Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The LGBT Agenda Would STILL Move Fwd...No Matter WHO's President!

In the aftermath of probably one of the most controversial Presidential elections ever, we are faced with watching this nation divide itself over issues.  The division began long before now; its just that now the division has manifested right before all of our eyes.

And that spirit of division began RIGHT in the organized church system!

And, as the title says above, the LGBT agenda would continue no matter WHO was elected into the Oval Office.


Because the wheels that set that agenda in motion began WAY before Obama was first elected President 4 years ago.

See what the majority of people FAIL to realize is that if you want to impact a society-whether for good or for evil-you must influence the religious culture of a people. AND to infiltrate the educational institutions, to help a people learn (or relearn) values and belief systems.

And since most of society IS religious-even atheism and satanism are religions, what better way to impact a nation than to infiltrate its religious institutions.

Also, there is an ever-increasing tendency towards forwarding one's education.  Which in and of itself is NOT a bad thing.

IF that education is GOD-based.

But the problem with MOST educational institutions today is that they are NOT God-centered, but MAN centered.

And that has been happening for over 100 years.  Perhaps longer.  How?

In military strategy, any good soldier or general knows that the best mode of attack is multi-faceted.  You can't just come at an enemy ONE way:  if the objective of battle or war is to win, then the more strategies that are created, the more plans of attack that are instituted for the sole purpose of annihilating the enemy, the more likely it is to defeat and takeover your enemy.

Satan has had this in the works for YEARS.  Most right-winged 'christians' are not aware of this.  They have been lulled to sleep by religion and the FAKE Jesus for such a long time, that they are JUST starting to wake up to the realization that a takeover is imminent.

So just like an ill-prepared soldier or platoon, who didn't plan for attack, or were not made aware of the stategies plotted against them, they are in defensive mode, which almost always means defeat.

The best way to prepare (for battle) is not to react to an attack, but to PREPARE for one.

And this is not possible WITHOUT HELP OF THE HOLY GHOST!  The Lord ALWAYS prepares HIS PEOPLE for attack.  Read your bible!

He will always tell you when the enemy is going to attack, how he is going to attack, and who he is going to use.

If you are NOT in tune with the HOLY GHOST-or cannot hear from God FOR YOURSELF-than you are open to attack.

God has been telling HIS REMNANT FOR YEARS about this.

He has been showing The Remnant of the demonic (religious) infiltration of THE TRUE CHURCH for over a century.

The Catholic Church is the bedrock of the church, the template, if you will, of all mainstream, western religion.  Most protestant churches use the catholic church as a template of how church is supposed to be.

In the Catholic Church, priests have been 'turning out' little altar boys for decades...in silence.  Then those young boys grow up to 'come out of the closet.'

Then its become prevalent amongst so-called 'Protestant religions.' This trend towards preachers turning out young men in the churches.

Couple that with the tide in the educational arena towards humanism, and the ungodly influence is strengthened-in AND out of the church!

I say all that to say this...

Watch the video above.  I couldn't look at 1 minute of it.  I heard of this 'couple' this morning while stumbling out of bed and turning on the remote like many people do.

I couldn't believe my eyes!

As I watched the documentary on 'Jason and deMarco,' it became more apparent to me that the LGBT agenda would ultimately move forward-no matter WHO is president.
Jason and deMarco: Christian Music Artists????
Many 'christians' did not vote for Obama because he supports LGBT marriages.  Now, I know Romney said he did not.  But what many fail to understand is that the LGBT train has been in motion for MANY years.  And it has gained so much speed and momentum that NO president would be able to stop it....EVEN IF THEY OPENLY SAID THEY WOULD!!!!

Didn't Bush (BOTH OF THEM, BTW) say they would attempt to stop the LGBT train?

After all that both father and son Bush tried to do in office, it looks like to me the LGBT agenda is STILL moving forward!

Why is that?

The answer is manifold.

1) The LGBT agenda BEGAN in the INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH!  Acceptance of it began when it was allowed for grown men molest boys and introduce homosexuality into the innocent lives of these boys.  AND then covered up by the Vatican and local parishes.
2) The LGBT agenda was furthered by it being taught in the schools.
3)  The Kinsey report on sexuality helped to further the LGBT.  (Google it or watch THIS video on how children were molested solely for the purpose of sexual study!) This study that was conducted starting in the 1940s sparked the so-called 'Sexual Revolution.'
4) That 'report' was then used as a template in educational systems to teach a generation of young people about 'their sexuality.'  It opened the door to the widespread acceptance of pornography, promiscuity, homosexuality, lesbianism and all kinds of errant sexual behaviors and lifestyles. (Not that it wasn't occurring BEFORE the release of the report.  We all know that it was.  But it was NOT widely accepted and taught as the NORM in any society before then. )
5) Once the sexual revolution was taught in our colleges, it spread like wildfire.  You want to impact a people, infiltrate their religious AND educational systems!!!!
Those forces set into motion to promote the LGBT agenda were done so when Obama was not EVEN BORN YET!!!  He wasn't born until 1961.  By then, the sexual revolution was already set in motion for over 20 years!

Lenient, tolerant mindsets of abnormal, unethical sexual behavior began LONG before the 1960s.  We all like to point to the 60s because that is when all the behaviors started manifesting in society.  But you have to understand that LONG before something manifests, it has been 'started,' per se...sometimes, many times, YEARS before!

So, Romney was not going to have enough 'juice,' power or support from the religious right to change that tide.  If Romney was voted into office, every attempt he would have made to enable the religious right's agenda to annihilate the acceptance of LGBT community would have been counter-attacked and plundered.


Because it is too entrenched into the religious and educational cultures of our society!

I mean, just look at the video above!

So its time we stop being so divisive and arguing moot points.

IT does no one any good!

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