"Hurt Feelings During the Healing Process
During the healing process, Iyanla says, there will be moments when the Pace Sisters, gospel singers who've struggled with obesity, feel uncomfortable. After a tense discussion around the dining table, Leslie Pace told producers she felt attacked by Iyanla. Watch as Iyanla discusses the conflict with Leslie and asks the sisters to look inward before pointing fingers at her."
It is no secret how I view Iyanla 'fixing' everyone's life. But for those of you who don't know my stance on that, here goes: Iyanla is a Yoruban priestess. Yoruba is this African religion that goes off into some weird, satanic, voo doo, pre-destination, humanistic stuff that I don't have time to get into. But if you click on the Yoruba link, I PROMISE you what you read of it will send you reeling!
With that in mind, I wonder how is it that this voo doo (ahem, excuse me. I mean Yoruban) priestess has all of a sudden become so all-knowing, so 'powerful,' so sought after in the African American community? Even by those who claim Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Lord, those who say they love God, are anointed...saved AND sanctified.....
Don't get me wrong: I love the singing of these girls. I STILL am blessed by 'Just Because God Said It' by LaShun. These girls could sing CIRCLES around the Clark Sisters....
It concerns me that not only the Pace Sisters, but so many are eating the gobbly gook of Iyanla as if she were a bonafide prophetess who spoke at one of T.D. Jakes' WTAL conferences?
I can relate to the pain the Pace sisters are going through. I, too, was molested as a girl by church leader(s). I, too, trusted and almost married a DL man who was HIV+. I grew up in church as well. Many called me 'anointed,' too. I used to sing (I won't say NEARLY as good as any of these girls! LOL); had a chance at recording and being in the gospel music industry.
Yall know my story...
But I'm not gonna get on TV and let some priestess 'minister' to me! That's for sure!
According to http://iyanlavanzant.com/about/, Iyanla is 'one of America's most profound spiritual leaders and acclaimed empowerment legends.'
Why? Because she is spiritual????
Everything or everyone spiritual is NOT saved, folks! The problem with the church is they are seeking 'spiritual by-any-means-necessary folks.' Meaning, they don't care if you're spiritual and the spirit you're carrying is from the devil...as long as you can 'make something happen in the spirit,' they are cool with you.
People...y'all need to be CAREFUL with that. You can't go messing with all kinds of spirits that are NOT of God then wonder why all hell is breaking loose in your house!
When Leslie Pace say she felt offended by what Iyanla said to her, I was like, 'Well, yeah! HELLO...that (spirit) in Iyanla was mocking YOUR GOD (that you say you have) in you!' Religious spirits LOVE to mock!
These girls would have done better going seek counseling in the privacy of a LICENSED, QUALIFIED therapist to deal with their issues...than to come on this woman's show and air out all their dirty laundry....
The Pace Sisters have been through some stuff...we all know. One sister came out as a lesbian a couple of years ago:
It is no secret how I view Iyanla 'fixing' everyone's life. But for those of you who don't know my stance on that, here goes: Iyanla is a Yoruban priestess. Yoruba is this African religion that goes off into some weird, satanic, voo doo, pre-destination, humanistic stuff that I don't have time to get into. But if you click on the Yoruba link, I PROMISE you what you read of it will send you reeling!
With that in mind, I wonder how is it that this voo doo (ahem, excuse me. I mean Yoruban) priestess has all of a sudden become so all-knowing, so 'powerful,' so sought after in the African American community? Even by those who claim Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Lord, those who say they love God, are anointed...saved AND sanctified.....
Don't get me wrong: I love the singing of these girls. I STILL am blessed by 'Just Because God Said It' by LaShun. These girls could sing CIRCLES around the Clark Sisters....
It concerns me that not only the Pace Sisters, but so many are eating the gobbly gook of Iyanla as if she were a bonafide prophetess who spoke at one of T.D. Jakes' WTAL conferences?
I can relate to the pain the Pace sisters are going through. I, too, was molested as a girl by church leader(s). I, too, trusted and almost married a DL man who was HIV+. I grew up in church as well. Many called me 'anointed,' too. I used to sing (I won't say NEARLY as good as any of these girls! LOL); had a chance at recording and being in the gospel music industry.
Yall know my story...
But I'm not gonna get on TV and let some priestess 'minister' to me! That's for sure!
According to http://iyanlavanzant.com/about/, Iyanla is 'one of America's most profound spiritual leaders and acclaimed empowerment legends.'
Why? Because she is spiritual????
