Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pastor's Wives Should NOT Be Committing Suicide

When I first heard about this pastor's wife shooting herself in the parking lot of the gun shop where minutes earlier she had purchased a gun.  

Harriet Deison went to the McClelland Gun Shop in Dallas, TX, walked back to her car and shot herself twice...committing suicide.  

Why would a 65 year old grandmother, well loved and admired in the community, in her church, a pastor's wife, in a seemingly loving congregation, just up and decide she wanted to die...and do so in such a manner?

If you look at Park Cities Presbyterian Church, it seems like just another loving caring congregation that reaches out to the the surrounding community, even sends people on mission trips...who just love Jesus.  

Click here to see more videos from various other leaders at Park Cities Presbyterian Church.

They are always smiling.  They admit to not being perfect, having problems and issues....such as the above video testimony of former PCPC Pastor Skip Ryan, who resigned from the pastorate of PCPC due to a drug addiction.  

Ryan later admits to returning to the pastorate of Park Cities Presbyterian Church Staff after 'overcoming' his opiate addiction.  

I was saddened to hear about Mrs. Deison's suicide.  It left me puzzled and wondering...'what could have possibly been going on in her life so horrendous that she felt the need to kill herself?'  Especially in such a manner?

But when I came across this video of the former pastor being on drugs and having to step down, of course, the wheels started turning.

There is SOMETHING going on here!

In the testimony video above, Barbara Ryan says some very significant things; both of the Ryans do.

They addressed the whole performance anxiety issue.  

A LOT of preachers won't ever admit to this-even to themselves-but there is a very REAL competition in the ministry.  Among churches, denominations, and fellowships.  So pastors feel the pressure to perform, to OUT perform even, their fellow pastors, ministers, and church leaders in a community.  

Then there is the pressure from WITHIN a church-the bigger the church, the more pressure therein-the pressure to perform to stay relevant, to gain public approval of the well as fellow ministerial colleagues....

And that pressure can lead to driving people to 'do some things to stay on top of their game,' so to speak.

Ministry and (organized) church is big business, and its highly competitive now.  It shouldn't be...but it is.  

And the people caught up in the whirlwind of ministry find themselves going round and round....and because MOST of the time GOD did not call them, once they get out there, the enemy devours them.  

Some ministers turn to drugs.  Some to sex or porn.  Some try to manipulate others into doing their bidding.  Some get greedy for popularity, approval, fame....and money.

In the backdrop of all of that, some people simply cannot handle the pressure.  

Like Harriet Deison.

Like Skip Ryan.

I commend these people because at least they are not paying off people trying to lie and cover up what happened.  They openly confessed, repented, STEPPED DOWN for a time of healing....and now are sharing their testimonies....and didn't pay off someone to keep silent, or issue a public letter of rebuke, rebuking a major magazine for printing their stories. 


I share all of this not to put PCPC on the spot, as they have already put their business out there.

I share this to point out the PCPC represents EVERY church out here!

The fact of the matter is the religious demon is having a LITERAL FIELD DAY with folks in church now!

And he is taking out folks right and left who continue to stay in the church system.  

IT is quite sad!

If you are in the church, it is time to TERMINATOR EXIT out of there. 

The building is on fire...almost completely engulfed in JUDGMENT and she CANNOT be saved!


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