Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Facebook Wars: The Art of Agreeing (or Disagreeing)

'How can two walk together except they agree?'  Amos 3:3

We all have heard this scripture used in sermons and teachings before.  

I have watched certain groups, fellowships and the such in my 20 + years of being saved, and I have found something to be VERY true.

Birds of a feather DO flock together.

Like people will be drawn to one another.  Good or bad.  

In AND outside of church, human behavior almost dictates that people who are alike tend to flock together. Flocking is a tendency that humans and sheep share.  

To flock:  1.  A group of animals that live, travel, or feed together.  2. A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church.  3. A large crowd or number

I studied sheep...and I found it interesting that sheep not only flock together, but they will follow a leader together...even if that leader, say, leads them straight into a lake or river...to drown to their death.

Sheep blindly and wholeheartedly follow a leader-known as a shepherd-wherever they go.  Even if the 'leader' starts out on a right path, but gets off track and goes another way.

"...Sheep are flock animals and strongly gregarious; much sheep behavior can be understood on the basis of these tendencies. The dominance hierarchy of sheep and their natural inclination to follow a leader to new pastures were the pivotal factors in sheep being one of the first domesticated livestock species.  Furthermore, in contrast to the red deer and gazelle (two other ungulates of primary importance to meat production in prehistoric times), sheep do not defend territories although they do form home ranges All sheep have a tendency to congregate close to other members of a flock, although this behavior varies with breed and sheep can become stressed when separated from their flock members.  During flocking, sheep have a strong tendency to follow and a leader may simply be the first individual to move. Relationships in flocks tend to be closest among related sheep: in mixed-breed flocks, subgroups of the same breed tend to form, and a ewe and her direct descendants often move as a unit within large flocks..." from Wikipedia 

I think I quoted this before in my post about pastors....

But anyway, its good information...

This may seem like a great quality to have...and the Word even speaks of sheep...and goats.  Sheep are supposed to be good; goats are supposed to be bad.  But this is from the viewpoint of the leader...the sheep or the goats' 'teachability' supposedly determines their goodness, their loyalty, their faithfulness, and, some leaders will even go as far as to say you're not saved if you don't do EVERYTHING they want you to do.

I was once under a leader like this, in the oneness movement.  I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter, full of fluid, and I refused to sell pecan candy for the church (the pastor).  My feet were swollen up like tree stumps and I just couldn't see myself going out in the 90 degree weather in front of Walmart to sell some pecan candy!  

So the pastor call himself 'cursing me' from the pulpit, kicked me out the church and told me I was not saved!


It wasn't funny then, though.  

For someone who was HEAVILY under the influence of religion, I had to walk 3 miles home in extremely hot weather...with tree stump ankles.  Crying and balling my eyes out because I believed this preacher who told me I wasn't saved!  Why?  Because I didn't sell some pecan candy in front of Walmart!!!

I can laugh at it now....and I don't want to stay on this too long.  But I shared this to show you all how much power and control these leaders can abuse when you GIVE IT TO THEM.

But I want to talk about WHY do people have a hard time with other people disagreeing with them????

How come in religious (or religious like settings) is disagreement automatically seen as betrayal?  The one who disagrees with how a leader interprets things, or teaches things, or maybe how they run things...if someone has the guts to say anything, or just decides to leave because they KNOW the leader does not handle confrontation well, the person is then deemed an enemy?

THIS kind of flock behavior is EXACTLY why there are so many denominations, churches, fellowships and the such.  

I like the term 'agree to disagree.'  

It absolves either party from feeling like the other is the enemy ... just because the two disagree.

I will also say this...it is ok to be sheep...but the Word of God says to be HARMLESS as doves, but WISE as serpents!  Jesus Christ says he sends us out as SHEEP....AMONG WOLVES.

Do you know what that means?

Yes, it is good to be sheep.  But not so you can be UNWISE...or NOT BE AWARE of the wolves that are circling around you - and their agenda. 

Serpents have a STRONG sensitivity to what's going on around them - a 'type' of discernment.  Their bellies that they crawl around upon is the most sensitive parts of their bodies.  They can literally feel when something is coming their way.  When you see a snake hiss, they are not hissing to cause you harm.  Their forked tongues have sensors on the tip that can sense change of motion in the air.  Just by sticking out their forked tongues, snakes can tell if someone is approaching.

And when a snake attacks, it is not just to catch prey, but it is a form of protection.  

