Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Is Your Church Under Spiritual Attack?

Is the Church Under Spiritual Attack?

By Wenona Russ

In the past few years, the church has had to endure a few public scandals that has served to discredit the viability and relevancy of the church for these contemporary times.  As more and more scandals have unfolded, more and more people have called for prayer and fasting (especially during THIS time of the year) for the church. Folks are alarmed because the church-and the ministry, in particular, SEEMS to be under what some called 'spiritual attack.'

Many quote the Word that says 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.'  And this is true.
If you ask yourself if the church-the institutionalized church-is under spiritual attack today, I say YES.  YES, it IS up under attack today.  But most of the people do not discern WHO is attacking WHAT.  They perceive that it is the devil and his imps attacking the church.  When I want to present to you that it is NOT the devil!

All the scandals, all the embarrassments, all the sexcapades and financial abuses are all being allowed to surface...BY THE HAND OF GOD!

Yes, that is right!  GOD has allowed these things to hit the church, as most known it.

God allowed the whole Bynum/Weeks fiasco, the Paula White/Benny Hinn thing, Eddie Long, Ted Haggard, Zachary Tims...all of it.

It is hard to hear, but it's true.  GOD ALLOWED IT.


The church is under judgment.  I have been saying this for the last few years, the Lord spoke it to me in a word He gave me two years ago for 2010.  But when folks are dull of hearing-or when they only listen to what they want to hear...God then has to turn around and BACK UP what He said through the mouths of HIS TRUE Ekklesia, the TRUE church.  There IS a FALSE and a TRUE church!

The institutionalized church is demonically influenced, funded, run and maintained by evil spirits.  It is in the best interest of the enemy to feed the masses false doctrine, doctrines of devils, to misinterpret the Word of God, and to disable the ability of the people from hearing from God FOR THEMSELVES!  This is why in the institutionalized church, it is highly discouraged that you just trust that the voice you are hearing, that leading in your Spirit, that unction of the Holy Ghost that won't let go...it is highly discouraged that you follow it.

Instead, you are encouraged to allow the leaders to become your spiritual ears, your mouth, and your spiritual eyes.  Then the leaders KEEP you that way for 20 years or more...knowing the longer they KEEP you bound to their religious system, KEEP you hooked to their messages, their conferences, their books, their teachings and their doctrines, the longer they are guaranteed your allegiance to their system...and the longer you will invest your money into their systems, too.

The TRUE church-the Ekkleisa-is a remnant, a body of believers who are led by the Spirit of God.  They are sons of God who God raises up in this time to usher folks into the Kingdom of God.  The Ekklesia realizes that this is NOT about a man or a woman, but it is all about Jesus and folks getting saved and delivered.  In the TRUE church, you are encouraged to develop your own relationship with God.  You are TAUGHT how to hear from God for yourself.  You can walk out and be used of God immediately...its all according to YOUR faith.  Not the faith of a leader.

A believer in the Ekklesia is NOT forced to do things for God.  They are LED BY the Spirit of God to do some things...all things.  And because where the SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS there IS LIBERTY, a believer is free to be who he/she was called to be in God.  That may not mean a pulpit preacher.

In "The Makings of a False Prophet," I help believers who feel a call of God on their lives discern whether it is from the Lord or not, as well as give pointers on how not to fall into rebellion and disobedience AFTER accepting the call.

So you determine.  Is your church under spiritual attack?  Probably not.  It IS under judgment.  But judgment is not always a bad thing.

In a court of law, when a verdict is found, it is a corrective, judicial matter.  The punishment is given not only to punish the wrong doing, but in hopes that the guilty won't commit the crime again.  In a best case scenario, the guilty as charged will confess of their wrongdoing.

This is all God is wanting from those caught up in the modern-day church system to do...is to confess their wrongdoing.  To repent.

It's not an attack.  It's an act of love that your church is under judgment.

Repent before it's too late!

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