Everything or everyone spiritual is NOT saved, folks! The problem with the church is they are seeking 'spiritual by-any-means-necessary folks.' Meaning, they don't care if you're spiritual and the spirit you're carrying is from the devil...as long as you can 'make something happen in the spirit,' they are cool with you.
People...y'all need to be CAREFUL with that. You can't go messing with all kinds of spirits that are NOT of God then wonder why all hell is breaking loose in your house!
When Leslie Pace say she felt offended by what Iyanla said to her, I was like, 'Well, yeah! HELLO...that (spirit) in Iyanla was mocking YOUR GOD (that you say you have) in you!' Religious spirits LOVE to mock!
These girls would have done better going seek counseling in the privacy of a LICENSED, QUALIFIED therapist to deal with their issues...than to come on this woman's show and air out all their dirty laundry....
The Pace Sisters have been through some stuff...we all know. One sister came out as a lesbian a couple of years ago:
Member of Anointed Pace Sister Comes Out As Gay
This sister who came out a couple of years ago still has not been 'healed' of her issues. She went on OWN a couple of years ago hoping that 'coming out' and appearing on OWN would help her.
Another sister testifies here of how she contracted STDs and HIV from (Im assuming) her husband:
This sister who came out a couple of years ago still has not been 'healed' of her issues. She went on OWN a couple of years ago hoping that 'coming out' and appearing on OWN would help her.
Another sister testifies here of how she contracted STDs and HIV from (Im assuming) her husband:
And in an excerpt from "For My Good, But For His Glory," LaShun Pace shares her feelings about getting married to her first husband...and what happens immediately after...
"Now looking back over my life, I wished somebody would have thrown a sheet over my head, threw me in a car, and took off on a long ride to anywhere. As I was looking at wedding pictures, all the guys looked a little soft...They say that love is blind, but wanting to be free and grown so fast can also make you blind.
It was only 2 months after our marriage vows when my love answered the phone and on the other end was 'Dr. AIDS.' Then he said, 'Honey, the phone's for you. I said hello, and the doctor asked if my love had talked to me. I asked concerning what? He went on to say that they had that they had found the virus which causes AIDS in my love's body and that I needed to get to his office right away for testing. He finished telling me of the danger I was in; that the end results would be death, and having children would be no possibility.
He told me about the virus, I burst into tears, and the thought of us both dying was too much to bear. Questions were filling my head, all I could say was, 'Ive just gotten married! What is going on? This was back in 1986, I had heard of the alternative lifestyles of other people but I didn't know about the disease..."
All of this brings me to this ONE ALL-Important question:
Now, I understand. The church system has failed millions of people. So once you keep going through the same thing (IN YOUR CHURCH) over and over again, you will automatically seek help outside of her (the harlot church) for relief. I truly understand.
BUT you cannot, and I want to stress CANNOT, get help from the 'stuff' that you got in church from someone WHO IS NOT SAVED!!!!!!
Iyanla is NOT saved. She does not even believe in God, even though she may talk OF God. I mean, come on! She is hanging buddies with Oprah! Read up on the Yoruban religion.
She is part of the spirit of Antichrist. HOW can someone who doesn't believe in God EVER help you????
You've been hurt in church?
Molested by church leaders?
Turned out by the bishop?
The apostle gave you AIDS?
You do better just going to counseling. If you need the name of a good one WHO IS SAVED, email me at goconnmca@gmail.com. I will refer you to one!
If you're struggling with your own sexuality, I want to share with you MY OWN PERSONAL STORY of deliverance and TRUE sexual healing.

"Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!" is my own story of how sexual abuse in the church led to my own struggle with my sexuality...and how GOD set me free from sexual bondage and confusion.

"Down Low Deliverance: BE SET FREE!" is my own story of how sexual abuse in the church led to my own struggle with my sexuality...and how GOD set me free from sexual bondage and confusion.
I just don't understand why folks keep seeking out these witches for help! If they are so anointed, why cant they discern what spirit is operating in this woman? I can see that spirit thru TV....I hear it when she speaks. Yet these 'anointed' women could sit down and chat with her, consult with her, prolly go to lunch and dinner with her after the filming....smh. And we wonder why the 'church' is like it is? THIS is why right here! Keep consulting these witches yall call prophetesses and 'spiritual leaders.' Its gonna get worse...
And the thing is, too....these women are coming INTO YOUR CHURCHES, ministering to you. Singing to you. Laying hands on you...and they have openly consulted on national TV with a Yoruban priestess...smh. Transferring all that INTO YOU. YOU do the math, my friends.
