, they're only proof that Satan comes as an angel of light.

 This teaching can't be believed without a cost, the lie is you can achieve a crown without a cross
 And I hear it all the time when they speak on the block
Even unbelievers are shocked how they're fleecing the flock
 It should be obvious then, yet I'll explain why it's Sin, peep the Bible it's in 1 Timothy 6:9-10
 It talks about how the desire for riches has left many souls on fire and stitches mired in ditches

 Tell me, who would teach you to pursue as a goal the very thing that the Bible said will ruin your soul! (huh?) Yet they're encouraging the love of money, to make it worse, they've exported this garbage into other countries!
 My heart breaks even now as I am rhyming.
Do you wanna know what all false teachers have in common?(what?)

It's called self(ism) the fastest growing religion; they just dress it up and call it "Christian".

 Don't be deceived by this funny biz, if you come to Jesus for money, then he's not your God, money is! Jesus is not a means to an end, the Gospel is
He came to redeem us from sin, and that is the message forever I'll yell!

 If you're living your best life now you're heading for hell! (Talk to them)

 Joel Osteen - false teacher! (Let them know)
 Creflo Dollar is a false teacher! (Who else? Who else?)
 Benny Hinn is a false teacher! I know they're popular but don't let them deceive ya! (Talk to them)
 TD Jakes is a false teacher! (Tell the Truth)
 Joyce Meyer is a false teacher! (Let them know)
 Paula White is a false teacher! Use your discernment, let the Bible lead ya! (Keep going)
 Fred Price is a false teacher! (Tell the Truth)
 Kenneth Copland is a false teacher! (Who else? Who else?)
 Robert Tilton is a false teacher! I know they're popular but don't let them deceive ya! (Talk to them)
 Eddie Long is a false teacher! (Let them know)
 Juanita Bynum is a false teacher! (Who else? Who else?)
 Paul Crouch is a false teacher! Use your discernment, let the Bible lead ya!
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." 2 Peter 2:1-3

Saturday, May 04, 2013

God Has A Lot To Say About Pastors

The Pastor.

It seems like today, the pastor is a role, a position, that is much loved (or maybe hated, depending on who you talk to).

It is one of what is called the Five Fold Ministry Gifts listed in Ephesians 4.

Today, many who are in the church system wholeheartedly believe that the 'ministry gifts' are still necessary for 'the church.'

I want to take a biblical look at this....

Indeed, God did talk of pastors in the bible.  The word 'Pastor' means 'ra`ah' in Hebrew, which means 'to shepherd, teacher, to associate with, to be companions with.'

Below are the only scriptures I found with the word 'pastor' in them.  I want you to note how God speaks of pastors, in the OT, in particular.

Jeremiah 2:8
The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.

Jeremiah 3:15
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 10:21
For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.

Jeremiah 12:10
Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.

Jeremiah 22:22
The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.

Jeremiah 23:1
Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:2
Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.

It seems to me that, for the most part, pastors were OFTEN rebuked by the Spirit of the Lord, for not feeding 'the sheep' properly, for not seeking the Lord, for becoming 'brutish.'  Do you KNOW what brutish means???

Brutish means to become 'strongly and grossly SENSUAL; showing LITTLE intelligence and sensibility...the dictionary actually lists 'CARNAL and FLESHLY' as synonyms for the word brutish!!!!

I want to present to you that the reason - the biggest transgression - that these pastors committed in the eyes of God was that they got CARNAL.

THIS is how they destroyed the flock, and scattered the sheep!

You have to understand the nature of sheep.

According to Wikipedia, "sheep are flock animals and strongly gregarious (or sociable); much sheep behavior can be understood on the basis of these tendencies. The dominance hierarchy of sheep and their natural inclination to follow a leader to new pastures were the pivotal factors in sheep being one of the first domesticated livestock species. (Sheep establish a dominance hiererachy through fighting, threats and competitiveness.) Furthermore, sheep do not defend territories although they do form home ranges. All sheep have a tendency to congregate close to other members of a flock, although this behavior varies with breed, and sheep can become stressed when separated from their flock members. During flocking, sheep have a strong tendency to follow and a leader may simply be the first individual to move. Their flocking behavior and quickness to flee and panic can make shepherding a difficult endeavor for the uninitiated. The strongest sense sheep have is their sense of HEARING..."
With this in mind, God knew that we would naturally want to flock together.  We would look for leaders.  We get stressed when we can't go to church, or when we don't have 'a covering.'  Sheep HEAR VERY well.  This is the NATURE of sheep.

