Tuesday, February 19, 2013

HOPE For The LGBT...

In the first five books of the bible-commonly known as the Pentateuch-there were sin offerings, trespass offerings, peace offerings, burnt offerings, heave offerings- all offered as a form of atonement for different types of sins...

Why would God command different types of offerings if there was no distinction between different types of sin?

Now, true, God did label many sins an abomination.  

We commonly say that homosexuality and lesbianism is an abomination....but in the Old Testament, ALL sin was an abomination unto the Lord.

What IS an abomination anyways?

Abomination - tow'ebah

A disgusting thing; in a ritual sense (unclean food, idols, mixed marriages -those between believers and non believers); in an ethical sense (of wickedness)

What are Abominations to God????

  • Mingling with unbelievers - Ezra 9:1
  • Idolatry/worshiping other gods - 2 Kings 23;24
  • Eating shellfish  - Lev. 11:10-12
  • Eating unclean birds (vultures, buzzards, black eagles) - Lev. 11: 13
  • Eating animals that have four legs -Lev. 11:20-23
  • Homosexuality -Lev. 20:13
  • Sacrificing children to idols - 2 Kings 16:3
  • Wearing jewelry that was sacrificed to idols - Deuteronomy 7:25
  • Eating anything that crawls on the belly (such as snakes) - Lev. 11:42
  • Offering money in the temple earned from prostitution or selling dogs - Deut 23:18
  • Offering graven images and idols unto the Lord - Deut 27:15
  • Remarrying the same wife (after she has been with another) - Deut. 24:4
  • Seven deadly sins [they are not really deadly, just labeled 'an abomination,' 1) lying; 2) arrogance; 3) a false witness; 4)  hands that shed innocent blood; 5)  a heart that devises wicked imaginations; 6) feet swift to do mischief; 7)  sowers of discord among the brethren] -Proverbs 6: 16-19
  • Unjust laws -Proverbs 11:1
  • The thoughts (devices, plans) of the wicked - Prov. 15:26
  • The ways (manner or character) of the wicked - Prov. 15:9
  • The sacrifice (to idols) of the wicked - Prov. 15:8
  • Polluting the temple with evil, wicked things (idol worship, temple prostitution, money changers, etc. ) - Ezekiel 44:7
  • Having and keeping wicked leadership in the temple - Ezekiel 44:6-14

 Revelation 17:4-5
Talks of the Great Harlot that is full of abominations....what abominations?  All of the above!

Luke 16:15
And He said unto them, 'Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knows your hearts:  for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

In Romans 1, Paul goes on to share that those under the homosexual/lesbian 'influence' and who practice that lifestyle are prone to be following:

  • FILLED with Fornication - illicit sexual intercourse outside of marriage
  • Covetous - Greedy desire to have more
  • Wicked - Evil purposes; desires
  • Malicious - Desire to injure; ill will
  • Full of Envy, Murder, the desire to Debate, to being Deceitful
  • Backbiters - Evil speaker
  • Haters of God
  • Inventor of evil things
  • Disobedient to parents
  • Unmerciful
  • Without Natural Affection

Galatians 5:19-20 further categorizes sin for us, labeling them as WORKS OF THE FLESH.  And they are:

  • Adultery - Sex with anyone or anything except spouse
  • Uncleanness - Impure motives
  • Lasciviousness - Unbridled lust, Excess, Shamelessness
  • Witchcraft - The use or administering of drugs, sorcery, magical arts, the deceptions/seductions of idolatry
  • Idolatry - the worship of false gods
  • Hatred - Intense hostility or animosity
  • Variance - Contention, strife
  • Emulations - Zeal/worship over admiration of a PERSON or thing excitement of the mind defending anything
  • Fornication - Illicit sexual intercourse, oral, anal sex
  • Wrath - Passion or anger
  • Strife - a desire for putting oneself forward (as in jockeying for positions in the church)
  • Seditions - Dissension or division
  • Heresies - Dissension that arises form differences of opinions; the act of taking it by force


If GOD HIMSELF took the time to categorize sin, to name it, then who are WE say otherwise?

True, God does call all sin abominations, BUT under the label of ABOMINATIONS, God Himself Took the time to categorize/name sins.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 takes the time to 'categorize' sexual sins....it points out that 'the unrighteous' shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.  And the unrighteous include:

  • Fornicators - a male prostitute, a man who indulges in illegal sexual behavior
  • Effeminate - a boy kept for homosexual purposes, soft to the touch, a catamite (boy sex slave for man)
  • Those who indulge in idolatry of any kind - worshipper of false gods
  • Adulterers - one who commits adultery or who is faithless to God
  • Abusers of Themselves with Mankind - Homosexual

(I do want to emphasize here that the woman is NOT mentioned here as it pertains to sexual sins.  I believe this means that in the eyes of God, the male is totally responsible and held accountable BY GOD for the sin of fornication, prostitution, sex slavery, adultery ... even in lesbianism.  Even females are obviously involved in sexual sins-some of them-God looks at the man and will come down much more than on the female....just like God did with Adam and Eve.)

Then that passage of scripture mentions others in the 'unrighteous' bunch:

Thieves - Embezzler, those who purposely teach the wrong thing for gain (in ministry)
Drunkards - Drunks, whinos
Revilers - People who use abusive language; curse you out
Covetous - Those who want what others have; greedy
Extortioners - Robbers; illegal use of power or authority for gain


I can use other scriptures to further emphasize that (YES) God DOES categorize sin.  He took the time to name EVERY sin.

According to the scriptures, God DOES categorize sin.  The next question is is there any one sin that is more abominable unto God than another?????

I know that in society and in religion, that there is.  Sins involving murder and sex generally are looked upon as much worse than say lying or stealing.

But when I went through this study, I couldn't help but notice that ALL sin is called an ABOMINATION unto God.  ALL SIN GOD HATES!!!!

If you read the entire chapters 3 and 4 of Romans, you will see how God views sin.  He says ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

But we shouldn't use that scripture as a trump card to play when we are convicted or found out about sin in our lives.

If the Spirit of God chastises you regarding sin of ANY kind in your life, take it as an act of love, allow Holy Ghost conviction to set in, and REPENT.

And just a note for homosexual, lesbian, LGBT readers...

This levels the forgiveness ground for you.  Religion wants to keep you in this prison with your sin, by making it seem SO hard to get delivered from, that you won't have the faith YOU will need to turn away from your lifestyle.

YOU need to know that DELIVERANCE IS available to YOU, too!

There is NOTHING TOO HARD for God!

BUT...understand....SIN is an abomination unto God.  Yes, He hates sin.  But He LOVES YOU!  He loves you enough to bring the truth to you, so that you can be free!

So know, yes, there are categories of sin...but ALL sin is washable...BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!!

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