You're unbelievable. No wonder we run away from the church. Your judgement, your name calling, your lack of sympathy. You are focused on the wrong thing. You are seeing that they Iyanla got the root cause of their obesity and so forth. Who in the church would do that? Other than sending them home to pray. Get real church folk. Iyanla is helping folks see their reason for suffering,bad behavior and to deal with it. She's not preaching. She's guiding them into self discovery...
I AGREE!!!! Years ago I ordered a book that Iyanla wrote and between the time it was ordered and delivered, I saw her just one more time on Oprah and a red flag went up. When I received the book, I only opened it up to destroy the pages before putting it out with the trash. I didn't even want someone who was dumpster diving to end up reading it. I don't even like the sound of her voice. As for Oprah, very infrequently I will watch a show of hers just for the guests, but a person who still alludes that Jesus Christ can't possibly be the only way to God can't have any use in my life.
Thank you, AfroDee! That is exactly how I see her! Dawn...first of all, you do RIGHT to NOT go to church. I am in NO way endorsing 'churchin,' shouting, dancing or JUST praying over troubles. One of the greatest deceptions of the enemy is that he will mix a little deception with a WHOLE lotta truth. Iyanla has a thing going here, b/c she comes at you from a psychiatric, therapeutic standpoint. Which is what I endorse. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe that folks with issues of ANY kind SHOULD by ALL means seek therapy. GET TO THE ROOT of your issues. Most definitely. What I do NOT endorse is seeking help from someone who IS A YORUBAN PRIESTESS. There IS a way to discover the root of your issues, to discover yourself WITHOUT getting help from the devil and his minions. You fail to realize that there is good and there is evil. THESE ladies did right to seek help. They just sought it from the WRONG person.
Let's take a look at Iyanla's 'dealing' with DMX while we are at it. If she was so all-powerful and all knowing, why is it that his relationship with his son is worse off than before they went on the show? Why is DMX SUING Iyanla over how she handled that whole thing? I told yall...dabbling with those spirits WILL come back to haunt you! Priestesses in that religion know how to make spirits 'behave' temporarily to MIMIC healing and deliverance. To make church folks THINK they are (healed and delivered). Even works on folks NOT in church who don't know any better, just glad to see another black woman 'on top.' So to speak...and will support her to the grave. But NEVER will they TRY THE SPIRITS to see if SHE IS OF GOD. Then later on down the line, they are dealing with the same issues AND THEN SOME...why? Because they were never truly DELIVERED, HELPED or HEALED in the first place. I don't worship black folks when they're wrong. NO matter your color; if you're wrong, you're wrong. THATS what real love and compassion does....TELL THE TRUTH. Not just merely sympathize with them...
Although you feel the way that you feel about Iyanla, we cannot deny the fact that she got to the ROOT of the issue with these women and gave them a change of heart. I feel that sometimes we assume that just because we, ourselves, do not receive an anointing from a specific person means that they are not anointed. Let's all be a little more open minded.
Iyanla...anointed? The problem I have with that verbage is that we who have been erroneously taught that 'the anointing' somehow pre-qualifies folks to do whatever. But we have to understand that the DEVIL can anoint, too. Did you read when I said Iyanla is a YORUBAN PRIESTESS? The devil's main objective is to mimic deliverance and/or getting to the root of the issue. He had to make it LOOK LIKE she did SOME good...so that she can inject her spirit and GROSS error into the situation as well. The fact of the matter is she has done more harm than good in this situation. And only time will tell. The Pace Sisters could have gotten 'to the root of their issue' on the couch of ANY good psychiatrist...WITH the protection and confidentiality...AND THE LAW to back them up. They signed disclaimers with Iyanla before filming pretty much absolving her of any wrongdoing in case 'stuff' goes wrong...Im pretty sure of it. Especially after the DMX fiasco. Smh. Religious spirits trying to 'treat' religious spirits. What a HOT mess!
All I can say is, "wow"! We are certainly living in the hour where we have to understand that there is a " spiritual warfare" that has been and is taking place.We are living the hour where the devil is doing all he can to bring as much corruption and confusion. He knows that he doesn't have much time. I know the Pace Sisters personally. Yet, this blog is an eye opener for me. It's time! Wake up folks!