The Word says HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR what the Spirit of the Lord is saying...

Again, this is the nature and characteristics of SHEEP.

But also because God knew that even the best of shepherds would become corrupted due to carnality and to submission to a man-made system of church.  God knew that the enemy would set up pastors and leaders-false prophets-who can MIMIC and imitate the voice of God...sound just like God...act just like God.

Therefore, God had to come up with another plan to save His Sheep from being sheared by these false pastors.


God sent Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who would become the Great Shepherd of the sheep (Heb. 13:20, John 10:11-16)

Yes, the Word does speak of pastors in the NT....

Ephesians 4:11
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

But if you read the entire chapter 4 of Ephesians, those 'five fold' gifts, if you will, were not meant to be a PERMANENT fixture in the lives of sheep...

If you read on, there is a REASON why these people are placed in the lives of believers.

And there is also a TIME LIMIT to how long these people are supposed to be in their lives!

REASON for pastors, prophets, apostles, etc.?

  '...for the perfecting of the saints; for the edification of the (TRUE) Body of Christ..." (vs 12)

HOW LONG are they supposed to be in your life?

'...Til we all come into the unity of the faith....until we KNOW the Son of God...until we become 'a perfect man...a MATURE man...'  (vs 13)

How do I know this?

Read on....

'...be NO MORE children, tossed to and fro, carried about with every doctrine....may grow up - UNTO HIM (NOT your pastor, bishop, apostle, etc!) unto ALL things, unto CHRIST...which IS the Head...' ( vs 14-15)

I don't see anywhere in Ephesians 4 where all of this is supposed to take place so you can go to ministry school and serve the pastor, and the church.

As a matter of fact, if you read Ephesians 5, you will see that Paul spoke of serving YOUR FAMILY...being followers of GOD, and NOT man.

A building, the five fold, is NOT spoken of here again in this context.

And PASTOR is not even mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:28, when Paul describes the spiritual gifts or functionalities set in the church in that entire chapter.

Could it be that ALL of these offices so many in the organized church revere and aspire to are ALL TEMPORARY roles they should play in the lives of believers?  That their role is only a TEMPORARY one, until the sheep can mature into the fullness of Christ?

Is it POSSIBLE that God would ordain an office, a position, a role...a divine one...and then remove the very necessity of that role?????

Oh, it is VERY possible!  God wants His Glory...and does not share it with man.

He has before....in the case of the PRIEST.

The word PRIEST is mentioned 846 in total in the Bible.

689 times-OT
157 times NT

We are all aware of the role of the priest in the OT.  Time and space prevents me from citing every scripture in the OT where a priest is mentioned.  It is safe to say that, for the most part, the priest in the OT were the people ordained by God to offer up sacrifices for sin on behalf of the people.

Priest was a role ordained by God and would often be inherited by the sons of priests.  Whole families would be in the priesthood.

But if you look at the scriptures above, God even had something against the priests....a holy office and position HE instituted and ordained!

In the New Testament, the term 'priest' was used mostly in the phrases 'high priest' and 'chief priest.'  And up until the Book of Hebrews, always in the context of how high priests and chief priests were functional in the Judaistic (or OT) religious system.

After the Book of Hebrews, the bible speaks of Jesus Christ of Nazareth being THE CHIEF PRIEST who replaced ALL further need for priests.

As it pertains to offering a sacrifice for our sins....

In Revelations, Priest appears 3 times, and all three times, it is in reference to US being priests and kings in the Kingdom of God.

According to The Difference Between a High Priest and a Chief Priest
High Priest
"...It's a matter of hierarchy, like the Catholic Church has a high priest, the Pope, then under him the Cardinals who are chief priests, then other priests below them.

Ancient Jews had their High Priest position, usually father succeeded by son within one family with direct lineage to Aaron. If the High Priest had brothers, those filled in as alternates, often holding high office in the Sanhedrin supreme court, or were assigned among the Chief Priests to rule the Levite tribe...."

In other words, high priests and chief priest were terms instituted by the religious system to set up a hierarchy within the organized church.  Why?  Supposedly, to institute order and authority...but again I want to repeat what I said earlier...

When man tries to do what only GOD CAN, it will always fail!

When man starts to take 'the credit,' if you will, for what GOD wants to do in the life of a believer, the Spirit of God is GRIEVED!

God may have instituted and ordained priests in the OT, and the picture above is an example of a high priest, once Jesus Christ became the Shepherd of our souls, there was NO FURTHER NEED FOR PRIESTS!!!!!

