Friday, March 15, 2013

The Emerging Gay Church: Churchanity-Enabled

When dealing with this topic, I had to be very careful, not because I fear in speaking out, but because I want to speak on it to help shed some light as to WHY 'the Emerging Gay Church' is, well, emerging.

Having grown up in church all my life, I was constantly exposed to a culture and an environment that involved sexual perversion, and the covering up of said sexual perversion.

Oh, we had CHURCH now!  

We sang.  We shouted.  We cried.  We danced.  When I grew up and wanted 'more of God,' I went to the pentecostal/apostolic church (and later many others)...and that's when I REALLY began to see sexual perversion, homosexuality, lesbianism -IN MINISTRY.  

As a matter of fact, I can share with you my story of how I got into ministry...under the 'tutellage' of a struggling gay pastor!

I didn't notice it right away, the pastor's effeminate behavior.  I was more enamored with his gifts.  He was very charismatic, very pleasing to look upon, like David.  He had 'a prophetic gift.'  He could hypnotize an audience with the way he preached and delivered the word.

This church experience was totally different than anything I had ever encountered...and since I was looking for a change, I joined.  Pretty soon, I found myself being licensed to preach at this church.  It still didn't dawn on me that he was struggling with his sexuality until he pretty much told the congregation of his 'testimony.'  

He claimed he had been delivered...and b/c I, too, had my own struggles with SSA-AND HAD BEEN DELIVERED YEARS EARLIER-this, of course, struck a chord with me.  I can relate to the struggle.  But NOT in a sense of STILL struggling in that area; but having HAD the struggle.  

So I thought God called me there to help him-and others-OUT of their struggle.  

Then fast forward...the pastor expressed a romantic interest in me.  What woman would NOT be enamored by such attention.  

So we courted...but it was then that I began to realize that he hadn't been fully delivered.  That reality and other things led me to call off our 'engagement.'

I hear of a lot of women who marry men who they KNOW are gay....and seemingly have no problem with it.  I just wasn't one of them.  

The following video shares the story of Bishop Jim Swilley, who pastors charismatic church The Church In the Now, who three years ago came out to his congregation after divorcing his wife of over 20 years....who KNEW he was gay BEFORE they got married!  She stayed married to him, gave birth to kids with him and they now have grandchildren.  

Now, I say all of that to say this one thing...

The condition of the organized church system as it stands today is a very ENABLING place for sexual perversion.  In other words, it is my conviction that as long as someone stays in a church setting, and are struggling with any kind of sexual perversion, addiction, homosexuality, lesbianism, porn, and the is my belief that that person has little to no chance of GETTING and REMAINING free from their vices!

Why do I say that?

Well, let's look at the HISTORY of the leaders in the church.  

If we go back to the 1970s, we can find many stories of homosexuality in the lives of those who we have most revered in the gospel music industry....such as James Cleveland, Josephine Howard of the Caravans (that's right, the Shirley Caesar's Caravans), and other gospel artists who we revere as the 'Princes and Queens of Gospel.'

Even decades before then, you can find stories of gospel artists who led double lifestyles, and enabling church folk who allowed sexual perversion to go unchecked.  The pastors would NOT preach on it, most of the time because they themselves were guilty of the exact same thing!

I read a story of how a nun called Sister Charlotte was sexually abused while studying in the convent to become a nun in the 1930s.  She shares a story of how she witnessed other nuns-to-be being abused and being impregnated by the priests, who would, in turn, kill the very babies they gave to these nuns....and now this same catholic church is now so staunchly 'against' abortion...

But their priests were the most horrendous of aborters.

And while it would be very easy for us 'protestants' to point the finger at the catholics and their woes...we fail to realize just closely related protestantism and catholicism really are.  

The protestant church has skeletons in her closet as well....stories of countless numbers of children who were molested and turned out while we danced the aisles, speaking in tongues.  Preachers who carried on affairs with children and teens...all while married to the first lady.  How many times have we heard of pastors having 20 kids in one congregation?

We cannot point the finger at homosexuals in the pulpit or the seemingly increasing number of folks coming out of the closet in the church.

The fact of the matter is the whole church culture is such that it enables sexual perversion.  In a culture of abuse, and subsequent silence and cover up of said abuse, the perversion is bound to only grow and continue.  

No, I do not condone the lifestyle at all...BUT I can say I KNOW for a fact that MOST if not ALL of these people were turned out by someone in authority over them at their church when they were younger.  

I can almost guarantee it.

There is something about religion that breeds perversion.  It goes hand in hand.  It starts with the perverting of scriptures to substantiate false doctrine.  

Then that twisting flows down to every other aspect of religious culture.  Once you can twist the scriptures to mean whatever you want it to mean, than it becomes easy to justify being a homosexual pastor....

I guess next it will be ok to be a pedophile who is a pastor.  You can have sex with a 10 year old and come to church and prophesy!  And NO ONE will say a word to you...

Besides, what else is new?  They've been allowing that to happen for decades.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The bible says let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband 1 Corinth 7-2
People of God are to live Holy,or they will not Go to heaven.
God told his pastors to Preach the Word. There is nothing in the word of God about first ladies, or first gentlemen. The devil is a lie...
The same thing is true with adulterers, fornication lust and all other sin. Folk need to repent or they will Perish.