Detoxed, I hear what you're saying and I'll be the first to say I would not have consulted Iyanla for help, but on the contrary.... WHERE IS THE CHURCH?!?!?!?! Several years ago, I begin a women's fellowship in Nashville. I knew and had experienced some church hurt myself, but the stories that were shared during our yearly retreats were unbelievable! Men and Women of "god" (has to be the little god, because if they truly served GOD/JEHOVAH they couldn't live with themselves and do what they do) who take/took advantage of vulnerable people by being so "anointed" that they persuaded the people to give up their things (houses, cars, virginity, money, etc,) all in the name of Jesus... People have been trying to go to church leaders for years, but they were taken advantage of so they stopped. There was a woman whose son was acting "feminine", she took him to her pastor, who was married with children and who spoke against homosexuality, for help. Come to find out, her son wasn't acting as feminine and the pastor told her he'd take him under "his" wing... Guess what, he trained the boy how to act masculine, but in turn he was having sex with him for over 5 years and she didn't know it. She trusted the pastor because of what he "stood" for and what he taught and because she thought her son was delivered from homosexuality. He treated her son like he was his own, but she didn't know the price she was paying. Now, this woman doesn't want anything to do with the church or GOD. In this case, what do you do when nothing is up for discussion and everything is covered up and overlooked in the church especially if you ask questions or go against the leader? Again, I WOULD NEVER THINK to go to Iyanla for help, but I don't feel comfortable going to the church either. For me, I seek GOD's word and HIS TRUTH and I seek counsel from my family members when I just don't know. As far as the women who had stories of their "church" hurt and deception, I still pray for and with them and we pray that they'll find a church home where THE TRUTH is being taught and being lived out. In the meantime, I encourage them to continue to build a relationship with CHRIST and not with a particular religion and I continue to encourage them to seek GOD so HE can direct them to the RIGHT place. O and let me add, for most of us, when we go to the hospital/emergency room, we don't ask if the doctor is saved. We want to know if he/she is qualified to tell us what's wrong based on our symptons. You wouldn't believe how many physicians don't believe in GOD and/or worship other gods. This is why we have to seek GOD in EVERYTHING. No matter who the physician is/isn't we must pray before, during and after for HIM to cover us so we can go forth in our deliverance.
I liked the Show with The Pace Sisters. While I have never agreed with all the Ms. Vanzant has said or exposed, I believed she hit some of the issues on the head here. Part of the reason why these kids were/are all so fat and (i some cases) unhappy is because of the controlled way in which they were raised, and , as Ms. Vanzany said, the only thing that wasn't controlled was eating. More people hs been screwed up through some of the stupid, unnecessary and ignorant teaches of the "church" than through anything the secular world has to offer.
Ms Freeman, thank you for sharing your stories on this post! I hear you. And I, too, have heard many horror stories (and have a few of my own) involving church. And I agree with you 100%! I would NEVER refer ANYONE to ANY church. FOR ANY REASON. The fact of the matter is the church as we know it today is a VERY UNSAFE, UNHEALTHY environment. I would tell people and still do as you do...get to know God FOR YOURSELF. Don't be afraid to pray, read your Word, on your own. Stop putting the crux of the responsibility for YOUR spiritual healing and growth in the hands of another. The organized church setting is one full of dysfunction, and can NEVER foster mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is a task, but if one is dealing with mental issues, I say go seek professional help. And I get the analogy about the ER....but you do want a doctor who KNOWS what he/she is doing. I have had a few cases personally where I sought a 2nd opinion in the ER when I just didn't think the attending dr. knew what he/she was doing. It was pertaining my son and turns out I made the right choice....my son was admitted by the ER Admin after I complained to him about the diagnosis and premature discharge of the attending dr. Sometimes, you got to do what you got to do to get well. That was a few years ago...and my son is doing MUCH better!
Casius, I agree. MOST if not ALL that the church teaches IS ignorant foolish fables. My speaking out about the Pace sisters seeking Iyanla is NOT an endorsement of seeking help from the church. It IS an endorsement for church folks seeking professional help...when needed. Which is MOST of the time, b/c of the inevitable abuse they will endure within that institution. And while I am all for taking care of oneself mentally...of seeking professional help...I do believe there needs to be boundaries on WHO you accept help from. A yoruban priestess can never help me or my family. Someone who seeks help from the forces of darkness will make matters worse. I may not go to church, but I STILL believe in the Bible, in God, in heaven, in hell, in holiness, in salvation. Most don't get that...but it is real. And it is possible...to be saved, to be holy and NOT go to church. Thanks for your input!