So just as God eradicated the need for PRIESTS to be in our lives, so did He also eradicate the necessity for five fold, pastors and the such to be in our lives....at least, indefinitely anyways!

Yes, I can admit, there is a time where a pastor can be helpful in helping mature a new convert.  But the role of that pastor is to help mature that believer to be LIKE CHRIST, and NOT LIKE THEM....

Then there comes a time when that pastor must recognize that their work is done and they must 'release' that sheep-for lack of a better word.  And do so lovingly, willingly, without threatening the sheep or 'excommunicating' the sheep (WHERE is the word 'excommunicate' in the bible anyways???).

Without all the spiritual manipulation of 'if you leave my flock, you will be cursed, or you are in rebellion....

God truly does have a lot to say about pastors.  But its NOT what YOU think.

God - for the most part - spent the majority of the time rebuking pastors for getting carnal, sensual and ministering to the sheep to fulfill THEIR desires...and NOT to do the WILL OF GOD.

This is a warning for all these pastors out here who are fleecing GOD'S sheep for your own selfish agendas....














The CopyCat Anointing...MEOW!

For the past few years, I have heard the phrase 'copycat anointing' floating around.

Charismatics and pentecostals use this phrase to label someone who they feel 'stole a word, a vision,' or lacked what they termed 'authenticity' in the word they may have given.

And where I am all for having integrity in ministry (for lack of a better term), and as an author I am vehemently against plagiarism of any kind, I do believe that to have copy rights to a word that God supposedly has given, or to walk around acting like you own the patent on a mantra, or ministerial slogan, a religious cliche that YOU made popular (Yes, I'm addressing ministers, in particular), that is error, prideful and just plain WRONG.

See, the fact of the matter is if GOD gives a Word, then its GOD'S WORD, NOT YOURS!

How do you not know that God didn't give it to BOTH you AND that person you are accusing of 'stealing your word?'

If you knew how arrogant that sounded, you would STOP saying such foolishness!


NO man, woman, boy or girl has ownership rights to the Word of the Lord.

The fact of the matter is that a LOT of the BIBLE was written by a bunch of what we would term TODAY as plagiarists!!!!

That's right!

How many times you have read the bible, and you read the same story written by more than one author in the bible?????

I have a FEW Times!

This religious nonsense of 'folks stealing folks' word,' is just that....NONSENSE!

I have biblical proof that God WILL speak the SAME thing to different authors, ministers, etc. And they may just write it or word it differently.

Four authors that immediately comes to mind are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The first 4 authors of the NT.

Matthew was a tax collector. Luke was a doctor. Mark was (possibly) a fisherman, and John was definitely a fisherman.

They had OTHER occupations...and were the ORIGINAL apostles of the (Early) Church.

ALL four authors of the gospels ALL told the SAME stories.

NOWHERE in the gospels (or beyond) was it ever written or implied that Mark, Luke or John were 'copycat' apostles/disciples....that they 'stole the vision, the Word' from Matthew...who was inspired by the Holy Ghost to write the Book of Matthew.

So I wonder where these 'modern day apostles' get that saying 'they stole the word, they stole the vision?'

Could it be that these folks running around here crying about 'they stole my word' are doing so because IT IS 'THEIR' WORD, and NOT the Word of the Lord?

Doesn't the Word say that ALL scripture is inspired by GOD, and NOT the word of man? If that be that case-and we all know that it is-then Mark, Luke, John didn't plagiarize Matthew's account of the gospel.

God merely spoke it to Mark, Luke and John and they wrote it in THEIR hand.

How is it in the Early Church, the apostles/disciples, all those who wrote the Word...did not go around talking of a 'copycat anointing.'  

So where did that phrase come from?

A divisive, prideful spirit is one that masquerades itself as 'prophetic' or 'apostolic' (if I may use those religious terms)...and gets all lifted and puffed up when God speaks a word through them, whether it be in song, on letter or by mouth.

What a lot of people do not realize is that we are only VESSELS.

Just like Mark, Luke and John didn't take Matthew to court to sue them because they 'stole his story' or 'told it in another way,' so do those who say they are saved, and hearing from God...simply need to act like it.

Does it REALLY matter WHO heard God first?  Isn't the most important thing that YOU heard from God?  

There is NO SUCH THING as a copycat anointing!

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Thank You For Telling Me You're Gay...and You're HIV+

You know, with all this talk of Jason Collins 'coming out' of the closet and all, I have had a chance to rethink some things.

