Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Living Your Best Life NOW!

No...this is not a blog bashing Joel Osteen or his teachings (even though they are at best questionable).  

I am writing this in light of the resurgence of teachings on prosperity, or, as Osteen so succinctly puts it, 'living your best life now!'

The prosperity message first gained popularity as far as back as the 1940s and 1950s, just when this country was struggling economically, and trying to find itself again after being so divided on issues such as classism, racism, politics and religion.  I share more about exactly who is responsible for sowing the prosperity tare in the church in my blog, Who Introduced The Prosperity Gospel?

The prosperity movement, if you will, gained momentum in the 1960s and 1970s, after a series of other movements were already set into motion, most notably, the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the movement against the Vietnam War.

In the midst of all this turmoil, here arose a message out of the organized church system that tried to give people 'hope;' a hope that in the midst of what seems as an uncertain future, chaos, and an uprising and challenging of everything moral and ethical...that YOU can start living your best life NOW!

This gave people a false hope.  But it grew...until a series of church scandals arose in the 1980s that slowed the prosperity message down a bit.

Now, in the aftermath of the recent recession, in addition to all the racial, economic, religious and political upheaval of the past few years, the prosperity gospel is 'back.' say.

What is wrong with wanting to live your best life NOW?  

What is wrong with wanting to 'be all you can be?'

What is wrong with ambition?

What is wrong with wanting to take care of your family?  With 'leaving an inheritance for my childrens' children?'

What glory is there in poverty?  Really?

Glad you asked!

What is wrong with focusing on NEED, rather than TRUSTING IN GOD totally to SUPPLY the need, you have made that need AN IDOL in your life.

Now, instead of seeing GOD as Jehovah Jireh...and casting your cares upon HIM, and not trying to 'make a miracle,' or 'make something happen' so that you can all of a sudden 'get prosperous,' now all you see is THE NEED.  The need consumes you.

And let me tell you something; once the need consumes you, it is only a matter of time before GREED consumes you!

When you worship at the altar of need long enough, another 'god' will appear call GREED.

You become desperate to supply your own needs, and go about seeking ways to do just that.  Even if it means doing something criminal, unethical, immoral, OR unbiblical, you will do it.

I have known people who turned their backs on God and served the god of mammon...who started out LOVING GOD.  But because they couldn't handle a little struggle THE RIGHT WAY, because they lost faith that GOD WILL SUPPLY EVERY NEED according to HIS riches, because they let these wolves tickle their ears with false hope and teaching them the tricks to the trade of getting prosperous...of 'living their best life NOW,' of getting what they want....

They are now enemies of the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!!!!

In another blog I wrote previously, And You Thought It Was The Presence Of God?, I explain how this spirit has crept into the churches.

The way that the prosperity message has entered-and keep re-entering-the religious realm is because when you are religious, you are NOT spiritual.  And only spiritual people understand that even though they may hit hard times, that hard times are only for a season.

They learn day to day to trust God for their daily needs, and those of their kids.

Now some people who teach prosperity want to claim 'I'm doing it for my kids...and my grandkids...I don't want them to struggle the way I did...'

And that SOUNDS noble and everything...but that mindset is another form of idolatry and shows a lack of faith on their parts as well!


In the Baby Boomer generation, it is said that there are more parents who have inheritances, money, prosperity, so to speak...who are NOT leaving their wealth behind for their kids!

And to some that seems a bit harsh....But I understand it actually.

Yes, it does say a good man leaves an inheritance for his grandkids in Proverbs 13:22 (go see for yourself!)   But it also says in verse 8 that 'Wealth can ransom a person's life, but the poor doesn't even receive threats...'

And in general, the entire book of Proverbs, which is commonly called the 'book of wisdom,' being rich is NOT glorified.  Most of the scriptures in the Book of Proverbs that talks about riches talks about riches in a unfavorable, almost disdainful manner!

The Book of Proverbs was written by one of the richest men who ever lived on the earth, King Solomon.  King Solomon...NOW THERE was a man who HAD IT ALL!  He lived his BEST life while he lived on earth, didn't he?


What these prosperity preachers don't tell you when they go quoting Proverbs 13:22 is that Solomon, even though he was one of the richest men who ever walked the face of the earth, was also ONE OF THE MOST MISERABLE!

He had EVERYTHING he wanted.  He had the bling, the women, A 'kingdom,' people who followed him and traveled earth, land and sea to partake of his wisdom (Queen Sheba).

Yet in all, he was a man most miserable.

We have to begin to read the Word and RIGHTLY divide the Word, understanding ALL historical and cultural contexts in which it was written....THAT is part of RIGHTLY dividing the scriptures!


Prosperity 'pushers' grab a scripture here, a verse there, here a little error, there a little error...and 'spoils the whole lump' with ONE portion of GROSS error.

There IS a danger in seeking 'things,' people!

The only thing we should be seeking at THIS POINT in the game IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD!

If you seek THAT and THAT ONLY, God promises that He will supply your needs and all other things will be added unto you.


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