Ok Detoxed from Churchanity, I was addicted to many things, but church (religion) was not one of them. I have have been a professional in counseling for over 20 years and in my personal relationship with Christ at least 15 of those years. This relationship has led me from glory to glory with many revelations along the way. As a counselor if I understand that hurt people, hurt people and the Bible says there is not one who has not sinned an fallen short of God's glory, then I firmly believe, Jesus said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. There is only one name under heaven in which man can be save. So tell me Ms. Detox how do the ecclesia reach the position that Iyanla currently occupies? If we are called out to spread the Good News IN All the earth, then tell me why are we not occupying such high places where people are lost and dying by money, fortune and fame? If you were given the opportunity to infiltrate the machine (media, music) where the enemy reigns for a time, would you go? what cross would you be willing to bear, to go in to the enemy's camp and save souls? Where is the salt and who is the light in an industry the constantly spreads a message of bondage to the world especially our children? Is it true that the Holy Spirit can use who, whatever, whenever, and where ever he wants? Wouldn't it be nice if we who proclaim to be the church (not a building) were faithful enough to allow the Holy Spirit to place us in strategic positions of authority in the market place (world), instead of hiding in the church (building) and hurting one another? Did you know that there are certain words like "Jesus" you are not allowed to say on mainstream tv but you can call a woman a four letter word as often as you like? why is it that the Church has settled for only certain and/or little territories instead of adhering to the great commission? I was never addicted to the church because it was too small in comparison to what the Bible said about The BIG Omnipotent God, however I do not forsake the assembly. I didn't interpret even that to mean build bigger churches. I began to see how ineffective christians can be and how afraid they are to come out into to the world and be ambassadors for Christ. Can you please Identify who you would consider worthy enough to say they are in relationship with Christ and currently hold an authoritative position in mainstream media (not the word network)? I remember Steve Harvey talking about how bad the church folk judged him while he was on world display acting like a heathen yes, but also captured by the Holy Spirit. He just simply told us "don't trip God is not through with me yet." Im not as old as Iyanla but, I am old enough to remember a social climate in America when racism forced people to learn their true cultural origin. Therefore many African Americans connected to their African heritage, as some just socially accepted the way of Islam as a social/political statement rather than a religious one. I believe the Holy Spirit will lead the believer into all truth. God can and He will use whomever he wishes to in his Sovereignty to save us. If only we would recognize our power in him, not limit ourselves and be in these positions of authority in the world were Our Father can use us to do a great work.
Joan of Arch...thank you for your post. I understand where you are coming from. And I agree, by and large, the church has proven to be utterly ineffective at ministering to the masses. My speaking out about Iyanla is not an endorsement FOR church folks offering counseling. I am NOT a church folk. My problem lies within someone who is not only NOT saved, but who practices a religion the Word says is witchcraft helping someone who needs deliverance. I promise you...these ladies may experience problems later on down the line. Iyanla offered a band aid to a stab wound. I think I have posted on MORE than one occasion that I am FOR people getting professional help...I just would be sure to not get it from someone who is a witch or a warlock. Lets not over-spiritualize this here.
Absolutely Dawn and I enjoy watching her do so. She believes in God.
If you read the article AND my comments closely, you will see that I am not advocating being in denial about where you are, or running to church to fix your issues. MY problem is that a WITCH is being publicly consulted and adored...folks are asking a WITCH to fix their life...when she can't even fix HER OWN life. All I am saying is that folks need to seek counseling in a private arena to get the help they need. Going on national TV and trying to show the world the 'reality' of their lives or in attempts to fix their issues/life does NOT work...in the long run. It makes for sensational tv, but one big dysfunctional hot mess! Iyanla is doing the EXACT same thing that these preachers are doing...exploiting folks' weaknesses and dysfunctions....but on national TV - and gaining from it! Folks will wake up and smell the coffee in a couple of years. Hopefully...
If you read the article AND my comments closely, you will see that I am not advocating being in denial about where you are, or running to church to fix your issues. MY problem is that a WITCH is being publicly consulted and adored...folks are asking a WITCH to fix their life...when she can't even fix HER OWN life. All I am saying is that folks need to seek counseling in a private arena to get the help they need. Going on national TV and trying to show the world the 'reality' of their lives or in attempts to fix their issues/life does NOT work...in the long run. It makes for sensational tv, but one big dysfunctional hot mess! Iyanla is doing the EXACT same thing that these preachers are doing...exploiting folks' weaknesses and dysfunctions....but on national TV - and gaining from it! Folks will wake up and smell the coffee in a couple of years. Hopefully...
Interesting article about how Iyanla's intervention has NOT helped this family. And how they are willing to publicly say so: http://ow.ly/x1SxY
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