As it pertains, to relationships between gay men and straight women...the new 'mixed marriages...'

Modern day psychologists have used this term to describe relationships/marriages between men who are gay   (or bisexual...) and women who are straight.

The dynamics behind this type of relationship/marriage is very complicated.

I remember when it was just one man, one woman.

Now you can have a variation of what 'marriage' means...and complicated relationships are more the norm than the exception to the rule.

I want to talk about relationships where a woman enters into one with a man she presumes is STRAIGHT, and the guy (maybe intentionally, maybe unintentionally) does not share with the woman that he is gay or bisexual.

Some men won't share this with the woman because they are intentionally wanting to deceive the woman.  They married the woman as a cover.  He most likely works in a field that is considered 'masculine,' such as a minister, a police officer, or in the military.

He knows he will catch much flack on the job and maybe in his community if it were to get out if he were gay.  So he plays the role of a straight man-beautiful wife, 2.5 kids, white picket fence, 2 cars (one a minivan).  The other life he frequents the gay bar, perusing for a gay lover.  Or he may have a gay lover on the side...lives two and three different lives.

In the movie "Cover,' there is a great example of what can happen when a man does this.  I won't spoil it for you.  See it for yourself:

I titled this the way I did because I have some experience with dating (and almost marrying) a man with his own sexual struggles.  

I can say my story differs from Jason Collins' or the guy in Cover...my ex fiance disclosed with me from the onset of our romantic involvement of his sexual struggles...and his HIV status.  

At the time, I really couldn't appreciate the fact that AT LEAST he was honest with me.  As I look around and see SO MANY men are just plain scary, deceptive and maybe just plain old confused when it pertains  not to their sexuality but in the dark about their HIV status.

I can honestly say I am one of the blessed women that KNEW what was going on.  I accepted the proposal because I believed he had been 'converted' from his homosexuality...and that I could deal with his HIV+ status.

As the relationship went on, however, I realized that I could not deal...with both.

The homosexuality, well, let's just say as a woman, FOR ME anyway, it was important for me to know that the man I was going to marry was going to want ME and ONLY ME.  And I just couldn't accept that he didn't want ME.

How did I know?

A woman knows.  A woman knows when a man wants her...and when he does not.

And the closer I came to the day, I couldn't just play along to get along.  

The HIV+ status...well, HIV is a serious thing.  Yes, there are ways to protect yourself.  But, again, I couldn't deal with marrying someone who may be terminally ill.  That was too much of a strain to place on ANY marriage.

So I called off the wedding.

So part of my writing this is to thank him for his honesty....Thank you.

The other reason I write this is because I want to admonish men out there who are struggling with their sexuality.  They are (or at least THINK they are) attracted to other men.  And are in a relationship with a woman.

I want you to be HONEST with the woman in your life.

Don't go and get married to a woman because it would be a good career move, or ministry move.  Or you want to impress your family and friends.  Or even to convince yourself that you are 'heterosexual.'  

Don't use that woman as your 'conversion tool.'  Even the most desirable, beautiful, holy or whatever type of woman won't be enough to 'convert' you from homosexuality to heterosexuality.

I'm not even addressing the biblical aspect of this here....I am just talking to you .... woman to man.

As a woman who has been in a 'complicated' relationship (or two), I have to tell you.  It could backfire on you.  You might be going to the wedding dinner TONIGHT.  The invitations are out.  Everyone has flown into town and your bride-to-be may be brimming over with excitement about the wedding...

But if you even THINK you swing 'that way,' if you even THINK you're gay, or attracted to other men, CALL IT OFF!

Don't lie to this woman,  Don't lead her on.  Would you want someone to do that TO YOU????


That is information that you MUST share with the other person WAY AHEAD of time.  Don't wait til you've been together with the person for 1 year...or 2.  THEN tell them.  

Because IF you happen to sleep together, and that other person gets HIV, YOU can go to JAIL!

Plus, how ethical is that?  

Give that person the chance to work through whether or not they want to go forward with you in a (romantic) relationship with the HIV.  That is really heavy news...and they have the right to know.

And I know that getting tested for HIV is not a requirement in most states before getting a marriage license...but I HIGHLY encourage getting tested.  NOT just for the wedding...but (unless you're BOTH virgins) throughout the relationship.

NO matter your age, your vocation, your marital status, your status in ministry, or whatever.  If you have EVER had sex, GET TESTED!  KNOW YOUR STATUS!


CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK "The Makings Of A False Prophet"

The Makings Of A False Prophet
by Wenona Russ

'The Makings of a False Prophet' is a book that looks at the motives for wanting to be in ministry as well as serving as a tool one in ministry can use to gauge where they are in the HEARTS as it pertains to ministry. Many a TRUE prophet turned false as a result of not taking heed to the very foundational and practical things the author shares in her 50-pg book. THIS is the stuff they WON'T tell you in Bible College or the School of the Prophets and/or Apostles! ‎'The Makings of a False Prophet digs deep into the heart and soul to determine the authenticity of a genuine call from the Lord, and how to keep that authenticity pure and undefiled. You will be blessed by this book if you are truly ready to examine yourself and see not only if you are in the faith, but if you are really called. It is an eye-opening and realistic view at what ministry is-and what it is NOT. Great teaching tool for any ministerial class on ANY level.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Church Are FULL of Accomplices and Accessories!

Now, before you bite my head off, let me pre-qualify this.  Before you say I'm being unloving, cold, mean and the such to good-hearted church people, hear me out....

There ARE good people in church.  No doubt.  Some are actually SAVED.  But it is a VERY few who are....another post for another time.

When I say that the church is FULL of accessories, I'm NOT talking about hats, purses, belts, or jewelry.

I am referring to the legal term ACCESSORY.

Read below what an accessory is...(there are three different kind, btw)

According to http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/accessory, an accessory is:

Aiding or contributing in a secondary way or assisting in or contributing to as a subordinate.

In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission.

One who aids, abets, commands, or counsels another in the commission of a crime.

There are accessoriesaccessories before the fact, and accessories after the fact.  (I worked at B.C. Law School for a BUNCH of lawyers...as well as for another lawyer in the N.O. area at S.U.N.O. in New Orleans....I learned a LOT!)

Accessories BEFORE the fact are those people who sets up a crime, orders it, or helps in the commission of it....not necessarily hands on, but there is a definite connection.  An example of this would be a wife that orders the hit on her husband to be murdered.  She would be an accessory to the crime in the murder of her husband because she ordered it, possibly paid for it.  She set it up BEFORE the crime actually was committed.  

Accessories AFTER the fact are the people who know about the crime, and help to CONCEAL the crime...or hide the criminal, help him/her to escape justice.  Someone who drives a getaway car for a guy who robs a liquor store would be an accessory AFTER the crime has already been committed.  

NOW....that I've gotten THAT out of the way....

How many people do YOU know (I know MANY) people who know of things going on in the church (A LOT of it CRIMINAL behavior!) and they won't say A THING about it?  

They will conceal it, they will help hide pastor and first lady out, they will help conceal that pedophile, that rapist, that thief, that murderer (YES!  I have read of cases where a preacher in Alabama killed his wife, put her in the deep freezer, the CHURCH KNEW something happened, and they would NOT go to authorities!    See Preacher Says Seeing Stepdaughter in Chocolate Negligee Was Too Much...)

The community, the church KNEW something was wrong.  They knew the daughters were being molested.  And impregnated.  The daughters KNEW their MOTHER was STUFFED inside of a deep freezer......FOR FOUR YEARS! And no one said a thing!  I read in another article that even though everyone had suspicions, no one came forward .... because they were scared!  They said because he was considered 'a prophet' 

In the church culture, to reveal the crime/sins of another is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO taboo, so looked down upon, often called 'unloving,' that many who go to church (as well as a few who do not) still hold to the mindset that exposure of a crime and/or sin is wrong!

They often misquote the scripture 'Love covers a multitude of sins...'  

But what these same people fail to realize is that LOVE ALSO JUDGES SINS.  The LOVE OF GOD through His Holy Ghost, convicts sin.  

And if the sin committed happens to be a crime, then it is only JUST and RIGHT for the guilty to face punishment.  

They DESERVE to experience the love of God not just in concealing sin or 'covering it up.'  As a matter of fact, the Word tells us that concealed sin can NOT be forgiven...or healed (Proverbs 28:13)

Proverbs 28:13
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Mercy can only be administered when one CONFESSES and FORSAKES their sins!

When we go to the mercy seat and obtain favor from God - and grace (empowerment to NOT sin) - we won't get that mercy .... unless we first GO to the THRONE! (Heb. 4:16)

The church system has lied to so many...and in this culture of lies and deception, many have fallen prey to its predators.  

And even MORE have SILENTLY sat back and said NOTHING of the crimes that goes on within her walls!!!!!