Snakes can be killed as well.  So because they have no feet and legs to run from danger, because they have to slither on the ground, even though they do it really fast...their first mode of defense is to attack.  

There is a REASON why God tells us to be WISE as serpents.

God wants us to be AWARE, HYPER-AWARE, as a matter of fact, to what is REALLY going on around us.  

God knew that there would be wolves - hirelings - that would attempt to lead the sheep.  And that the very nature of sheep is to be led.  And if sheep do not OPERATE IN WISDOM/DEFENSE MODE, they stand a great chance to be led astray!

God is calling us to be WISE SHEEP THAT ARE AWARE of what is REALLY going on.


I suggest you SEEK THE TRUE SHEPHERD and not man...

Man always ends up becoming wolves....

There IS an art to disagreeing, and most have not realized it.  Or practiced it.

This is why it is WISE to just part ways, let things be what they are.  If two or more parties disagree on a thing, then they should agree to amicably part ways and move on with their lives.

I titles this Facebook Wars because it seems that many in this arena simply do not know how to 'agree to disagree.'  Everybody's trying to be right.  Set folks straight.  Defend the faith....We don't have to defend ANYTHING.  Jesus Christ PAID it all on Calvary!

Folks on Facebook need to learn to let dead dogs lie.  Agree to disagree.  Stop calling folks enemies just because they didn't agree WITH YOU.


And every disagreement is NOT meant for debate or discussion.  Just let it be.  You walk your way.  And the other party walks their way....

So let's put away the bats and the knives....let's 'study war no more.'  

It's really not that serious.  Really.

How can two walk together...except they AGREE?  


Andre and Natalie said...

Awesome post! I too was considered to be "the enemy" after my old Pastor found out that I now don't go to church anymore and that I hold a different view on what "church" is all about.

I enjoyed reading this, thanks!

Detoxed From Churchanity said...

You're more than welcome, Andre and Natalie! What a beautiful family! God Bless you and continue seeking God and not man

Unknown said...

Hi, I want to take the time to respond to this writing, and I first want to thank Gid for the author, and theyre work, this is needed in the church, I am an executive pastor in an apostolic church in a rural town in the south, and much of what you described here is unfortunately apart of the modern operation on the church, I for one have devoted much of my ministry in revealing hope, faith, potential, and love, that God wants mankind to discover and experience. I found it sad when I received my cslling, and was able to see behind the curtain, some if the things , you are discussing, I have received rejection and persecution for speaking out against this, both at my church, facebook, you tube, and at guest churches, I beleive that God called us ministers as gifts to people, and not to be exhaulted or worshiped by people. I want you to know that there are Good men who are sold out to theyre convictions , that Gid put in them, and not lusting after filthy lucre, or the consumption of the saints, and community, just keep in mind that theyre are ones that genuinely love people, and desires to see people reach theyre fullest potential, I lost alot in my personal life for embracing my convictions and faith, I was in part part of a denomination, that has dipped theyre foot in the new church view of ministry , when I began to seriously persue the direction that God gave me, ( seeking out and ministering to the poor, to help people that had nothing.) It required me to move my membership, and commute to a rual and much forgotten oart of my state, and it required great sacrifice on my part, because those people were generational y overlooked, 99 persent of the saints and including some bishops said in didnt make "sense" what I was doing, I responded with that it didnt to me either, but I know it was God, my family and wife did not agree either, they ultimately gave me an ultimatum, either quit my pursuit, or move, in the midst of my oersonal strife, some of the church folks got involved and encourage d them to take sides with the group that disagree d with me leaving, finding out later that the central issue was that the group I was serving was in competition with the ones whom I was sen by God to serve, ultimately I was given a bad rep in my church circle, I lost my marriage, my home, had financial hardship for years, but the good news is that after 10 years of standing up for the lord, the vendication manifested and Gid should the world that I was called, souls saved, ministy in that region has grown and expsnded, and it has inspired many from that region to inprove theyre lives, in this economy, God has brought jobs to that area, and on and on, and we are even reaching back and beeing a blessing to those that 10 years ealier, tried to distroy me, I want to also apologize on the behave of the entire pastor core threw out the word for the actions of some of us, and I pray that first ,God sends healing and restoration to all that were wounded, and stolen from, and that God sends correction to the number that is causing harm. God bless and keep holdind up the banner of hollliness!