Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Stripper Gives A Bible Study?

There is a video that has gone viral on YouTube of a 'minister' giving a bible study on being 'forked tongue.'  She knows her word, she claims to hear from God and it would almost seem that what she had to say may have been received and blessed many.


The only problem is that this woman taught the lesson....with her breasts pretty much fully exposed!


I ranted and raved, a righteous indignation rose up in me, when I saw for a few reasons.  


As a woman, I saw this as a move that set women back about 30 years.  I for one am a woman that does not understand women who allow themselves to be objectified, who have NO problem being sex objects.  Who have NO problem dressing like whores, or Beyonce, Rihanna, Nikki Minaj, Lady Gaga...or just don't like to put clothes on!

I hear women all the time who whine about how a man only sees them in a sexual context, and the very same women go around wearing thongs, and mini skirts, with their boobs hanging out, tight, form fitting clothes....and I wonder if these little girls understand that YES, a man is going to picture you or imagine you in a sexual manner....IF YOU PRESENT YOURSELF IN A SEXUAL MANNER.

Now, I don't mean to take the responsibility off the men by saying that its our fault they lusterate after us...because there are some freakish men out there that will lusterate after a woman no matter WHAT she has on.  She can wear a potato sack, a veil, cover her head...no parts of her body showing, like our poor Muslim sisters have to do to practice their religion...and these guys will STILL be salivating at the mouth and wanting to have sex when they see them.

BUT the average man is stimulated by what he sees, Ladies.  

The more you give him to see, the more stimulated he becomes.

I understand the trend these days is to be sexy.  BUT why would someone want to be sexy?  Especially for someone who they are NOT supposed to be having SEX with?  Sexy....sex....get the connection?  Sexy comes from the word SEX.  If you get sexy, it is almost always interpreted by the opposite sex (or sometimes the same sex O_o ) that you are getting sexy because you are down for SEX!

DO we understand that, Ladies?????

NOW, if we are single, we are NOT supposed to be having sex.  Let alone be sexy.  Especially all out in public, in the guise of attracting a husband!  Even married women, ladies, you got a man, true.  BUT THE ONLY MAN WHO NEEDS TO SEE YOUR SEXY SIDE IS YOUR HUSBAND!  

And THAT in the privacy of YOUR home, in YOUR bedroom!!!!!!


Wives, it is highly disrespectful for you to carry yourself around like Nikki Minaj...to your husband.  The fact of the matter is when you said, 'I do,' you gave up rights to do with your body what YOU will.  You may be fine as all get out, but when you signed your name on the dotted line of that marriage license, your body became your husband's and his body yours.

MEANING, you can't go around all willy nilly showing off your breasteseese, your butt, your legs and he can't go around wearing speedos and showing off his bi's and tri's.

Y'all need to save that for the bedroom!


As a female minister, I have seen firsthand the very real discrimination and mistreatment-even outright abuse-of women in ministry.  In this day and time of us having a black president, and many females having operated under his leadership to head this country, in this day and time when we have more women in politics and religious leadership, more women CEO's, more women in leadership period...this woman...this 'minister,' has solidified in the minds of many (men) and possibly some women who are against women preachers why women should not preach or teach.

What really was amazing to me is that so many people already judge after the flesh and determine that if you have breasts, estrogen and a vagina, then you cannot preach or teach a man.  When the Word of God clearly states that in the Kingdom of God, there is neither MALE nor FEMALE.

But then here goes this woman who gets up here and flaunts her sexuality...all while trying to teach the word of God!!!

EVERY woman minister should send this woman a letter of rebuke.  

Again, she set back women in ministry at least 35 years.  Smh.

If you want to say something to her, by the way, here is her name and FB page:

As a woman in ministry, I have to say we have a hard enough time as women in ministry being taken seriously.  I don't know if this lady understands what she's done here, but aside from having put women in ministry back a few decades, she also has set a stumblingblock for MANY to enter into the Kingdom of God, which brings me to my third and final point.


I think what really rose up an intense indignation was the fact that, despite what she is doing to women as a whole and women in ministry is what she is doing to SOULS.

This woman is clearly being used BY THE ENEMY.  Period.

She calls her 'ministry' 'The Gospel from the Stripper's Pole' ministry.  Smh.

That's right!  She is an ordained and licensed minister.  Of what gospel, I do not know.  Her church is out of Fayetteville, North Carolina... Perfecting the Saints Family Worship Center.  She is actually an associate pastor there!

I have known strippers who actually CAME OUT of that lifestyle, got saved and then they are going back to minister to young women who are still caught up in the sex industry....but want OUT.

What I don't understand is that this woman seems like she has NOT come OUT of stripping.  It is unclear if she used to be a stripper, then came out...or is STILL stripping - AND preaching and pastoring at this church in N.C.

But one thing IS for sure...

I want you all to read the comments to the video of her 'teaching' above on YouTube.  Most of the comments were not 'oh, she really blessed me.  I really learned a lot about God...'


Most of the comments were sexual in nature.  Most of the comments stirred up -or stimulated- the guys who were watching it.  NO ONE was paying attention to what was coming out of her mouth...because she pretty much had her breasts exposed the whole time!

What grieves me about this is that there may be some young girls in the sex industry as I post this that may come across this woman teaching on YT.  Or down there in N.C. in the Fayetteville area.  Who wants out.  And she will think, 'Oh, here's a woman of God.  I think I will go listen to what she has to say...'

And this woman is still walking around like she is still on the pole.  So this young girl will start to think its okay.  That women who love God are SUPPOSED to walk around like they are on the pole.  This young girl will start to think that you can live two lives.

You can strip for Jesus!


This woman is misleading MANY young women!  And souls may be lost because of her 'witness.'

And what kind of pastors, what kind of husband, would allow this to continue?????

If you are in the sex industry and want out, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS WOMAN.  SHE WILL LEAD YOU DOWN A PATH OF DESTRUCTION!

Here are some ministries to reach out to if you are in need of help:

White As Snow Ministry
Beauty From Ashes Ministry
The Pink Cross Foundation*

*I highly recommend this one*

I was unable to find a ministry that catered to young black females caught up in the industry.  I don't know if it's because they may not be able to afford a website...or because our females, our culture, our churches tend to NOT teach people to COME OUT of lifestyles but to indulge in sinful lifestyles and lie to the people and make them believe they can still be saved and love God while doing so...


If you REALLY want out, it won't matter if God sends someone brown, black, green or purple.

You will take help however it comes.

1 comment:

Detoxed From Churchanity said...

One more thing...if you are in the sex industry, a prostitute, and looking for a way out...and a CHURCH ORGANIZATION comes at you trying to get you to come to their church, more than likely they are just trying to 'convert' you from a street worker to a temple whore. Meaning you will be available in the 'temple' to please the pastors, the apostles, the bishops, the ministers...at their discretion. Do NOT fall for it! DON'T GO TO THEIR CHURCHES! They are NOT interested in your souls. They are interested in fulfilling their lusts!