In my post, Judgment Against The Church....GUILTY!, I point out that the church is under judgment (doesn't the Word says judgment WILL begin IN THE HOUSE OF GOD? Never mind in Hollywood or in the government!).  

When a judgment is handed down in a court of law, all who are affiliated with the crime are judged as well.  Accomplices and accessories as well....oftentimes, once the evidence has been presented to the jury, that is when the accessories and accomplices get issued warrants.  Because it is THEN found out that others partook of the crime.

What a LOT of people in church do NOT realize is that when they harbor a fugitive, a pedophile, a thief, an extortioner, that they are actually ACCESSORIES to a crime.  

But even more disturbing are the church people who cover up for their pastors, their elders, their bishops, their leaders...and they REALLY believe that they are doing what God says.  

They forget the Word of God that says to we are not to be a partaker of another's sins (1 Tim 5:22, Rev. 18:4, 2 Cor. 6:13-17)

They forget where the Word says that if you cover up sins, you are a partaker of said sin, and will suffer the same judgment as the guilty.  (Rev 18:4)

Because that scripture is in Revelations, a lot of people believe this is for a far-off time, in the far away future.

This is NOT the case.

We are really in the end times...folks are marrying and given in marriage, feasting, partying, the love of many is waxing cold, children are disobedient to EVEN THE BEST of parents, false doctrine is taught MORE than the TRUTH....

We need to start taking the Word seriously.

Not twisting it.  But studying it like never before.  And TRULY understanding what it says.

Don't be a partaker of another person's sins.  Don't cover up sin ..... NO MORE!

If the person wants mercy, the Word says there IS a PROCESS to obtaining mercy.

Yes, mercies are new every morning...but YOU MUST DO SOMETHING TO OBTAIN IT.

Read your Word....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Have YOU Been Treading On the Forces Of Darkness?

If you have (been 'treading') ...


One initiated by the enemy to wear you down, to cause you to burnout.  To get you in 'the wrong fight.'

(There is a LOT of ground to cover...so bear with me...)

I went to church for over 20 years-saved and 'full of the Holy Ghost.'  I was what some folks call 'a prayer warrior.'  For those of you not familiar with 'charismatic/pentecostal' lingo, a prayer warrior is someone who has been deemed (by other church folks, NOT by God) to be so effective and powerful in prayer that they are often 'sought out' to pray for the needs (and wants) of others.

I used to work as a prayer partner for the Daystar Network.  Yep....I was the one you would reach when you would call the 800 number and ask for prayer.  (Not quite sure HOW I was somehow 'transferred' to that department, when I started out doing data entry for Daystar! )  I also was the head of prayer teams in a few churches.  So I am familiar with the term 'spiritual warfare,' as well as the whole mentality and fervor behind such thinking.

I watched church folks, church lingo, the actions and practices of church people for a long time.  Yes, I judged, too.  But by judging those around me, I was able (by the grace of God!) to finally GET OUT of a corrupted church system devoid of the Spirit of God.

And I am going to share with you the gross fallacy of what these people call 'spiritual warfare.'

You know, when you're in church, praying down the heavens, hollering in tongues, anointing EVERYTHING with cooking oil, olive oil, castor oil, maybe even baby oil, you really believe that you are conducting 'spiritual warfare.'  You really believe that you are moving the heavens and 'casting down imaginations,' tearing down the gates of the enemy...'taking back what the enemy stole from me!'

But when you get OUT of churchanity - and search the scriptures for yourself - you come to realize it was ALL a farce!

Now, I'm not degrading the power of the prayer of a SAVED, RIGHTEOUS, BORN AGAIN believer.  As a matter of fact, I concur that according to scripture, the effectual, fervent prayer of the RIGHTEOUS avails MUCH!

But what a LOT of people do NOT understand is that the effectiveness and the fervency of the prayer has absolutely NOTHING to do with how loud we pray, how many tongues are spoken, how much you sweat, roll in the floor, cry, wail, get slain in the spirit....it has NOTHING to do with ANY outward manifestation you may see or do.

The effectiveness and fervency of one's prayer is determined NOT on one's performance during prayer.  It's NOT determined by how long one fast, or how many tongues they rattle off.  It's NOT determined by any outward calisthenics one displays during a prayer meeting (like we have all seen in church prayer meetings).  It has NOTHING to do with the outward display of emotion.  


I just want to blast this LIE about there being ANY 'prayer warriors' among believers!  This is not supported NOWHERE in the scriptures!

