Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Priests Kill Themselves….Why?

This headline immediately caught my attention, so I decided to read why would two men of the cloth decide to kill themselves.

It turns out that one of the priests had AIDS and syphillis.  And I guess the other priest went along with the suicide pact probably because he had some kind of affair with the priest with AIDS.

Now, sad to say, we hear about this type of thing ALL the time.  Stories of sexual corruption within the Roman Catholic church.  Its quite sickening!

I read a testimony of a former nun, her name is Sister Charlotte, and how she was abused in the Roman Catholic Convent system.  She tells of the babies that were killed by Mother Superior, babies belonging to the priests.  She tells of torture chambers for nuns who were ‘non-compliant.’  She tells of initiation rites where nuns-in-training had to lie in a coffin for nine hours, dying to the world as they once knew it.  She tells of nuns coming from well-to-do families signing over their inheritances to the R.C. church after taking a vow of poverty.

You can read all about it here:  http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/charlot1.htm.

And while it would be easy for us ‘Protestants’ to point fingers at the R.C. church regarding these things, the fact of the matter is that we simply cannot.  We can’t because now the Protestant church is just as guilty for the exact same things!  I promise you, if you google the words ‘minister,’ ‘sex,’ ‘scandal,’ or ‘money,’ you can read a few stories about Preachers Gone Wild.

Why am I writing about this?

The Protestant church modeled itself after the Roman Catholic order many, many years ago.  And look what is happening within the walls of the institutionalized church.  Every seed produces after its own kind:  if you borne something out of a corrupt seed, the fruit thereof will ALSO be corrupt.

We should not act surprised or try to justify corruption when it is found in an ANY institutionalized church.  The discovery is to wake US up to the true condition of what we all at one time or another thought was ‘the church.’


We cannot attend a church because WE are the TEMPLES of the Holy Ghost.  We are carriers of the anointing, of the glory of God.  It is a gross misonomer to delegate the church as being merely a physical structure.  When we do so, we are desecrating the very thing that Christ TRULY died for…HIS BRIDE.
Once we recognize that, then we will be able to do what HE SET OUT for HIS BRIDE to do in the earth realm today!

In the words of Sister Charlotte herself, God will ‘… make a way for you to come out…’ of the convent (the church system).

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