Tuesday, December 04, 2012

False Conversions - No More ISHMAELS, Part 2

By Wenona Russ
Now, I will say this:  the birthing of a GOD GIVEN, GOD ORDAINED thing, whether it be a ministry, a child, a marriage, a business, a dream, a vision, etc...whatever it is....IS NOT A BAD THING!  The Word of God says the people PERISH w/o a vision!
But when u start getting into birthing things that GOD DID NOT SAY TO BIRTH, you are going off into dangerous, rebellious territory.  B/c WHATEVER is not BORN OF GOD IS BORN OF THE DEVIL!!!!!  NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!!!!!
The desire to birth a thing falls into sin when GOD DID NOT TELL YOU TO DO IT.  Period.
The best protection against this deception is to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!  Learn to hear from the Lord for yourself.  HE WILL let you know if He is pleased with what ur doing or not!
I don't care if the most popular of preachers encourage you to do it.  I have heard such preachers as TD Jakes, Juanita Bynum and Cindy Trimm talk of birthing things...in the Spirit.  I have heard of them speaking of spiritual stimulation and impartation.  This is nothing more than sensual, soulish, and even demonic and should NOT be entertained!  It does not matter WHO teaches it, if it cannot be supported by scripture or goes AGAINST it, it must be refuted.
There are so many Ishmaels running around today...Ishmaelite ministries, marriages, literal Ishmael children!  Its tight, but ITS RIGHT!  Things and people GOD did not ordain to be in the earth.
Now, its not to say Ishmael is not, won't be, blessed.  Of course, they will.  BUT they will be blessed, empowered-eventually-to go AGAINST the Spirit of God and the will and plan of God.  It was not, IS NOT, the will of God that we have to deal with the Iraqi war.  Look at all the ppl who have died as a result of this war.  Why?  B/c 1000s of years ago, Abraham couldn't WAIT ON THE LORD for His promise...he had 'to help God out.'
Now, God is still God.  He is still on the throne.  He will grant victory.  BUT LOOK AT WHAT COST!
Had Abraham kept his pants on-if he had any-there would be no war over there right now.  9-11 would have never happened!
When the sons of men slept with the women after the flood....they created giants (Ishmaels) who terrorized the land.  Much sin was wrought in the earth.  I honestly believe THIS is when homosexuality was introduced into the earth.  Hence, Sodom and Gomorrah....
Now, I know.  Someone is gonna say...'How could a birth of a child EVER be wrong?'
When it was NOT in the will of GOD for that child to be conceived in the first place!  THATS HOW!!!
Ishmael was NOT supposed to be born, or conceived.  But he was, by folks who said they knew God, too.
Don't tell me saved folks don't birth things illegitimately!  It happens more times than we like to mention!
Translate that to mean, also...'DON"T HAVE NO BABIES WITH THEM, EITHER!"
Ministerially speaking, don't start ministries, fellowship with, partner with, ANYONE who you KNOW is an unbeliever.  I don't care if Apostle, Prophet, Chief Prelate of whatever, Pastor, or Evangelist is in front of their name.  The DEVIL got his five fold, too!  WHY?  TO ILLEGITIMATELY BIRTH MINISTRY-DEMONIC MINISTRY-IN THE SPIRIT AND THE NATURAL.
God is FOR giving birth...but ONLY to what HE HAS ORDAINED.
Now there IS mercy for those of us who have birthed Ishmaels, and I believe we all have.  But do know that some of the very trials, tribulations and adversities that we seek prayer and intercession for ON A CONSISTENT BASIS were NOT initiated or ordained to take place in our lives.  These things we go thru were not the destinies God had in mind for us.  But we bring them on ourselves as a result of our sin.  Abraham had to forever deal with the separation from his own flesh and blood b/c of his disobedience.  And I am sure he had NO idea that his precious little Ishmael would grow up to birth a nation of ppl that would forever be at war with HIS ppl!
We bring trouble on ourselves in our own disobedience, impatience and rebellion. God is there to help...but how much greater reward is it if instead of taking all that time, energy, anointing and applying it to the original assignments GOD ordained for us to complete instead of trying to FIX problems/Ishmaels WE birthed into this realm?   But do know that even in mercy, there is a price to pay for disobedience.
We truly reap what we sow....
Please take heed.  THIS IS REAL!  The enemy is not gonna came at some of us with crack, or Hypnotiq or perversion.  Some of us he is gonna get with false ministry gifts, false five fold, false anointings coming to us and presenting themselves like they are the real thing.
God Bless and Shalom!
Want to make sure you have a true conversion, a legitimate birthing, in ministry?  Get a copy of
to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

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