What you DO have invariably are SAVED folks who simply had the faith to believe God for what they prayed for...and God granted them the request!

Read James 5:15-17.

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

Do you see that?  It is not 'because this person is so powerful, therefore THEIR prayer will be answered!'  According to THIS passage of scripture, anyone with the faith to believe will see a healing...and if they are not saved, the Word says 'their sins SHALL be forgiven them.'

Then right before that scripture we ALL have misquoted and misapplied to mean something that it does not...'the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much....,' the Word tells us HOW that prayer IS effective, fervent...

Confess your faults...one to another.  Pray ..... for one another!

It seems like to me this fallacy in the church system that sets certain people aside as 'prayer warriors,' or those who have been deemed BY THE SPIRIT OF RELIGION as so powerful, so anointed, so effective in prayer, that now THEY are the only ones who can 'get a prayer through!'



This truth also blows apart the whole 'deliverance' ministry thing in the church, too.

I have written on the topic of deliverance before...but as I was sitting down one day, it occurred to me that - amidst all the buzz and hoopla on deliverance - that many still don't fully understand what IS deliverance.

When we hear of someone talking about deliverance, most church folks immediately revert back to the picture of folks up at a church altar, someone laying hands on them, someone puking up their guts, etc.

And I guess because of all the sensationalism and focus on the flesh this 'mode' of deliverance entails, most people become quite fixated and fascinated with it.

But the fact of the matter is that THAT is NOT necessary in most cases where someone is in need of 'deliverance.'

I think we should stop using the term 'deliverance' so much and think of it as 'a renewing of the mind.' Or 'an empowering of oneself to liberty.

The bondage is seldom an outward one...it mostly always entails an inner struggle. A faulty way of thinking or perceiving circumstances or people around you. A lie the enemy has planted in one's mind and that persistence of that lie (a stronghold).

When you find a person who cannot think or perceive correctly what's really going on, they have a stronghold. That whole mentality they have (i.e.'...everyone's always rejecting me or talking about me...,' '...this one's my enemy; that one's my enemy...') when that is not true, that represents a stronghold.

The Word says we are to 'cast DOWN imaginations,' and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are to bring into captivity, reign that (false) thought, that lie...whatever it is...unto the obedience of Christ.

Twice in the New Testament, the word 'deliverance' shows up. And in both instances, they speak to what Jesus Christ did for us at Calvary, the remission and forgiveness of sins.

Deliverance word in Hebrews 11:35

a) a releasing effected by payment of ransom
b) redemption, deliverance
c) liberation procured by the payment of a ransom

Deliverance word in Luke 4:18


a) release from bondage or imprisonment
b) forgiveness or pardon, of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty

Calvary was the ultimate 'deliverance' session! Once and for ALL...for ALL mankind!

This whole focus on the outer and ignoring of the inner is the ultimate deception.

The teaching on deliverance, prayer warriors, and spiritual warfare that has spread like wildfire in the church is a lie sent from the enemy to get you on a wheel....spinning round and round.  One where you will never stop until you jump OFF the (church) wheel.  

Then when you look at that wheel from afar off, you will be able to see how the church has bamboozled you into believing yet another lie!

Plainly put...most, if not all, 'deliverance' has to take place in US. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other person, or group of people, or enemies, or frienemies, or 'haters,' or the 'ites.'

All that type of thinking does is deceive and brings one to paranoia!

Fear and paranoia are the main elements the enemy uses to make CHURCH FOLKS and folks with church-like mentalities believe that the 'warfare' we are supposed to be in is based solely on THE OUTSIDE OF US.

This is what is behind the pushing of the spiritual warfare teaching in the church.

If the enemy can get YOU to believe that a demon tormenting you on the outside is the main reason for the way YOU think, or the way YOU perceive things, or the way YOU interpret certain truths...then he has done his job.  He has 'effectively' deceived you into getting focused on an outward battle, getting you enthralled and engrossed on a battle on the outside, and caused you to lose focus on what's wrong IN YOU.  What type of mentality, thinking, character flaws, strongholds IN YOU that has you believing what you believe.

That has you believing that demons are standing at your bedside, waiting to pounce on you...like you're so powerful and scary.  Like ALL demons have to do is torment YOU.

It actually feeds into a narcissistic mindset that has permeated the organized church system.  Now EVERYTHING that goes wrong is 'an attack' on the church!  Smh.  

(Maybe, just maybe, its just a fulfillment of prophecy, already written in scriptures!)

And just like the entire church system has got this ME-ISM mentality, its me and against the world, the enemy is attacking me on every hand...so I got to 'command my morning...'

That kind of teaching is faulty.  It genders fear and paranoia.  That can grow into mental illness!

And we wonder why more and more church folks are killing themselves?  And others?

They have been feeding into fear and paranoia by believing this lie of 'spiritual warfare.'  And have lost complete focus on TEARING DOWN FALSE BELIEF SYSTEMS, STRONGHOLDS, LIES, DECEPTIONS ingrained IN THEM.  

Like I said earlier, the deliverance MOST need is INNER DELIVERANCE.  INNER HEALING.  They need their MINDS renewed.  

  • If a lust demon is always after you, maybe that just means you need to kill YOUR flesh!
  • If an angry, rageful demon is always making you fight or want to hurt someone, maybe you need to CONTROL your emotions.  Allow the Holy Spirit to KILL YOUR FLESH so that need to be right or to defend yourself is KILLED.
  • If a spirit of poverty seems to plague you and your family, maybe you just need to get up off your face, go get you a plate of spaghetti, and then go look for a JOB.  And live within your means!
  • If depression seems to plague you, go visit a nursing home, or a hospital, or an hospice.  Go see some folks who are about to take their last breaths.  It brings a whole new perspective to feeling sorry for yourself and always blaming a demon for YOUR lack of courage and faith!
It's NOT your family.  It's NOT your 'church.'  It's NOT your husband or wife.  It's NOT your co-worker.  It's NOT Obama or the government.  It's NOT that hottie that just strutted in front of you almost naked, or that dude with those speedos on.  It's NOT your boss or supervisor.  It's NOT the Illuminati.  It's NOT your neighbor.  

IT IS YOU!!!!!!!

Now...STOP treading on the forces of darkness.  You are just spinning your wheels and the enemy is gaining an even stronger hold on YOUR thought processes.  

So plainly put...(I promise; this is the end!), there IS no spiritual warfare, not for a born again believer anyways.  

The Word says the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty - THRU GOD - how?  To the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS!

Strongholds are IN US.  IN our thought processes.  In our minds.  Our souls.  NOT lurking over the air over a certain region or country (remember that whole 'territorial spirits' teaching, made popular by that preacher in California, I think his name was Bernal?)

Yes, spiritual wickedness in high places, principalities, powers, (fallen angels) DO exist.  But we don't FIGHT against them.  Not like some fist fight, or wielding some (physical) sword.  We CAN'T behead a SPIRIT!  We cannot 'beat up' a demon!  We cannot b***h slap a spiritual being!

Read 1 Corinthians 9:25-27.  

Paul speaks of we don't fight 'as one that beats against the air.'  

And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

If you read the ENTIRE chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, Paul speaks of LIVING the gospel.  The power is in living it...NOT in all this 'I'm more powerful than you, I can run faster than you, my prayer is more effective than you...' crap that is being taught in churches.  

We are in a race...and then in verse 27, Paul speaks on HOW we are to live this thing.  

Keeping our body IN SUBJECTION.  Killing OUR FLESH.  Casting DOWN imaginations.  False religious teachings.  Doctrines of devils.  Enduring til the end.

That's how we 'fight.'  By staying saved.  By doing what we are supposed to be doing.  

I am convinced the reason why most folks set up 'prayer warriors' and 'deliverance ministries' (within the church system) is because most of these folks are not saved...so they don't have a leg to stand on...you know, when the Word says in Ephesians 6:12-14.


The good fight of faith Paul told Timothy about was NOT a physical one.  According to 1 Timothy 6:1-11, the way to fight the good fight of faith is to flee GREED and COVETOUSNESS.  AVOID seeking after prosperity.  Not getting into debates over the scriptures.  

Read it for yourself!

Everywhere in NEW TESTAMENT scripture, I don't see where a born again believer is supposed to be engaged in any type of 'warfare' in the natural.  I don't see Paul mention one time 'cutting off the head of the enemy.'  I don't read where Timothy or John the Revelator were 'prayer warriors' or 'deliverance' ministers.

ANYONE who was born again can pray, can expect to receive answer to prayer, and received 'the measure of faith.'

It's just high time you RENEW your minds....and USE YOUR FAITH the way GOD INTENDED you to use it.  

If you would do that, your life will be a WHOLE lot more peaceful.  You won't find yourself 'in warfare' every day.  Satan WILL flee.